>your character is alone
>the world is on fire
>the barbarians are at the gate
>this is the only other person your character can turn to for help
>your character is alone
>the world is on fire
>the barbarians are at the gate
>this is the only other person your character can turn to for help
>this is the only person your character can turn to for help
I mean, what's even the point of studying the blade and cultivating inner strength if you don't plan to use it to fight barbarians and stuff? You'd think they'd be psyched about this.
Holy fuck. Is he actually wearing a Casio?
Good thing I wasted my days at the gym in pursuit of vanity so that I can run faster and further than him. Maybe that inner strength of his will buy me some extra distance.
Yeah, if I was that guy I'd be more like the counselor in pic related. "Oh hell yeah! It's MY time now! See, mom, I DIDN'T waste my life!"
I suppose having one virgin to sacrifice is better than having none.
The fuck is a blockchain? Google seems to think its a bitcoin e-wallet thing, which doesn't really fit with the rest of the image.
That's always the one that gets me.
> idonthaveareactionimageforthis.jpg
>bitcoins in this context
I think that might exactly be what it is.
I assume he means a block string from fighting games.
The best part is guys like this sincerely believe that.
Not to defend the OP image and its obvious dumbassery, but do you mean to tell me neither of you has ever run into anybody whose sole reason for going to the gym was to get cut and look good? Not once?
That's actually the most common reason I see people going to the gym.
But it's the idea of seeing the gym, a place to become physically fit for any number of reasons as worthless because some people want to look good is hilarious to me.
Join the barbarians. A little bit roving and pillage never hurt anyone. Sell the npc to slavery. While I'm partying with the savages and their women he can master the kitchen.
I think you're inferring something that's not there. In the image he's mocking the folks who go there for vanity, not saying that it's useless to go to the gym.
Well shit, we might make it through this.
>kill autist
>cast animate dead
Now he's useful AND won't spew weaboo shit
>join the barbarians
> I do this
He most likely means a block string from fighting games.
It's incredibly retarded in that context too.
And nothing wrong with it. Wanting to look good isn't shameful, even if the OP pic dude is implying it really hard.
Why would anyone wear jeans that are too long and fall under your heel as you stand?
Blockchain is a database that allows users to share transaction information with a distributed computer network.
OP is using it to mean "hacking"
Wow, that's so much worse.
It can't be that, it has nothing to do with barbarians
Hand-me-downs from your older brother.
I know this poor people feel
>I cultivated Inner Strength
Should have cultivated Outer Strength, as well. His knowledge of The Blade isn't going to be very useful with those spaghetti noodle arms.
Also, guns.
Maybe that barbarians have high computer literacy
I have a little .22. I'll just shoot him in the leg so his screams draw the barbarians while I sneak out the back. Why spend the end of days with a douche canoe?
>Worn on right hand
Jesus christ
>only other person
Who said my help consisted of PEOPLE?
Summon Nature's Ally, son.
I use him as a projectile.
I have to consider if teaming up with him is beneficial at all. I mean, while two people generally have more chances, there's a big risk of getting killed because of stupid shit he's most likely going to pull out
If this is the way the world ends so be it. I kill the Inner Strength Blade master. Mount my horse, lower my helm, ready my lance and charge for the Red Dawn.
If we want to go full on Lord of the Edge. Make him my bitch in front of the raging hordes and roll intimidate, hopefully I'll get a circumstance modifier for sodomizing my only ally in front of them and might sway them to make me their God King.
I wouldn't sodomise him if I were you - with all that inner strength he'll tear your dick off with a single flex of his sphincter.
I'm pretty sure that'd be innard strength, user.
I can see where you'd confuse the two, though.
Holy shit, he's tiny. Look at those arms. If this is truly the end of days and the world burns to ash around me, I punch him in his throat as he hold his wallhanger to his side grab it and charge the horde. I shall bring honor to my name and fight until the wallhanger breaks, and my body is torn asunder and I cannot resist any more
> fight until the wallhanger breaks
I hope you realize that it will probably break after the first strike
>the only difference between this guy and my character is that the latter has dragon blood that makes him magic
Then this is going to be a very short fight.
There's a guy who cut up three people who broke into his house with a wallhanger he had. It won't break on the first swing, just like the 5th
I join the barbarians.
I'm going to gather up as much loot as I can and make a run for it.
He's probably left handed. I wear my watches on my right hand as well.
i'm a wizard
i cast fly
>Pencil thin arms
>Gaunt face
>"studied The Blade"
So he never actually swung it around or anything, just studied it's physical shape I'm guessing.
How will analyzing a fiat currency which is entirely dependent on telecommunications infrastructure be a desired skill during the collapse of civilization?
Well in that case, this man truly will save us from the raping and pillaging barbarians then. He will bravely infiltrate their society and take one for the team again, and again, and again. All the while destroying the Barbarians from within as they try to do the same to him.
Holy fuck. How the hell do people's arms get THAT THIN. He's near anorexic in his arms and thinks he can use that thing? What'll actually happen is that he slowly swings overhand. Gets deflected, and dies due to having his entire torso cut open.
>My last character was a dawn cast solar exalted
>This guy thinks I need his help
I have arms that thin.
I don't work out and my medication suppresses my appetite as a side effect. I have basically no muscle mass.
For what it's worth, I'm at least aware this is a problem.
Actually, I basically look a lot like that guy.
I've had gay men tell me I'm handsome, though, so I guess I've successfully hit twinkmode by accident??
>with all that inner strength he'll tear your dick off with a single flex of his sphincter.
I once knew a man with such power. His ass was a force to be reckoned with.
Nah, he's mastered the art of hitstun and block confirmation so he can always land his supers
not him, but no. everyone goes to the gym wanting to look good and there's nothing wrong with it either
you wanna put the work in and get fucking ripped do it
Man, sucks to be you. I don't work out either and my medication also suppresses my appetite, but thanks to my slow metabolism and natural inclination towards retaining muscle I still haven't hit spaghettimode despite spending the last few years mostly on my ass. I'm actually a bit stronger than average, or so I'm told.
Got shitloads of body hair and a gut that just won't go away even on one meal a day, though. Maybe I ought to roll with the barbarians.
Swordsmen tend to be wiry on the arms and upper body, bulky on the core and legs.
I don't disagree with your assessment of this faggot though.
>everyone goes to the gym wanting to look good
That's a lovely sweeping generalization.
I go to the gym because I've got a family history of heart disease on both sides and jogging outdoors would get me mugged on a monthly basis. I could care less about looks.
>Got shitloads of body hair and a gut that just won't go away even on one meal a day, though.
It's not how much you eat, it's what you eat.
Cut sugars, flour, and just general starchy stuff from your diet and you'll lose weight.
I've already more or less axed sugars, mostly because as I've gotten older I started to find sweet things less appetizing. The only sugar I use now is dark brown in my oatmeal.
>cut flour and starch
Never. If eating hot ham and swiss sandwiches and potatoes means staying thick, then by God I will be thick forever.
Who are these "barbarians" and why are they waiting outside the gate?
They should come in. I'm sure they're good folks.
It's all good user, not all girls go for the beef cake type
Are you seriously defending the image dude's fagassery? Because I have an image for that.
Like he wouldn't drop everything to save an anime maid from the barbarians.
there is literally nothing wrong with working out for vanity
>Never. If eating hot ham and swiss sandwiches and potatoes means staying thick, then by God I will be thick forever.
Right, I think that's a reasonable stance to take, just don't torture yourself with counting calories and shit because it won't work (you seem to have already decided to not to do that anyway but w/e).
>Right, I think that's a reasonable stance to take, just don't torture yourself with counting calories and shit because it won't work (you seem to have already decided to not to do that anyway but w/e).
counting calories works and is how you diet
One meal a day got me a gut and blood pressure problems. Body begins trying to cling to everything you eat and things go very bad very fast that way. Try and get to three a day, man, reduce body strain
Ok. I punch him in the face, take his sword, and hope I take somebody down with me.
Like I said, slow metabolism. Even without my meds I don't get hungry until noon; with them I barely want a bite til four. I just nibble one of those breakfast crackers or the like in the morning, have an apple for lunch, work up an appetite at work, then come home and eat a five-inch-thick sandwich and half a pound of scalloped potatoes. Then I'm all set for the next day.
I've been doing this since high school, and I don't have any problems. Blood pressure's fine, weight is stable, shit's regular. It's not like I'm letting myself go into starvation mode.
Dress him up as a princess and offer him to the Barbarian King in exchange for our lives.
Sorry bud.
>even on one meal a day,
Eating one meal a day trains your body to think food is scarce and will pack on the fat.
Eat several small meals.
Eat breakfast.
Eating literally anything is better than skipping breakfast.
If you eat sugar or starch, pair it with protein.
>The only sugar I use now is dark brown in my oatmeal.
Good reduction
>If eating hot ham and swiss sandwiches and potatoes means staying thick, then by God I will be thick forever.
This is a fine life strategy.
Stay healthy, stay happy.
Consistent portion control works and counting calories can help that.
A steady diet works, a temporary diet doesn't.
Just clarifying.
No one man should have all that power
That's not a fucking turban, it's not even the right culture for turbans, god fucking dammit.
Yeah, it sounds like you've got a stable thing going.
But not eating anything till lunch, and then only really eating at night is a recipe for keeping the gut.
You could probably help shrink the gut by changing your meds, or when you take them, when and how you eat, and essentially turn your life upside down.
It might work.
Or not.
But try to eat at least a couple cashews or something for breakfast. It could help.
you morons
Oh piss off, TripsSatan. We're having fun.
Besides, even if it's fake there are plenty of people who are actually like this
>Veeky Forums
You moron.
Kek, that guy on the right
No no, hes just really good at putting cinder blocks in a long chain.
Hes gonna build that nippon grade wall and make the barbarians pay for it.
Stand on the tallest structure,unleash the skin kite hoard and wait to be killed.
I don't need help from some Light Weight to help me. No tallent. Not funny.
I build a wall to keep the barbarians out, it's the biggest wall the barbarians have ever seen. And you know what I do? You're beautiful user, classy guy, I make the BARBARIANS pay for it.
I have never seen a beautiful person using katanas.
The natural fray looks good. Attend Veeky Forums once in a while.
>I have never seen a beautiful person using katanas.
>Frayed, poorly fitting clothes look good. Listen to us experts!
Not that user, but I remain skeptical.
How are his dash-cancels, though?
> edgelord & cena are the only people that can back me up when the world is going to hell
i would've preferred doomguy & randy savage but whatever...
Honestly, the quality of golf club Trump could afford would probably be a better weapon than the $79.99 katana replica would have bought from the knife hut down at the mall that was shooped into this image.
>While you were studying the blade, I was studying the gun
>While you were mastering the blockchain I was mastering going innawoods
>While you wasted your days cultivating "inner strength," I cultivated unhealthy levels of paranoia
>And now that the world is on fire and the skinwalkers are at the gate, you have the nerve to turn to me?
>But I will aid you regardless.
I'm from /k/, and I'm here to help.
My characters a necromancer, so kill that guy and boom suddenly a much more able meat sheild, now we play the ambush game to build up a proper horde.
Your sacrifice will not have been in vain edge lord.