Veeky Forums, what is it about being a hero that you, personally enjoy? I don't mean a vague hero, or an anti-hero, or just someone who does some good deeds. I mean traditional heroes, old fashion heroes, the kind of heroes who will wade through hell and high water, face the impossible odds, suffer horror and harm all to save a single soul, or to defend a thousand more.
Veeky Forums, what is it about being a hero that you, personally enjoy? I don't mean a vague hero, or an anti-hero...
The shinies you get.
It's simple really, determination to do the right thing
> I mean traditional heroes, old fashion heroes
Newsflash, traditional heroes are usually hounded by tragedy and come to sad or ironic ends.
If you mean "shallow morning cartoon hero" then say that, don't say traditnional, old-fashion hero.
I like sticking to ideals that are bigger than myself
You'd have more friends if you didn't suck so much
Always one guy
>the kind of heroes who will wade through hell and high water, face the impossible odds, suffer horror and harm all to save a single soul, or to defend a thousand more.
I mean, it's this, isn't it? Who wouldn't enjoy being someone with the sheer force of will and character, with the physical fortitude to back up?
An iron will, a strong heart, and a soul on fire, held bound not by worldly things, but higher ideals, and grand goals.
To be strong not just simply for oneself, but for others.
Sure, it may not be an easy path, but doesn't that make it all the more worthwhile?
Not everyone can understand it. Some even revile it when even the idea of it is mentioned. If it cannot be grasped and aloft in your hands, then they can never understand it. It just seems childish and silly to them.
Which says more about them than it does anyone else.
I am baptized to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who broke the power of hell and grave. I will fear no evil, for I have seen the empty tomb and the path to the land of the living. As He is risen, so I shall rise on the last day if I am faithful. Deus Vult!
pretty much this. In last few years I always want to play a guy who isn't in front of the group so that other players can have a spotlight but with every campaign the story forces me to go forward and fight evil with all my might head on. For example I made a berber caravan guard (1,000 arabian nights campaign) who has a simple goal. Get enough money to buy a big camel herd so he can give it as his dowry so he can finally get married. He became a paladin doing everything he can to fight nephilim, djinns and other evil spirits and demons.
It also helps that all my characters are hard to kill. Same as cockroaches. GM never pulls his punches and in all campaigns I played I'm somehow last man standing even when I'm in front lines.
fighting for a tomorrow were those i know are happy and the world is saved from darkness even if if its for a day and pointless overall
more than i can accomplish irl
i mean fuck i just mix drinks man i aint no knight
is that the tuetonic knights fighting with a giant or an animated suit of armor
It means getting to help people and have purpose, as opposed to leading a bleak purposeless existence profiting off the misery of others,
user gets it
Having carte blanche to murderize the "bad guys" at leisure.
I mean sure, one man's rapacious bandit is another man's doting father, but thinking about that all the time gets a little heavy.
Luckily with a writ from the church you can get your murder on AND still be legally recognised as a member in good standing of a charitable organization.
I simply enjoy getting experience and leveling up.
>I mean sure, one man's rapacious bandit is another man's doting father
Maybe he should have thought of his son before going off to murder innocents for personal gain. Surely if he was so doting, he would set a good example for his son, or at the very least not risk leaving him an orphan.
I'm going to sound like the biggest fucking tool or whiteedgeymclordknight but I don't care, so here goes.
I have a strong moral bond that essentially runs my entire ontology. Despite my numerous attempts to down play it, or sometimes even fight it, I can't fucking help it. I must help others, often at my own cost or peril. I usually have to do everything in my power in a moral situation that is generally considered "the good thing" to do. This world sometimes likes to take shits on people who too good for their own good. I've definitely been a victim of that. Been taken advantage of numerous times because of my charity, vindictiveness, and sometimes plain idiocy. To be completely honest, it's left me kind of bitter over the last few years.
So it's nice to play stupid little pretend games where I can channel all that crap into a make believe character who can be the hero and 9 times out of 10 be rewarded for it, and get the satisfaction of knowing that at least in a game my onotology makes sense/works.
Sometimes life forces a man to make hard decisions. He knew the risks and took them to feed his family, so death becomes a constant companion to him as he looks away from his morals to do what needs to be done to survive. You can't begrudge him for that.
>Not teaching your son how to rule your clan of dirty inbred mountain bandits with an iron fist
>Not putting him upon your knee and showing him the luxuriant cloak of human scalps taken from your countless foes
>Not teaching him how to poach game before he can speak complete sentences
You got a different idea of an ideal father figure than me desu.
>You can't begrudge him for that.
You can't tell me what to do, Satan.
The world is a terrible place, inhabited by frightened children, honest cowards and heartless fools.
And it is worth protecting.
I like the idea of someone with strong beliefs and convictions, who will do their best to complete their goal/finish their mission. This is something that I can respect even from neutral or evil characters, but with a good character it's something that feels more selfless and awesome. I can't really describe it better than that - the idea that you'd put yourself at risk for something that might just be for the sake of goodness or a promise you swore to keep is awesome.
He who lives by the sword dies by the sword, m8. If he had no choice then he can't be begrudged personally, but neither can be begrudge someone else for killing him in defense of those who he victimizes, be it out of choice or necessity.
If there was time, means and opportunity to get his family fed another way then that would be dandy, but by the time most heroes and adventurers come across a bandit they're already brandishing a blade and closing in for some major shit-slapping.
I guess though in a way this sort of discussion answers OP's question of what I like in playing a good-aligned character: I like the moments of introspection over what action to take or whether or not my decision was right, or how to find balance between justice and mercy. It also makes it more satisfying in those rare moments where a third option can be taken and the bandit's given a chance to better himself and keep his beloved family taken care of at the same time.
Myself being of no value whatsoever I striveto save others in order to legitimize my own existence, even if it's just legitimizing a character I made. Better than nothing.
I'll be your friend if you suck my dick, user. Don't listen to this guy.
Being able to change the world for the better.
Even if it's only a make believe world.