What are cards are you nerds hoping to see?
Personally waiting on more Spirits junk.
MTG Eldritch Moon spoilers: 'Someone please play Triskaidekaphobia' edition
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Pauper viable commons.
>Sacrifice Soul Seperator
Oh come on, this is pure "Please try to break me" jank. It'd be shit people would love to play either way, why not make it repeatable? That said, how would using this on a creature with P/T * work? Does the spirit become *+1/*+1 while the zombie dies?
i think it just overrides the 1/1
I want a freaking good two drop for Green Stompy!! Kalonian tusker should be on its way to retire!
Target Sun Titan for repeatable spirits with vigilance and 6/6 beaters.
Having to sacrifice it is a huge turn off. They could have at least lowered the activation cost to 3 or 2.
combos with the new tree i guess... still pretty jank though
I want to put a baby inside Gisa!
A whole live baby? Who are you, Geralf?
I see start to see a pattern here.
You must be the gaylord who putted a few babies inside this thing!
No, a dead one.
My man!
More G/W Delirium for my silly deck. A few Black demons would also be nice.
706.8d When applying a copy effect that doesn’t copy a certain characteristic, retains an original value for a certain characteristic, or modifies the final value of a certain characteristic, any characteristic-defining ability (see rule 604.3) of the object being copied that defines that characteristic is not copied.
You get a 1/1 Tarmogoyf.
They decided on this ruling when Quicksilver Gargantuan was printed, stating you will get a 7/7 Tarmogoyf if you were to copy it too.
Similarly, if you were to have a copy spell that said "Except it's blue" and copied Transguild Courier, it would only be blue.
>Geralf claimed he named Grimgrin after Gisa
It fits.
Seriously Wizards ?
Emrakul on its way to Mt. Saint Michel ?
SERIOUSLY ?? I swear it's not shopped
It's similar, but why is that really a problem?
As good a model for Thraben as any.
I gotta admit I wasn't feeling this deck until the Mad Scientists started to save the day.
Hoping to see a gitrog twisted card, though were horrors already twisted by emrakul before emy arrived?
>dat geralf and gisa card
Literally one of the best sets ever, only "muh maritshit" retards keep bitching.
I was disappointed with the Emrakul reveal, but almost every card except for the Promised End has been A grade.
> wanted only a few cards from shadows
> want nearly everything spoiled so far
My fucking wallet.
When's the last time a plane's problems were solved internally rather than by planeswalkers butting in?
I want to say it's technically Alara, since Ajani can be counted as "internally" part of it. Discounting that, it would make it fucking Lorwyn though, wouldn't it?
Not a problem in particular, but it's a straight up copy. That doesn't even seem natural. It feels completely disconnected from the rest of the picture.
But I can't imagine Thraben when I see this. Maybe I'm too familiar with this edifice. Has there ever been something similar ? (ie real world landscape copypasted to mtg pics)
Lately we just don't get "plane's problems solved" at all.
Oath of the Gatewatch was the last positive ending note in a long, long time.
This could be really annoying. Pretty sure this sort of ties in with Engulf the Shore from Shadows?
god that cgi blows, liliana is the only decent looking thing here.
Well, it's not great art in any case. There's photobashing all over and Emrakul is just badly textured.
Pic related
Whatever that is, I think it's the Stromkirk god; which could still be part of this set.
Wow, that's a great card if emerge ends up as an abusable mechanic.
Read this as "Elder Deep-Fried" at first glance.
Couldn't you technically keep recasting another copy with Emerge to prevent your opponent from using his lands at all?
Innistrad's was more or less in good shape at the end of Avacyn Restored. Unfortunately, it got some new problems.
Avacyn Restored and Dragon's Maze weren't that long ago user.
Granted, Dragon Maze didn't feel like it properly wrapped up anything cardwise, but lorewise the plane got saved from guild war winter
The Emerge cost only reduces the colorless part of the Emerge cost, so you always have to pay at least UU to Emerge this particular creature.
Sacrificing a creature to pay for an emerge cost can only pay for generic mana. You'd still need to pay 2U.
>implying magic artist don't trace the shit out of things
I'm too tired.
Yeah I know, what I was saying is that you can keep recasting it for only 2 blue mana and basically lock your opponent lands.
>play a 3 drop the gives you value on ETB
>T4 draw, land, go
>Sac 3 drop and flash this in on their upkeep, tapping down their lands
Seems alright.
How would you keep recasting it?
Wasn't their a zombie that has "when it enters the battlefield put a 1/1 white spirit with flying into play...and 1B discard two cards, return this card from your'e graveyard to battlefield tapped...
I thought I've seen it in German somewhere?
You could only keep casting it as many times as you have copies of it, unless you can recur them somehow.
Avacyn Restored was more "a return to the shitty status quo" than particularly happy, in my eyes
>The zombie on the left
>St. Traft
>Traft aura
Why does Innistrad have so many Stands?
Stands are cool.
Really? That's it? I thought I was missing some synergy that turned two copies into a repeatable engine.
because punchghosts are ghosts
Night side?
>Killed Mikaeus and turned him into a zombie
>Thalia is a heretic
>Killed Avacyn
>Mutated Gisela and Bruna into a fucked up horror
>Odric is MIA
>All of the remaining Cathars and Lunarch's forces are just getting destroyed systematically
Is Innistrad just Fuck White: The Plane? Is this Wizards' revenge for New Phyrexia?
Eldrazi side.
Eldrazi vamp all up in this bitch
I wonder when we are going to see any cards depicting the Eldrazi being attacked or killed by anything else that is on innistrad
Living organics can't stand up to Emrakul, who twists living matter.
Zombies are just moving dead matter.
Holy shit, that's a strong effect.
Some nice looking legs on the front side, shame they have to ruin the block with "eldrazi monstrosities again XD".
I like old Innistrad, new innistrad is just zendikar again.
The noosegraf zombies in the non promo art are swarming an eldrazi horse
That card is great but damn the neck on that girl.
Masturbate BEFORE posting, not while.
Pretty strong pick in limited.
This is getting predictable. Where my non-corrupted cathars/werewolves/vampires at?
Fuck off already.
That's kind of expensive, but not bad. It's removal resistant.
The Cursemute made Werewolves into guardian Wolfir instead or cured them completely. The humans were in a much better position than they started.
>muh bland faceless motiveless villians are da bestest eva!
Go back to MTGS, the eldrazi circle jerk and wizards shills are liked over there.
How do the werewolf fans feel about this?
Add to that it left off with Gisa imprisoned and Griselbrand dead too.
Thank god at least one card exists
Heres your werewolf support ;P
- MaRo
I'm glad there's a new way to transform werewolves but I'm afraid it will only be for Eldrazi werewolves
>Has two dudes and a goat growing out of her
>Innards as a dress
>Fanged mouth for a knee
I love this art, much better than loltentacles.
>Avacyn comes back, humanity now has an insanely powerful vanguard against vampires and zombies in the form of Avacyn herself and the angels she keeps sweating out
>Cursemute means that all of the werewolves who wanted to be saved could become werewolf heroes rather than mindless beasts, and the remaining few were to be mopped up eventually
>Griselbrand got his ass killed by Liliana, who fucked off somewhere irrelevant due to not caring about anything anymore
>Thalia still alive, Odric still alive, most Cathars who were combat-functional are now tempered by years of non-stop war and things have cooled down to an insane degree compared to what they used to be
>Gisela, Sigarda, and Bruna ALL are alive and well, AND fighting on all fronts
It was a pretty damn good ending to things.
Pretty good. One thing existing werewolf decks need is instant speed mana sinks so that they aren't casting spells but still doing something decent. All of these seem pretty decent for that purpose, definitely want to see how they fit in my werewolf deck.
Well, they at least got rid of the shitty werewolf transform mechanic.
Shut the fuck up autistic mongoloid and go away.
There was also Withengar and apparently Ormendahl and who knows how many other demons set loose.
>lalala shut up I can't hear you lalala
What a child you are, no wonder big dumb timmy creatures and retarded hot topic monsters appeal to you.
Get a room.
>this was all a plot to get as much living matter together so Emrakul could make herself a dress to impress/seduce Jace
Literally kill yourself you autistic subhuman piece of shit.
So this is the vamp that Olover Hayfield met ouside the Hanweir Gate
So they finally fixed weres, at the same time they ruined them and made them totally different creatures. It's almost like wizards likes to make me upset
It's almost like they don't give a shit about autistic children.
Hopefully those two get together with the Necromancer Squad and Olivia's army and dropkick Emrakul the fuck out of the plane (and storyline).
Is this really a fix? They cost so much to transform.
And is that why you're so bitter? Not getting what you want?