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first for prunes edition

First for MEMEnoth.

Can I use Amon Ad-Raza and 7 castigators throw my opponents Jacks/ Beasts out of the way followed by throwing Amon at their caster .

I guess? Why not just punch them to death instead of going with a wonky plan that will probably fall apart?

>Bane Knights losing weapon master for brutal charge is a buff

I don't think I've ever hear anyone argue that.

They'd be dead wrong if they did.

It's a buff to other factions
checkmate nerds

Just run 8 Crusaders and kill everything.

So, aren't we supposed to get the errata today?

>it'll just read: "MK3 was a joke"

>E-Early April fools guys!
>Real Mk3 will be out in two months

I would die of laughter.

>8 crusaders
No thanks. I don't want to spend 3 rounds killing a single unit of kriel warriors

>implying people play trolls in Mk3

There aren't enough single-wound medium-base models for the Castigator to shine over the Crusader when spammed.

It's a negligible nerf since they also went down in cost.

It's not a nerf. It's a rebalance.

Portip guide to buffs, nerfs, and rebalances:

Buff: Something goes up

Nerf: Something goes down

Re-balance: Things go up and down

anyone have a link to the trollblood deck pdf?

in return, all the other pdfs:


Units in other factions only got better, so Cryx units getting re-balanced means they got nerfed by default.

Legion player here. I haven't had the time to read through all the changes; can anyone tell me how do the following beasts fare with the new rules?
(They're my favourite models and I'd love to keep using them/start using them more)
>Nephilim Soldier and Protector

>units in other factions only got better

Cryx has been better in everything all along, so shut your bitchy hole.


I got the leaks only.

Please feel free to update your folder.

Khardic. Jetpacks. When?

When PP jumps the shark again.

Wow, you're a salty cunt this morning.

>salty cunt
>Cryx player

No need to be redundant, user.

I detect large amounts of sodium, likely a buildup from lachrymation as a result of approximately 3,300 newtons of force applied directly to the posterior.

The changes Cryx took were mostly nerfs but there WERE a few buffs. Especially their jacks, the vast majority of which are strictly better or vastly improved. I for one am very pleased that the Shrike is now worth taking.

As a change its a net zero, imo since on the charge the damage is comprable. Less oppertunities for spikes.

The free strike and vengence damage is less, however you can more easily get backstrike bonuses I guess. For me the damage on vengence was always a plus, I really am more interested in the movement

Its a spray that needs a landing zone.

Raek is neat. Got extended control range. Animus grants counter-charge.
I heae archangel is usable now but i dont own one so i havent looked. Soldier is still crap even if he's just 9 points. Protector is stepping into shedders place as auto include to keep casters safe, still have safeguard but also got guarddog. No idea about teraph.

I look forward to seeing Venethrax jack spam.

Bags and bags of TERMINAL VELOCITY.

Really sad to see Mortenebrah lose that.

Tell me please, dear anons, the date of MK III release is today June 29 or not?

It's not perfect, but it's ridiculously accurate now and I've had some fantastic games with it using the Witch Coven- Infernal Machine makes it SPD 9 giving it a 12 inch trample that rolls 4 dice to hit. It helps to be able to cut a medium-base sized line through someone's infantry block that I can ghost walk a scavenger through. Plus, if I can line up the trample over a solo or UA I can boost the damage since it tramples for free.

Is the shrike the best? no. However now it's actually good at what it is supposed to do.

Yes, my store apparently got at least a third of the distributor's entire stock of the new battle boxes (which are really fucking good), by which I mean he managed to get about 4 copies of each box. Several dozen to a hundred stores ordered a few hours too late on the first day and got nothing.

Same cost, statline, weapons
Gained Extended Control Range (control range x2 regarding this beast)
Traded 2 cost parry animus for 'still as death' a 1 cost, SELF counter charge animus.

Lost a point of speed,
Blight blast gained two inches of range and an inch of AOE, now has critical cont. fire
Gained a bite initial attack 0.5RNG 11P+S
Tailstrike gained critical poison

>Nephilim Soldier
0.5 Mk2 points cheeper
Lost a point of strength
Massacre animnus is now cheeper and SELF and grants overtake
Weapon gained precision strike (choose column damage goes into)

>Nephilim Protector
Lost Set Defense of Halberd
Traded Safeguard animus for Ornery 1 cost SELF gains Retaliatory Strike (if hit by enemy melee during opponents turn, get a basic melee against that model)
Traded Shield Guard for Guard Dog (while within 3 of warlock while not KD or stat warlock gains parry and +2DEF vs melee and cannot be back struck)

1.5 mk2 points cheaper
Gained a SPD and RAT
Dragon Breath is ROF d3+1 instead of being the strafe special attack (no long requiring targeting nearby models, just d3+1 initials)
All melee weapons now RNG2
Animus now 1 cost instead of 2
Traded Ride By for Deceptively Mobile (essentially reposition 3")

>All melee weapons now RNG2
Sorry, forgot that colossal/gargant weapons were always 2" anyways.

Many thanks good sir

Its p great.

(Morghoul 1) Master Tormentor Morghoul [+30]
- Bronzeback Titan [18]
- Titan Gladiator [14]
- Agonizer [7]
Tyrant Zaadesh [4]
- Cyclops Brute [8]
- Cyclops Brute [8]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [20]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [4]
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [4]

Just memed all over someone hard with this. Admittedly it was a Khador player whose only heavy was a Behemoth that he left a little too close to my Bronzeback, but threatening an entire flank with Zaadesh and his Brutes felt good. Fortunately the person who did terrain dumped a forest in the middle of the battlefield that I could drop a smoke cloud next to and approach behind. Also, the Master Tormentor is fucking filthy if you can get it inside a forest that's near small infantry. You can hide over 3" inside so can't be seen, then in your turn Apparition forward and charge out of the forest. The Bronzeback is shit but there's nothing better if you actually want to hit your target consistently.

I've wanted this shit for fucking weeks but since I got the Mk3 update for WHAC, you can fuck off with your awful timing.

I thought WHAC was still updating?


so... never done this before.

where do I drop it in my phone?

If you're on android, just download and open. You'll have to turn on allowing third-party apps first.

I have not used that link, so I can't tell you if it's a virus or something.

>OP is literally mindbreak
have some decency, man!

Quality app.

Also, has anyone had any luck with getting War room 2 to cooperate between iOS and Android? I have the decks purchased on my ipad, but the purchases aren't showing up on my android phone.

am i allowed to come out of the shadows with my khador now without having to play butcher3 or sorscha?

Yeah khadors in a good spot now

>Best faction in the game

If you like Vlad, you are in for a good time.

irusk 2 / karchev good now? haven't gotten around to reading the core rules yet, just playing around in the army builder reading cards

which vlad? i enjoyed 1 and always wanted to try 3, but hated vlad2 playstyle

Vlad 3 is still not in great shape, Vlad1 is in a good place now and Vlad2 this edition is just insane.

Irusk 2 is in a good place now like Vlad1, Karchev has improved massively but I'm not sure he is going to be tourny worthy.

Karchev is playable, but I don't think they pair well at all.

I'm not really a tourney guy, the cryx faggots around my area made them unbearably boring during mk2. I just like to play fun casters.

what makes vlad2 so great this time around?

Vlad2 has free upkeep, Thresher and Righteous Vengeance gained. He now has lost defensive strike. MoK activates sooner and Assail costs 1 less.

upkeep removals are weaker so he's not losing transference or hand of fate not anytime soon. gained a free upkeep with great power.

The overboost mechanic change also means that he can willy nilly boost with transference with less fear.

Irusk2 is probably the best caster in the game.

Was that female mechanic Mercenary a Lock n Load exclusive, as in not for general release?

The lock and load model was an esclusive alternate sculpt; Colbie is getting a regular release at some point.

She's a general release that's really far away.

She's not even that good.

Sculpt was, she's get another one for general release.

Convergence player here, I'm a bit of a newbie to the game so take out your worst insults.

What do people think about Lucant this edition? Watcher... got changed, not exactly nerfed or buffed from my perspective, but it works more as intended I suppose.
The Purification change... eh, a lot harder to put at work, but I suppose I've seen worse.
Deflection feels... bad, but probably it's just because I'm salty about paying 3 focus for +2 defense.

Lucant is still good. purification honestly wasn't a big deal on him and the replacement only misses out on continuous effects, something he cares very little about.

no insults here, brother

Watcher took a strict nerf- previously it did not expire if you moved but did not make an attack, so you could have a warjack move an absurd distance before making that initial attack if something triggered the spell many times.

I agree with you on Deflection- I feel it is a very big downgrade. Most models in Convergence couldn't care less about +2 DEF- our average is 10-12 for Vectors and infantry and there is minimal difference between DEF 10 and DEF 12.

I would disagree with in that Purification seems like a big deal- having to remove upkeeps with the melee weapons of your warjacks is vastly inferior.

I think Lucant went from one of our best casters to one of our worst. Might be a good time to try out someone else.

So is menoth still playable?

Raek also lost an 1" on its tail, down to 1" range.

Oh darn, that is bad.

Eeeerrr. Hmm. He seems good but when I think of S rank I think of casters that broke fundamental ways the game was supposed to be played. Like ridiculous power skew, or stupid comboes.

A rank for sure but Im not sure if thats worth the title of the best.

It's a jack-heavy edition. Menoth is still the best non-CoC faction at running jacks. Menoth is good now and people will bitch about them incessantly once the Revelator hits.

He has a shooting buff, he has a defensive buff, he has a damage buff, his one shitty nuke actually pastes stealth solos from miles away, his feat is also one of the few things left in the game that doesn't give a fuck about forests.

The new focus system means that he can spend nearly his entire stack and still be fine with 1 or 2 camp.

Irusk is basically new Haley 2.

>people will bitch about them incessantly once the Revelator hits.
Its going to be pretty degenerate

what kind of list do you build? 2 jacks + pikeman blob?

Behemoth's all you need, pikemen, Kayazy, riflecorp with rocketeers.

Redpill me on Minions, fa/tg/uys. I'm a noob Gator player, and I'd rather not have to buy a ton of pigs to play competitively. Is there still a way I can run almost entirely gators??

Yes... run almost entirely gators.

The amalgamated faction thing is a windfall to existing minions players, but Gators are still good.

So apparently what passes for optimism in Skorne is "wait for the Themes".

>this isn't how you add new players guys

Who cares? The wm spam playstyle is dead in mk3 for everyone. It's not like you'll be seeing doomies or exemplars in top tournament spots. Too much shooting around and not enough points to spam infantry.

Lucant took some hits, but he still feels pretty good.

Deflection I was pretty annoyed with, but at the same time, it's giving Lucant some game against stuff he didn't have before. It puts 90% of your stuff in that 7s to hit range against a lot of debuff casters, which forces a boost, and for players still running magic denial like Druids or Kittens, it takes you from 6s to 8s a lot of the time, which is incredibly useful.

Watcher did take a straight nerf, but I can't say I can complain too much. The kind of bullshit you could pull with Watcher was absolutely absurd against melee heavy armies, and given Lucant's already built in ranged hate, it was pretty disgusting.

Dissolution doesn't feel too bad, all things said. Corollary can knock enemy upkeeps off your shit with little issue, and while it doesn't help against DEF boosting upkeeps, it's benefits against the now more common ARM buffs are great.

What I'm trying to figure out right now is how Lucant benefited from the jack changes. Galvanizers especially: bringing 5 galvanizers instead of a full unit of Recips + Foundries is now cheaper, and there's a lot of benefits to doing so. It's a question of the meta shake out: Will their ARM16/22 Boxes be enough that you only lose 1-2 of them on the way in, or will your opponent just cream them?

Mostly now, Lucant has to be much more careful in how he pops his feat. Before you could just depend on Decel to get you there, and pop when you were already in their faces, but with the gunlines now, I don't know if that's really possible anymore. Of course, if those gunline lists take a hit, then Lucant will come out shining, so who knows.

Am I the only Skorne player who doesn't feel weak right now?

Yep, mk3 Khador is basically mk2 Cryx pre eGaspy/eDenny nerf.

Shit, it'd be better if they'd just fake it for a little while even if so. It is something of a deathspiral when it gets going.

>Irusk is basically new Haley 2
No he's not. Aside from power up he's shittier than he was in mk2.

>feat doesn't stop charges or orders
>no pathfinder spell
>no going through models on artifice
No ways to outplay anything anymore. Just assemble a big brick and hope you roll your tough checks.

Khador is top tier faction in mk3, but Irusk2 is far from best caster in it.

Riddle me this:
Why did the faction with the best gunlines/jackspam also keep the best wm infantry?

That's about the only thing other than some magic releases unlocking the faction.

Right now Skorne bricks pretty well between arm23 heavies after agonizer and Orin helping with control a bit. That's basically caster independent.

I would argue that Ret has the best gunlines, and Convergence has the best jack spam.

That depends, how often do you play into eKreuger or Harbinger? Those are more mk2 silver bullets, but some of the gun lines from ret, Cygnar, and khador look pretty back breaking

There's the option for in-faction gunlines now. Venators got good, or at least well-costed.

What exactly do you think is the best WM infantry? Doomies are good at mass Carnage but Banes and Knights Exemplar are better at smashing a heavy. I haven't seen them on the table yet but Knights Exemplar with that new UA looks really scary.

Am I the only Rhulic and Menoth player who feels confident about the changes our factions received?

You're a rude dude user.

does anyone make fan Warcasters?

I made a few based on myself and my friends

>Private Sage
>In life a paragon of justice and protector of Ios the long dead Warcaster was risen as a mindless ghoul. Upon eating the mind of a young elven warcaster his memories came flooding back to him. The necromancers that raised him still controlled him and found it amusing to let the puppet control warjacks. While he wages a war against all he holds dear he plans his escape. But with every battle his soul grows a little darker.
>spells involve moving other units cheap damage and slowing down enemies
>feat "Whites of Their Eyes" makes all your warjacks melee attacks 12" for a turn

>Prince Maximillian Launche
>The 6th son of a Lord in the frozen waste Max was doomed to obscurity until one of his many tantrums caused a warjack to come to life. While this led to the loss of his leg it didn't deter the self styled prince from achieving his destiny of becoming a legendary hero of the empire.
>spells all involve hitting better or more damage
>feat "Tantrum" all enemy models within 24" inches of Prince Maximillian Launche are knocked down.

That dakar eh?

Very much so. The nerfs to the choir and Vassals hurt, along with most of our jacks remaining MAT 6.

However, our Warcasters were pretty much buffed across the board with only 1 maybe 2 exceptions. All of our old, crappy character jacks are now fairly amazing. We still have some very good infantry choices.

I have a few gripes, but otherwise Protectorate is in a really good spot.

He's pretty fucking good.

Granted, he no longer has Mord's spell list, but still.

sure do.
Although I didn't get into the faction for hard denial but rather for being powered up for having my dudes killed, so I may be biased

Dakar looks awesome in and of itself. I think the complaint is that the faction wasn't in such a good place that they couldn't have just kept what they had and made the Venators good on top of it.

If the idea was that skrone players wouldn't need those things anymore (and they very well may not) and can move on to better things in-faction, it backfired heavily though. Faction-wide demoralization doesn't appeal to anybody.

Don't use the term "redpill,". It's fucking stupid in this context.

Caliban and Rask seem really good and everyone else remains good. You got faction-wide buffs. Only the posse got nerfed

>Don't use the term "redpill,". It's fucking stupid in this context.