How do you play a "LOLSORANDUMBXD" character right?
How do you play a "LOLSORANDUMBXD" character right?
if you have to ask you shouldn't try
short answer: you don't
long answer: if you are looking to irritate the fuck out of your GM and other players and probably get kicked off an otherwise enjoyable game, do so. otherwise, dont do random asshole shit
Play it as a character flaw.
Legitimate flaws and the ability to suffer consequences for your actions
What do you think, OP? You must have some opinion on the topic, right? Do you perhaps want to play one and need advice on how to do it well? What ideas do you have already? Do you have any sources of inspiration? What are you hoping to achieve?
Talk to me, OP. You play traditional games right? You wouldn't just shitpost and troll in order to shit up the board like you were a dumb piece of shit, would you?
How do you play a buzzword, OP?
Your character needs to only appear random, as long as everything makes sense to them, then it's probably fine.
Pic related
It's a god baby
They're actually an evil mastermind. Their randomness is a facade so the rest of the party won't discover their true nature.
Never fuck up the party with it. Pull Bug Bunny shit on enemies.
Erratic, spontaneous characters are not an inherently bad thing. However, if your erratic, spontaneous character can be described as LOLSORANDUMBXD, you're already doing it wrong.
>play a "LOLSORANDUMBXD" character right?
Actually impossible. Because they're contradictory concepts.
LOLRANDUMB is a descriptor of a badly played "wacky" character. Playing a character "right" is basically another way of saying a character is played well.
Can you consistantly funny?
Then do it that way. Being random is fine as long as it's legitimately comedic.
You probably shouldnt.
Non-funny random is some cringeworthy shit.
is an important note.
Their actions can seem disjointed and random when viewed by someone who doesn't understand the character but, they need internal consistency. They need motives for their actions that make sense when reviewed.
As an example, a character like Luna Lovegood is probably alright. She has beliefs and knowledge that are uncommon or contrary to what other characters know, so she seems whimsical and a little deranged, but all her actions are informed by those beliefs.
You posted the wrong BC bro
Original Baby Cakes had really solid internal logic based in fantasy tropes, emotional self reflection and an outsider's perspective of reality.
The show version was mostly just the BC aesthetic without the actual substance.
Baby Cakes is basically what UA PCs look like to everyone else
I remember reading about a case in my ethical theory class about an observation of a waitress noting completely inconsistent interactions, she was acting completely different from one person to the next, and they couldn't figure it out at first.
Turns out it made complete sense because she was treating people in such way to get the most tips from each of them, so it made perfect internal sense, even though it seemed random from an outside perspective.
>Non-funny random is some cringeworthy shit.
I'm assuming pic related?
>pic unrelated
Roll on the things that cross your mind. Everyone has those stupid thoughts of "what would happen if I just punched this guy in the face" or "I bet that thing that's being guarded would be worth a lot of money." You just go ahead and roll on those thoughts every time they cross your mind. Play it as a flaw like having a bad impulse disorder. Similarly you can play kleptomania this way where you roll on whether you steal something every time you come across something of value.
>short answer
Kind of this.
The best "lol, so random" character I've seen (I sadly don't even remember who, might actually be Leni from Loudhouse) is that they ARE following A FORM of logic. Just not the one people would normally function on which gives you a glimpse into the bizarre way they perceive the world.
So the character isn't truly random, there is a genuine rhyme and reason to their madness, it just involves making a few logical leaps a normal person wouldn't immediately consider.
you dont
Have a plan and make your random moves towards that goal
Your image is the latter, right?
Instead of an LG paladin be a CN paladin. Figuratively speaking.
>Harley Quinn
This makes me really sad. That isn't how she started out. She was just Joker's punching bag, and it became obvious that he tolerated her presence because he considered her a good addition to his act, a Judy to his Punch.
Harley Quinn was defined entirely by the Joker and that's exactly what she wanted. Her story is sad, not random, and her attempts at humor are only to impress her beloved Mr. J.
Is she really that kind of character nowadays?
Yep and not surprisingly she's universally popular among the female readers
I don't see Wade credited on that cover, so no, pic unrelated.
>Is she really that kind of character nowadays?
No, she's a lesbian
I can't believe she'd be universally popular if her character has been reduced to a memespouting author insert. The best Harley Quinn stories dealt with her obsession with the Joker and how it controlled her life. She was a good character because she was flawed and didn't know it. She acted as a human focus for the audience and her comparatively benign antics served to highlight the Joker's truly malevolent personality.
It was a brilliant decision to add her into the Bat mythos.
Which, again, is a real shame. Have people forgotten platonic relationships exist?
>No, she's a lesbian
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
I agree, she was fun and fascinating, she represented domestic abuse, you wanted to root for her despite being a villain, there was a lot more to her that just the Joker's cocksleeve.
There are a few here and there that hate her, but she's one of DC's best sellers, right up the with the bat titles and whatever storyline they've got in the main event. A good chunk of that is from waifufags, but a huge piece of it is from girls. They love her, love her as she is now, with the catchphrases and the new costumes, the lolsoramdumbness, the lesbian thing,
You don't understand. Her BEST stories deal with obsession.
Her most POPULAR stories feature her and Poison Ivy, and sometimes the Joker doesn't even show up.
>and sometimes the Joker doesn't even show up
She does her own thing now antihero style, is the captain of a rollerblade team, rigs nintendo gameboys to explode all over the nation, helps out teenage girls break up with their boyfriends, plays videogames, fingerbangs Poison Ivy, delivery girl for a day.
All kinds of wacky adventures, she doesn't need Joker anymore
That sounds like eight pounds of shit in a five pound bag that is also made of shit.
And it's selling like hotcakes, bro.
Soon that will be the only Harley Quinn the kids will know.
And I keep bringing it up because it's disturbingly true:
>universally popular among the female demographic
user, I'm sorry. I really am. Usually this image isn't so directly applicable, but it's true. The Harley you knew is gone now.
When your gaming group stops inviting you to game with them, you've got it.
worst girl
She gives a boner but because most western porn is so badly drawn, especially supers I tend to be badly satisfied
I'm currently creating a character for a Mutants & Masterminds campaign.
He's a living cartoon character, so he can heal rapidly, teleport himself via comedic means, and pull equipment out of nowhere.
His defining superpower is his infectious laughter, which can drive nearby listeners temporarily insane.
>character created whose defining characteristic is that she's in love with a psychotic man
>SJWs make her a lesbian
>when asked about Chaos
"It's not feng shui. It's not old men eating fortune cookies and shitting diarrhea wisdom. It's not white folk miming spiritual depth in the New Age book isle. It's ripping your face off, leaping through a plate glass window because it turns the opposition's gills green. It's knowing exactly how many teeth, fingers, and toes you have to lose to get exactly what you want, and then anteing up. It's elemental audacity.
The end of days is here. That's it for the race...unless we win. But we're not going to just barely pull through... We are going to massacre them! We are going to decimate the dark spots. Why? Because it's the least likely outcome. Because it's impossible. Because we have no business doing it. You go too far, and reality snaps like a rubber band. Then we're flying! Our laughter will shred the dark days!
That's the only sensible way to face oblivion, Jack. If the world dusts out, my gapped grin is the last thing they'll see. It's the Fool's prerogative. It's why we taint our honor with irreverence. In the mad days, respect is going to get the world dead. Doing the impossible is a rudeness to reality. So I practice the sacred obscenities."
I have bad news for you,
not canon
Or she's just bi and latches onto nearest another crazy when Mr J is unavailable.
i was to lazy to read the thread and i will be to lazy to read any responses.
So the only real way ive seen this work is to just do whats funny and its gotta be at the right moment. ive played with 2 players who do this (in more then one game with each) and one guy just FORCED his random and tried to make it funny even at bad times or when it wasnt funny. the other guy was just naturally good and actually charismatic. he pulled off good jokes and funny moments with his randomness. i thunk the biggest part about it is dont have the "IM SO RANDOM" MENTALITY." just do you and be blunt and abrupt about it. if your not funny then cut it out.
hope this helps.
Hers do, everyone else struggles with cancellation, and with the upcoming Suicide Squad movie she's only gonna get more popular.
low int
low wis
high dex
when ever its your characters turn in dialogue, just open up the dictionary to a random page on go with some arbitrarily selected word(s)
By playing different character
>a character whose defining characteristic is that she's psychotically, dangerously obsessed
>objectively, she knows how bad her obsession is and that it's going to kill her
>after repeated failures, she finally overcomes her obsession
>she doesn't overcome her obsessive behavior, though, and immediately falls back into that pattern with a new target
Yeah, fucking SJWs and their "mental illnesses," amirite?
Only do it in ways that won't inconvenience the party or flow of the game
You can be silly, just don't fuck the others over by doing it
You can be silly without being obnoxious.
The key is pacing. Consider the following before taking a lolsorandumb action:
1. How long has it been since I last acted out?
2. Would the party suffer any serious determent form my actions?
3. Would this actually be funny if my character did it, or does it just sound funny in my head?
So, like Pinky in that one episode of Pinky and the Brain where we saw the world through his eyes, and found out (among other things) how he comes up with his bizarre responses to "Are you pondering what I'm pondering"?
I've never played a "fishmalk" but in my current game I wanted to just for the hell of it and it kinda fits the weird setting we are in.
In practice I keep my insanity at the background of scenes, letting other players do their thing while I quietly do my own.
I only bring my crazy to the forefront so that I could assist the GM. Eg. If players are ignoring an obvious hook the GM can call my character to the rescue since insanity is inherently something that a person doesn't consciously control.
It has been very fun change of pace to play and the group seem to enjoy it as well.
So to answer , your "randomness" should work to serve the GM instead of working against him. It's fun to give reasons to adventure for everyone ("I'll follow that incredulous rumor 'cause I feel like it and that fern seems to agree") instead of taking them away or hogging them to yourself ("LOL I'LL STAB THE NPC! THIS IS MY SHOW!").
Crazy guy is a fun side character but not as much as a main lead.
Or like that episode of 30Rock where they showed Kenneth has muppet-vision, which is why he's so happy all the time
pretty much, the whole point is that a good 'lol so random' character's non-sequitors actually DO follow and flow if you spend enough time and think about how what they said can tangentially relate to the context.
And then that's the horrifying part too since once others understand them, they start to think like them, and then madness.
best girl
This like asking how to play that guy correctly.
If your character can be described as "lolsrandumbxd" rather than some other descriptor that actually reflects a type of personality or something, you've already failed.
Picture is both. Its the exact difference between good Deadpool and bad Deadpool.
>puppet Liz Lemon
lemon is not for sexual
I do this but not for monetary gain.
I had an idea for an orc monk character that after meditating on the issue at hand would come out with only a vaguely related joke Confucius quote like "man meets girl in park, man parks meat in girl" sort of thing. Shame I'm not original enough to think up jokes like that on the fly and there's very few out there that could be related to a fantasy setting.
Would that be a decent way to play a lolrandum character?
how did she get so ugly?
Katana is so much cool and Harley is going to steal all the attention in suicide squad
She has almost zero lines and barely any screentime, same thing with Enchantress, same thing with pretty much everyone.
Will Smith, Joker, and specially Harley Quinn get all the spotlight.
>"man meets girl in park, man parks meat in girl
Muh sides.
She's a hot Japanese chick who shows her belly. Nobody cares about her lines.
Power Word: "Palooka"
Britbong genes
Every lolrandumb character I have ever played has only had one rule:
Keep the game moving.
I use my character's tomfollery to assist the team in progressing through a quest and story, never to make me the star.
So a motherfucking ethicist didn't recognize sucking up when he saw it? What a moron.
That goes for any sort of character. I was in a group with a guy with an alcoholic character that always had to go out of his way to interrupt the flow of the game to buy a drink, then bitched at how the DM was making him worse in combat thanks to the inebriation.
I sorta want to try this in my next game. I think i will base the character off invader zim.
She had sexual tension with Poison Ivy before the new Harley Quinn comics it was just slightly more subtle.
But yes removing her puddin, Mistah Jay is unforgiveable.
This Realize that any sort of chaotic character like that will still have a personal mindset that they work from.
I'd still put people off attempting characters like that, because it requires a lot of effort to play right.
With restraint and an emphasis on putting the spotlight on others.
Every time you need to make a decision, think of a couple of actions, weight them accordingly, and then roll for which one you take
That was my first thought. Customer service number one: show the customer what they want to see. It should have been obvious.
you need to be reliable in at least one area. harley is crazy, but she holds it down for the joker (or herself) when he needs her to.
you just can't muck up everyone elses fun. a crazy party member can be really useful, and they can even be fun, they just need to be able to handle their shit and advance the story instead of shitting the bed every time something happens.
My current shadowrun character is probably the closest thing I've played to a "lolrandum" character. he is insane and there are randum shenanigans but my group actually likes to roleplay so that plays a big part in why it's working out. most of the shenanigans involve only my character getting caught in weird situations in his daily life. I do rope the other players into them sometimes, but not necessarily all the time.
I think the big reason why it works for me is because his situations are absurd, he is absurd, and other people think he is absurd, but he is completely unaware of how absurd it all is.
At the end of the day, he is a good shadowrunner. it's his job, he's good at his job, and he takes his job very seriously. everything is serious to him, no matter how ridiculous it is to everyone else, both in and out of game, he is never in on the joke. I think the best thing to keep in mind when playing an insane person is that insane people don't know they are insane. everything they experience is as real as anything else.
Also there's a fine line between characterization and actively impeding the game with stupid bullshit and knowing that line is necessary to play that kind of character. also humor is different for everyone, and it's this difference in people's preferences that makes it hard. you have to be able to gauge the people around you.
But remember, your character is a person with goals and dreams and feelings. they aren't an archetype or a class or a gimmick. whatever your group is doing, whether it's shadowrunning or adventuring or running a bakery, your character isn't there "randomly." they are there for a reason, and have a vested interest in the venture's success.
tl;dr be a person not an architype
"Jar Jar is the key to everything"
Sexual innuendo
Boo, hoo, sjw ruin everything! They even somehow traveled into the past and convinced the character's creator to write a "Thelma and Louise" style "You should leave your man" caper way back in 1993.
Let's be real here: People like to front like HQ is ruined or not based on identity politics and her relationship status but the bottom line is that the character succeeds or fails based on the comedy that gets written for her. I liked her before I knew she was getting slapped around by Mr. J and I liked her afterwards. When I don't like her depictions it's mostly just because the jokes aren't landing. This is true of many, many people.
I am ok with this
You don't. You play a character who is mentally unhinged but comes down to earth when the party needs him.
Except that you could see her eventual escape from Mr. J coming all the way back in the animated series. She started as a punching bag/fucktoy, developed her own ideas as she tried to impress her Puddin, and eventually even the Joker didn't want to get on her bad side.
Like when he decided that breaking her out of Arkham was too much trouble, and just tried to hire a new girl. Harley was not pleased. Harley managed to break herself out, but only so she could be alone an immobilized Joker on the ride back to Arkham. Cue his begging and apologies, and a most unmerciful expression from Harley.
Later on Harley did run off and live with Ivy for a bit, and when Joker shows up he considered Red a threat to his relationship with Harley, so he tried to poison her. Harley freaked out, and Ivy revealed her toxin immunity along with a nasty right hook for Mr. J.
Batman Beyond? Nana Harley makes an appearance to pick up her redheaded granddaughters from the police station while berating them for getting into crime.
Shit that actually sounds pretty great.
In relation to your pic: not like Harley Quinn, because she isn't like that when she's written well.
In comic books ALL super-Characters do completely stupid and inexplicable things that follow no internal logic when written poorly because the plot requires them to do a thing to advanced and a bad writer won't be able to think up logical reasons for this to happen. Unfortunately most comics writers ARE bad these days due to the complex problems afflicting the industry, especially the Big Two.
Even Deadpool followed a train of logic (albiet an odd one) in his comics. He just cracked a lot of pop culture references.