why can't space marines have girlfriends or boyfriends?
Why can't space marines have girlfriends or boyfriends?
Erectile non-function.
Because for every Astartes that decided to have a parter there'd be at least a dozen
>pic related
trying to exploit the SHIT out of their relationship as a means of drawing the Space Marine towards Chaos. Also, the lifestyles of Space Marines are highly regimented and monastic, which rarely leaves room for forming romantic bonds. They're indoctrinated, from day one, to put the destruction of the Emperor's enemies (and MAYBE the defense of his people) as their foremost priority.
Holy shit i traveled back in time
space marines are too busy doing space things
They don't have the time.
I mean, it's never explicitly said that they can't, and some people have argued that Salamanders and Space Wolves can in fact take partners, but honestly those are tenuous arguments at best.
The average space marine gets fifteen minutes of free time a day, and many get none at all. He is a hyper-zealous murder machine who was about ten years old when he was separated from normal imperial society. He spends almost his entire life in a starship travelling to a new warzone, and most likely is fuckugly after being horribly maimed by a tyranid.
It's unlikely most space marines would take partners even if they were allowed.
The jockmarines, whose recruiting world is a hive city sized high school do.
G8 B8 M8
Try again with something that hasn't been done to death.
All spaheh mehereenz are bfs and bff to each other user.
It's what battle BROTHERS mean
Because they have no sexual drive at all. Romantic relationships is pointless to them. The only ones that might have a sex drive are Slaanesh Space Marines like Emperor's Children and those are not the norm.
No sex drive left. Just duty.
Salamanders do not take partners. They are the immortal uncles of the tribes.
And wolves just bullshit around for good stories like the spess norse they are.
Bioware should make a Space Marine game
You're a real piece of shit, you know that?
But are they asshole uncles or nice uncles?
I'd rather they didn't
Because they are simply NOT INTERESTED IN IT.
And even if they had them, then dunno if their genitals would work. And in the case of those with girlfriends, also not knowing if their actual geneseeds are operational.
And no, this wouldn't result in a natural way of getting new Space Marines or even getting Female Space Marines due to the fact that they are biologically enhanced. Not actually genetically enhanced. If the latter was true, then it would be a violation of the human form.
Isn't there a Chaos God that governs sex? If so, the Space Marines might not do it out of fear of being corrupted by Chaos.
That or the Emperor engineered them to be asexual for that purpose.
No. There is a Chaos god called Slaanesh that governs excess and pleasure. He is really more about turning off the self-censure and make you do all kinds of stuff just to feel any kind of thrill. After worshipping Slaanesh long enough, sex will become boring because of the excess aspect and you will constantly have to find increasingly degenerate fetishes. Like eventually you need a bluewhale watching you fuck a baby through a twoway mirror just to get a boner.
Slaanesh is essentialy what happens when you use the Internet for too long.
Or develop a bad drug habit.
Worse, they're late night sneaky uncles...
>If the latter was true, then it would be a violation of the human form.
It is true.
The only reason it's accepted is because the Emperor Himself made said modifications, and nobody would dare tell the Emperor that he was wrong to do something. That is the ultimate blasphemy in the Imperial Cult.
I believe user was referring to the fact that Space Marines do not breed true.
There's a severe amount of gene therapy and surgery involved, but the modifications are not part of an active genome: It's more accurate to say they are biologically modified through genetic vectors than to say they are gene engineered.
You're not wrong though, they're mutants at best, and literally xenos at worst.
40k is about war, I don't give a fuck about a character's romantic interests because shit would turn into Twilight: Space Marine really fast. I'm glad they nixed that garbage at the bud, go read about love stories somewhere else faggot
I agree with you, but whenever this subject comes up "Salamanders have families!" is normally the first pro-relationship response.
... Although desu I wouldn't be surprised if the Space Wolves knobbed mortal women. It seems like the kind of thing they'd do at their big drunken feasts.
They're monks
Because their sexual desire completely dies. They are literally like children but in bodies built for war.
They are also supposed to be war monks.
>SJW the studio
No thank you
Their families are adoptive; you`re basically put with a sort of "foster family", so you won`t forget what you`re fighting for like so fucking many SM chapters do.
The Salamander helps farm and shit; not make babies.
>Makes female space marines rather than Sisters of battle
> Purge
> Purge
> Purge
Meh, they've done choices with less freedom than that.
>wolves just bullshit around for good stories like the spess norse they are.
Yfw SW don't actually know shit about sex but just add it to their sagas because they heard it can spice a story.
>Gay space marines
>Female lesbian space marines
>Transexuals space marines
I mean, if the main characters are slaneeshi maybe.
Because GW doesn't want to focus on it.
40k isn't really a well-fleshed out setting; it's more of a backdrop for battles of armies. Why do you think everything is so over the top? You wouldn't be able to get away with that with a more legitimate setting. The over the top grimdarkness is meant to just exemplify the feeling GW wants to give with this game - the universe is shit, and you're fighting to defend or destroy the last sparks of goodness before the light goes out.
Now, if they actually included more lore about love and dating and other things like that, not only are those things more for times of peace, but they detract from the grimdarkness of the setting. I know the grimdark is stupid, but even the idiots at GW know better than to try to undermine the stupid shit they're already shoving out and make it even worse for being half-assed.
Because that would upset the permavirgins who play 40k
Space marines are cuck property of the emperor's sand nigger gene seed. Cucks are not allowed to get laid. All space marines are indoctrinated to covet His sand nigger seed and the organs grown from it, which are implanted into their bodies.
>Fost families
Salamanders keep ties with the clans and familes they come from, and when they become space marines they go down and rule as the head of those clans.
Holy shit, that might actually work. Make the main characters part of the Emperor's Children so they can live out all their mutant-gender self-insert fantasies but constantly remind the player that they're Chaos and are, in fact, the villains who are quite literally trying to destroy the galaxy. And Chaosfags will be happy that they finally get top billing in something other than Black Crusade.
Everybody wins.
I could've sworn I'd read somewhere about space wolves keeping women. I just can't seem to figure out where.
I thought I'd seen a reference to salamanders being married as well. I may just be going crazy though. This is the internet.
>needing a girlfriend when you have an Emprah
Because they're hypno-indoctrinated to not feel any kind of reproductive impulses. Their only job is to fight, and having love affairs on the side would get in the way of that. Plus, with how strictly regimented their lifestyle is, I doubt there'd be time for relationships anyway.