"Orks are a strong codex, I win with them all the time" - edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
"Orks are a strong codex, I win with them all the time" - edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's start this thread off with some bingo!
Is johnny on there?
Or just a "shit memes" thing?
Or "complaining about shit memes?"
waiter, this pasta is stale. we need new tiles.
>i'm a casual player
>i like home brewing
>i want ward back
I really dislike Space 0din.
y tho
>not even making a new version
I see bingo has become a meme, and you still don't know how to play.
> Bingo a meme
It was a meme a long time ago, and got posted in every general ever. A few people maintained it, but now I'm the only one that ever posts and maintains it these days, since nobody else bothers to put it up on new threads when I'm not around.
Johnny used to be on there, but he got removed because he's not a /40kgen/ meme. He's on the /wip/ bingo board though.
I just updated it last week, I can assure you that these memes are quite fresh. Why, people are still posting at least 90% of them.
he's probably a space ice giant
...i just realized you were remaking them each week and i just assumed it was the same ones.
He's incredibly hostile about his fan-codex and there are loads of things I dislike about his fandex.
>forcing a meme
>forcing a meme that died
>not updating it since last week anyway
Yea, every now and then I'll come up on a general and specifically state which tiles out too outdated. My criteria is that a tile needs to receive a mention a minimum of once every 3 generals. It can be a little more than that usually, but as a rule of thumb you need to at least still see the contents of the bingo in the threads on a regular basis.
It's also supposed to get people talking more about things. Like Busty Rough Riders. Every time I post bingo, someone inevitably asks what the fuck Busty Rough Riders is. Discussion!
By the way, I need suggestions for replacements for the following tiles:
> "Thin Your Paints"
WIP meme, leftover from when WIP bingo got transfered over to /40kgen/
> One Toe in Cover grants a cover save
Faggotry yes, but I haven't seen it mentioned in over 2 months. Nobody seems to give a shit anymore.
> "Ad mech"
>replacement tiles
perhaps an opposite for the "optimized list" one. i.e., garbage formatting, not understanding the rules, etc. Or someone getting confused about formations, detachments and decurions, that's pretty common.
I honestly can't think of any recent memes, it's just been general shitposting.
Man, we need some good art of busty. I've seen some nice Felinid pics though.
He doesn't take people having less than glowing opinions about his stuff to well.
He namefags way to often. Yes, there are times when it's legitimate, but there are plenty of people who've made fandexes and don't namefag all the time. Which indicates that he is somewhat of an attention whore, hence why he's so hostile to criticism. People don't like his dex, then people will start to dislike him, and someone after attention and recongition doesn't like that.
And he quite litteraly shills. It seems like every single time someone's considering playing orks, talking about the state of orks, or just mentioning orks, he's there telling everyone to use his fandex. I get why he does it, but it's still shilling. Which get's old. There's a time and place for recommending a fandex. He doesn't seem to understand when those times and places are.
Got some questions about Mek Gunz.
- If you put a Mek Gun behind its grots and then an aegis line in front of the grots and you can't see them, does that mean only the gun is hit and you can't do some sort of Look out, Sir ?
- In this situation, the grot firing the gun can't see shit, ergo the gun doesn't fire, correct? So at least one grot needs to be mounted on an elevated platform on the gun itself to have some form of line of sight.
Might be too close to the Orks aren't underpowered one but maybe some shit about "tiers don't exist, just bring whatever you want and have fun :^)" that has been floating around as a counterculture to the bitching about WAAC and OP codices.
Most of it was already shitposting anyway, that just reflects the current nature of the board.
Thanks for the cleanest version of that Image I've seen to this date.
> Saying space 0din anonymously shills his own dex.
Is it impossible to consider that people actually legitimately like his fandex more than the GW codex, and want other people to experience the fun of orks that can actually put up a fight?
>Is it impossible to consider that people actually legitimately like his fandex more than the GW codex, and want other people to experience the fun of orks that can actually put up a fight?
user, I wasn't even talking about anons suggesting it. I was talking about him and him alone.
I fucking hate the meltabomb nerf, so to cheese those gw shits i glue the doors of my droppods shut for my space marines allys while my riptides pour forward and wreck shit. They arent overpower though, could use a buff.
I also want to fuck a felinid
You could try requesting BUSTY on the art threads.
I get my first paycheck this thursday, expect new BUSTY soon.
Everyone wants to fuck a felinid. You're not the only one.
You can Look out sir shots to models that aren't in line of sight, but that only applies to characters. In this case, only the gun would be able to have wounds allocated to it.
Both the gun and the crewmember firing it need line of sight to the target, unless firing indirectly.
Needs something about retards not understanding detachments/list-building.
Perhaps you havent noticed, but /40kg/ has degenerated into shitposting general. Hardly anyone even bothers posting images anymore. Just a handful of retards venting their frustrations and calling each other faggot.
chaos daemon player musing on how to improve my friends shitty chaos marines.
>theme them to be based around their leaders
>give all characters with the champion of chaos special rule +1 wound for free, keep the mandatory upgrade + tax as compensation
>marks are now a much cheaper upgrade for the squad leader that provide a unit wide buff, if the character dies the squad loses the mak so a good excus to make them much cheaper than they're worth.
>exempt certain, low level squads from the champions of chaos rule, they just have a 1W leader for free
>cultist squads now lead by a single, character marine to seem the theme of chaos MARINES and avoid CSM army with one marine syndrome
>marked charcters cant join a squad with a mark of an opposing god, unmarked can join and benefit from any
So using an aegis line to give the grot crew extra cover would work against them, as the T7 bubblewrapping would be self-countered and it would fuck you up.
Unless of course you scratchbuild a lower aegis line. That is possible yes? But would that be considered gaming for advantage?
How does the rule that a model must shoot all of its weapons at the same unit effect template weapons? Like a furioso with a heavy flamer and frag cannon has 3 shots, does that mean all shots are done with only positioning the template once?
You do each template one at a time, adding up all the hits, then proceed to wounds.
>I also want to fuck a felinid
No, I don't think you do.
Templates have to be placed such that they hit as much of the target unit as possible. Vehicles measure from the weapons. So minimum would be two template placements; one for the Flamer, one for the Frag Cannon. So long as you hit as many/much of the target unit as possible, you could place the two Frag Cannon shots differently so as to score additional hits against other units.
Yea, I have noticed. Nowadays the bingo is just there to let people check off all the shitposts they've seen in a day.
has it correct, and is close to the mark, but here's an important distinction. Don't do what the latter said as such, because when you shoot you pick one WEAPON and shoot it, resolve wounds and saves, and only then do you proceed to the unit's next weapon to shoot.
This matters more than it usually does for blast weapons because you can kill a bunch of models and suddenly be scoring far fewer hits with the next weapon down the line. Plan accordingly.
Might the problem be lack of chances to play a game? I haven't even seen a 40k game in real life in the past year or so.
Nah, you're just a shit. If you don't like the dex make your own.
Template weapons are indicated by having the word ‘Template’ for their range instead of a
number. Instead of rolling To Hit, simply place the template so that its narrow end is
touching the base of the firing model and the rest of the template covers as many models
in the target unit as possible, without touching any other friendly models (including other
models from the firing model’s unit). Any models fully or partially under the template are
hit. Against vehicles, the template must be placed to cover as much of the vehicle as
possible without touching a friendly model. The position of the firer is used to determine
which armour facing is hit. A template weapon never hits the model firing it.
Template weapons have the Ignores Cover, Wall of Death and No Escape special rules.
Wounds inflicted by template weapons are allocated following the normal rules. Template
weapons cannot fire Snap Shots.
Multiple Templates
If a unit is firing more than one shot with the Template type, resolve each shot, one at a
time, as described above, determining and recording how many hits are scored by each
template. Once the number of hits from all templates has been determined, roll To
Wound as normal.
Wall of
I am aware of how you can stack flamer hits, yes, but user was talking about his Furioso which also has a different template weapon. You would shoot the flamer before the frag cannon, or vice versa, and if the former weapon kills some dudes then the latter will determine its hits with that taken into account. They don't fire simultaneously.
You're right on the mark when you say it's just frustrations. For the past year I went to the FLGS to relax and play 40k with my friends, only to find endless frustration and bullshit.
Space 0din's dex gaining popularity really helped, since orkbro finally had a chance of actually doing shit and not getting tabled by everything. Games workshop seems to be doing everything in their power to make things more frustrating for me and my friends.
Most people who really want to have fun are now playing games on their own, in their own houses, and not allowing strangers to play 40k. Now you don't get to play 40k with all of the non-shitheads, because it's no longer worth it for the decent people to let any new guys play any 40k with them.
>experience the fun of orks that can actually put up a fight?
You see I hate this kind of attitude.
Orks can already put up a fight, they can build some really stong lists in a casual setting, if your opponent is tabling you easily just ask him to tone down his list.
What you shouldn't do is escalate the game with I5, rending nobz because it forces the other player to escalate and fluffy armies are left behind in favour of the riptide filled, tyrant spamming dystopia many anons complain about.
>how to improve my friends shitty chaos marines.
Just give him this.
>really stong lists in a casual setting
That's an oxymoron and you know it. If you have to tone down your army in order to not table your opponent's army when your opponent has built a comparatively strong list, then their codex is shit, or they're a truly awful player. The Ork codex is so bad that it's usually the former.
Nah what?
What are you disagreeing with?
Are you saying that I don't dislike him really?
Maybe I have made my own to the Ork codex, how would you know?
Pepole never post any games/pics on this bored. Just endless shit posting. I feel like no one actually plays. I play at least 2 game a week at my LGS. How many do you guys play?
But user? What if I play Eldar? What if I play Necrons? Space Marines? How about Tau? What if I want to play my army the way it was meant to be played? What about wanting to play Aspect Host, Battle Companies, Suit/fire warrior synergy, or unkillable skellybots?
My idea of a fun game is where I don't have to pretend I'm a downie. The Space 0din player doesn't have to spam Nobz and 'nauts to be awesome, I don't have to spam vindicators and go FULL GLADIUS. But I like the idea that if I wanted to have a slugfest, I can tell my orkbro to bring his best list while I bring mine, and they'll both have a fair chance.
I'm currently enjoying the amazing fun of 7 Dreadnoughts fighting Dread Mobs. Actual dread mobs that can kill dreadnoughts on the charge.
So it'd be one template per template weapon. Thank you. I have this tendency to overthink things and it leads to misinterpreting the rules and making mistakes. After asking, I see how obvious the answer to my question was.
i don't have a set group but i am getting comfortable at my local GW, hell my name is known but i can't remember most of their names. lets see it's mostly tau players, though some also play grey knights
I want Ward back.
I try to get in at least one game a week with a group of friends. If I'm on Veeky Forums at the weekends I usually try to stir up conversation about games by telling /40kg/ how it went.
As someone who has owned cats and dealt with hairballs and cat vomit...
I don't want to fuck a cat girl.
Orks can beat all that, Orks are much stronger than people give them credit for and they're certainly powerful enough to take on battle companies and aspect hosts where I play.
A deff dread will lose in a fight to a dreadnought but they're much stronger than space marine dreadnoughts for a number of reasons, in the vanilla codex. Not everything should be an upwards power gradiant.
I'm just trying to say don't play in an environment where 75% of the units and wargear options in the game are too shit to consider.
Orks never lose, they just come back for another go.
Alright, fuck it. I'm going to ask you the same thing Space 0din asked you last thread. Post your ork lists that you used to defeat Battle Company and Aspect Host. You're running completely counter to everything we all know, and you have nothing to say for yourself as proof of what you're doing.
Post your lists, let others know how it's done. Otherwise you're just a delusional faggot.
every saturday. usually get in 2-4 games
Now you've discovered the secret, user. No one here even plays traditional games, except maybe you. The games are just a lens through which previously nebulous shitposters achieve laser-like focus.
I mean, the dude is LITERALLY asking how to homebrew CSM to make them better .
This is a pretty decent attempt at that, and kind-of includes a lot of what he's already suggesting.
Hey, that Iron Warrior is wearing Tartaros pattern terminator armor! Nice.
How should I kit out an inquisitor?
Psyker seems like a given, as is terminator armor plus daemon hammer on a malleus, but whathe about xenos? Hereticus?
Really want to get a narrative campaign going, where you build up your army game by game depending on how well you did last game/objectives captured etc. Anyone have good experiences with these? Did you use random unit generation? Tips?
>go with my friend to FLGS some 40 minutes away hoping to have someone help us learn the rules
>7-8 nerds discussing various new armies crowding around the store
>start feeling anxious and too worried to ask anyone for help
>combined we spend $100 on paint and leave without ever playing a game
Feels bad man... We ended up playing at my friend's place, I wanted to use all of my Blood Angel units that came to around 680 points so my friend fielded a horde of CSM and Daemons. I mainly stayed back and picked him off as his nurgle daemons slowly lumbered forward before moving in with rapid fire and using my furioso to wreck half his shit. Was fun but.. we did it all wrong again.
Zero, I'm still painting my army. I used to play in 4th ed though. I try not to shitpost too much, but I probably do ask too many newfag questions.
not him, and I think he's an idiot, but aspect dar with two small, or one big, melee host backed up by a range host and some tanks is actually a decently fun list against orks.
I win unless I push the banshee numbers over 20, but fun.
But the list that doesn't win consistently is a super gimped one, and the other one is very much my weaker list.
Double daemonblades leads to some crazy bonuses.
Poison xenoinquisitor is fun.
Yeah I feel that. Local stores that have a tight community can be hard to crack into. Just gotta make some small talk and convince people to have a 1000pt battle or two and feel out the crowd. You can tell pretty quick if they are the kind of people you wanna play with. Also don't be shy, you guys in the store all like the same shit, just start chatting. My store everyone is super friendly and allows drinking after 9pm, so that helps people open up way more.
I found my best experience at making narrative campaigns was using the rules for it in Horus Heresy 4, of which the minimum is using the Character Creation rules.
Yea, the Character Creation system is great. You make a character, give him all his wargear and shit. Increase his cost by 20 points. Then roll 3d6 on the warlord trait table of your choice, and pick the result from that.
I would recommend slowing down the advancement system though.. Like, only give 1.5 character advancement points per win, and 1 point per loss. Tie grants both people a point. It makes your characters more precious, since you really don't want them to die.
Mad props too for anyone interested in honourable combat. Like when two space marine players show up, and have a mutual gentlemen's agreement to not just ID each other's characters from a distance, and instead seek to have honourable duels for glory.
>Actually has special rules for my 2 favorite warbands
Neat-o, thanks for posting this. Not the guy who asked, but I'm gonna see if I can convince my roommate to let me play this with a (90%+ proxy, lel) army to test out some Scourgin' and Purgin'.
Psyker is universally useful but don't jump on termie armor and neglect the other choices. The main handicap of the Daemonhammer is that you strike at I1, which can be a death sentence versus anything nasty (and most Daemons you'd want to use it on...). I've had success with a Hellrifle Inquisitor and... I don't remember his other options, but aside from the Daemonblade (which is fun anyway) they're still worth looking at.
Hereticus Inquisitor's big draws are the Psyocculum and Null Rod, both fuck enemy Psykers but do so in different ways.
Xenos has the bullshit Wardex legacy items of Plasma Syphon and Rad Grenades at his disposal, the latter is VERY useful for an allied choppy unit if they weren't moving more than 6" a turn.
Malleus is probably the most well-rounded choice, with Xenos for support and Hereticus to kill Psykers.
Did it died?
Honestly pretty rarely. My army is /wip/ and along with the classes I'm taking so my free time is spent working with minis or other shit if I get tired
If you do, let me know how it goes and post it next time I post the codex up here. I haven't played the Scourged yet, and I've no idea how balanced they might be.
I don't think he ever asked for my list but has called me a bunch of names.
Ork horde formation
Warboss on a bike, thinking kap
Weird boy
Warboss in mega armour
10 'ard boyz, nob with big choppa
15 shoota boyz, big shoota and nob with big choppa
tank bustas, they go in the battlewagon I mention later
3 meganobz with dedicated trukk
7 bikers, nob with big choppa
dakka jet
3 kustom mega cannons, 10 grots total with an attached mek for leadership boost
deff dread, 3 klaws one scorcha
That's all I can remember off by heart. It's beaten elder, space marines of all flavous from drop pod spam to thunder wolf/wulfen rush, knight armies, grey knights, tyranids, dark elder, chaos marines, daemons of chaos and guard before.
I admit I have never fought tau before though.
no he didn't. damn thing ate all my shooting
whoever invented 2+ re-rollable should be hanged
Thanks bro. Sounds good. Yeah really want to experiment with a few campaigns simultaneously and keep going with the one I like most. I'll check that out.
>Banded camoflage
What are your general tactics? Basically, what goes where?
Nice parking job
Will (try to) do m8.
Well my friend got one of them to talk to him about paints and they had a long conversation but before I could jump him and ask him if he'd supervise a game, he went back in to the crowd and I didn't want to try pulling him away to watch two newbs fail at playing. We only just tried using Warlord traits for our last game and we intended to use my friend's Herald of Nurgle as a psyker but for some reason there wasn't a W40K general up so I couldnt find a daemon codex to look up what he could roll for. Maybe next time I guess.
thanks man. I love this army. armored battlegroup truly is the list for me
you haven't witnessed my true power yet
It's $30 per $100 you moron. Pound dropping from $1.60/$1.50 to $1.30/$1.20.
Is that plasticard schurzen(?)?
Made me chuckle. Tank you very much :^)
I don't believe you, mainly because I've eaten this list.
It would be tough against the lower tier version of my list, but if I don't gimp, it's going mostly half gone and immobile turn 2, then I win on points unless you dive hard enough I table that.
I'd be bringing my one unit of scatbikes to do that, but your opponents are either bad or running down tuned lists.
nurgle heralds can roll biomancy, nurgle, and malefic. same as the GUO
I don't even have a single friend
I wish I knew someone who could do the speaking for me
>fire main gun
>directly into wall 0.5" from face
Just noticed that. Pretty cool.
plasticard with little steel cutouts from my dad's sign shop, yea. the tank is also fully magnetized
'tread' lightly friend, we tankers are a spurious and eldritch people
Literally both just chatting shit. You both are probably lying, and no one will ever know.
Alright, here's a few examples by the way, as these are ones I've made.
"Captain Galahad"
> Artificier Armour
> Thunder Hammer
> Power Maul
> Digital Weapons
> "Angel of Death" warlord Trait.
For his advancements, he ended up with more toughness and weapon skill, as well as the Heroic Sacrifice advance(Extra wounds from killing him are NOT carried over to the squad, they are instead lost permanently).
Galahad ended up being fluffed as a completely Selfless commander, who leads from the front of his army(I always put him in the front of his squad, so he could take wounds for them), and sought honourable combat. His power maul is for when he wishes to fight someone honourably.
"Captain Valentine"
> Aiolos Missiles
> Armoured Ceramite
> "War on Murder"
> Warlord Trait: Master of Fate
For his traits, I rolled twice on the command table, and once on the Melee advance(kek, Ranged-only dreadnought rolling on the melee table). He got Flank March, Ever Onwards, and Preturnatural Reactions.
So Captain Valentine is my "character" deredeo. A crazy bastard who doesn't mind getting close to his enemy and firing his cannons at them up close and personal. His traits let him make the marines under his command move more easily and get up in people's faces, while he can potentially overwatch people at full ballistic skill... Which is great, because Valentine loves to get up in people's faces and break things.
Warboss on bike goes with the bikes and aims to get in combat turn two, the bikes are meat shields.
Second warboss goes in the trukk with the meganobs and the weirdboy, depends on what powers he rolls but the ideal is shooting off a killbolt or power vomit before charging in to something/somethings that can't harm them. Try to keep them alive all game.
deff dread tries to be sneaky taking the slower path through the ruins, moving and running so it hopefully won't die.
tank bustas, jet and mek gunz go dakka dakka dakka.
Grots provide a cover save for as many boyz as possible, boyz swarm around all my other units giving them a cover save, messing up enemy deep strikes and making them hard to reach for a assault.
Easy access to strength 10 melee attacks is the armies key virtue, hide behind other characters if challenged and klaw them in the back.
>not just walking up to people asking for a game
This is not pleasing to Khorne user. Just introduce yourself with your stuff, make small talk and get to know your locals.
Yeah he wanted to use Nurgle but I didn't download the daemon codex, his phone that had it on it got stolen, and the only one we could find was from... I dunno 5th edition or.. maybe it was from 30k. We wanted to have a quick game so we could hop in the pool before the sun went down so we just said "fuck it, no psyker". I'm vaguely trying to beat in to his head he needs to start learning the rules on his own cuz I'm swamped with my Blood Angels and the basic rules (that I still don't understand half the time) so.. bleh. We have the Movement, Psyker, and Shooting phase down but the assault phase is still a bit beyond us.
I can't remember how we started discussing it but one day he mentioned he had an old army and some skaven shit so I got drunk and was like "LOOK WHAT I ORDERED BUDDY, IT'S FUCKING GOING DOWN!" but sadly before we even got our new models, he had to move to a house 20 minutes away and only has the weekends off while I work the weekends. Been maybe a month or two since we started and have only managed to play 2 games.
That would actually help CSM, GW should just print a CSM version of the marines angels of death supplement, some units reworked and it would fix most of it's problems.
Love it. Can't wait to start mine next weeked. Can't be bothered to play this weekend cuz the 4th. Really want to make a badass character and have fun with it.
Does open topped not reduce damage to passengers on exploding vehicles anymore?
That's what that PDF is, to a degree.
Take a look at it, if you haven't. There's quite a bit of re-work, exclusive weapons only for CSM (S8 Plasma with the option to "overcharge" for an extra shot, but if you "overcharge" you can't take Armor Saves for Gets Hot! wounds, and pseudo-Volkite that's slightly weaker but has unlimited chain potential) and a heavy emphasis on Legion/Renegade Tactics and how they define your force.
turn one waveserpent pops the truck, ignore meganobs for 2 turns as they stumble up. Bad luck I don't have any WS shooting left to go on KMC, but likely do.
Dark reapers wipe out half the bikes, or better. Scatbikes kill hit the KMCs.
Positions fire dragon WS to hit battlewagon turn 2.
Turn 2
DR finish off bikes. FD kill battlewagon. Scatbikes and WS finish KMC.
If lucky one of Scats, WS, or DR can start on dread before it can do things.
Most likely at some point in this Scorps get charge by something, then win if it's not the dread, and I wouldn't deploy where the dread can get there.
Spill out guardian/avengers, take down unit.
Dakka jet cost me have cheaper unit when it shows, then dies to reapers and scatter lasers. Hawks arrive, take out half a unit.
Lose a WS, FD, and one to two troop choices to charges and counter shooting.
Leave him with noting mobile by end of turn 4.
Best case for him he tries to chase my straglers for the rest of the game and I win on objectives because I'm so much more mobile.
There is a reason I don't take my good list against Orks anymore. I know how the game plays out.
I think the /40kg/ reflects the playerbase. Flyers, 6th ed, Escalation, formations, and 7th ed. have caused an exodus of older players. A lot of what remains consists of hardcore fanboys, waacfags, Tau weebs, etc. People fitting into those demographics tend to be socially handicapped, which explains the overwhelming amount of shitposting.
And if you are a regular in these threads, you can spot the same few retards that are responsible for a lot of the shitposting. Theres a few really angry, really negative dipshits that showed up within the last 6 months or so, and at least one of them spams every general with mind numbing stupidity.
>the guy that loses his shit anytime someone posts an image from a phone
>the guy that goes batshit and ruins the rest of the thread if someone mentions ITC
>the Tau guy that cant let user criticize Tau without starting a 100+ post spanning shitshow
>high-horse user that insults everyone he disagrees with, and posts smug anime girl (though this guy isnt as bad as the others)
Those are the newcomers that come to mind. You can recognize their vernacular and favored insults. And none of them aside from high-horse user has ever posted an image. Or content for that matter. Just prolific shitposters; if you spot any of them its best to ignore and move on. They have, and will ruin threads.