Anyone else /nervous/ here?

Anyone else /nervous/ here?
I've been in this all year and am really feeling like now is the time to take profit and sit on the sidelines. I'm worried this is one of those times I'll look back in regret for not selling.
Months ago we talked about when prices get high across the board, when normies are storming the gate, when business is getting involved it's time to get out.

Let me know how you're feeling right now anons

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I think in the long run, crypto will get even larger than where it currently is at, but I feel that there will definitely be a correction, especially once the futures are available.

I'm planning on investing more into crypto, but only AFTER the correction.

10k is the new baseline support. We'll probably dip under it again but then rise back up to 10k quickly. There's far too much interest and progress in the space right now for a real crash unless a black swan event happens.

If you haven't taken any profit, do so now whilst everything is mooning.

already sold but want to fomo into xmr

You have reason to be concerned, things will get crazy when futures come in. Take out your initial capital plus a bit and leave the rest in, you'll feel more comfortable having cashed out some profit and be less prone to panic selling when shit hits the fan.

I can't sell until January because of (((taxes))) am I gonna make it?
>take profit
>stick it right back in with less holdings to preserve it or put it all in, risking a higher buy price
My initial cap is like nothing though. I'm up fucking 1,000%

Holy shit at monero.

I kind of feel the same way. We're going to hit two phases soon.

1. This month and Q1 it will hit the exchanges. This will introduce new buyers, but also people who are willing to sell. And current coiners all don't sell. This is an oppertunity and a risk.
2. Within 2 years coins will reach mainstream adoption or they won't. If they don't then you have every reason to be worried. Again an oppertunity and a risk.

Im with you OP.

All in tether. Im waiting for the crash.


Take out what you put in +14-35% and play with the rest.

Meanwhile, tether might be having a crisis under the hood. It just seems like there are no good avenues out.
>everything is too high to sell for
>tether is questionable
>fucked on tax if I sell for USD

>My initial cap is like nothing though. I'm up fucking 1,000%
That's roughly the position I was in, was up 1300%, took out 3x my initial investment, bought a decent used car(old one was having issues), and left the rest in.

Fuck the tax man guys I'm gonna make serious considerations to sell for USD. It's ironically the most stable option.
However I'll wait until I'm not so panicky

>land of the free
>can't keep your own money without giving a shit ton of it away to be used in dumb social programs you'll never be able to use cause you have money
what a joke

I'm nervous too. Bitcoin futures feels like our club is not exclusive anymore, and governments will regulate the life out of this market "for our own good".

you are literally waiting to see all your money vaporize with that tether bullshit.

I know. Im crying right now, dont know what to do. I dont have a bank account, I cant move my money to paypal because the fees.

The rational way to approach BTC is to sell one third of what you invested after you triple your money.
No taxes, no anxiety, feeling of accomplishment and the joy of knowing that even if the coin falls 50% after you do that, you still doubled your investment.

>I dont have a bank account
How is that even possible?

All those words.
You know you're essentially buying into a religious system, here. The words have power. They make you believe you understand what's happening, they make you think knowledge is control.
"Market cycles" mean jackshit when the primary asset is unregulated. The whole trading pseudo-science is supposed to rely on human psychology to guess trends regardless of macro events.
Here's some psychology for you: when people have the chance to take the path of least resistance, they take it. Crypto being unregulated gives huge opportunity and huge incentive to manipulate prices.
Calling the potentiality of a black swan event won't prevent said event from happening. Things aren't random. TA is to economy what astrology is to genetics: a flowery way to make complicated truths relatable to the target audience.
Forget your feelings. We all want to see this shit rise forever but now's not the time to put all your eggs in one basket. Bitfinex acts more desperate by the day. Anyone who hasn't taken 10-50% of profits into fiat, real fiat, is nothing but a gambler.

We are all gamblers here, some just have better odds.

Yeah, I can't get out now I have smelled the money.

Nobody can.
Just enjoy the juice while you can, and have a few drinks on the house while you are at it.

b-but my favorite ta guy said 12.5k bitcoin by tomorrow... :(

Alt/BTC is still a taxable event.. everyone on this board seems to think it’s not... but it is.

I'm still waiting to buy into bitcoin
t. held alts all the time and haven't made it yet

I know but when I cash out I send it directly to my broker who will automatically generate a 1099 for me.
I just don't want to get audited. There may be discrepancies when they file on my behalf.
It's as good as done anyway. I'm literally in the process of cashing out double my initial and letting the rest ride.

I all in IOTA, I got a feeling we are in massive bubble...
Can't sell, gains to good

Sell you faggot
We don't need you on this gravy train

i hope normal exchanges don't do the 1099 thing. I was told as long as I leave USD in the exchange between trades its not taxed until I transfer it to my bank account.

My original goal when joining this market has been achieved. Now gains are safe, still have plenty btc left to play with.
Godspeed anons.

I’ve been in crypto since 2012, and have regretted selling my coin every single time, for what it’s worth.