Veeky Forums, I'm going to be running a LotR campaign relatively soon. It'll be my first time DMing...

Veeky Forums, I'm going to be running a LotR campaign relatively soon. It'll be my first time DMing, so I'm pretty nervous.
One of the main concerns my players have is that LotR is such baseline fantasy that they'll be bored immediately. I assured them that the films are far from the extent of what Tolkien wrote and we'll be working beyond that anyway. I've set it in the Second Age, diversified the orcs into four playable subtypes, created a Lovecraftian abomination a la Ungoliant, and a unique Big Bad. I'm even writing my own magic system.
Nonetheless, I wanted to make this thread to crowdsource your favorite fanon and EU content so that I may diversify the setting further. Also, does anyone have any tips for a first time DM (Doom of Mandos)?
Pic related; it's what I'm using as reference for my Northern Orcs, the Phagus.

Dont sweat them being bored. Give them something to do and the game will be fun.
LotR is baseline, but the setting really matters less than the way the players interact with it.

I figure as much. We're a rambunctious bunch and chase our impulses so it's not hard to get a plot moving. And I have two acts written so far. I just want to wow them, y'know?

Bump 1/3

Bump 2/3, which I'm guessing doesn't actually bump anymore?

What's your magic system like?

>I've split it into eight schools: Mundane, Petty, Insight, Runic, Power, Crafting, Channeling, and Singing.
Mundane isn't magic at all but a clever technique, and most are available to any class.
Petty magic is hill-people superstition, mostly doesn't work except to provide mild advantages due to inbred belief.
IInsight is Divination+Enchantment.
Runic has to do with crafting, so most of the more spectacular effects must be prepared and combined with Singing, speak to the cosmological source of magic in this setting.
Power comes from the innate spiritual strength of the Maiar and Elves, and is thus racially restricted.
Crafting obviously also has to do with crafting, but with much higher ceilings, so the players and NPCs can make artifacts akin to the One Ring.
Channeling is making oneself a vessel of a higher power, and is the province of the Warlocks of Morgoth and Ulmo.
Singing is the most powerful magic, which means Bards are the most powerful class lol.

I obviously didn't intend to greentext.

Otherwise its foundation is 5e.

Interesting enough
What would the wraithranger (talion and the bright lord working in tandem, both denied death and akin to wraiths) from shadows of mordor be using, in this system?