Tundra civ ep.71

Welcome everyone, new and old players alike! This is Tundra civ, a civ thread series in a fictional, non-fantasy setting where you play as the rulers of the White Republic, a nation in a world similar to our own.
Previously on Tundra civ:

Our technology is now comparable to Earth in the early-mid 1990s. Most recently, we focused on scientific advancement and our space program, hosted the first new Grand Tournament in Victory City and dealt with terrorists from the recently annexed Pajashian Archipelago.
As per the decisions in the last turn we had yesterday, the government has commisioned software experts to design programs for military and educational purposes, in the form of simulators and the trendy new "Video games"
It is the year 1230 After the Exile now - three decades have passed since the end of the war against the Spirelords.
>Population:206 000 000 (81% white, 12 % chink,1%hibibi, 5%darkskin,1% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 20 200 000 Eyerdar 19 000 000 Veita 19 600 000 Ocras
>Trade and services:9/10
>Political stability:9/10

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot me options

>A.Improve economy
>B.Culture & Religion
>D.Improve military
>E.Improve navy
>F.Government & Laws
>G.Research & Development
>H.Diplomacy & War

There was a good discussion after I left in the last thread. I'm mostly done with the conceptual design of the upcoming fantasy civ(races, gods and starting lore).
The first choices the players would have to make will be
>Starting location

There'll be at least 10 playable races.
4 eras to choose from. For the humans, the first era would be roughly copper age tribes and early civilizations, while the 4th would be a high medieval level. Starting from the 1st era will give you less starting knowledge, but you'll have more options in how you shape your civilization in the future and much of the world will still be unsettled.

>G.Research & Development

Looking forward to it, a single question though, how strong and common will magic be?

Sound like fun.

G.Research & Development

Magic works differently for different races.
Multiple forms of magic exist based on how the power is achieved, but I won't spoil it now.
Generally there's eight tiers of magical capability and every person belongs to one of them. I'll try to keep it all balanced - powerful spells come at a certain cost.

R&D time
We're currently working at maximum capacity on our space program, so choose one or two other projects to advance
B.Military tech
C.Industrial technology(consumer products, production boost)
D.Nuclear power
E.Green power
F.Other idea

>E.Green power

>D.Nuclear power
>E.Green power
Even if green power don't work well in the early stages let's invent in it a bit.
So we can get solar power in space from the sun.

My question Bulgar is could their be multiple races in the nation?
For example human and elfs.
That is to say enough time passed and the races encounter one another, while on good terms. Couldn't the factions if they agree allow to some humans in their elf nation.

changed to E AND D

E and D

Anything goes, what we pick at the start is what we start with - if, for example, we choose humans and we conquer the halflings, they can be part of our nation if we allow it - we could have halfling factions or halfling faction members etc.
The thing I'm not ready with yet is how exactly the faction system would work.
One possibility is to have all players take names/trips and play as characters within the factions - said characters could personally go on adventures etc. etc.
Another possibility is to have the factions be like mini civs within the greater civ that can interact with each other and external powers, sort of like in Risk threads.

D & E
We've had some green power capabilities for a while, but we've now decided to improve them and use them more widely - solar power is indisposable in space. Wind and water have powered our generators for a long time, but other power sources are now being discovered as well - geothermal is believed by many to be the future of renewable energy, for instance.
Nuclear power has also become a more viable source of energy - many of the older petroleum producing regions have or will soon hit "Peak oil" - while the day the oil wells dry up is still far away, it doesn't hurt to have energy independence and a diversified energy market.
Current reactors use nuclear fission, but scientists believe that in the coming decades, studying the Spirelord remnants will allow us to make use of nuclear fusion - their own major power sources are believed to have been such.

>Population:208 000 000 (81% white, 12 % chink,1%hibibi, 5%darkskin,1% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 20 500 000 Eyerdar 19 200 000 Veita 19 800 000 Ocras
>Trade and services:9/10
>Political stability:9/10

>A.Improve economy
>B.Culture & Religion
>D.Improve military
>E.Improve navy
>F.Government & Laws
>G.Research & Development
>H.Diplomacy & War

If your going to do to do it in /qst then we get our own ID like in pol.
But for the faction idea if we start out in stone age we could start as characters but as time process we could just be the faction itself. Since this is a new thing I really don't know what will work best. But I'll be there with you.

Let's improve our standard in living and invest in building up the cities.

>B.Culture & Religion

>C. Construction
Make a wonder

I haven't been here since Duke Nukem crashed the Spirelords ship and brought an end to the world war. Can someone tell me what's happened since?

We rebuild, help the vets, improve our tech have a space station. Where the first to land on the moon. Their was terrorists which we bombed to hell and took over NPU islands. We didn't go to war, and we still get along with other nations. We had the Olympics, some terrorist attack we took care of them. Rebuild the ranger wonder to be held up by two solider from the past and end of the war. Also made video games about our history.

Starting from the earliest era would be a start without factions - players would represent community leaders, elders and such - as civilization and culture advances, groups will form and factions will rise.
We destroyed the Spirelords - a fifth of the world population was lost, along with many major cities - three decades have now passed and we've rebuilt, improved our technology and become rich again. A short war was fought against the surviving human soldiers in the Spirelord army, who attempted to carve a nation of their own out of the NPU lands. More recently, rebels in the NPU's ocean territories were causing troubles for everyone, so we attacked the Pajashian Archipelago where they were based - we annexed the four islands, which caused an international crisis as the NPU wanted them back, but that has since been resolved - we hold the islands still, but military presence in that ocean has been limited by a treaty.
We're mostly focused on space exploration now, we've got a working Space Station, have landed a man on the moon and rovers on solid ground elsewhere. We're around 1996 in tech.

What major construction project should we undertake?
A.Military bases, fortifications
B.Industrial construction, both resources and manufacturing
C.Improve the quality of life in cities
D.Improve infrastructure and smaller settlements along with it
E.A new wonder

>C.Improve the quality of life in cities
>D.Improve infrastructure and smaller settlements along with it

All of our industrial is at 9 so let's improve our cities and our country overall. This will help the economy as people will be happier.

Thanks guys. Also we're at 1996 which is when the first Independence Day movie was released.

C.Improve the quality of life in cities
D.Improve infrastructure and smaller settlements along with it

>C.Improve the quality of life in cities
>D.Improve infrastructure and smaller settlements along with it

Rolled 54, 54 = 108 (2d100)

Fuck it, don't want to post another New York skyline picture, so someone else get me a good-looking late 90s city pic.

We've focused our efforts on improving living standarts across the nation - both urban and rural.

Rolling for internal and external development

>E. A new Wonder.
We could always use one.

Double 54.
Can we have a bonus?
Also how are the other nations faring, any sjws yet?

Overall, things are peaceful and going well. The people are happy with their lives and the government's work.

>Population:210 000 000 (81% white, 12 % chink,1%hibibi, 5%darkskin,1% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 20 800 000 Eyerdar 19 500 000 Veita 20 000 000 Ocras
>Trade and services:9/10
>Political stability:10/10

>A.Improve economy
>B.Culture & Religion
>D.Improve military
>E.Improve navy
>F.Government & Laws
>G.Research & Development
>H.Diplomacy & War

>G.Research & Development

>D.Improve military

>>D.Improve military

>G.Research & Development

>D. Improve military

>G. Research and Development

>>D. Improve military

Military improvement time
What should we focus on?
Pick one or two(at a cost to the treasury)
A.Light armament and infantry
B.Heavy armament - tanks, artillery
C.Strategic weaponry(WMDs)
E.Experimental new weaponry
F.Special forces
G.Military command & logistics

E.Experimental new weaponry
G.Military command & logistics

Having the cutting edge of weapons and the logistics to support them will win us the future wars.

E and C

C.Strategic weaponry(WMDs)
E.Experimental new weaponry

We've continued to expand our arsenal of WMDs - we have a large stockpile of thermonuclear warheads, superior to the first generation of A-bombs. We posess a wide variety of chemical and biological weapons as well - weaponised viruses, nerve gas and now we are developing military-use lasers on a chemical basis - still in experimental phase
Our military is now widely using computer-based targeting systems, stealth technology and we are developing further remote weaponry programs.

>Population:212 000 000 (81% white, 12 % chink,1%hibibi, 5%darkskin,1% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 21 000 000 Eyerdar 19 700 000 Veita 20 200 000 Ocras
>Trade and services:9/10
>Political stability:10/10

>A.Improve economy
>B.Culture & Religion
>D.Improve military
>E.Improve navy
>F.Government & Laws
>G.Research & Development
>H.Diplomacy & War

Event after this turn to spice things up

>D.Improve military

>G, Research and Development.
We need Stealth Suits


>G.Research & Development

Space? SPACE!

Pick ONE research project to advance
C.New weaponry
D.Medical technology
E.Space exploration

E.Space exploration


>D.Medical technology

>A. Computing


E.Space exploration

We've made great advances - many satellites are operational in orbit around Terra Nova,our astronauts are well-trained and equipped and with our new space shuttle we can manage multiple sustained flights to and from Argosa IIIb - the barren moon.
Our next goal is to establish a permament moon base there.
Give me three 1d100 rolls, the average will be our result

Rolled 5 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

Oh well this is going to be a great experience...

Average roll was 36


Rolled 9 (1d100)

We are not yet ready - the amount of supplies it would take to succeed is great and we still haven't quite got the right tech to set up a permament moonbase, but our attempts have given us some practical experience.
Now rolling for event
Low is bad for us

Let's hope our spaceship doesn't blow up. We did train our astronauts alot so maybe the DC lower.

>Rolled 9 (1d100)

Evening dudes and dudettes.

Alien ambush! Everybody is dead!

The Emir of Ahmanud, a vassal of ours, was killed along with his entire family in a successful terrorist attack. That was the beginning of a revolt, in which parts of the hibibi armed forces have now joined the rebels.
Rebels in the Western Desert - the hibibi lands we directly control, between Tarasil and Pirusat, have also attacked the primary army base we have in the area.
Within a matter of hours, the armies of the Prince of Kayans, another vassal of ours, leader of the prizzid-krushid monarchy to the east, have struck a hard blow against rebel forces. By the end of the day Asheba is in prizzid hands, rebel forces are now fighting the army of Kayans for Ahmanud - the Prince is expected to regain control soon.

A.Let him handle this while we deal with the rebels on our territory
B.Send all available forces to extinguish this rebellion!
C.Demand the Prizzid forces return to their own territory and let us handle this

B.Send all available forces to extinguish this rebellion!

Thank the Prizzid for their rapid and faithful response to this threat to our great republic!

>A.Let him handle this while we deal with the rebels on our territory

>B.Send all available forces to extinguish this rebellion!
We must assist our allies.

I think the prince is the one that planned the rebels. As a way to get the Emir land using the cover as them destroying the rebels.

Be careful of the Prizzid they could just be looking for more power. That could be the reason why they were quick to arms.

A clarification map
B it is - we're sending in ground and air forces
Roll once for us, once for the prizzid and once for the rebels

Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 29 (1d100)


The rebels are putting up a hell of a fight. Religious leaders among the hibibi have riled thousands of them up to join, as an attack from both the White Republic and the Prince of Kayans is percieved as an invasion by many.

Many hibibi, darkskin and pacharnati in the republic are sympathetic to the rebels' cause - these minorities do not have the right to vote or be elected and although they enjoy equal standarts of life, there is a certain resentment towards whites that hasn't gone away in centuries.
Suffrage movements haven't stopped their activity among these peoples and if anything, this will only make the resentment worse, many sociologists believe.
Riots have begun in Jamatun in the northeast, home of most of our darkskin population - so far law enforcement has the situation under control.

The rebels are still defending the major city of Ahmanud. In the western desert Republican forces are slowly retaking lost ground.

Again, 1 for us, 1 for the prizzid of Kayans, 1 for the rebels

Rolled 4 (1d100)

Okay, all in favour of the tactics we used in our conquest of the Pajashian islands to destroy these annoying rebellious fucks?

Rolled 56 (1d100)

Ah, the infamous Inky 4

Rolled 67 (1d100)

Can we agree that we need to get rid of darkskins send them to the NPU by boat after this.
I knew something like this will happened but everyone was against my plan last thread. I Hope to you all will see what we need to do.

>Our combined efforts beaten by the scrappy rebels
I suggest we spend an insane amount of money on some ridiculous superweapon with a fatal weak spot, only way to salvage the situation.

The Expeditionary Corps we sent in was ambushed and soundly defeated by a large rebel force north of Pirusat. The rebels have expanded their foothold in the Western Desert and are believed to have gotten in contact with Jamatun guerillas(who have been a very minor problem for local authorities for the last 30 years). Volunteers have joined the rebel side as the front with the prizzid is in a stalemate after the Prince pulled his forces out of Ahmanud.
A.Deploy strategic weaponry(will cause damage to local infrastructure and a lot of controversy)
B.Send in more forces - we have the numbers, the equipment and the training, this is merely a setback
C.Focus on handling the rebels on our own territories now, including Jamatun - the prizzid will be able to handle Ahmanud once they've regrouped their forces

>C.Focus on handling the rebels on our own territories now, including Jamatun - the prizzid will be able to handle Ahmanud once they've regrouped their forces

>B.Send in more forces - we have the numbers, the equipment and the training, this is merely a setback
We will drown them in our corpses.

Let's destory them. After the fighting we send the remaining darkskins to NPU.


How about we terraform the moon and deport them there?
It would be the last thing they'd expect.

C.Focus on handling the rebels on our own territories now, including Jamatun - the prizzid will be able to handle Ahmanud once they've regrouped their forces

We're redirecting our focus to quickly crush rebel forces in Jamatun and then retake the Pirusat-Tarasil corridor.
Again - 1 for us, 1 for prizzid, 1 for rebels

Rolled 97 (1d100)

That'll cost too much. It's better to pay the NPU to take them as a prime working force.

Rolled 10 (1d100)


Rolled 99 (1d100)

You have ruined us user.

Time to deploy nukes boys!

Someone else should have roll but you'll to much pussy. Nuke time boys

>terraforming is too expensive
You can't put a price on science!

Absolute carnage achieved.

We've secured the territories we lost, but the rebels have dealt a serious blow to the prizzid forces, after unleashing a secret weapon - an armored walker! No combat automatons have seen action in 30 years and yet here it stands, leading a rebel counter-offensive that has retaken Asheba.
A.Deploy low-range strategic weaponry(chemical weapons)
B.Deploy tactical nuclear strikes
C.Try out our experimental new railgun design
D.Use conventional means - call in lots of air support, boots on the ground and tanks

A.Deploy low-range strategic weaponry(chemical weapons)

I told you chemical and biological weapons would be useful but no one ever listens!

Failing that; C.Try out our experimental new railgun design

>E. bring in a giant mech of our own to fight their mech one on one.

Failing that:
>C.Try out our experimental new railgun design

we have no mechs

Then we make one.

A and C
Let's take out the rebels with chemical weapons while we use our new weapon on the mech and destroy it.

Well...it's another option - it is untested, but we could try it out

This is the perfect moment to test our mech.

>it is untested, but we could try it out
Lets make some untrained teenager pilot it, for science.

>Lets make some untrained teenager pilot it, for science

What about an emotionally crippled teen aged girl? This one is however trained!

>What about an emotionally crippled teen aged girl?