Tuesday Night Monsterbash Edition
There's not enough Alpha Legion geometry to get me lost Sub-Edition
In the last thread you guessed it more Curzefags, alligator discussion was made, a NLfag with a dread and a writefag asked for advice, Fulgrim proved to be superior to the KDK, we talked about the marines who rival Siggy, a WD might hint at something HH related, and we discussed what kind of posts legionaries would make plus more in the old bread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
New link because I was asked to do it: Strawpoll link: strawpoll.me
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Post your favorite quotes!
>All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth."
Also, why are WB described as having blue eyepieces and quipment, when I've only ever seen them with green?
1st for best legion.
Best hot mess.
Will he ever really succeed at something he actually wanted to do?
Man, I love the WE color schemes. Warhounds Blue/White, World Eater White/Blue, and late heresy White/Red/Blood.
>Also, why are WB described as having blue eyepieces and quipment, when I've only ever seen them with green?
>Because we couldn’t be trusted. The Emperor needed a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the Imperium. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. The World Eaters were not that weapon. We’ve all drawn blades purely for the sake of shedding blood, and we’ve all felt the exultation of winning a war that never even needed to happen. We are not the tame, reliable pets that the Emperor needed. The Wolves obey, when we would not. The Wolves can be trusted, when we never could. They have a discipline we lack, because their passions are not aflame with Butcher’s Nails buzzing in the back of their skulls.
>The Wolves will always come to heel when called. In that regard, it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves. They are tame, collared by the Emperor, obeying his every whim. But a wolf doesn’t behave that way. Only a dog does.
>The moment we realised that truth, we changed our Legion’s name. That is why we are the Eaters of Worlds, and the War Hounds no longer
When are the 30k version of the Skitarii going to make their appearance?
That Salamander looks like a black guy instead of a white guy with literal black skin.
This triggers the autists.
See, that's my problem. Which is canon then? I want to see pics of them with blue eyepieces and equipment, because that way it'd give them a little more to their colorscheme to differentiate it from other red/greens.
That, and I want to see what'd look better.
>Khârn for ants.
Isn't the population on Nocturne black?
>That Salamander looks like a black guy instead of a white guy with literal black skin.
>This triggers the autists.
Maybe Mars does that to people, or the artist did something right or wrong depending on your point of view.
>See, that's my problem. Which is canon then? I want to see pics of them with blue eyepieces and equipment, because that way it'd give them a little more to their colorscheme to differentiate it from other red/greens.
Go with green.
Could we not start with this again?
Nah mate, iirc they all have the genetic defect that's the opposite of albinism, which is melanism, which instead causes them to have extremely black skin.
New heresy plastics coming after tree-tits
>That Salamander looks like a black guy instead of a white guy with literal black skin.
Whut? This (literal) nigga looks like a white dude with coal dust on top, i.e. blackface.
>Those skitarii have almost the same pose as the one in the Codex, probably even a recicled image.
This triggers my everything
Yeah that's what I thought too when I saw it. Maybe Skitarii love going in that pose, or GW needs to stop being lazy with their art.
You're right, I don't have my codex on hand, but the Ranger in the front looks very close to one of the pics in it.
I'm on my phone so I can't post the GW art fail pic, but yeah, it's pretty much a recicled pic, one that maybe implies the Skitarius has been skitariing the same way over 10 000 years.
And apparently, it has worked.
>Whut? This (literal) nigga looks like a white dude with coal dust on top, i.e. blackface.
You do realize east africans tend to have more Caucasoid features, right?
Same here. Then they went full retard with red bronze like the thousand sons. Even BA are smart enough to throw in some black.
What is with the BaC TEQ's horrendous shoulder gaps.
>maybe implies the Skitarius has been skitariing the same way over 10 000 years.
>And apparently, it has worked.
If it's not broken don't fix it I guess.
Is there anywhere I can read about the status and events of the Ryza Forge World in 30k?
They're the closest Forge World to my Legion's home planet so I want to know if it makes sense to use them in the fluff of My Dudes™.
Looks to me like someone's just fucked up assembly horribly.
I've never heard of anyone else complaining about them being hard to assemble, or seen anything resembling these abominations.
Holy shit I thought I fucked my termies up, this is just a whole new level of "What the fuck did you do to fuck it up like this?".
Paint scheme is nice, what are they? UM?.
They were the second best forge world and experts at making plasma and magnetic containment technology. Their titan legion was the most well equipped. They were in full production mode during 30k.
>second best
>has Scoria leading them into a new age of glorious science
Come on user, you know Kelbor-Hal will never be as cool.
>thinks he will ever best Mars
Next thing you're going to tell me is how your legion's homeworld is better than Terra.
Come on bro we already know what's going to happen 30k is a historical game you have the hindsight
what's tree-tits. I'm excited for more plastics and all, but I've had a thing for conic titties since madonna.
Am I the only one who's surprised he still has some flesh on him? I can't tell if those hooks hint at his face being a mask or not.
Well, my legion's homeworld is how terra should be.
Nuked from orbit.
IX legion ye or nay?
Good points and bad points from a lore and in game perspective.
Tryin to decide muh legion
I'm running skaven as cults and militia. If I brought a stormfiend armed with poison globes to a game and said he counts as two mortar teams would you be cool with that? In the most basic sense, this would mean that he shoots twice (and rolls scatter separately for each shot) and has four wounds (obviously if 2 wounds get knocked off, he can only shoot once)
>If it's not broken don't fix it I guess
That's the thing:
>Half the Imperial army go traitor
>Loyalist remnants broken into Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy
>Half the Legiones Astartes go traitor
>Loyalist remnants broken into separate Chapters, geneseed handed over to prying magi biologis.
>Half the Mechanicus goes traitor
>"I guess Kastelans were better than Castellaxii after all", otherwise yolo.
If it works, don't fix it. Unless it's broken Mechanicus, then STILL don't fix it (and try using something even older)
Good points.
>Literally Space Jesus is your Primarch.
>The Gun is Good.
Bad points.
>They're all bishonen. Even the manly men.
>Red is overused in 30k.
>They're all bishonen. Even the manly men.
How is that a bad point?
In case people were interested. I did a quick pdf of Visions of Heresy: Book 2.
M-my Primarch... MY LORD!
Well I had to even it out somehow.
Well the Skitarii did change, the went from the armed forces of Mars under direct control of the Fabricator-General to being the armed forces of any Forgeworld, they became just as decentralized as the Astartes.
I got more of best loyalist primarch if you want it
>not Vulkan
Maybe they can't think of any better poses to show the Skitarii? Who knows?
>Good points: 98% of everything
>Papa Sang is your papa
>you're an angelic vampire
>in the Deathwatch RPG a BA techmarine can become the fastest space marine
>Papa is best of men
>everyone loves him
>even though he died he gave us Easter in Space!
>Zardoz has bless your legion
>Papa broke a Bloodthirster's spine over his knee
>you get a Not!Lightsaber
>your legion is the undisputed masters of rip and tear
>WAACfags will abuse the megadakka
>look at the current BAdex and weep
>you got to weep for everyone
>yes even dumb as rocks daemons and World Eaters as they charge directly into your megadakka
>you need blood right this instant sometimes
>you're irredeemable trash the moment you suck blood instead of scrapping and licking it
>I can't tell if those hooks hint at his face being a mask or not.
I agree with that headcannon with gusto
Maybe it can go either way. Maybe it's like that, it's a fake, or Scoria decided to keep his face. Keep it nice and ambiguous.
Well, robocop's face is his own, but worn as a mask over his roboskull, for even his face was machine underneath... wasn't it?
Or something like that, I saw that movie a long time ago and filled in the blanks.
I've never seen Robocop, and I love older movies. I think I now what to add to my list here.
Show me his tits bitch
Sweet Jesus Christo I see it now.
Bet you bought an ordinatus too fag
Will this suffice?
That's where I got it from. I miss that show.
This picture triggers me so much. The Ironstriders were invented M34, and yet there they are. The Skitarii weren't supposed to mirror 40k, but be feral warriors. Fuck GW for shoehorning them in for profit.
I want to fuck rule 63 Roboute.
I don't know what's worse though, user. The recycled image, or that lore error.
Careful there, user. If you get her pregnant you'll have to proof read all 30,000+ rough drafts of the Codex Astartes. Or Ultramar law.
An Ordinatus Sagitar is like a tougher Warhound with less dakka, even though it's pretty much made entirely out of gun.
So does rule 63 Dorn, apparently
>our background is susceptible to changes due to market demand
user, I can only get so erect
Not him, but what about r63 Frank Castle, or Lorgar?
That UM's presence does change the past, huh
Age of Shitmar Treeling Branchwraith Leafzerkers
Downsides seem pretty negligible
Lorgar fucks everything up for everyone, as usual
I kinda wish that the OLD old canon where the Ultramarines weren't the original 13th legion was still canon.
Would be kinda cool.
They look fucking bad ass though.
That Mortarion a qt, 10/10 would footstool for
I saw a thread and it looked like that Git drew some more art.
The plus side is that now you'll probably won't be on the axe to face end of a Legatine Axe.
R63 Lorgar wouldn't allow you to knock her up until you're hitched. If she slips up and gets knocked up you better get ready to become an active church member. The church worships Emps or Chaos depending on the time. R63 Frank Manus is going to rip your dick off if you're weak during sex. She's going to rip it off if you lick her hands during cold weather. It's going to be a shotgun wedding, and it's there's not going to be cake.
There's more good than bad when you're BAs.
Also this.
>R63 Lorgar wouldn't allow you to knock her up until you're hitched. If she slips up and gets knocked up you better get ready to become an active church member. The church worships Emps or Chaos depending on the time. R63 Frank Manus is going to rip your dick off if you're weak during sex. She's going to rip it off if you lick her hands during cold weather. It's going to be a shotgun wedding, and it's there's not going to be cake.
I can get behind either of these.
It's about time Exodites got some models
After further examination I see a few flaws. That Angry Ron isn't a red head, that Pert isn't angry enough, that Curze isn't pale enough, and that Geneviève is too nervous looking. Everything else is perfect though.
Good luck with that.
Almost wanted to call it a Hellbrute, but now that I see fully now I think it's a hippie version of a Pentient Engine.
Alpharius. It's a joke from an older thread that Alpharius's real name is Geneviève Rocha which makes sense in context.
>I saw a thread and it looked like that Git drew some more art.
Still not as good as the original.
Brace yourself. You beat me to it.
>Pert isn't angry enough
Short stacks are filled with anger and rage, it's implicit.
>Geneviève is too nervous looking
True. Maybe that's oMegan Eveiveneg, who stole A's clothes.
>Short stacks are filled with anger and rage, it's implicit.
In that case it's spot on then. Just like that Fulgrim's smug mug.
>True. Maybe that's oMegan Eveiveneg, who stole A's clothes
Who knows? Not me.
>Who knows? Not me
I never lost control...
Del Fulgrina's boobs tho
You're face to face with the man who sold the Galaxy...
I like them. I find them fitting.
Now I've David Bowie stuck in my head, user.
Though, in all honesty, I preferred Midge Ure's cover better.
Same. I heard Midge's cover first and I took to it more.
>Still no Lucius rules
I NEED my super apothecary damn it
Methinks you've made a cock-up there. You want Fabulous Bill, not Lucius the Jobber.
fuck me
Yes, thats what I meant
>Fabulous Bill comes out
>2 wounds, 3 attacks
>he gives one squad of tactical marines fearless and furious charge
>he doesn't even grant feel no pain
>he's 100 points
His rules will be lame for competitive play. It just has to be.
>Lucius comes out
>centurion with +1 WS
>wielding a charnal blade
more like
> init 8
> poisoned 2+ pistol
>Gives one unit in the army a buff
>+1 Str, t, or init
>Confers a 4+ fnp
That's pretty embarrassing.
The instructions aren't hard brah.
Slink off and never post your work here again.
Isnt that aready saul tarvitz
No no no, this is the early Fab Bill, he is experimenting and doing weird shit, its his Mutant Spawn period!
>Fabius Bile, Apothecary rules
>Makes Kakophoni troops
>Cannot be warlord or MotL
>May have a body guard unit of something similar to Spawns, mutated fucks riddled with hate and organs they didnt ask for.
THANK YOU. Someone promised a pdf a week ago. "After the weekend" they said...
And thanks again to Scanon who posted the scans.
What are you looking forward to most in the next few months?