MTG SPOILER GENERAL - triskaidekaphobia edition
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This could be pretty cool.
I get it
well thats fun.
... What. This isn't real, is it? Gimme a link. Has anything been banned in edh before it even released?
sorin isnt banned you moron
>triskaidekaphobia edition
Goddamn. I may have to do just that.
Not even close to ban-worthy in EDH
Wtf if you can't win or recover from that you're retarded.
In my Erebos deck I frequently run down to 5 on purpose on like turn 4-7 and can win from there.
Life totals mean literally nothing and this card is chafe. It will only be $1 because of its rarity and idiots like you who think this is game warping for EDH.
>this will be banned in edh
>OG Sorin won't
The times we live in, in regards this card is very niche and will find some goofy play in triskaideckaphobia that will never win a serious competition
Into my Doran deck this goes.
Oh shit. I didn't even realize it until you said it. That's crazy.
>Step one, set the trees toughness to 1.
>Step two, activate the tree.
>Step three, ping opponent.
if a -x/-x card destroyed it, could you respond with a kill?
Best girl
>mfw my Soul Swap (or whatever) in New Phyrexia, Tree of Life in Innistrad combo gets improved with this and Triskaniwhatever where you lose if you have 13 life
very neat
What the fuck do you even mean by that?
It's requires 3 cards to combo, but my Doran deck can pull it off:
>Vhati Il-Dal sets it to one
>It sets opponent to one
>I ping with thornbite staff
Question: If I activate this ability and then, with the ability on the stack, somehow reduce Tree of Perdition's toughness to 0 (killing it), will my opponent lose?
>Last Known Information
>Information about an object that’s no longer in the zone it’s expected to be in, or information about a player that’s no longer in the game. This information captures that object’s last existence in that zone or that player’s last existence in the game. See rules 112.7a, 608.2b, 608.2g, and 800.4g.
>Control Heartless Summoning and Tree of Perdition
>Tap Tree of Perdition
>Cast Ovinize targeting Tree of Perdition
>Tree becomes a -1/0 creature and dies to SBEs
>Tree of Perdition's ability resolves, Tree isn't in the zone it's expected to be in so LKI should be used (meaning 0 toughness), and opponent's life total becomes zero?
no, because it will set the opponents life total to what its current toughness is. You would have to tap the tree in response to the spell, meaning it would take effect before the -/-
You can't exchange totals if it's not on the battlefield.
Doesn't new articles drop at 12 midnight EST? Or did they change that?
They changed it at least a year and a half ago, user.
Official articles go up at 11 AM EST. This spoiler was from another source.
So I'm retarded and I need to ask
Would damage counters affect the card's toughness in any way?
Tree isn't out so there's no toughness to compare to when the ability is on the stack so the life total remains.
In response to it leaving play, but after the -/- ?
Damage marked on the creature would NOT, -1/-1 counters (from Wither or Infect) WOULD.
Mind you, you'd have to check which effect applies in which layer to see whether the ability would care when making the switch.
Apply rulings from this to new tree.
Finally a cool card. Never thought I'd see another one.
If I recall, creatures with zero or less toughness die as a state-based action, it doesn't use the stack.
maybe it is a thing?
When was the last time you've seen one? Time Walk?
I often wish everything was on the stack
Correct. You can however get the trees toughness to 1, the activate it, pretty much pushing your opponent's shit in. Very powerful effect in Commander especially.
9/22/2011: If Tree of Redemption isn't on the battlefield when the ability resolves, the exchange can't happen and the ability will have no effect.
Pls no. I can't even begin to Fathom how broken the game would be.
>I swing for lethal!
>In response to me dying, I play 10 minutes of combos
Damage used to be on the stack not too long ago. It was simpler times. Better times.
it was better before the change
Sorin costs six and has to go to a single loyalty counter while this is a thirteen defender that can be used multiple times.
But if you feel the need to be an absolute cunt about things feel free
I just started building a casual deck with tree of redemption, magus of the mirror, and triskaidekaphobia. I know I should be happy about this new card, but I'm kind of upset cause it makes me feel like my idea is a bit less original. I haven't played magic for very long and this was one of the first combos I thought of myslelf.
and this is officially an EDH champion, i mean god damn i could use this in kaervek, just knock it down to a 0/1 and switch life, then laugh my ass off as opponents die a horrible terribad death.
This. This card is way more powerful than OG Sorin and OG Sorin is absurd in EDH.
a better image for your point would have been mogg fanatic. that was good times.
>Damage used to be on the stack not too long ago. It was simpler times. Better times.
Shhh user, those time are gone. We duelmaster now.
will innistrad be straight up killed, or do they have a fighting chance?
Times when we could have our cake and eat it too. Though I don't think you could call it 'simpler' by any stretch of the imagination.
Morphling and its ilk got shafted the most from the change.
>Chumpblock then rampant growth
>Stack damage with a Pentivite, then recall it so you kill and keep your +1/+1 token
I miss combat tricks
Sorin and Magister Sphinx aren't banned, this also won't be.
Sorry, I do not enjoy ninja bullshit.
I miss torment desu. At least wizard was called out when they did stupid things. Now it's just dick sucking and "draftable"
Imagine this card if we still had damage on the stack. Sweet jesus.
>Sorry, I do not enjoy ninja bullshit.
But ninjutsu never interacted with the damage stack.
You're an idiot aren't you?
>We duelmaster now.
Really? Sweet! Now where are the triple faced cards and god links?
>A young maiden shouts after bursting through the doors, the candles in the cathers home flicker as the air hits them, the light of the silvermoon casting an eerie shadow behind the woman.Her dress tattered and dirty, her chest heaving.
>What is it m'lady?
>He says, polishing his silver blade
>The city! It's marching forward!
>Aye! The people... oh merciful... the people, warped and twisted, meshed together! It's an abomination of stone and sinew! How... how are we to survive?
>She pleads, slumping to a heap on his floor
>So... it is but a thursday.
>The cather says as he stands up, blade firm in hand
I think they'll be fine.
short of a stifle/auto-hexproof abilit, nothing can be done by the nonactive players once sorin resolves
the tree is a creature with a tap ability
also using the ability again most likely won't help since the tree's new toughness will be whatever the last opponent's life total was
Explain to me how damage on the stack works differently than what we have now
AEtherling does nothing new
>You're an idiot aren't you?
Not that user, but I don't see it.
Innistrad will be fine. Emrakul will be shoved in the moon, if sorin survives his job will be to watch on emy as nahiris idea of penance.
I'm really hoping whatever gets released from the moon when emrakul gets put in is the big spoiler they are saving.
Most likely whatever gets released is the catalyst for the next sets, or Liliana using the chain veil at this level makes her go seeking skilled artificers on whatever the shit the next set is named because it's going to kill her
That was the point, wasn't it?
"Oh man, imagine if this Morphling variant was as good as Morphling was back then.
But morphling never interacted with damage on the stack.
You can do things in response to the damage.
Look at Back in the day, you could swing with it, and say an opponent blocks with his 1/1. You can wait for the damage to go on the stack, then sack it in response. Your opponent's creature still dies once the damage resolves on the stack, and you still get the ability to go get a land. You've effectively 2for1'd your opponent.
Nothing new except protecting itself from sweepers (while still protecting itself from targeted spells), and having an extra 2 toughness to work with for pump.
I attack you with a 2/2 and you have a Mogg Fanatic out. So you block with Mogg Fanatic. It deals one damage to my 2/2 FIRST, THEN you get a priority window, thus you can sac the mogg fanatic to kill my guy.
Nowadays combat damage all happens at once except for first strike.
Sakura-Tribe Elder blocks a 1/1. You can either choose to deal 1 damage to it and both die (and not get its ability), or sacrifice it to fetch a land.
Sakura-Tribe Elder blocks a 1/1. The damage from both the opponent's creature and your STE go on the stack, then in response you sac your STE to get a land. The opponent's creature takes 1 damage from the now-dead STE and dies, and the 1 damage it would've dealt goes nowhere cause STE is sacced.
I honestly prefer damage not being on the stack, because it means you actually have to CHOOSE between damage or not damage instead of it being the automatic best choice every time because fuck yeah best of both worlds.
You swing i block. you make morphling an X/X that kills the shit out of my guy and then rechange its P/T to not die from its combat damage.
I was so fucking mad the first time someone explained that not only could you block with a creature, take lethal, then you could then sacrifice it.
Are you serious? It was the quintessential stack-shenanigans creature for a long ass time.
this, the only clear solution is to remove MaRo
I'd love to know how nahiri is able to interact with the moon when her magic slid completely off the helvault, which is but a sliver. Unless tamito has some way of teaching her its going to be sorin, most likely sacrificing himself
I'm kind of hoping for some Apex Predator action in upcoming sets myself. Garruk's descent was honestly a really great tale and they set him up as quite a potent BBEG.
Yeah, Moon Tomato gonna give some useful last-minute advice. I won't doubt it. But regardless of what happens to Sorin, he won't be useful and everyone will forgive Nahiri because Wizards.
oh and she won't get any reprecussions, just like to stupid elf bitch, in fact she will be hailed the hero who put down the patriarchy once and for all on this plane.
i fucking hate modern WotC so god damn much.
Does it swap health with the opponent, or does it retain its toughness?
You're a monster.
I love it. I'm using it.
I love how they turned him into Jason. Just need to have him fight gender neutral mind the pronouns nightmare smith.
So are we getting closer to becoming Yugioh: The Gathering? Every card has to has some connection or semblance to another otherwise its a shit card?
Any time a magic card says "Exchange", you're switching the two values.
To be fair, the stupid elf bitch got completely rewritten to be a perfect little angel who dindu nuffin. Speaking of nuffin, still angers me that a perfectly good and morally ambigious Chandra story got changed for no reason other than make Chandra be a perfect angel who could never hurt anyone.
>yugioh did everything first
Tree of Redemption is just as connected to it as anything else.
Realistically in standard you can use gift of tusks to accomplish the murder task. Activate new tree, hold priority and cast gift, hope it doesn't die before or after gift resolves and your opponent is now at 3 and if standard had a burn spell you'd easily win.
Does anyone else think the mechanic itself is fine, but the actual execution will look tacky as hell?
I just really dislike using multiple cards fit together to illustrate something
It's crazy how much better the black one is.
women are infallible. haven't you been paying attention since the late 90s?
Elf Hitler was far more interesting though. Gave us a rare green villain.
No, the gatewatch will all just dump on Sorin for being an easily agitated prick and then she'll have a redemption arc or something and maybe Sorin will sacrifice himself. Almost want to see Tamy start to lose it a bit though.
Also reminder that thanks to her Kamigawa has the largest known collection of inner-planar knowledge in its central library.
I'm now rustled New Phyrexia never gave us an Arcbound Ravager nod.
>not using OG bot with missile arms
>mtg is the only card game to be unique
Didn't know about this, could see an incredibly retarded way to draw a game with that
You can still chump block and rampant growth
Honestly damage on the stack was stupid as hell
yes, but you can't 2 for 1 and take out the weenie you're blocking. perhaps chump was a poor choice
>Arcbound Ravager nod
I think at the time everyone was still experiencing some degree of ptsd from OG Mirrodin.
why couldn't we have just kept our old Red Queen?
I hope Tamiyo get through this because I still want a Return to Kamigawa.
> all these retards making yugioh comparisons
Not only are you pathetic but then you willingly illustrate to others how pathetic you are.
She stayed behind when Jace went to get the rest of the Gatewatch.
She's as good as gonemrakul
>implying Tamiyo can be touched when she is immune to Emrakul and has a scroll of Serra's plane's end as well as two others of equal power.