Hey fa/tg/uys...I need your help to save one of the best DnD games I've ever played from being destroyed. Wall of text incoming, but I'll have a tl;dr nutshell at the bottom.
It's an Oriental Adventures game that's played over Roll20. I know that sounds like it's asking for trouble, but the DM is actually very good. He has a fantastic story planned out that looks like it will span over the course of quite a few years (we've been playing for 2 already) and I would like to emphasize how much I appreciate this game. I've had very bad experiences with just horrible and cringey DMs. From DMs that had characters get gangraped as plot points that are required for the story, to campaigns that were just random encounter after random encounter with literally no story...I've had my share of shitty games. We all have, I'm sure. But very rarely in my 7 years of playing DnD have I found a truly remarkable, greatly enjoyable game. This game means alot to me, to actually play DnD and have fun...to have a wonderful setting and story....to be able to affect the story...encounters that weren't bullshit yet were fair challenge...actual sensible realism (or as realistic as a magical world gets)...having fun roleplaying...and having a DM that just wants people to have fun. I have craved a good game for many years and finally found one for me. But now...my campaign is in danger because of That Guy. Or..."Those Guys," I suppose.
Let me preface something. The original group from the first chapter of the game is no longer there. (cont.)
Samuel Turner
By the way, some of Those Guys do use Veeky Forums and if they find this post; I'M GLAD. Hopefully people's responses will show you that you're being the problem players that you are. Also I forgot to mention, it's 3.5e.
There are only two people left of the original group (including me), and me and the remaining original player were assigned co-DM because the DM trusts us and has played with us for a long time and says we're good players, which is flattering, I suppose. Our main job is basically to lead the group into the plothook or side encounters or to prepare a session for the players when the DM cannot attend, and to sometimes give the DM suggestions on how to implement things. I had to leave to group for some time because of college life becoming intensive. I was out for about 5 months or so. The other co-DM had to go on a hiatus as well, something to do with him being in the military. When we finally returned...well we returned to something much different than what we left from. We were the only players of the original group still there (They all had varying reasons for taking their leave) and they were replaced over the course of some months. Here I will give you insight to the kind of players they are, and for the sake of argument and to protect identities we will change some names. We will call Main-DM Chris and the other co-DM Daniel.
The first is Oscar. He is playing a skill-monkey that is optimized to ridiculous levels (average diplomacy rolls of about 60+...party level 7-8) but that's not the major issue. He is a tad argumentative and dislikes some of the DMs houserules and while he is clearly irked by them, half the time he does submit. However, the other half of the time he argues with the DMs. Either way, not too bad so far.
Cameron White
Then there's Sam. Sam is a horribly habitual powergamer. Not only was his first character a broken-as-hell artificer that was literally invincible, wore armor that gave him fly at will and gave more AC than full-plate, charged for 100+ damage, had at-will fireball as a 12th level Wizard (or so, didn't get the exact numbers on that because he wouldn't let me see his character sheet at first), and created a wand that had infinite charges and gave the target ANY fighter bonus feat REGARDLESS OF PREREQEUISITES for 90 minutes, but he was caught cheating TWICE. He was asked to retire the character because it's too powerful and he was caught cheating. He was asked to make a nonoptimized character. So he proceeds to make a 7th level summoner-type character that can summon 4 levels higher than himself, summon 4 of everything he can (when 1 of the things he summoned could solo bosses), and any attacks dealt by anything he summons can deal an additional 5d6 sonic damage per hit. This summoner is also permanently invisible and immune to True Seeing and all forms of detection, including sense life, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO A FUCKING PLANE. All-in-all, his second character was even more powerful.
I should also mention, Oscar and Sam are friends that are working together to ruin the campaign setting. Fluff-wise, their characters are "totally not American" colonists that are trying to turn "not-Asia" into a profitable endeavor. They are trying to get them to drop their, and I quote, "Barbaric culture" and strip the land of all resources and anything they can make a profit with, ravage the land, and gain the support of the people that live there anyway by instilling a mass-media that they control. I see what they're trying to do there and I find it clever, but there's little reason why these characters shouldn't be BBEGs. They also have a much higher level of technology than the setting has, having among other things STEAM-POWERED TANKS AND BOMBING ZEPPELINS. (cont.)
Luis Sullivan
I know you aren't finished yet, but I'm a little confused as to why your DM is allowing these things to happen. Literally all he has to do is tell these players "no, you can't use that build/item/zepplin/whatever" or kick them out if they have a problem with it. There are plenty of players out there who would happily take those spots, I'm sure.
Brody Cox
Oscar sounds like he needs to chill out. Sometimes things don't go your way and even your diplomacy of 60+ won't save you.
At this point I have to ask: why did you enable these guys? In my opinion you aren't enjoying yourself so you should stop right there and start anew.
Although I still don't know what kind of relationship you guys got, since you are a co-GM -which in my opinion is making the whole situation messier...
Jordan Jackson
Sam and Oscar also have control of an ARMY, have hundreds of thousands of gold, and control an entire group of engineers that continually make ships/tanks/whatever for them. I'm sure youre asking: WHY is it possible for them to have acquired all of this?
Well, to be blunt, the DM is a fantastic person but he's FAR too nice. Being nice is a great trait for a DM, but Sam and Oscar, while me and Daniel were gone, continually brow-beat the DM into giving them everything they wanted and the DM for some fucking reason submitted to them. You have to understand, the DM was far too concerned with them having fun and far too nice to say no to them. He has learned that this is a bad idea by now (through experience) and that you shouldn't trust just everyone. He made these decisions because he took advice from Spoony (Noah Antwiler if ya know of him) and that advice was "Always say yes."
I should also mention, Sam's new character has a cohort through leadership that he said is a bard that plays speed metal. Electric guitars don't even exist in the setting but he demanded that's the case anyway. Throw in her dark, brooding backstory, her having black hair and wearing all black, her always brooding in the corner and never talking, and we have a fantastic example of the 13edgy666me That Guy stereotype.
Whatever, it was total shit but we put up with it anyway. Why? Well, I guess we were naive...but it only got worse from there.
I should also mention...we'll call him Bill. Bill too has a total min-maxed character (Warblade/Warmind...) but he has a good attitude, roleplays well, and FUCKING LISTENS so we're glad to have him anyway. We found out later he only cheesed his character out so that he didn't fall behind Sam and Oscar.
One of the other non-problem players (we will call him Andy) got tired of the powergaming bullshit and straight-up left the campaign because he said it ruins the fun. It was highly regrettable, but I suppose I really can't blame him. (cont.)
Evan Reed
OP here.
I just explained that a bit in my following post, and things might go that way.
I enabled them not at all, the main-GM is the shotcaller. All we do is counsel him and help. co-GM might not even be the right term, that's just what Chris calls it. I complained about this from the very beginning, but I'm afraid at first I was the only one. Other people didn't complain untill things got REALLY bad, but moving onwards...I have to warn you it gets MUCH, MUCH worse.
William Thompson
I'm sure I'm part of this board's cancer by saying this, but it sounds like alot of the issues you're experiencing, especially in regards to min-maxing, are because you're playing 3.5. Have you considered giving 5th edition a spin? It's a much more balanced system that doesn't actively encourage min-max'ing to nearly the extent 3.5 does.
Oliver Reed
Tell your GM that Spoony is a raging retard and he shouldn't listen to a word he says.
And start from scratch.
>I have to warn you it gets MUCH, MUCH worse. monitorlizard.jpg I am always up for a trainwreck storytime. It makes me appreciate my GM who absolutely does not let us get away with bullshit and will assertively tell us when something is not going to fit in the campaign.
Jaxon Barnes
OP again. Whoops. I fucked up the link - forgive me often reading Veeky Forums but rarely posting. By second response was to the second post. Continuing the story...
Blake Lee
Seconding this. And this is from someone who HATED the idea of 5e before actually playing it. There's not as much freedom for character builds, but the class archetypes are all much more competent at what they do, and the options that do exist feel more meaningful and important, instead of like things that are "required" for a "build".
The loss of options used to turn me off to the system, but now that I've started playing it regularly, I realize that 90% of the options in Pathfinder were "trap options" anyway, choices that made you sub-optimal or that you would never actually take in any situation ever. 5e cutting out all the rules-bloat and broken min-maxy interactions makes character building drastically easier and feels like it's actually there to encourage ROLEPLAYING instead of theory-craft videogame "builds".
Carter Bell
To explain how things got worse - since Andy left we decided to fill his spot. Oscar said he knew some people that could play with us and said they were really good. Oscar calling them good players was a red flag from the start but the GM allowed it anyway. (Once again - he has made many a mistake in this time period but has since learned from them.)
So, Three new players joined. One of them MUCH WORSE than Sam and Oscar...
The first I'll tell you of..we will call him Zack. Zack was actually a wonderful addition. Zack has a well-balanced character who has good fluff, and good backstory. He roleplays well (and is actually quite entertaining) and his pyromaniac pyromancer had very good chemistry with my pyromancer. You can see why. All-in-all, glad to have him.
We will call the next one Stephanie. I can't really give a good opinion of Stephanie because she didn't talk much, so I will withdraw judgement. Of what she DID say though, all I got was debatably cringe-worthy roleplaying (but not that bad, really) and her rules-lawyering a bit. Annoying, but not bad at all. The rules-lawyering did get a bit too much, but when we explained the sensibilities behind overturning rules and our houserules she happily accepted.
One big thing DOES come to mind, I should add before I continue. From last session, which the main DM was absent for. There was an instance a soldier with a Yari (Spear) was charging one of the characters. Sam's (currently invisible) character was in the way. I said "Well, this only makes sense - Sams's character might get hit but yknow what I'll make it a small chance. I'll roll to see who the attack actually happens on - rolling the standard miss chance if it falls on Sam. I'll roll a d%, if its 20 or under the attack is on Sam," and it landed 18. Before I could even roll the attack and miss chance, Sam cried bullshit and started flinging a bunch of bullshit rules at me. (cont.)
Juan Sanchez
Some more feedback from me: when you are getting to a point, avoid derailing it too much. That last bit about Sam ruleslawyering because he might've gotten hit doesn't really tie in with the last player you were going to mention.
Try to avoid tangents to make your posts better.
Ryan Jenkins
Sam said instead it should act as though his character was providing cover, and since you "can't hit cover" he shouldn't be able to be hit. (Yeah..) He also said "You cannot hit a target that you didn't actually try to hit" and also said "Well during his attack on her he's actually too close because that's a reach weapon so if the attack is on me then he doesnt get to attack at all" ...he said this, and refused to listen when I said it only makes sense that he does get the attack, since he's running forward with his spear pointed forward. Stephanie was on his side before, but after I said that she dropped it. The third new addition (which I will explain in a minute. we will call him Nick) also cried bullshit and called me out for being a terrible DM. When I asked them to show me the rules they were talking about anyway they said they will but never did. When I also reminded them that the rules say GM has final say on any of the rules Nick said, and I quote, "Well maybe the DM should learn the fucking rules."
Yeahhh. Let's talk about Nick for a second. His character he was bringing to the game was a wizard that he had apparently used multiple times, but I won't even get into that black hole. Nick's personality is..rather poisonous. All he did the entirety of the first session he played for (last session) was argue against the DMs constantly (even for things he wasn't even there for, that the supposed "victim" had no problem with), insult people, use offensive language, and act wholly immature. We also found out that he's good friends with Stephanie, and Stephanie's character is his familiar, whom is an imp.
This is when we decided to look into things. They never asked if their familiar could be another PC, and we wanted to check the validity of that in terms of rules. At this point we decided that after the session we should check everyones character sheets to make sure everyone is following the rules and gave everyone's character sheet a good read. What we found..
Camden Watson
It does tie in, you didn't let me finish. Either way idc.
We will definitely be trying 5e soon since we were interested in it, but the remainder of this campaign will be in 3.5 because A. we don't want to switch systems mid-game, and B. this campaign started before 5e was out.
Though continuing onward, what we found... we should have seen coming, but could not.
Kevin Foster
Me and Daniel were getting everyone's character sheets to show to the main DM and run things by him. He DID have the final say in everything, afterall. Everyone threw in their sheets for the main DM to look at, and even mine and Daniel's sheets were thrown in there for fairness' sake. Oscar said he's changing characters because "My current character is just useless in combat." Whatever, fine. We went to get Nick's character sheet, and he hesitated. When he realized there was no way out of it, he reluctantly had his mythweavers sent to us, taking the opportunity to complain about the main DM's houserules. He said it was bullshit that spontaneous casters could use metamagic and we should houserule it that they can't or he will leave. Me and Daniel said, with no hesitation, "Good. Leave." He didn't.
So we decide to look over everyone's character sheets. Everything checks out for the most part. Sam's sheet checks out rules-wise, but he has some third party feats he didn't ask for (Main DM requires all third-party non-OA content be run by him for his approval) so we will just check those out to approve or not. Stephanie's sheet....okay, she's min-maxed to hell and back so we will just talk with her about that. Nick's sheet...
...What the fuck?!
Nick had a base attack bonus of 4.5 and had .5 levels in a class we had never even heard of. His sheet was full of all kinds of inconsistencies and red flags that we could only chalk up to not knowing the rules or just flat-out cheating. We also saw one of his feats was "Iron Will Location." So, Daniel took the sheets to give to the Chris when he returned form his business trip. Chris and Daniel decided to call up Nick to fix his sheet, question why he rules-lawyers without even knowing the rules, and maybe find out what the fuck an "Iron Will Location" is.
This is where Nick goes full retard.
Juan Baker
This is bretty good keep going
Henry Flores
These stories sustain me, continue
Christopher Hernandez
let the madness continue
Luis Lee
Forgive my typing and grammar, for what happens next in this story happened recently, and made me need some fucking beer. I should probably wait for sobriety before telling this story, but fuck it.
Nick said that there is a location from some 3rd party book that has a hole that if you go in or near it you get Iron Will for free, and one of his other feats needs that as a prereq., so he decided that happened to his character. He never asked if it COULD happen, or if that location existed in Chris's setting AT ALL. Spoiler alert: it doesn't. Chris and Daniel said that his character sheet needs some fine-tuning, so Nick took this opportunity to insult them and call them "power-hungry, railroading assholes" and set his mythweavers sheet to private, so that we could no longer view it. I wasn't there for the conversation that followed, but i heard from Daniel that it was really, really bad. He copypasted Skype messages that Nick sent that I couldn't even fucking believe. When Daniel demanded taht Nick un-private his sheet and start acting like an adult, Nick simply responded with "how about you fuck right off." Why he wasn't kicked then and there, I'll never fucking know. Chris is much too non-confrontational. So Nick decided to add Oscar to the chat, and Oscar vehemently defended everything that Nick has ever said or done, and called Daniel and Chris bad DMs for having issue with him. Daniel straight-up said "you both need to stop being complete faggots or you're out of this game" and things only got worse from there. Daniel shouldn't have made that call without Chris' approval, but I can see how he was just completely pissed that Chris wasn't doing anything. What followed were many "brilliant" exchanged from Nick and Oscar, including this gem from Nick:
"You both need one of these." >links PHB "And one of these." >links picture of a brain
Julian Hernandez
There is no fucking way in hell your _online_ group is so hard up for 3.5 players that you need to put up with this level of fuckery.
Literally what about these people has made you so fucking willing to put up with this insanity?
Justin Robinson
>kick from game >find new players I THINK I SOLVED IT
Lincoln Anderson
Me and Daniel decided to call up Chris and tell him that something needs to be done AT LEAST about Nick and Oscar, or his game will come crashing down. We've already lost a player because of their bullshit, and Chris needs to put his foot down before he no longer has a game at all. Chris said "I will talk with them about it" and Chris conversed with them more, with Daniel's aid. Nick insulted Chris more and more but ultimately submitted, and Chris decided "We will see how he plays next session, if it continues I will do something about it."
I love Chris and he DM's my second-favorite campaign I've ever played in... but he just doesn't get it. He's too nice, too focused on everyone having fun, and too non-confrontational. Those are often times wonderful traits for a GM to have, but he's too far into those to do anything about players that are ruining other peoples' fun.
So now we come to the point of this post: PLEASE tell us what you think. I am going to show this thread to Chris in hopes that Veeky Forums telling him that they should've gotten the boot long ago and that he needs to save his game will cause Chris to actually save his game. Feel free to give me and Daniel feedback as well, but please tell Chris your thoughts and feelings on the matter as he will be reading this. Daniel is present as well, he helped me write this.
Hopefully it was a good enough story, I enjoy Trainwreck and That Guy stories myself, so I guess this is mine.
Let the DM know that he has to do something about it, and if anyone thinks it should be anything but them getting removed, let us know what you think he should do.
If we kick them, we will likely show them this thread if they try to defend their retardation once more, which they certainly will. Some of them browse Veeky Forums so it's likely they'll find it on their own. SO if you have anything to say to any of the players: feel free!
Thanks for your time and your support, Veeky Forums. Let's fix this amazing game. Let's make pic related!
Jackson Ortiz
If it were up to me, they'd have gotten to boot a long time ago. It's just me and Daniel don't have the power to kick people, the only person who won't kick them is the only person with the power to do so.
Colton Morales
Kicking those manchildren is long overdue, I pity your lack of selfworth, which made you suffer them for as long as you did.
Ethan Lopez
I should also, at the threat of tripleposting, probably deliver that tl;dr I promised.
TLDR: Complete asshat fuckholes are ruining our game and our DM won't kick them. Tell him why he should!!
Aaron Watson
If he doesn't get why he needs to remove them, after the stuff you posted, it's hopeless.
Levi Morris
archiving this shit
I plan on telling all my rpg buds this story
thanks for the read m8 - hope the game doesn't burn the fuck down
Isaiah Perez
You should probably start your own game with the GM and Daniel. Yes, games with only two players can work: it's been seen before.
You should walk right out of that door and only speak to Daniel and chris. Oh, and Zack: he sounds like a cool dude.
Here's what I would say to Nick, Oscar and Sam: fucking chill. Seriously, take a break right now, drop whatever you're doing and go outside for a few minutes. Drink something. Have a smoke. Take a shower. And internalize how much of an asshole each one of you has been. And sin no more. Understand?
Benjamin Parker
Nick was right about one thing. Chris needs to get a brain. And fucking eject those two pricks from your game, Jesus Christ they sound terrible.
Aiden Perry
Tell Chris to grow a spine to stand up to those fuckers for me, would you?
Alexander Wright
You have to get Chris to kick them, OP. They'll cry and bitch about it, sure. They'll probably tell their friends that you guys are bad DMs, yeah. But anyone willing to befriend these two sacks of shit isn't someone you want in your campaign. There will always be more players to replace them. Better players. Players that understand that having a good time is more important than beating every encounter because their character is absolutely flawless and they can never lose, ever. In other words: ADULTS. This sounds like a fun campaign, and you shouldn't let it be ruined by a couple of 12-year-old chimpanzees. They can change their ways or get out because they are making the game an absolute nightmare for everyone involved. Don't let them ruin your fun, because fun is what matters the most when you play a game.
Colton Jackson
If you guys can't get the DM to kick the problem players, then this is as much if not more his fault than the others. He'll, they probably could have been shit-but-tolerable if he had nipped things in the bud.
At this point, the ultimatum has to be: kick the players or you and the Co-DM leave. If there MUST be a middle ground, have the problem players kill--not retire, kill--their characters and roll new ones out in the open with no broken shit and no sympathy from the DM.
If your DM can't even do that, then at this point it's his fault the game has come crashing down. Being nice does not mean kowtowing to ignorant fucks. The DM has final say on everything. Either he uses that well or he doesn't.
Oliver Hall
>In other words: ADULTS. You... haven't met many adults, have you? Sure, between them and teenagers, teenagers are worse, but there's shitty people in the adult category too.
Nathaniel James
Mark out all the bullshit on ultra-faggot's character sheet and post it here. For amusement and educational purposes.
Jackson Hall
This. I gm'd a long time for a large group of about 7-8 players. All but two of them were munchkins, either from being obsessed with optimizing or not really roleplaying or taking the story seriously. They weren't anywhere near as bad as your problem players sound, but it still wore on me and made it less fun to GM.
So you know how I solved it? I ended the fuckin game and started a new one with the two players that actually enjoy playing the way I like to play.
Jose Edwards
Samuel Roberts
I would daresay as examples of what not to do in a normal RPG...
Adam Gonzalez
I was thinking more like examples of what GM should be on lookout for, to prevent this level of bullshit before its too late.
Cameron Kelly
That too
Noah Anderson
OP here. I sent Daniel a message to get Nick's sheet ASAP so I can screenshot it before he makes it private again.
I will try to deliver, lads.
Noah Thompson
Post update pls
Luis Ortiz
My update is that Daniel is asleep, it's 7:31 where we live and he went do bed after I finished my post. Patience will reward ye. I'll make a new thread if I gotta.
Chase Cruz
>Well, to be blunt, the DM is a fantastic person but he's FAR too nice. Being nice is a great trait for a DM, but Sam and Oscar, while me and Daniel were gone, continually brow-beat the DM into giving them everything they wanted and the DM for some fucking reason submitted to them. Oh there come flashbacks to /exact same fucking thing happening/ to one of games I was in - a group of assholes join in, GM knows they are assholes from previous games, but is too nice to refuse anything, all the way up to agreeing to move to a different, small and isolated, forum when one of the assholes got banhammered from the big one it all started at.
Burn them down. Have a narration of their empire falling in flames and kick them out of roll 20 after you've had enough share of their bitching moaning. Or timewarp it away.
>I should also mention...we'll call him Bill. Bill too has a total min-maxed character (Warblade/Warmind...) but he has a good attitude, roleplays well, and FUCKING LISTENS so we're glad to have him anyway. We found out later he only cheesed his character out so that he didn't fall behind Sam and Oscar. It's a martial, they need minmaxing to do anything. Bill sounds chill. Keep him.
Invite Andy back if you have his contacts.
>I have to warn you it gets MUCH, MUCH worse. Well lets see if it goes up to them browbeating GM into writing in a country of traps with sole purpose being for them later plundering the ass out of it.
>Oscar said he knew some people that could play with us and said they were really good. O hey more flashback flags. Ahh, futa kitsunes.
>So now we come to the point of this post: PLEASE tell us what you think. You have a bunch of assholes that first got into the game by random, then figured out that Chris is a pushover and are now abusing it to hell and back.
Forcibly implant Chris with a spine and kick Nick, Sam and Oscar. You two, Bill and Zack are enough to be a core player group.
Brandon Barnes
continuing from >please tell Chris your thoughts and feelings on the matter as he will be reading this Ok, specially for Chris: GET A FUCKING SPINE
>Hopefully it was a good enough story, I enjoy Trainwreck and That Guy stories myself, so I guess this is mine. As a side comment, storytelling-wise it's a bit rambly and wandering around the points. I had same problems when telling mine the first time(s).
Zachary Lewis
Hey bitch It's Nick. Too much of a bitch it say this all to my face you have to run off to fucking Veeky Forums to cry about it and get you emotional support? You little sub bitch.
Gabriel Smith
I wish this was real, but I know it isn't
Robert Martinez
Kayden Rodriguez
The ones who count, already know.
Robert Ross
Ah, I remember the location feats; only the most power hungry of munchkins go looking for them in lost editions of dragon. Good fun for making builds that will never see the light of day (Iron will prereq for incanatrix on a sorcerer being an example), but I have never and hope to never see them in a 3.5 campaign without some severe limitations on the scope the players can have.
Personally when I run 3.5 we cap the max level at 6 and allow all races and classes with LA reducing your maximum possible level; third party is banned, templates are banned, the fucking antro handbooks are banned. Items are handed out by the GM, if you want something in particular you can go an try and research it's location in game.
That tends to clear up just about all the main bullshit builds while still giving more than enough of a playground of selection nonsense.
Dominic Baker
If you're Nick, what is your Skype handle? And we've told you to your face multiple times - you kept insisting it's not the case. Here's proof, motherfucker.
I want it to be real, too. Shame it isn't. I really hope it turns out to be - I'd love for him to make an ass out of himself here.
And here's the most recent update: Chris has read this thread and decided to "grow a spine" as he put it. It seems he's happy he's doing so - he said he got tired of Nick's shit.
Brandon Wood
>Chris has read this thread and decided to "grow a spine" as he put it. It seems he's happy he's doing so - he said he got tired of Nick's shit. Fuck yes.
Post logs of Nick&co rage when they get booted.
Brody Rodriguez
I should also say, it sounds like YOU have a story to share. Veeky Forums loves it's stories if you're up for it.
Jeremiah Phillips
Kill them with fire OP, kill them dead.
Hunter Robinson
>Insulting someone on Veeky Forums. >Doesn't call them a cluck. This is a step in the right direction.
Benjamin Wright
Hey little cunt, it's me Daniel. I've confronted your bitch ass on Skype and you still wanna be a fucking faggot sack of shit. No one fucking cares about your Glory Hole from Complete Scoundrel, for it doesn't fucking exist in our campaign, and you never confronted us about the rules we have set in place, so you cheated on several occasions. Why don't you set your sheet to public and accept the fact that you're a worthless munchkin that should be fucking lynched?
Kevin Hernandez
This is a mature response.
Austin Parker
Daniel, Nick, there's no need to be hostile. Even if we are considering removing them from the game as an option it's only the last ditch response.
Are you looking for new players now that you've kicked those cunts out?
Easton Wright
Post character sheet or get the fuck out.
Josiah Ward
Calm down man! I understand because we've dealt with this for far too long, but we can be a little bit more mature about it....even if they can't be and half of what they've said is much, much, MUCH worse. Let's be the better guys.
Guess it really was Nick. Fucking wonderful.
Carson Cox
Jordan Jackson
Cut him off and block him. Then let the rest of the group know, in no uncertain terms, that their dickery won't be tolerated anymore. If they complain, kick them. Zero Tolerance.
Mason Myers
>Also I forgot to mention, it's 3.5e.
Well, that's your problem.
Logan Green
This is what you get for whining on Veeky Forums rather then trying to handle it like an adult, faggot.
Hudson Stewart
In all honesty, OP, you could probably get a host of people to play this game from this thread alone.
... I mean, I dunno if Veeky Forums randumbs are much better, but still.
Brody Thompson
Woah, man. This thread is the shit.
I think, everyone should chill out. Remember, it's a game, _With_ friends. It's supposed to be fun. If it isn't, stop. Is someone forcing you to play? Grow a pair. If you want to sling shit, admit how you feel, and be adults. You don't have to play.
Both OP and whoever the hell that's in this thread, take a lesson; grow up. DnD and other tabletop games were made for the purpose of having fun. This screams the opposite.
Nolan Brooks
Nick detected. Will Smite Evil work on him?
Michael Howard
Someone's butthurt that people won't tolerate their bullshit anymore.
Oliver Johnson
I forgot to mention, talking about
Jonathan Bennett
>asking for advice / opinion >handling it like an adult How is that mutually exclusive, faggot?
Christian Torres
OP linked me this thread, I GM one of OPs other games and he's mentioned these fuckers before, wow this is bad, like, get the fuck out of my game bad. I encourage shenanigans to the point of fuckery, but these guys are just whiny little bitches who I would kick from even one of my games, and I allow so much bullshit.
Nick, Oscar, you are both heretics.
Chris. You sound like a cool dude, but man the fuck up and kick them.
Daniel. Hostility may be appropriate, but just take a breath man.
Pic related MFW
Luke Price
Just a quick update: Nick still has his charsheet set to private. Sorry, lads: OP failed to deliver. I posted everything I remembered already.
Chris is thinking about kicking them but it seems like he is still hesitant, even after reading this. I told him he needs to get rid of Nick and Oscar NOW before his game is GONE, but he's thinking on it. We can only hope. I will update on the finality of the situation. Let's hope justice is dealt.
Justin White
Also, Oscar demanded to know how he, Sam, or ANYONE else powergamed. Not only everything I've said, I should also add after three rounds of setup Sam can do 1k damage a round.
Now I feel bad. I didn't know I was picking on special needs kids.
Jaxson Rogers
>Now I feel bad. I didn't know I was picking on special needs kids.
Isaac Stewart
I can assure you a 12-year old wouldn't not munchkin to THAT level, it takes way too much effort and time for them, time that some adults do have in abundance since they don't have to work/study/whatever.
Pretty sure the assholes are in their early 20s or something, and just want to power game because they're bad at videogames, hence why they suck at roleplaying too.
Samuel Howard
Finding an optimized build online isn't much effort.
Evan Adams
Judging from that read, they went way further than just using some random optimized build.
Mason Butler
Bump for interest.
James Reyes
Hey everyone, this is the aforementioned Andy. I am quite surprised that the DM´s took action, and i am not complaining about it. I will be re-joining the campaign at this rate.
Gavin Adams
I hope you're the real deal. I want this group to have fun again
Evan Hernandez
He is the real deal. I'm here for another update.
Chris decided to make a new campaign to continue the game with and didn't reinvite Sam, Oscar, Stephanie, or Nick. He reinvited me, Daniel, Bill, and Zack, and got Andy to rejoin! I still think he should've kicked them otherwise they won't know they did anything wrong, but whatever works works for sure!
Thank you Veeky Forums, you lads have been fucking beautiful. This thread caused the DM to finally take action. Thank you all for helping save my game.
Pic related I guess. Idc I'm happy my game's not ruined.
Nathaniel Hill
Julian Williams
I think you did it in kind of a dick way, but I'm glad for you, OP, really. However, you, and the rest of your group should still say something to the people you "Kicked" out/ignored. Otherwise, they learn nothing and continue to shit on other games.
Benjamin Wilson
Jayden Kelly
>Sam can do 1k damage a round.
... Now this is some 3.5 shit right here.
Isaiah Bailey
Happy gaming OP!
Thomas Turner
>He copypasted Skype messages that Nick sent that I couldn't even fucking believe Better give a summary
> Nick simply responded with "how about you fuck right off." Kick
>Oscar... called Daniel and Chris bad DMs for having issue with him Kick
>"You both need one of these." >links PHB >"And one of these." >links picture of a brain Grow a spine instead and kick them
Holy shit it's an online game, not like you ever need to see these scrote-garblers in real life.
Connor Diaz
I have only skimmed the thread, but this looks like another, rare Veeky Forums success story. Congrats and party on.
Carter Phillips
Does anyone else think that they had ot have been trolling?
None of that could have been sincere. Especially the "How were we powergaming part."
Just holy FUCK dude.
Hunter Reyes
I played with a guy in college who was killing anything we came across by level 5, with a single punch to HIS OWN CHEST. When we accused him of powergaming, he said >I'm just rping a monk, monks are just like that.
Some people are just real potatoes.
Asher Wood
This post and this thread have instilled a new appreciation for my group. Undertale detected. Have some Undertale/D&D crossover.
Jeremiah Collins
Makes me appreciate my new group that much more. All for the rp, mostly because they're noobs but fuck it, can't powergame what you can't understand.
Alexander Nguyen
If there is epic rage on the part of Nick and friends, I will be certain to detail it here as it was requested 3+ times. I couldn't get Nick's sheet so I owe ya'll at least that, childish as it may be.
Leo Sanchez
Jesus fucking christ.
While the rest of the brigade are assholes that I don't want in any game I ever play in, I sure as shit don't want you in anything I ever play either.
Eli Sullivan
You sure are helpful.
Christopher Torres
Nick Detected Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Jeremiah Hernandez
And you sure are cancer. Keep the shitty group drama in group, don't spray that shit all over Veeky Forums.
James Price
>WHAA, I HAVE NO DEFENSE No, I just don't want to see that shit here. Some faggot posting private logs in public always puts a bad taste in my mouth. Notice I said I wouldn't want to play with those shitty autists either, or is reading too fucking hard for you?