Beauty and the beast edition
>Point system for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
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Beauty and the beast edition
>Point system for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
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I need the english Sylvaneth warscrolls!
FAQs are live!
3rd for kroak being too expensive
I am really curious about those artifacts. Hopefully there's some form of magic acorn to produce more wyldwoods.
Fuck those are turning out great.
Haven't seen sculpted hoods work as well as these before.. Got a tutorial?
They look great.
For what?
The facebook ones?
new death releases when?
Yeah, I miss in the new (french) warscrolls some Wyldwood shenanigans.
Come on guys...
Hrmm, looking over those, I can't find anything that wasn't in the facebook release. Still, some good stuff in there. The stonehorn clarification is still bonkers, though.
I think the last few are new. But I'm not sure.The ones that say the requirements for battalions are keywords. This is huge!
Best case scenario: They'll relase a free pdf.
likely scenario: They'll put it at the back of a new campaign book.
Worst case scenario: They'll sell them on the AoS App.
Battletome: Skaven Skryre when?
Why would you need a battletome?
You already have formations on the chaos one and they're really powerful.
I want lore and art and shit.
>have to buy army books again
It'd also mean a chance to get new shit. Globadiers and Jezzails really need new models.
>have to
>Q: Some very short models, such as Goblins, are not able to attack models onflying stands, as the distance between the two models exceeds the range of the smaller model weapon. Is there any wayfar the smaller model to attack in such a situation?
A: No - it will need to find some scenery upon which to stand in order to reach the flying model.
Likewise, the flying model would be unable to attack those small
models unable to reach it, should its melee weapon not have the range to do so.
If you want batallions you already need the individual books, so this is neither new nor unexpected.
At least you don't have to buy a $124 rulebook as well.
That said, they've been doing a lot of this "You can either buy the book for $X, or buy individual portions of the content for $Y", so you can sort of pick and choose what content you pay for.
For example, you could buy the Flesh Eater Court's battletome and use the battalions in it, or you could just buy the battalions you want for like $2.50 each if you don't care about the rest of the content.
It feels like a better system to me, and you don't -need- to buy whatever the fuck Sylvaneth book is coming out to play the game, which is a step forward.
>claim for months that points are unnecessary
>bring back points anyways
>whines because gw says points are unnecessary
>whines because gw brought back points
I hope they'll do some update for the older battletomes, but it's good for future releases.
It's to appease the people who wanted points and have been yelling for it. A lot of us have been having fun with comps, battle plans and just eyeballing it.
>inb4 5 Nagashes
>I hate having options
>AoS is awesome because you don't need points!
>they bring back points
>AoS is awesome because all rules are free and online!
>they bring back rule books
And retards still defend this.
Is there any way to merge units ? Say I have 15 daemonettes and my other unit has 5, can I merge them together to make a 20 strong unit and get the bonuses? I'm worried with the mandatory battle line units that I'm gonna have to actually run big blobs of 30 Daemonettes which will run me 720 points ish.
You can still play without
No, you can't. THat said, I'd just talk to my opponent about this, I'd be fine with merging two battleline units pre-game.
Review of the Generals Handbook plus details on the Summer Campaign.
More Sylvaneth.
No, you can't. The only unit I know that can do this is zombies as they have a sepcial rule for it.
There is, however, no reason to not move them together, they just won't get any of the benefits of having the larger number, as well as still have to treat them as two units for combat, spells, etc.
This model literally cannot come fast enough.
This looks like some WoW expansion.
Three boxes are a minimum, one er weapon type.
Also, those quiver beetles are adorable. I have a feeling Sylvaneth will be a hit with female players.
AoS certainly is colourful.
Ok, so I've been looking at points and I'm a little saddened. I run a weird chariot list, and it's not gonna be matched play legal. I don't know what I ought to add for it to be battleline.
The list -
Bloab Rotspawned (260)
Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot(200)
Lord on Daemonic Mount(140)
No Type:
Gorebeast Chariot x2 (200)
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch(160)
That's 1,040 points so already too big for a 1k point game - I'll probably end up going for 1.5k which means 3+ battleline. What the hell would fit in my list? The tactic is to shit out mortal wounds with Bloab's unique spell and wounding in multiple phases and to move fast and hit hard.
I'm tempted to use Tzaangors because I have some lying around but we don't have the points for those. I'm looking for fast units that hit moderately hard with a bonus of being able to wound in multiple phases. Failing that something cheap would be good.
I'm pretty new to sculpting, I just made a thin rectangle and roughly pushed it into the right shape then went over it with a bit more moisture to smooth it out. I think the shape of the warriors armour helped a lot to guide me.
I used a 50/50 mix of greenstuff and milliput, seemed to work really nicely. Either would do though. Just remember to account for gravity, the hood pools at the bottom. They take about an hour each just to readjust them a bunch of times to get it right. I'm really no expert so it'd be better to google probably.
This looks like bad fanart.
>quiver beetles are adorible
I second this
>Sylvaneth will be a hit with female players
Good, nice change from the typical dudes in their 20s and 30s (with the odd oldtimer around).
Why not just take MSU marauder horsemen with javelins? They're speedy, cheap and can cause damage in two phases.
Hey, what did mortal Khorne warriors look like before AOS?
1.5k isn't an official points value tho, the next one is 2k with 3+ battleline. You'd have a bit more leeway with your list their too.
I have similar problems getting 1000 pts lists for my dark elf stuff going. I could get some decent 2000 pts lists going but I don't quite have all the stuff I'd need for that. Everything just seems a little to expansive and the battleline stuff creates a lot of issues in 1k pts.
For my Slaaneshi daemons on the other hand I could easily make some good 1k lists. Seems like for some armies playing at that low point level is simply too restrictive.
Warriors of chaos, except red.
I doubt theirs gonna be a new influx of female players because of the slyvaneth. Just that curent female players will potentially go for them.
It's not quite fully Slaves to Darkness tho :( otherwise that would work super well
That's what I meant to say, yeah.
I think at 2k having 3 blobs of 20-30 Daemonettes is ideal, but that's basically 1k points by itself.
>back to 60-90 core units
Thanks GW
As I said, making lists for Slaaneshi stuff is easy. Everything is pretty cheap, considering how fast it moves and hard it hits. Haven't really looked into making a 2k list for them since most of the guys at my store seem to prefer playing smaller games.
Which is my problem with the dark aelves, since everything costs so much and almost nothing has decent rend. I really can't seem to figure out how to make a decent 1k list that could deal with Stormcasts or similar stuff.
I think it's just for Daemonettes, getting an extra attack on a 5+ instead of 6+ seems worth it? Or maybe I should take 1 unit of Daemonettes, 2 units of Plaguebearers to hold objectives and be the anvil as it were.
Gors/Ungors as chaff ? Seem pretty fast. It's a crying shame warhounds aren't battleline, I dunno why you would ever take them.
Holy shit that Talon of Dwindling. 4 Attacks, and if you just wound them with it once, you can instantly kill a multiwound model.
A wound in AoS is after all saves of any kind.
So a passed to wound roll isn't enough.
Still damn strong.
these guys are real winners
both in model and rules.
Same reason that Pestilens have one?
>New miniatures. Most Skryre stuff is either old or only available via the IoB that is no longer available.
>New traits and artifacts?
>Extra formations?
being this butthurt about nobody playing your 9th age fanfiction bullshit. Face it the Generals Handbook is the final nail into the Fantasy coffin.
I know, I didn't imply any different. Unlike other, similar attacks though, she has 4 chances, which makes her getting at least one through the enemies saves pretty likely.
Could a pestes army stand up to a sorted army?
Yeah, some army concepts seem hard to pull off without decent/cheap battle-lines to back them up
Kroak is a joke m8
how the fuck is the new model bitch alarielle, its fucking ariel
what the fuck GW you incompetent cucks kys
Badly ended, 7/10 it's encouraging.
i must say, i am anoyed at them not putting the points stuff online, for free, i just hope the books will be cheap (ha who am i kidding.. its GW..)
Book is like $25 I think, bretty cheap
You know, that's got me thinking- Are there female Skaven in AoS?
You don't want the answer to that question. Trust me.
Not in the TT but I think in the lore. Although it could be WHF lore
in WHF lore they were large monstrous creatures made only for breeding. That's what normal Skaven called them Breeders.
Their entire life is spent birthing new Skaven in the 1000s.
>They are large, indolent and only semi-intelligent...
holy fucking sheeet.
This things can wrack the shit out of mob units. if the enemy doesn't shield their unit in combat with these from bravey test, they are literally terrifying.
Sorry, I meant intelligent female skaven. I knew about the giant breeder ones, but is there a possibility for a female Skaven character?
now fuck off dumbass
Hey guys, i could do with your help in understanding Age of Sigmar as i have been out of the loop of games workshop for several years. Last i played was fantasy 6th edition i think it was and 40k 6th or 7th. Should i forget all that i know about fantasy that i knew? Like the turn format, movement distances and stats? As i understand it this is to be taken as a completely different game?
Is this game played like previous warhammer or is it now entirely scenarios that you play? I see that now they are adding a points system which is kind of why i am interested.
I'm particularly interested in the uruks but i don't understand if these are renamed orcs and goblins, a faction of orcs and goblins, or something entirely different?
I don't really know where to start, if i should be buying the warhammer fantasy orcs and goblins book and the uroks book or if i can just get the latest one?
I got tired of 40k's constant supplements, needing the rulebook, supplements, codex and sometimes white dwarfs to get all the rules for a game. Is this similar in that regard? It appears that way as an outsider, i see lots of books such as "order of destruction" which appears to be orcs but there is also an urok book?
I apologise if these questions are retarded, im struggling to understand where to begin. Should i be buying the age of sigmar base game with the chaos and sigmarines for the rules even though i intend on possibly starting with the orcs?
Quite lost.
Them amphorae. That rule is incredible. I mean, most of the time, the healing will be the best result you can hope for as 30" is a real fucking high range and thanks to that little "you can choose a result lower than the one you rolled" that means you can ALWAYS heal if you want. Ergo, Ally heals 2D3 Wounds a turn. Good luck getting rid of her. Never mind the new magic lore probably including all the buffs I'm missing in this army so far. Though I'm still absolutely unimpressed by her wonky Command Ability. I mean, compare Ghyran's Wrath to Voice of Gork and weep.
And also the Talon of the Dwindling. Jeez. Now I know why its profile looks so underwhelming at first glance. It's basically a supercharged Impaling Talon.
A bit disappointed with that reroll Saves thing because I'd been hoping it would work against shooting too, but that means in melee they can rip anything to shreds while being all but unkillable without Rend.
Much better than I thought they would be. Rerolling 1 dice per phase is great. Dice to run, one dice to charge, one dice in melee, the battleshock dice, a save in the enemy shooting phase. Oh yes. And the bitchin-looking musicians are incredibly useful too.
So these are mostly for palling around with Drycha and for fucking enemy Bravery over. I still think they're overcosted as all hell, but a small squad to play havoc with the enemy Battleshock results will probably be pretty useful.
Rules are online for free, the units stats are different from WHFB and are all in a PDF, points will be in a $25 book.
There are grand alliances with all Greenskins and Ogres making up Destruction and you can mix and match within those - I would pick up some models you like and paint those. Don't get the starter set unless you need the models. You get scenarios to play from books generally though there are free ones floating about and everything is in the OP pastebin
>Tyrant 160
>Butcher 140
>3 Ogors 120
>3 Ogors 120
>6 Ironguts 440
>Total: 980
I'll write the 20 pts off as Ogretax.
Super standard n boring, but it should get the job done.
>I'm particularly interested in the uruks but i don't understand if these are renamed orcs and goblins, a faction of orcs and goblins, or something entirely different?
they are renamed orcs and goblins
>if i should be buying the warhammer fantasy orcs and goblins book and the uroks book or if i can just get the latest one?
the rules for old whf minis in aos are online for free , however a few of those models have been discontinued by now , and while they will be included in the point book i doubt they'll recieve much support after that , if you want to start with them i'dd recommend the grand alliance : destruction book
you shouldn't really be buying the starter set , the base rules are online for free
you underestimate the butthurt stubborness of the 9th age converts.
that being said, the game is doomed to fail because the players are ex-whfb players, and very little new blood will be fed into it to keep it alive.
i expect kow will continue to dominate as the 'spiritual successor to whfb'
fighting chaos warriors of nurgle tomorrow, I will bring slaanesh (warriora/demons/beastmen)
what should I take?
Okay, no problem. I'll try to give the cliffnotes version.
The game is still Warhammer and the rule are a mash-up of Fantasy and 40k. Moving, shooting, charging and attacking will all not seem new to you. You can still place your old models on movement trays which is highly recommended for big infantry units as shoving them along one by one is tedious.
'The game can be played as a simple kill em all game, but the scenarios add much more depth to the gameplay as they force you to rethink your tactic all the time (e.g. being the attacker in a rescue mission doesn't mash well with a pure stand-and-shoot tactic).
Orruks are simply the new copyright-friendly name for Orcs, whereas Grots are the new Goblins. Basically, what you remember as Orcs, Feral Orcs and Black Orcs are now all Orruks, but divided into the factions Greenskinz, Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz.
To start off, go the the GW page and download the rules and the Orcs and Goblins Warscroll Compendium. There's a specific book for Ironjawz out, but that is unnecessary to actually play the game. It's mostly for lore and Battalions but the core rules are 100% free.
The points will come out in a few weeks in the General's Handbook, for which we're hyped as hell as it has something for every taste (free play, narrative play and matched play, the latter having the points).
Again, you need to buy absolutely zero books. The rule sheet is free online, all the unit rules are free online.
The current books come in three basic flavors, which I'll explain in the next post.
no, like there will be no female space marines.
a century of breeding and evolution ensures that the males are the warriors/thinkers, and the females are the breeders.
the skaven are badguys. a xenophobic selfish greedy inherently evil race of cowards. you really want equal representation on the tabletop? It would be like getting pissed that in ww2 games no jews or blacks are among the numbers of nazi troops. the bigotry is part of their character
oddly enough, i keep hearing that a favorite among female warhammer players are skaven and lizardmen. interesting.
Are you sure? I was told in the WHFB general that there might be some exceptions. I was planning to start a small Clan Eshin army, and I thought the idea of a female greyseer might be a cool addition. Surely, with the insanity of Chaos, its possible right?
If you want to do it just do it. Nobody would be able to tell anyway.
>Grand Alliance books, which are basically printed versions of the unit rules. If you're planning on printing out full-colored Warscrolls, just get the relevant GA books, it's cheaper that way. These are great value.
>Battletomes, which are basically Codizes, with all the unit rules, lore, paint schemes, showcases and formations. These are not mandatory, but great if you love a specific faction. As AoS is very new however, there aren't all that many out yet. Doesn't mean the other factions don't exist, but they haven't had their place to shine in the fluff yet
>finally, campaign books, current one is titled The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts. As AoS is a very new setting, these books tell the story that is currently unfolding, since WHFB players kept complaining their story never advances, this one here constantly does. The books all contain lots of lore and current events, interspersed with scenarios so that you can play these battles or ones similar to them, but again these are not mandatory.
Hope this sort of helped you.
Anything is possible in this fantasy game of make-believe, sure.
But it's also fucking red flag neckbeard tier. You'll be in the same boat as anyone who converts female hive tyrants, or plays sisters, etc.
It just screams 'that guy' who can't leave his fetishes behind when gaming
So Irongutz are 220 for 3 of 'em? Mm, seems fair enough. looks good, i'd fight it.
Seems nice enough, I guess, but forgoing the additional 2" move from Ravager seems really painful.
I like. It's a mean combination you've got going and seeing Bragg be useful again warms my heart. However, do remember that it hinges heavily on your Tyrant surviving, which savvy players will wish to avoid. You might want to make your Butcher into the un-named Skrag and give him that cauldron for that sweet sweet regeneration chance so that he may keep your Tyrant alive longer.
Bah, Ogors don't need that as much as Ironjawz. They have 6" Move already, unlike the painful 4" the Brutes have to work with.
Thank you guys, i appreciate your replies. I'll get downloading the rules and buy a box of these iron fellas to get painting. I loved my 40k orks and i just want an excuse to paint some green skins.
Going to try and get my friends to try give this a chance but they are not fans of gw after the whole introduction of AoS, i don't mind much. I love the new models and i would enjoy a game of scenarios instead of the usual min maxing waac that my friends would play 40k like.
Your info has helped alot, ty.
Yeah, I think the trait might be a bit of a waste but its not supposed to be super duper serious. I just like the idea of the Tyrant being an absolute super murderer.
Yeah I already had the not-Skrag planned, seems like it's generally the better option to me.
One idea I've been throwing around in my head is taking away 3 of the ironguts and switching them for 6 more Ogors so I have more meat on the table.
>Tyrant 160
>Butcher 140
>6 Ogors 240
>6 Ogors 240
>3 Ironguts 220
>total: 1000
Would give me a bigger presence and allows me to spread out if the need arises but since Ironguts are sooooooooooo gooooooooooood I'm not sure which is better.