Alright Veeky Forums, you've just been retconned out of this life and forceably crammed into the Star Wars universe.
Now a few things are certainly about to happen to you. You are going to be born/hatched/spawned with a reasonably high force sensitivity. Not Anakin or Yoda high, but lets assume you''re pretty naturally in tune with that old mystical energy force.
The second and third thing that will happen is that the Jedi will find you, and that your deadbeat parents will give you up. You are now a member of the Jedi Order. Your dressing gown, spaceship and membership card are in the mail.
My question is this: Do you make a good Jedi, you personally, you don't have your memories but you have your exact personality, your exact character. You are still you. So how do you do?
Fall to the Darkside? Drop out? Be a hero? Keep your head down? Work in the library? Whatever. Just be honest.
Feel free to select whatever time period you want to, Old Republic, Clone Wars, New Rebublic, New EU, Old EU, whatever. Any time we've heard about.
Tell me your stories, Veeky Forums.