Would you a Primarch Veeky Forums?
Would you a Primarch Veeky Forums?
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i wish to die
Let's kill ourselves together.
The depiction of a female Vulkan is pretty shit. Doesn't even have the red eyes.
This pic made me wish I had more vomitting pics in my reaction folder.
The only correct thing that should have been done with the Primarchs is strangulation at birth.
I'm coming over, lads and I'm bringing the rope
Angron wasn't born retarded, the nails made him that way
Why are they all ugly as sin?
I'll stick with my AA2 cards, thank you very much
>getting enslaved by plebs
Yeah, nah.
>Doesn't even have the red eyes.
Yes, THAT'S the reason it's shit.
I'll bring the whiskey and pills.
Filthy warpspawn warlord clones were never a good idea.
How the fuck do you get "Jess" from "Jiang-tai?'
What an awful, terrible OP image.
Why did he make some of them so obese and skinnyfat?
none of those horrid depictions but I would die to protect pic related's smile
I wish for the sweet embrace of death.
>tfw no Konnie gf
That is some garbage art.
Real people do not have heads as wide as their shoulders.
Real people do not have foot long necks (at least not naturally).
More importantly though, human demigods from which the legions are made are not tiny waifs that would snap into a pile of bone shards and splattered organs in a stiff breeze.
The Magnus equivalent is allegedly 6'5". What horseshit that is. I'd accept that sort of height for A/O but Magnus? Nope.
Go and find some art of actual demigods then come back and ask again OP.
>hurrdurr, why do female versions of the primarchs look like women?
>all women are short twigs
>A single Sororitas could kill all of the drawings
You've never actually seen a woman, have you?
>Emps is the best in the galaxy at biomancy
>a demigod if not outright god of biomancy, in fact
>still couldn't figure out how to de-nail angryman without killing him
all i could think of
Keep practicing OP. That fanart is getting better everytime I see it.
Dear god. What was it like before then?
EMPRAH FUCKING DAMMIT. Every time, every fucking time anyone draws Venus (lady Vulkan) they fuck it up. How am I the only person who remembers that people born on Nocturne have onyx black skin and eyes that literally glow like magma? FUCK this pisses me off.
needs more anatomy
>God of biomancy
The emperor is an Old One?
>Ayy within, ayy without
Ill actively take the anime versions over these abominations
Did Chris-Chan draw these?
Post pics of the anime version
The one that started it all, way back in '10. Before the dark times.
That's much better.
Fuck you OP.
>That little fucking watcher
I would empty my balls into each and every one of them. I would make them watch as I ploughed one and all of them. I would play into their jealousies to make them want it more when it was their turn.
By the Emperor, I would sell my immortal soul to Slaanesh for extra appendages for the job.
Why does it look like Kelly is spanking Venus?
>wanting a muhreen
No idea. Here's a better image.
I would hate-fuck Furia until I die
Good luck trying without getting your dick ripped off
How do you think I expect to die?
It would be a nasty death.
For you.
Was open heart surgery part of your plan?
There's more?
Yes. That artist did a few of these.
There is a hell and this is it.
They were the daughters of the primarchs, not female versions of the primarchs.
Ignoring the shittyness of the art
>Petty is fat
>Magnus is too short
>Russ is too flat
>only one Alpharius
>Ferrus is too pretty with no prosthetic arm
>Dorn has no epic hips and sturdy thighs
>Lion has no Watcher
And the greatest mistake of all
>No delicious milf Empress in gold bikini
If you've seen women that look like that you should either get your eyes or your head checked because there's something wrong with you
Are those hesitation scars on her arms? Ew.
What a cute little Abigail.
Making Vulcan Black as in a normal black person somehow seems wrong... Isn't vulcan supposed to have jet-black skin? Also fuck, yes where are the red eyes?
This all besides the fact that the art is fucking terrible
There where fucking Cards of the primarchs in AA2? What the fuck why did nobody tell me this
Vulkan was pitch black of no normal human colouration.
The people of the sanctuary cities of his homeworld were the more human dark brown "black" of Africans.
The semi-civilized cave dwellers of the wastelands were more pale.
The glowing red eyes were unique to Vulkan and his sons.
Can we please also talk about the fucking fact that female magnus the fucking red is not fucking red here? At least female vulcan is, well... black.
What kind of Warp-fuckery is this?
Female Vulkan is of a normal human skin colour as is Female Magnus although possibly with slight sunburn.
They are both therefore equally wrong.
>Implying Remilia hugging Roberta is not superior to them standing around being massive nerds
I like the artwork, but why is Hana white?
I mean, she doesn't even look remotely Asian. her hair isn't even dark.
If the Primarchs were female and the Emperor was in an Empress how would Imperial Society look?
Lets assume that due to the extreme physical requirements of selection, training and transformation Space Marines still have to be male.
None of the Primarchs looked like their dad either
It would be like the Eldar.
Why's that?
They weren't his literal sons.
They were made using his DNA
Is this a Primarch?