Warhammer Fantasy General

Warhammer Fantasy General: Kemmler Edition

Talk about all Warhammer Fantasy products and lore. Please be courteous and try to limit your End Times fluff discussion since its mostly seen as just the start of Age of Sigmar.

Link to last thread: >1d4chan
1d4chan.org/wiki/The_End_Times (Compilation of all the End Times changes)
1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Warhammer_Fantasy (All pages marked WF on the Veeky Forums wiki)

>Newbie Introduction to Warhammer Fantasy
mediafire.com/download/i330182xo9b1hsi/Rulebook (Hardback).pdf (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races)

>Warhammer Wikis
whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Online_Wiki (Warhammer Online wiki with lots of background articles too. Also AoR is not ded: Veeky Forums for details.)

>Resources(Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

>Third party Miniature manufacturers

>List of Warhammer recommended proxies

Other urls found in this thread:


First for companies shouldn't cater their games towards audiences the creators never wanted to reach

Wait until page ten, dumbass. This thread shouldn't exist yet.

Ur mum shouldn't exist yet.

You're a fucking dumbass, there's a reason you're a poorfag GW cocksheath.

The model I posted seems to have been discontinued. Personally, I've come to the conclusion that the difference between the three dragon sizes is build, not size itself. Moon dragons are the snake-like skinny ones, a, Sun dragons would most appropriately use the model for a Carmine Dragon from forgeworld (the Warpfire dragon seems to have the same problem with being incredibly skinny) while a Stardrake would represent a Star Dragon. I don't think any models to represent an Emperor Dragon has been released. I'd imagine that it would have the build of a Stardrake, but much bigger.

Okay, moving away from the cancer arguments and trolls, how are you lot liking 9th Age? What are you running?
Did you start a new army, or change up your 8e lists?

Loving it pal, tournament scene has freshened up and its nice to be able to play fun lists that are also effective.

I'm running an ambush Undying Dynasties list at a big event this weekend.

can I still play Warhammer at my local Games workshop or will they stop me playing?

Got a lore question regarding the vampire counts.
Why do they still have normal people in their lands? Why haven't they already fled? Somewhere I read that the ruler are very diplomatic and such things, but this sounds like handwaving it. At some point the normal folk must have seen one of their rulers marching in front of an army of dead people. Are they okay with this? I know that the Old World isn't the safest place everywhere, but personnaly I would be rather ruled by an asshole I know is a human, instead of a charming, but unholy beast.

Sorry if that's a dumb question.

>Why do they still have normal people in their lands?
Because vampires aren't inherently evil and still do need a source of food.

>Why haven't they already fled?
Because mobility is extremely limited in the old world, many people never leave their villages in their entire lives.
Also the Vampire Counts of Sylvania and Stirland were actually overall more benevolent and kind than the tyrannical human counts they replaced.

> I would be rather ruled by an asshole I know is a human, instead of a charming, but unholy beast.
That's your opinion.

Many people would rather serve a kind monster than a normal human that exists solely off of leveraging extreme taxes and raping any peasant woman he can get his hands on.

When it comes to survival and your family's safety a lot of tribalism is stripped away.

I can understand all this to some extend, but
>At some point the normal folk must have seen one of their rulers marching in front of an army of dead people
Between all the other terrifying beasts you might see your own grandma that you interred last year! Why even bury them? Doesn't this clash with their religious believe? Don't they have some piety?

>Between all the other terrifying beasts you might see your own grandma that you interred last year! Why even bury them? Doesn't this clash with their religious believe? Don't they have some piety?

Most people aren't willing to die for their religious beliefs.

Especially not in the provinces of Stirland and Sylvania as the worship of Sigmar as a God is relatively weak in places outside of Reikland's immediate reach.

The following of the Old Gods and nature worship still supposedly go on in backwater provinces such as Stirland and they're not nearly as touchy as Sigmarites about the consecration of the dead.

It's like Orthodox Christianity in extremely rural parts of Russia.
Still very mixed with local indigenous religion and once your strip away the image of the Christ not much is different from 1500 years ago.

Alright, thanks.

Dwarfs in 9th:

> Spear Warriors
> Miners with Pistols
> Throwing Weapons on fucking everything
> Seekers given new life
> Triple March
> All Lords now worthwhile
> Daemonseekers will literally solo a MC/MI deathstar
> Grudgebusters
> Organ Guns not nerfed
> So much Vanguard, Ambush, Skirmish and Swiftstride

> Fewer Gyrocopters
> Shitty plebtier Cannons get a thoroughly deserved nerf, fuck your war machines

I am a happy, happy Dwarf. Overall the army is like a mobile, fun phoenix rising from the ashes of the gunline.
No more Dwarf stigma and real incentive to march out, take names and beat people in the face.



What does everyone think of the new Blood Dragon Models?

You can play any GW game with 100% GW models at a GW.

even older rulebook/codex editions? (as long as your opponent allows you)

>Why do they still have normal people in their lands? Why haven't they already fled? Somewhere I read that the ruler are very diplomatic and such things, but this sounds like handwaving it. At some point the normal folk must have seen one of their rulers marching in front of an army of dead people. Are they okay with this? I know that the Old World isn't the safest place everywhere, but personnaly I would be rather ruled by an asshole I know is a human, instead of a charming, but unholy beast.
Depends on the clan.
The Empire province of Sylvania has always had HORRIBLE human rulers to a ludicrous degree and been poor, so when Vlad von Carstein went through and killed the most decedant assholes (other than two he kelt as "sons") he gave the people better rulers. Compare a thousand generations of bronze age Pol Pot to suddenly Stalin; one is horrible in every way, the other is scary and leads massive purges but is still beneficial.

Lahmians keep their humans as pets. Pampered, believing they are loved. To be fed on is pleasurable and they almost never kill someone who is given a fancy hat to wear and a title as sacrifices are always treated as such. So to be on a Lahmian's good side is a damn good thing, you may even end up lucky enough to become one.

Strigany are Gypsies, literally everyone hates them and they have no homeland. Some parts of the Empire are damn near Nazi Germany to them. So the giant neanderthal bat vampires that only speak and understand simple words but all know not to hurt a Strigany become their only friends, and even their protectors.

Necrarchs only really have friends among Necromancers and Necromancer or Vampire aspirants. Their feeding really is only victims for the most part.

Blood Dragons are just Lawful Neutral Bretonnians without a religion. If you believe in strength, honor, and want to become a warrior, you join up and become a squire and camp follower who has to give a tithe of blood each day. That's it.

Blood Dragon Bloodline, or just Blood Knight units?

A lotta loyalty for a Corsair.


GW only cares if its not a product of theirs. Hell, running old Citadel models older than yourself and trolling them is fun.

Could be cooler. The faces make me laugh, but they should look fine from a distance.

>you may even end up lucky enough to become one

unless you have a dick (most of the time)

Aren't there male lahmians?
I know the standard is female but I'm pretty sure there were a couple males in either the Gotrek and Felix novels or the Ulrika spinoffs.

they had male thralls in G+F, but there was only one male vampire, and I'm pretty sure he was a Von Carstein. I'm pretty sure in Manslayer they outright state they don't turn males; it's only the army book that claims otherwise.

There are males, but they're rare.

The single theme of Lahmians is control and submission. Those who submit are pampered little pawns like Neferata's lesbian sidekick in her solo novel or theEmoire guards in Ulrika, those who give even the hint of rebellion or independence are destroyed like Ushoran and Ulrika's maker

Its stated Neferata doesn't often guve permission for males to be turned because they rebel more often than females, and out of the two canon ones the first did rebel and was put down for it, the second was just a fucking moron who's master kept him on too short a leash so he got himself killed by Witch Hunters.

Is there any creepy ass lesbian vampires in Warhammer, like Carmilla?

All I know is that Slaanesh seems overall a lot tamer in WFB than in 40k. Less whips and more curvy hips.

Neferata gets that way sometimes, but she's not self-aware of her predatory nature so when she stops and thinks about what she's done with her life she gets kind of mopey.

The closest I can think of is the rival of Ulrika's master, a stick up the ass 100% jelly chick who found herself a literal lolita, an Alice Liddell who was a rape victim to make a vampire and put in frilly dresses like a doll, keep 85% innocent, and teach how to use men as playthings.

Slaanesh in 40k is portrayed as a master of excess who's worship is feeling all the extremes while causing those same feelings in the unwilling, in Fantasy that remains true but the primary motivation is in pride and debasing others while the loud noises and sadomasochism is just their hobby.

Compare Sigvald to a Noise Marine for example. Fantasy is about being pretty, clawing out the eyes of everyone prettier than you, and being superior because you're just better. 40k Slaanesh is about skinning people alive to wear, sticking needles in your skin, and LOUD NOISES.

Fantasy Slaanesh is about being the popular girls and making the unpopular girls kill themselves while slipping date rape drugs into the drinks of your rivals at a party, 40k Slaanesh is about being the kid who listens to death metal while cutting himself after getting high and is going to rape and kill a girl before the school year ends.

I like the fan-name "Itzatecah" for Lizardmen.

Shame it isn't official.

Ulrika's Sire was more than a HINT of rebellion, he outright served willingly under Mannfred.

He was turned by the COuntess that Adopted Ulrika, but she had a bit of Von Carstein in her because either she or her sire had swapped blood with one, and he willingly joined the Von Carsteins.

That basically put "No Males" into a formal rule rather than an unofficial taboo.

Genevieve's sire was a male lahmian offshoot too, and he did get killed but not because he was rebelling against a short leash.

Also her grandsire admitted to having turned several males, but she was from an even more freewheeling branch of the family.

Those helmets always looked dumb. They ahould have gone with the humble 6'th edition helmet ornaments instead.

Regarding why Tomb Kings might not have advanced far beyond Nehekhara in their thousands of years post-revival: Deserts tend to be pretty good at preserving remains even when they don't have magical "Fuck you" after-effects wiping out a lot of microbial life / preserving inanimate remains. Temperate environments... don't.

Presumably part of the reason the Tomb Kings did not push out beyond Nehekhara in grand campaigns after their rebirth is that prolonged exposure to such environments is bad for their rank and file's remains.

A bit of a mundane and boring excuse (that also is logically inconsistent with other things we accept from the setting), but one that'd work: Tomb Kings like their shit to be in working order. Putting a lot of wear on it through constant activity in unfavorable environments does not keep it in such.

Its really because they don't give a fuck about the rest of the world, like High Elves they ONLY care about their homeland and owning more of it.

It doesn't matter what happens to their bodies, they regenerate.

Same here

But I'm the kind of guy who accepts "seraphon" and "orruks" too as names for their specific stuff as long as they are not they do not call themselves so but are just names various races and cultures made common.

The horses are not bulky enough, but they are noice.


Lahmians make male vampires, but it's very rare and often not officially sanctioned.

The Vampireslayer vamp was a Lahmian get.

>Am I a squid? Am I a nothing personnel kid?

Does anyone have any recommendations for movement trays? Magnetic or metal construction so magnets stick is a plus.

Part of the reason I really like Bretonnia is that, despite the religious and social need to keep society in a feudal, medieval state, there's constant pressure to modernize. In one short story, Bordeleaux (the city) has a growing merchant middle class, and keeps cannons and groups of well-trained infantry, if a little discreetly. In a few other stories, there are small peasant rebellions, some uncoordinated, some that happen to get away with resounding success for at least a brief period. I find it a bit more interesting than the overall stable and united Empire.


Back 2 base-ix sells magnetic wooden movement trays, they're great quality and have a bit of lip for "basing".

Also they're in straya so they are dirt cheap to buy and ship.

A note: when building beastmen Gors, do not put the downward curving "Ram" horns on short necked heads or you'll have trouble actually posing the head onto the body.

Making a 9th age list for Empire.

Under the current rules, I don't really know if a Steam Tank is actually worth its high price tag. I feel like I may possibly be better suited with a block of flagellants+preacher, or some extra artillery and cavalry.

Is two bricks of footsloggers enough dudes and units to provide enough of an 'anvil' for my army? Or should I invest into a third brick of footsloggers?

+++ Germanic Steel (1991pts) +++

++ Empire of Sonnstahl (Standard (1501-3999pts)) (1991pts) ++

+ Lords (185pts) +

Marshal (185pts) [Army General, Beast-Bane Halberd, Blessed Armour of Frederick the Great, Seasoned General, Talisman of Greater Shielding]

+ Heroes (272pts) +

Captain (147pts) [Hero's Sword, Horse, Plate Armour, Shield, The Black Helm]
Battle Standard Bearer [War Standard]

Wizard (125pts) [Dispel Scroll]
Level 2 Wizard Apprentice [Path of Fire]

+ Core (592pts) +

Electoral Cavalry (191pts) [Champion, Musician]
9x Electoral Cavalry [9x Great Weapon, 9x Shield]

Heavy Infantry (220pts) [Champion, 30x Heavy Infantry, Musician, Seasoned Soldiers, Spear]
Standard Bearer [War Standard]

Light Infantry (181pts) [Seasoned Soldiers]
19x Light Infantry [19x Handgun]

+ Special (552pts) +

Artillery (110pts) [Mortar]

Imperial Guard (289pts) [Champion, Musician]
24x Imperial Guard [24x Great Weapon]
Standard Bearer [Flaming Standard]

Reiters (153pts)
9x Reiter [9x Brace of Pistols, 9x Light Armour]

+ Rare (390pts) +

Knights of the Sun Griffon (160pts) [Champion, Standard Bearer]
3x Knights of the Sun Griffon [3x Halberd]

Steam Tank (230pts)

Well yeah it's dead now, but the whole setting is dead. All that interesting stuff, dead and gone. Probably with honestly more interest now that it's killed.

I like Itzatecah because, hey, if Skaven aren't called "ratmen", why should lizardmen be called lizardmen?

Warhammer Fantasy was the first big fantasy setting I ever encountered, though, so its Orcs, Dwarfs, Elves and so on will always feel like the real deal to me, so I can't get comfortable with the new names.

Well, like that guy was saying, I could see names like Lizardmen being given by other races about a race that didn't ever care to introduce itself or make itself known to them, or possibly even name themselves. They just were.

He meant that the Empire is not as stable as you'd think. Unless you want to ignore millennia of civil wars and infighting.

Tell me about these lads, /whfb/. Are they just paladins?

Does anyone have the Mordheim comic "The Life and Time of Ulli & Marquand and Their Misadventures in Mordheim, City of the Damned"?

Warrior priests of Sigmar? More or less, yes, they're miracle-evoking, inspiring holy warriors wielding weapons emblematic of their god, bound by complex and strict oaths.

I'd say they're more like very martial clerics. Bretonnians end up more like paladins.

>trying to organize warhammer art folder by army
>illustration of battle scene
>don't know which faction should take priority

Whichever one is winning. Or whoever is winning in the foreground. Or your favorite.

Or whichever faction is closest to Dwarfs.

Say, why would Demigryph knights and Pegasus Knights be Monstrous cavalry. Demigryphs don't seem much bigger than horses and Pegasus are horses with wings growing out of their haunches. Look at these models, the demigryphs don't fill out their base footprint. Before anyone asks, yes I'm a bit butthurt that a munchkin mounted his demigryphs on horse bases, giving them a lot more mobility unbefitting of Monstrous ______ units.

I just put a copy in each army's folder (and then into a separate group folder as well)

After a quick google search, I found a Demigryph version whose size matches their crunch.

How did he mount them on a horse base legally?

Like I said, Demigryphs are around the size of horses so he put them on a horse base. Is there anything in the rules preventing that?

Their statline will specify a base size unless you're playing age of shitmar.

If you are playing 8th, I think you are only allowed the bases a model came with. It's pretty obvious why.

I don't see anything in the army book specifying a base size.
Is there a page in the rulebook saying that? Because I think what you're saying isn't a genuine rule but player courtesy which Munchkins don't care about.

I mean, there's gotta be a reason you don't see a block of slave rats all mounted on the heads of pins and taped together to look like a weird ratty flower arrangement with the footprint of a square inch.

> (You)
>Is there a page in the rulebook saying that? Because I think what you're saying isn't a genuine rule but player courtesy which Munchkins don't care about.

I think it might have been ikn one of the FAQs. In any case, he is clearly basing for advantage, just don't let him play the unit untill he's rebased them.

That's an extreme example that's probably too difficult to do. What I'm talking about isn't so extreme.

It isn't? Small frontage is a huge benefit most of the time. He halfed the amount of "surface" that enemies get to attack back from. On a strong unit like demogryphs that's pretty huge. Pivoting takes less movement and the unit is easier to fit. He can also fit in more other models/units in combined combats. The demigryphs themsselfs are less likely to be "pushed out of combat" in combined combat situations (maximising models in contact with the enemy).

Almost forgot. 50*75 mm also gives your unit a larger flank.

I mean in effort. Creating the ratty flower you described sounds like it'll take a lot of tedious building and would create fragile models. All he did was take typical models and put them on smaller bases than normal.

Wasn't the guy that made up that example but ok.

Technically bases in aos are irrelevant because you measure from the models, bases can even be stepped on.

I also remember it from a FAQ.

>bases can even be stepped on.
I find that hilarious. Just cram everything as close together as you can!

I know, and it's absolute shit, moving the complete wrong direction.

(The right direction is towards the Warmahordes "Height is automatically X in relation to a Y-sized base, model the unit however the hell you want, it won't give or take an advantage"
[Of course warmahordes also has an OBSCENELY strict WYSIWYG rule that fucks creative modeling even harder, so pick your poison.])

I prefer creative modeling to exact strictness about how a model should be measured.

Though GW's old way wasn't that bad. It's just ignoring bases that's stupid. It means you could have a titan-sized base for an infantry unit if you really wanted.


That's what I mean. If modeling has fuck-all to do with gameplay then modeling can become limitless.
Private video.

>Glorious Return of the Dwarfs.
>9th Age confirmed for Golden Age of the Dwarfs.

Honestly, I'm not that enthused over Spear dwarves, more than the fact that Damn near everything can take Throwing Weapons. It's literally giving the Miner's Salute to everyone from 8th who danced around our charge range.

"Oh you think those Wild Riders can just chill out two inches outside of my viable charge range? Enjoy these 40 str 4 ranged attack from this pissed off unit of Longbeards Elgi."

That Paired weapons on so many things. 40 warriors with Paired weapons charging into Orcs is just sweet irony.

Being able to cast more bound spell runes is also awesome. I love every second of it.

My only complaints I have are that
A) Champions should be able to buy magic weapons like the poncy elves can. More specifically it'd be nice to have em on the Greybeard, King's Guard, and Deep Watch Champs. Just to add a little flavor to them.
B) Let Thanes and Kings be able to take Paired Weapons and Throwing weapons.

It's kind of weird that they can't.

Don't the dwarves not trust magic? Makes sense that even a magic weapon might be a bit shady to them.

They don't trust magic on it's own. They trust when a Rune Lord; smith binds them into runes.

To them it's as much an art form as Smithing or architecture.
Bending metal for Weapons and Armor, by dwarf hands.
Shaping stone into homes and defense by dwarf hands.
Binding magic into artifacts for Weapons, armor, and wards by dwarf hands.


>"They are stronger than us, smarter than us, live longer than us, and far better looking than us. They are our superiors in every respect, and the taxes are lower when they rule. When they come back I will be the first to welcome them."

>Hanskarl Denk, Sylvanian

From Night's Dark Masters, pg 10 I think.

This, for about 1000 years after sigmar the empire was united
and expansionistic, then They started fucking up and fighting each other. The empire being United again is a pretty new thing that only happened under Magnis the pious. For the majority of its history it wa several states who wound bribe the emperor whije trying make themselves

Funny,for me it's the exact opposite. Bretonnia speaks to me because they use magic and divine blessings to overcome most of the disadvantages faced by their archaic form of warfare. It's even more interesting when you consider the empire, which is both magically and tech innovative, is the older nation while bretonnia is considered flying and upstart to to the Germans

That's a meme started by josh reynolds, almost every source regarding the matter has SETTRA vowing to reclaim his lost territory and eventually the world.!

when does the patch hit, I want my blood knights now

It's ironic that the Empire looks down on Bretonnia because of its age, but they are roughly the same because the Empire didn't really exist for nearly a thousand years. There may have been an Emperor for some (very little) of that time but it was in name only. When a child was elected Empress and the Grand Theoginist refused to grant her his blessing, the office officially fell apart.

Somewhat related, has Bretonnia ever launched full blown Crusades into the empire? Why do empire Knights get better armor than bretonnian Knights? And how powerful are Grail knights? And fluff wise, how powerful is that blessing of then

There was old fluff about a Bretonnian invasion of the Empire during the early years of Karl Franz's reign, though I think that's been dummied out.

Empire knights get full plate because the Empire has a lot of technological advances due to the dwarfs, plus a lot of dwarf smiths work in the Empire and hire their services to the army and the Knightly Orders. Bretonnia has very few dwarfs and their craftsmen aren't as organized. Fewer guilds. If someone has a good smith working for them it's probably a guy who enjoys a noble family's favour quite a bit.

Grail Knights are essentially the greatest warriors humanity has to offer, being right up there with the Chosen of Chaos and Blood Dragon Vampires. They're said to all have unique gifts, like a guy who could kill evil creatures with a simple touch.

As for the Blessing, it's hard to say as the only novels about Bretonnia sucked. There was no mention of the Blessing in any way shape or form, even when a Hellcannon was raining fire down on a Bretonnian army. I think the writer just didn't want to do the project. But based on what we see in the army book it's quite capable of deflecting crossbow bolts, cannon shot and Bloodthirster axes. It's part of the reason why Bretonnia can exist next to a nation like the Empire for so long, besides mutual existence in the face of greater threats.

Because the von carstein actually tended to the population, as much as forbidding wanton feeding on the human residents.
They treat the people of sylvania like cattle, taking care of them and nurturing them as long as they are useful, killing only the minimum amount necessary for their own survival.
That said, they still see humans as cattle, so they won't care if they die or get sick as long as there's enough of them to keep up with the blood thite.

Plus, the inhabitants of sylvania know only that way of living, and probably think things could be worse.
A medieval paesant will not wonder if there's something better in life as long as he can plow his field.

I wish 9th age fags would use the old GW names for units.
It is very hard to understand what the fuck you're talking about sometimes

Seekers = Slayers

I do agree that people do need to use the original names for the units whenever it's more appropriate to do so though, they're in a WHFB thread, not the 9th Age forums.

Why are great axes so shit in WFRPG 2ed?

Slow, impact and tiring, means basically every other great weapon is better than them.
At this point, it's not worth using the old world armoury rules.

There are some erretas, namely one that discusses great weapons. I'd suggest using house ruling weapon qualities anyway, as before I did that all my players would ever look for are best quality hand axes, since they're one handed great weapons without Slow.

Beside humans, what race is the most numerous in the empire?
I wager it'd between dwarves and halflings, but aren't halflings a bit too lazy to travel far from the mootland?

I'd probably say Halflings. They have their own mini province where they basically get to farm and make like Mormons all day. Dwarfs in the Empire are either visiting, or they're clanless/holdless and are probably small in number. Skilled craftsmen that might be able to make up a small neighbourhood or ghetto, but not much more than that.

Why would they? Even if they did it would be hard for 8th fags to understand because the rules might differ quite drastically. There are also completly new rules and units.

Easier to say "Sirens" than "9th Daemonettes".

Ogres. Ostland is full of them, they have citizenship. They're mercs everywhere else.

Pretty sure Ogres are still behind dwarfs and possibly halflings.