What are some Veeky Forums approved video games?
I'd vouch for Exanima. The atmosphere, dungeon crawling, subtle lore, and tough-as-nails combat sets it apart.
What are some Veeky Forums approved video games?
I'd vouch for Exanima. The atmosphere, dungeon crawling, subtle lore, and tough-as-nails combat sets it apart.
Other urls found in this thread:
>early access
Is it playable or a broken mess? Not doubting on the willingness and ability to finish the game sooner or later but I'd rather wait until the experience can be enjoyed fully.
Unless that webm's supposed to be some kind of fantasy version of QWOP, it's looking pretty terrible.
A fantasy version of QWOP where you have a button for each finger and you are a wizard who has to cast spells, and the smallest screwup leads to the spell going haywire would be hilarious.
NEO Scavenger, as its one of the few games out there that's actually about roleplaying.
Divinity: original Sin
Crusader King 2
Mount and Blade: Warband
Age of Wonders 3
Age of Decadence
Avernum/Geneforge series
Eschalon series
Grimrock 1+2 (if you have to choose one, get the second)
Bastard Bonds
Dominions 4
La Mulana
This War of Mine
Unreal World
Heroine's Quest
do you guys actually recommend playing bg2 nowadays? my friend told me it's aged like milk
You just walk around a dark dungeon, hoping to find something interesting, but it never happens. There is absolutely nothing to do besides combat.
Combat is cluncky, and it's basically resolved by clicking and moving the mouse around at random.
It is just a watered down Darksoul wannabe.
Seriously, it's a boring mess. They should have waited and completed Sui Generis at least.
Have you played Planescape already?
they're masterworks all and you can't go wrong
If I could only suggest one it would be Men of War
best WW2 game ever made
Don't forget the Shadowrun games are all on sale on steam right now.
How much fun are they, for someone who has had absolutely no prior exposure to shadowrun? Tabletop or otherwise?
>ctrl + f
>King of Dragon Pass
>nothing found
really Veeky Forums?
Master of Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Age of Wonders
Disciples II
Dominions 4
Master of Monsters
Chaos: The Battle of Wizards
Lords of Chaos
Tormentum: Dark Sorrow
It's terrible. Do you really like it?
Tale of Wuxia is pretty fun game too. It have more chinese wuxia feeling than Jade Empire and it is turn-based.
Taking simple task like washing clothes give you stronger fingers, chopping woods give you better skill at handling blade weapon.
Cooking food make you better learner while farming give you better medical knowledge and so on.
Isn't that literally Magicka?
Monster Girl Quest
> What are some Veeky Forums approved video games?
- Tetris
- Master of Magic
- Baldur's Gate
- Planescape: Torment
- Fallout 1&2
- Master of Orion 2
- Vangers
- Populous 3
- Alpha Centauri
- Morrowind
- Minecraft
- Dominions 4
- Crusader Kings 2
- Stellaris (currently playing; seems good)
Dwarf fortress
It's the only game you need
Got bored with Grim rock 2 but loved the first one.
The only right answer. I can't believe this thread got so far without anyone posting this.
I really hope that's drunk fighting and/or severe framerate problems
>Cooking food make you better learner
>farming give you better medical knowledge
Why stellaris? If anything I'd say other more wargame-like titles like HoI, TATW, Gary Grisby's stuff and Steel Panthers.
My evergreen favourites:
Diablo 2
Might and Magic 6 to 8 (they're hilariously silly, I love them)
Disciples 2
Warcraft 3
Planescape Torment
Some newer ones:
Path of Exile has some great setting and atmosphere, and nice ff mechanics.
Darkest Dungeon
>Age of Decadence
Still can't believe I managed to kill that cthulhu bastard. Should do a playthrough where I kill all three(?) gods
It aged fine.
Arcanum was such a rich game, so many quests, landscapes, and different ways to finish each quest. Goat ending also
>physics based combat system
Yeah, it's fantasy QWOP.
Obscura indeed. Very nice game
I went into them without ever playing a game of Shadowrun before and found them amazing. Personally I'd say Dragonfall was better than Returns but that's just personal preference.
This. My god this game needs to be remade, it would be amazing.
My personal vote is Phantasy Star. Anything in the Original tetralogy. This game made and solidified a lot of tropes used in rpgs; hell, it was one of the first to feature a female protagonist (Who wasn't fan service). It's sad that the series has turned into a weeb shithole, now, filled with anime tropes.
pretty good game
still, read the book first, its great
What about the witcher?
There are only two, the other is a demigod.
He was the host to a god, and kept his powers after the wards were removed and the god cast out
Inquisitor. An old Czech game.
In this screenshot, I'm interrogating a heretic while her husband watches from a cell.
The writing is top notch. Too bad that the combat sucks...
First has terrible combat system and while the feeling of the background is cool, actual scenery and monster design is quite lackluster.
Second is much better, but combat is still chunky.
I don't know much about the third but people seem to love it.
>He was the host to a god, and kept his powers after the wards were removed and the god cast out
Damn. I'm getting a feeling that the PC can become a demigod too.
A thing like that is one of the endings
Subterrain. Kind of a beefed up Notrium. It is on sale in Steam.
That's it. Time to play again and become a noodly god
What about bloody dwarf fortress?
Been playing the third and I gotta say it's really good. World feels alive and all the characters feel very real. Good voice acting and the game also doesn't take its self too seriously but still maintains a semi realistic world. The only thing I say say negative is that even on the normal difficulty combat is punishing. I ended up having to turn it down after a few fights.
Personally I'd say Dishonored. Not only is it one of my favorite games but characters, story, and world are very well done. I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys world building.
Seriously? After level ~10 almost everything for me was way too easy. Maybe you completely fucked up your build or something, I don't know.
Anima gates of hard plataforming and annoying books
My nigga.
We need to start some Veeky Forums pawn sharing and publicly cuck other user's with their Pawnfus.
That's pretty likely seeing as my build was whatever looked most intresting at the time.
There is one proper answer for this question.
>Geneforge series
And here I thought I was the only one who played that.
Sil or Angband before DCSS though.
Ultima Saga. Forefather of modern RPGs (along Wizardry), and made by fans of tabletop games, which is noticed by references to Steve Jackson's games mostly.
Kinda sorta...avoid the new rendition they just came out with though. A bunch of SJWs got the rights to work on it and predictably ruined everything. Hamfisted Trans and gay characters, completely changed another one, and horrible writing all around, then tried to claim that the only reason people didn't like it was because they were just a bunch of bigots.
Unless you went for crossbow plus healing plus some other bullshit skills like redirecting arrows I just can't imagine what went wrong.
Yes cooking food increase your learning ability beside cooking, in other word you gain extra exp for increasting your skills.
While farming you get better understanding of herb and knowing which will heal your body.
Oh no. The heretic duchess summoned her...
I tried Arcanum recently, but i couldnt handle bad UI and fact that i needed to build my character in particular way to get out of 1st town.
>reload game
>summon genie to help
Like I said, her husband is watching.
It takes a little getting used to, although the main problem of the game is not the UI, but the horrible graphics.
I find it pretty strange that some people think that Exanima has the most realistic looking combat of all time while others think it looks like QWOP. I'm firmly in the former camp. Sometimes the motion isn't quite right, but it isn't canned animations with pirouettes and shit.
Not sure whether I'd second the recommendation. It is atmospheric as hell and I think the combat is very fun, but the developers are absolute garbage at community management. They have never met a deadline and go months without so much as a word. And progress seems pretty glacial. Their promise for Sui Generis is clearly not attainable, so I won't go into that. Lastly, it doesn't have lasting appeal. Exploring is great when it is fresh, but after a few runs it loses the mystery. Desperately needs a procedurally generated roguelike mode.
>Read all that
>wtf is going on
Also system shock 2
>wtf is going on
Heresy. Once you gather enough evidence against them, seemingly innocent, upstanding citizens and nobles turn out to be thoroughly evil, disgusting traitors to everything that is holy and sacred.
And then you, as an Inquisitor pass judgement over them and burn them. Much of the game is about investigating, looking for clues, analyzing testimonies and rumours and so forth.
Alpha Protocol.
Best roleplaying I've had in years.
Arkane Production is pretty good.
Arx Fatalis is an excellent rpg with a couple open world elements (dat freeform magic system, too). And Dark Messiah is Swordfight: the Game. or Swordfight: the Kickening.
What is Sui Generis?
Wish that game had alternate endings where you can join The Many or Shodan. But hey, there's always third time.
We are. WE ARE!
>68 posts
>Ctrl+F VTMB, Vampire
>No results
>Alpha Protocol.
Oh man I remember being so excited. I love spies and a spy RPG, great! Too bad it was lackluster as hell. Couldn't even have sex with Sister.
It's not mentioned because everyone needs to play the game to visit this thread.
It means unique or of its own kind.
Oh I thought it was a game.
Besides the already mentioned:
>Gothic series
>Jagged Alliance 2
Pic unrelated. Or is it?
Go back to /pol/
It is, the webm of the OP is from a little game they made in the same engine to get feedback and shit.
Sui Generis will be an open world aRPG
It may look wonky in the op, but I quite like how it works. Skallagrim has a video about it, if you care about him.
>Do you really like it?
No, of course not, he's just pretending, just like everyone else who has ever disagreed with you about anything, because your opinions are objective fact and no one could ever sincerely disagree with them. Yup.
I also went into them with hardly any prior knowledge of Shadowrun and I think they're some of the best rpgs to come out recently.
It aged perfectly fine. I play it at least once a year.
If you never played it the aging might look different though.
Magicka is a 10/10 wizard group simulator
Faces of War has better Single Player missions
also Darklands
Yeah, works both separately and in conjunction with BG1.
BG1 alone is a bit of a drag though, lot of optional exploring might get a bit boring.
There's also Icewind Dale, it's like BG with focus on combat and linear plot. (effectively it's to BG what Fallout:Tactics were to Fallout 1&2)
He is kinda right though, Siege of Dragonspear is terrible, even if you ignore or outright kill that one trans character. Its just a very very mediocre D&D campaign forced in between the two bg games.
>(effectively it's to BG what Fallout:Tactics were to Fallout 1&2)
No, not at all.
>only played first game prior to 3
>asked to choose a difficulty level
>go highest because 1st game was piss easy
>took 8 tries to get past the first lot of ghouls
>ever time I died I had to go through the long talky scene with my mentor and explain the inflatable unicorn sex toy to him over and over again
Okay, I now feel justified in turning the difficulty down - the combat system was such a huge improvement over the first I assumed I was just being ass at the game.
I really like Icewind Dale, but that's probably because I actually enjoy the combat in the infinity engine D&D games.
Please elaborate. Because I really see the parallel there having played all of those games.
nope anons, the worst thing was combat. I played full charisma character just so I can avoid combat, best decision I've made in videogames though. It was so much fun.
>you create all of your party members yourself
>no exploration
>while the campaign is linear, there are sidequests and (in iwd2 especially) lots of small rp-choices and even hidden side quests in dialogue from your sex/race/class (something that the BG games actually lacked)
>1 main char + npcs
>large worldmap with random encounters
>sometimes the choice between missions
>different endings
>fucking REAL TIME (yes, turn based was available too, but still, that was a big step away from the classic fallout games)
I never saw the IWD games as more "combat focused" than the Baldurs Gate games. (Maybe if you only look at BG1), but BG2 and especially Throne of Bhaal has tons of combat, just like IWD. And IWD 2 has a very interesting story with lots of minor side details and its a shame that people always say "IWD is all about the combat". I love IWD 2 as an rpg and i really enjoyed its dialogue and its sometimes funny journal entries.
Old school xcom for maximum fuck but the new ones are quite good as well.
I wish I had my old file of xcom pics. There was some fun stuff there for Veeky Forums years ago.
>>you create all of your party members yourself
main char + npcs
True, but in both the team has no personality like they had in BG2, no sidequests of their own. No dialogue besides a few quips. That's where I see the main similarity in terms of party compositions. Gang in BG's and F1&2 were characters, in IWD / F:T they are just mooks.
>>no exploration
>>large worldmap with random encounters
>>sometimes the choice between missions
Can't agree here at all. There's couple random encounters in F:T but they are largely irrelevant. Choice between missions is going to A or B first, but you still need to do both before proceeding to C.
>>while the campaign is linear, there are sidequests and (in iwd2 especially) lots of small rp-choices and even hidden side quests in dialogue from your sex/race/class (something that the BG games actually lacked)
I recall couple lines of dialogue that changes depending on who's talking but not really any of that having opening any new options or branches. But here it's possible that I missed something that would show up in a replay, so I can't really refute this point, you may be right.
>>different endings
Lolno, it's a single dialogue choice at the very end of the game. Choices you make thorough the game are inconsequential to the game conclusion.
>fucking REAL TIME (yes, turn based was available too, but still, that was a big step away from the classic fallout games)
This is true, there's an option for a new way to play (and I might be preferable, considering how large some missions are)
But if we're talking about steps away from the original it's also worth bringing up that IWD2 was using different edition of D&D than the rest.
>BG2 and especially Throne of Bhaal has tons of combat, just like IWD. And IWD 2 has a very interesting story with lots of minor side details
It really didn't feel that way to me. BG's & F1&2 were mostly talking with occasional combat. F:T and IWD's were mostly combat with occasional dialogue
>old xcom pics
oh boy, I still remember pre-teen little me feeling all queasy looking at alien autopsies
>Lolno, it's a single dialogue choice at the very end of the game
Its still 3 different end sequences, no matter if the execution is done well, its there.
Men of War Assault Squad 2 has the entire Faces of War game as well as Red Tide game as free workshop downloads.
Plus they work with other mods like gore mod
Mass Effect, pls.