Cestree and Rage
>that blush
Cestree lewd dmpc confirmed
Doesn't really have the same ring to it that Goofus and Gallant has.
You mean Good Guy Greg and Scumbag Steve?
>dA waifu webcomic
Is that what they're called in Britbongland?
>DMPC looks like a healer or support caster
>Deep blush
>Helps the party however she can
>Is played by a goddamn succubus
If she isn't getting all of her orifices stuffed each session, she's imagining it.
Well I've done all the the Rage ones at least
Eh, if you're playing the right game and good enough at ad-libbing, you can make everything up as you go along and have great games.
But how good are they at GMing?
Yup, and a 50-ton GMPC can be appropriate. Sometimes what you really need to defeat the bad guy is an xboxhueg ally, and your quest is to find one.
I feel like that's a bit more situational though.
The 50-ton GMPC is *a* quest, and the GMPC would, ideally barely appear in it. Maybe for like one session at the end. The ad-libbing and bullshitting your way to victory is a full-time tactic.
And sometimes exactly what a player needs is to hear how stupid their character sounds when read out loud.
I don't know about what the player needed, but I got more enjoyment out of it than I ever would letting them play the character
That's what they're called in memeland.
On /tv/?
Rage confirmed for best GM.
Yeah, certainly seems like Rage is just in it to have a laugh and not set up these magical realms where he can schlick to his submissive fantasies.
Succubus is THAT GIRL incarnate.
She can't help it. It's part of her culture.
>implying an elf could be shocked by lewd things
pic related.
Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks.
I don't know about you, but if someone read my character's backstory in a mocking tone, I would just pack up my shit and leave.
I've left games for less and that shit's just unnecessarily douchey.
The only people who get their character's backstory mockingly read are the people who should definitely pack up their shit and leave.
Buh-bye, don't let the door hit you on the ass!
People like you are why most people roll up CN orphan mercenaries.
I wouldn't care if your shitty players didn't infect other games with their bullshit.
That's me and I'm only 33.
you're the shitty player with a retarded backstory.
worse, reddit
The Internet will do that to you m8
No, you're taking the piss out of newbies who likely don't know any better.
Do you think THAT GUYS are really going to give you a backstory that's worth making fun of when all they care about are the stats?
you sound incredibly unpleasant but I'm glad you are a self correcting problem
You seem to be confusing min-maxer's with That Guy's
Not every min-maxer is That Guy and not every That Guy min-maxes.
Newbies with shitty backstories most likely put zero effort into their backstories because they don't give a shit and are just fucking around. In that case, they were never going to be part of the community anyway and will just laugh along with you when you point out how retarded their backstory is.
What sort of joyless sake of shit do you have to be to invite someone to your game just to humiliate them for not writing up a backstory that you find entertaining?
It's not like people don't have shit they'd rather do than sit around a table rolling dice for a few hours every week.
>creating a backstory for your character at all
I don't do this but people that can't laugh at themselves and their creations like you are insufferable.
You're the one throwing a hissy fit about your fictional character's fictional backstory being mocked and then running from the table crying.
We're gathering around to pretend to be elves and dwarves and shit and you're upset you wrote some etish-filled, melodramatic, ridiculous nonsensical poorly written piece of shit and we think it's funny?
You take yourself too seriously.
So rather than teaching them to be less shit, you'd rather just humiliate them and cause them to either hate the hobby as a whole or become THAT GUY out of spite?
This is how super-villains are made, and lord knows we don't need any more negative connotations associated with the hobby than there already are.
Ribbonfag is unbanned? What a shame.
>lord knows we don't need any more negative connotations associated with the hobby than there already are
You're one of those morons that believed that "tabletop gaming has a white male terrorist problem" aren't you?
There's a difference between light ribbing between pals and having a joke at someone else's expense.
You're basically THAT GUY who makes people angry and then yells "it's just a prank bro" when they decide to beat your ass.
Sure, they can hate the hobby. Do you think I give a shit if the traditional gaming hobby continues after my death? I don't need a whole cult of fucking followers or for the hobby to expand past the niche thing it is. Video games are larger than they've ever been and they're shit and filled with a bunch of faggots.
If someone comes to your table with a MLP character and their backstory has them as the only futa unicorn who was exiled for their deformity do you really want to induct that person into the hobby?
I'm pretty sure if I applied this same attitude to your campaign, you'd be just as butthurt as I am.
But I imagine it'd be different because it's YOUR work that's under scrutiny.
>I don't humiliate people, but you're an overly sensitive prick for getting this up in arms about this
>why do you like humiliating people?!
Do you read things before responding to them or can you not even see the screen anymore, your eyes are so filled with tears?
No, I'm one of those people who doesn't want someone's first experience to come from either the big bang theory or chick tracts.
Not fuckin' even friendo. If you think my campaign is fetish-fueled, melodramatic, ridiculous nonsensical and poorly written you can mock it all you want. I mean, if you keep showing up to my table night after night to play with all the others who don't share that opinion eventually I'm going to question if your beliefs are genuine.
If someone's bringing an MLP futa to the table, that honestly says a lot about your circle of friends since you allowed the fucker to show up at the table in the first goddamn place.
You're both shit heads for saying this crap.
I could ask you the same chief.
>le fencesitter
You're soooooooooooo smart for not taking a side.
+1 upboat for you faggot.
Dude, you realize you come to Veeky Forums which has an entire section associated with MLP and another section entirely devoted to futa.
The very we're posting on this website lowers us by a factor of 1 million if we're going with your shitty THAT GUY by proximity logic.
Everytime I see pics from OC I wonder how desperate the artist is for attention.
>Gee I wish more of Veeky Forums liked my arts, I do all of the themes they like
>II'll start a thread with some OC and get the ball rolling
>Oh please oh please someone ask who the artist is and where to follow them
Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like these characters who's name I refuse to write lest I remember them, are paint by numbers designed to appeal to the sorry demographic that comes here.
You say that but you seem like the type who'd get butthurt when someone points out how the plot for the campaign was basically lifted from some shitty fantasy novel or an anime.
Or, alternatively, they browse Veeky Forums and enjoy many of the topics so feel like making art of it.
I've legitimately run a straight up Game of Thrones rpg where we just did the plot line of the books with me trying my hardest not to railroad the players so RIP again, dumbass.
Oh, so you're one of those shitty GM's who looks for players in game finder threads and plays exclusively on roll20.
No, I'm the guy waiting for the game to start while a player and the GM argue. While thinking both are shit heads for what they're saying.
Nah, I just game with the lads. I honestly don't get how people can go into the depths of the internet looking for players. Must be desperation.
Hello Ribbon, have you fallen enough to give us some Cestree r34?
Okay, am I supposed to be impressed?
It's fucking easy to run a game when someone more talented than you already mapped out the campaign for you.
If you play with friends then why are you bringing up /mlp/ and futa?
Why are your friends making mlp futa characters?
You're the one who said I was butthurt someone pointed out my game was lifted from a shitty fantasy novel.
I just pointed out my game was lifted from some shitty fantasy novel.
The players knew my campaign was lifted from some shitty fantasy novel.
Not butthurt. Not crying. Not hanging my head in shame and running from the table or my computer. Not becoming a super villain.
In this I am Cestree
In this I am Rage
In this I am Cestree
>What are hypothetical examples?
I found a good group online. Not from here of course and I had to go through a few groups full of autists first but eventually I got a crew that could take a joke and play the game.
Well according to brainiac here the fact that you even ENCOUNTERED an autist says something pretty insulting about you!
So because you and your players have no taste, it's suddenly okay?
Would you feel more comfortable if I made an edgelord who plots and schemes and steals from the other party members since that's the kinda shit you're into apparently?
As long as you're fine with me reading your edgy backstory out loud in front of my friends while they laugh at your shitty character then yeah, go for it breh.
You could've just said "I got nothing" and ended the argument there.
Tell me, how would an edgelord be out of place in a campaign that rips off GoT?
Hey if you're too stupid to know what hypothetical examples are I'm gonna mock you for them.
Try not to cry and give up on the traditional gaming hobby though, I hear that's a common reaction.
Well I think that stems from a misinterpretation of the word edgelord, which is common with memetic terms like this.
Edgelord to me means way too edgy.
Which means an edgelord in GoT would be too edgy even for GoT which allows for some pretty edgy characters.
But if by edgy you mean Petyr Baelish tier, yeah that's fine.
>So because you and your players have no taste, it's suddenly okay?
It's time to step away from the computer, fampai.
Not him, but is Baelish really that edgy? It's been a while, but from what I reading of him, he's got less edge going on than Artemis Entreri .
You're listing extremes that most likely won't ever crop up unless you yourself hang around undesirables or are such a bitch that you'd allow strangers to join your game just because they're a friend of a friend.
The average GM will most likely never see that shit unless they're dealing with tha/tg/uys in game finder threads.
Hey man, McDonald's is food but I wouldn't recommend it over something like five guy's.
I've also never had to read someone's backstory aloud to the rest of the players because of how cringey it is.
But if the case ever happens I will and you can bitch about it all you want as you slam your door and run back to your car.
He sorta started a war that is ruining Westeros because he couldn't get redhead pussy as a boy and now he has shifted his desires to the daughter of the redhead pussy he wanted in his youth.
>comparing $2 for two 1/3 burgers against a $6/burger minimum shop.
The other user is right. Take a break.
My read on him is more that he just enjoys the politicing and backstabbing too much to let it go by, but ends up feeling very alone from all this.
Dunno if I'd call that edgy. He's not Euron.
The point is, if you have to mockingly read someone's shit out loud so your pee-pee feels a tingle, you've already failed as a GM.
Hell, the players shouldn't even know what the backstory of a character is unless it comes up during game.
Any of you fags gone to Dairy Barn? Unrelated other than I'm hungry and visiting the South.
As someone who does eat McDick's every week, $2 burgers are only worth eating because of the price.
If I could afford a good burger for under $5 every week, you'd best believe I'd eat that instead.
Not even.
Mockingly reading someone's shit out loud is way more friendly than just outright banning them for autism.
It's essentially a second chance. If you watch the other people laughing and laugh along with them at your own stupidity, maybe there's a chance for you.
If you run from the table screaming and crying we've essentially accomplished the same goal as banning you while also getting to enjoy some schaudenfreude.
I've enhanced the results of both outcomes.
>If I could afford a good burger for under $5 every week
Jesus. You can't afford 5 dollars a week to eat out? I'm not even here to laugh at your lack of funds, I'm honestly concerned.
Jesus dude, whatever you're doing you need to reconsider, material things don't bring happiness but if you're forced to accept lesser experiences for something basic like a burger due to money reasons you need to do something about it.
If you're unable to work, try and see if you can apply for proper disability. If you can but won't just do a part time gig for like 20 hours a week, its not enough to pay rent or insurance or anything; but at least you can get nice things for yourself.
Veeky Forums, where people honestly defend a caricature of a bad DM.
Nobody is defending the succubus.
isn't this, like, at least eleven layers of irony
Veeky Forums, where no one reads the threads and the posts don't matter.
>Mockingly reading someone's shit out loud is way more friendly than just outright banning them for autism.
Why not just grow a sack and say "the table's full" or "you're not invited" and avoid the situation entirely?
Just so you can bring up how awesome it felt making some sperg cry who shouldn't have been there in the first place?
>you're not invited
Holy fuck. Do you honestly believe this sort of statement will get a good response? Unless you're trying to piss the guy off, why would you pull this high school girl bullshit?
Because like I said, it gives them a second chance.
We aren't called tha/tg/uys for no reason mate.
bahaha! switched that on me, didn't you? clever!
>le meme elf post
I think twelve if you include that the artist doesn't even use a name or trip.
So let me get this straight.
Inviting a dude to your house, to your game, and mockingly reading his backstory aloud so that everyone in the room can laugh at how stupid their backstory is, that's a-okay.
But telling someone that they're not invited to your game is taking shit a step too far?
Because really, at least when you tell someone not to come to your game, it's more honest than setting him up to fail for your amusement.
where did these originate anyways?
It feels like an inside joke that some people posted from a thread, or after a discussion, and it got added onto by random people
Hey dude, you should learn how this neat thing called "Anonymity" works. The guy you're replying to is not necessarily the one you've been replying to, so never attempt to address any points that he didn't directly include in his post.
>setting him up to fail
You do realize the GM doesn't plan for you to bring a shitty character and a shitty backstory to the table. He wants and hopes you made something good and you failed him.