ITT post the cringiest sections of RPG books.
Cringy Segments
Other urls found in this thread:
someone hasn't read the original Infernals splat for Exalted.
or the Lunar splat and it's extensive charm chart dedicated to breeding.
isnt this from cthulhutech?
Man, Lovecraft must be spinning in his grave...
Then go ahead and post 'em.
I was trying to limit it to mostly the absolute worst of any particular book, rather than 'the entire chapter 1 of Exalted Infernals' or 'all of Changing Breeds'.
I have, long ago, decided to stop criticizing Exalted.
I genuinely think it is one of the worst games ever conceived, a game you could spend an eternity listing everything wrong with it, but at the end of the day, it's a traditional game, so people should feel free to discuss it as much as they want here, even if I consider it and its influence to be gaming poison.
>ITT anything dealing with sex in RPG books
here's the illustrating comic to go with that lovely bit of text.
i'm still not sure how this got all the way to the public without someone thinking "hmm, maybe we shouldn't publish something describing child rape, and DEPICTING imminent child rape?"
>Lovecraftian setting
>get most well-looking and socially acceptable traits possible
He never asked for this.
"And maybe we shouldn't have another section later in the book with COMPETITIVE child rape?"
It's because it's never handled well. Pic related. Numenera is really cool, but this whole book was unnecessary.
Also all of Fursona, but I don't own that one.
Jesus fucking Christ, I'm glad I never picked up Exalted in the first place. This is as bad as fucking Carcosa for shit's sake.
Damn, author certainly has really weird content in his fap folder. Where is it from?
Because mowing people down with black market assault weapons is one thing, but you've gotta draw the line somewhere.
That's kinda true, isn't it?
Manual of Exalted Power:Infernals, a supplement for Exalted (2nd Edition).
I know that's supposed to be cringey, but I grinned a little because it's kinda fucking awesome.
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee demands Carcosa cringe now.
Well the lightest battle drug characters get in CP2020 is like super cocaine and the whole theme of the game is fucking up your body to get short term benefits
I doubt it, actually. If he was alive he wouldn't want to be associated with this shit, but he was big on the concept of basically all human morals and principles being transit fantasies and probably wouldn't be upset by weird sex stuff happening 100 years after his own death.
Cyberpunk's recreational drugs are ridiculously dangerous to the point where they don't seem commercially viable. For instance:
>Smash: Smash is 2020's answer to alcohol — it's yellow, foamy, and comes in cans. It makes you loose, happy and ready to party. The downside is that when it wears off, its psychological addiction component makes you suicidal. If you fail your addiction Save, you sink into total catatonia; a feebly mumbling ball of pain — a ripe target for some Booster looking for spare change.
Being preachy about drugs is awesome? Because chopping off limbs and replacing them with cybernetics is okay, but just say no to drugs, kids.
>Because chopping off limbs and replacing them with cybernetics is okay
No kid is dumb enough to think that if he chops his arm off he will get a better one with rocket launcher.
>DEPICTING imminent child rape?"
She's at least 18 by the year the comic depicts and probably in her early to mid 20s.
So she's a mentally shattered adult survivor of child rape who's about to be raped again. Which is much better, right?
She's mindbroken, there is no rape, technically.
> there is no rape, technically
You mean any sexual activity with her is rape because she can't give her consent?
>He doesn't drink until the hangover renders him a moaning ball of pain that can't remember his own name, let alone where he slept last night
>Every night
That's not how that works.
>you gaze into somebody's magical realm and it gazes back
To be fair to Exalted (Yes, I know), Infernals was A) a 'villain' splat, B) not that good anyway, and C) subject to a massive miscommunication that split the book in half between "Infernals are baby raping monster demon gods of edge out to skin the universe apart" and "Infernals are ultra dark byronic heroes with massive flaws that still might save the universe". All this shit is from the former parts, which the Exalted fanbase basically agreed to pretend never existed.
Exalted is still shit and its fanbase is just the fucking worst, but I felt the need to correct things anyway
No, It's because she is an insane rotting bloated sack of demon-soul fetuses, which mumbles curses and masturbates with lower demons while no one is watching.
IIRC it's dozen pages of meticulously described human sacrifices that have to be done in very specific way to fuel specific spells. It loses its shock value after second page.
Infernals was the best splat of the edition, easily.
And the first half was good.
>Because chopping off limbs and replacing them with cybernetics is okay
Did you even skim through the manual? Doing stuff like that makes your characters literally go crazy.
Page one of the bullshit. It continues for like a third of the book.
Jesus fuck what the hell?
And yet there's no "just say no to cybernetics" disclaimer.
what the
what the fuck am i looking at
Honestly? I'm cringing more at the standardized fantasy heartbreaker tone and vocabulary more than the autistically detailed human sacrifices. This shit might be neat in a game where binding and banishing eldritch horrors was a key game activity. And it wasn't quite so obsessively detailed. And it wasn't a third of the book.
You're right, after all illegal bionic limb market is causing a lot of damage to society since the last Corporate War.
No disclamers about using guns and mind hacking viruses either!
Are you really so butt hurt that an rpg said "drugs are bad"?
Look at the prior and subsequent posts with texts about Lillun. That's what you're looking at. And then
Its part of a late 00's Whitewolf villain spaltbook.
>standardized fantasy heartbreaker
What is it with some people and adopting the jargon of every half-baked podcast they run across as if it's common parlance?
>In a really kinda Pink Mohawk cyberpunk game
Someone post that White Wolf bit about pronouns
Or any of the *World shit about X Cards and triggers
Of fucking course.
Lesson 1 for authors in fantasy, whether novels or RPGs: don't try to write like Dunsany or Vance just because you've read them. On that path lies incompetence.
"Fantasy heartbreaker" is a pretty old term by now. Sorry you haven't paid attention to game design since the '90s.
I like how the only dude has to be drawn from the back to avoid alien dong.
I originally encountered the term in a 90's gaming magazine which was talking about most of them being D&D + writer's "cool" houserules. The term is older than podcasts.
>"Fantasy heartbreaker" is a pretty old term by now
Which fell out of use and now raises brows. Whenever I see it being used about relatively modern games I assume poster is younger than he wants us to believe.
I personally like the Infernals a LOT.
This is because Infernals are meant to be horrible villains or really warped 'heroes' (i.e. heroes in their own mind.)
All this horrible shit is because the overriding reason for creating the Infernals is spite. They pick for people who could have been heroes, yes, but they're picking for people who are full of spite over not being chosen. As an Infernal, your appropriate mindset would be a superpowered school shooter.
A Solar backstory is something like you went up against your asshole of a brother when he tried to take the girl that you love. He's Dragon-blooded, you're not, you're going to make a stand anyway.
An Infernal Exaltation is that you fought dirty, you got your ass beat down like the bitch you are, then you come back with horrible powers and blight everyone to death, stalking from room to room wrecking as much havoc as possible. Then you rape the girl into insanity and flee, laughing, into the night. In your own mind you're just paying them all back for denying you what should have been yours.
Or after you get booted from command because you were taking bribes all these years and outshone by the guy who's clearly superior at his job, you come back and open the gates to the barbarian horde that proceeds to burn and kill and pillage everything. You lead them, and you laugh and laugh while you do it.
>Then you rape the girl into insanity and flee, laughing, into the night.
Or you sweep her off her feet with your awesome power, make her fall head over heels for you and then you just forget her.
I guess I got told. Well, better to be ashamed and educated than angry and ignorant.
I first encounter that term like a decade ago on the forge. What makes you think whatever podcast you listen to is the be all shitty end all?
Official adventure text from James Jacob, the big cheese of Pathfinder
Holy fuck, what an asshole.
See this shit? Never write anything before wanking off.
Does picking stuff from FATAL count as cheating?
In fairness to him, it's supposed to be a 2edgy4u module that advertises the Book of Vile Darkness.
Surprisingly, the only thing that stopped other "mature" adventures was reader fallout.
>Teleport abduction
>But only when it's convenient for them!
Oh god. It burns.
He knew exactly what he was writing
Damn, this thread goes far beyond my casual comprehension. Where is it from?
How did you get onto Veeky Forums without being able to read?
What is this from?
>Which fell out of use and now raises brows.
user, you can just say "I didn't know that". You're anonymous, there's no need to make yourself look better online. You didn't realize the term was older than you, and that's OK.
Stop posting any time, newfriend. Maybe, go read the Forge whence it came from.
And remember, kids: stay in school.
I'm not the one who referred to a 14-year-old essay as a "half-baked podcast".
As other posters have stated, the term was already in use before 2002. It's fine that you're upset (that's a typical reaction to being shown your beliefs are incorrect), but namecalling doesn't do anything to help your case.
>I'm not the one who referred to a 14-year-old essay as a "half-baked podcast".
Neither am I. Take your time.
Porphyry House Horror from Dungeon Magazine.
loling at black sumo
>assault weapons
Yes, that's the article that people in this thread agree was not the first use of the term "fantasy heartbreaker".
You're not very good at arguing right now, but like all things in life, you'll probably get better at it as you get older.
Is there any, you know, official art of this?
>The attacks are being caused by a traumatized Gulguthydra
Okay, sounds inter-
>that was captured and polymorphed into a human woman and forced to serve in the Porphyry House.
Wizards. Not even once.
>Nobody posting Kender
Fear not, maybe next time you will come up with something beyond baseless assumptions and empty references
Where do you even begin with this?
I regret posting that. And yes, it did have poorly-rendered CGI "art". It's from the same guys who did the Fursona books for Pathfinder.
what's it called?
i have to see some of this shit
The hieroglyphs right from the picture are called latin alphabet. Legends are, that if someone read them one-by-one, they compile into something comprehensive.
pic comes from a page (528) of my copy of the pdf chosen at random using Using FATAL is definitely cheating.
There's none of that in Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, Sagas of the Icelanders, Monster of the Week, The Sprawl, Black Stars Rise, Worlds in Peril...
Maybe you mean Monsterhearts, since it sounds like it'd have that.
Monsterhearts doesn't even have that in the book AFAIK. The website does link to an essay about playing safely, called 'Safe Hearts' but it's not in the main book.
FATAL is ez mode.
I've always found the "Play like you gotta pair" page from Warmachine to be pretty cringe-y
That's so stupid it's even fun.
Pathfinder's Fursona splat is almost pure cringe, the ant-men and a bear dude save it from 100% shit.
I'm going to be honest here, the ones on the left don't seem particularly out of the ordinary. The top one is just pcplans.jpg, the middle one is stock demon backstory #7, and the bottom is exactly as the text describes: disturbing.
I can't seem to find PDFs of Myfarog, but Varg's digressions about 'Sunlight Vitamins' and how the people of Thule are much healthier without vaccinations are particularly awkward, even for Myfarog.
user doesn't know anything except that "*World games are SJW", and since X-cards are SJW, all *World games must talk about X-cards
1 ounce of cobra venom can't kill 13 men can it?
Depends on a cobra, but generally easily.
>Fursona books for Pathfinder.
>May be triggered
Holy fuck this is literally Dumblr tier shit
This is like some daemonculubla shit
Fursona is a splat for Pathfinder. In fact it was featured as the Splat of the month in their online magazine the month it came out. It is made of cringe and furfaggotry.
Have a template from it.