What are some TTRPG settings based on conspiracy theories?
What are some TTRPG settings based on conspiracy theories?
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Unknown Armies
You mean to tell me that there are TTRPGs that aren't?
Unknown Armies, Delta Green, Paranoia certainly encourages conspiracy.
Demon: The Descent. Or, even better, a mortal-based God Machine Chronicle.
>The alphabet agencies are kidnapping innocent United States Citizens for seeing things they weren't supposed to see.
>Reptilians are real, man, and they're working for the same people who covered up the Mothman incidents.
>Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster, the grey aliens, all are real, and all are being covered up by a group that goes over the heads of every government in the world.
>New World Order? Get back to reality, man! There ain't no "New World" anymore, man! It's the One World Order now, man! Cyborg hitmen in the streets killing dissidents and calling them muggings gone wrong, man! They're in our schools, man! Teaching our kids to be good little mindslaves so when the robots implant their surveillance technology into their heads they'll already be nice and pliant, man.
>Spy agencies full of rogue cyborgs are hiding in our neighborhoods, man. Someone you've known for years could already be one, man. Hell, your own kid could already be one, man. Tell me, man: do you know where your son's been going at night, man?
World of Darkness both old and new.
This would probably be the best one. Does it not begin with 'All myths/consiracy theories are true.' in the books?
GURPS Illuminati
This. Unknown Armies, and Freebase.
Conspiracy X
Literally any modern or Scifi TTRPG has that as either it's main plot or some way of implementing it.
Freebase is a LARP you heathen
Fnord: The Fnordening
Shadowrun: The megacorps are the new world order. Insect spirits are behind the scenes trying to take over and consume everything. Gnomes of Zurich?
New homebrew of Exterminatus Now (WH40K & Sonic or human Sonic). Every conspiracy theory in some form or another will show up eventually.
Dark Matter for d20 modern
It's more so "they are more likely to be true than not and you're going to find a lot of people believe in them completely."
It's up to your ST more than anything.
This could be a fun beer 'n' pretzels oneshot.
GURPS IOU: GURPS Illuminati University. The college of the conspiracy.
Alternity Dark Matter was better, my man.
I was able to find the quick start guide, but not the core rules.
I haven't ever played d20 Modern either
>this would probably be the best one
Did you not even look at Unknown Armies/Delta Green being mentioned before this?
Those 3s...
>The college of the conspiracy.
Does conspiracy engineering come under COUP or CoC?
Aletheia ("Truth" in Greek). It is expressly designed with conspiracy in mind.
Depends what angle you want to come at it from.
You can be UNRAVELLING a conspiracy, in which case I recommend Nights Black Agents.
Or you can be PART OF the conspiracy, in which case I recommend Delta Green or World of Darkness.
Night's Black Agents, which is a game about spies finding out vampires exist. The Dracula Dossier adventure is about a British clandestine organization that's using Dracula to fight the War or Terror.
Delta Green is as much a game about unraveling conspiracys as it is about beeing part of one, considering the average agent doesn't know shit and there are bigger conspiracys then Delta Green out there.
Is there a world or darkness about greys of something like that?
Why is Alex Jones all over my internet, today?
New World Order conspiracy confirmed. Or at least a lite version of it.
Dark Conspiracy was pretty conspiracy-ish, wasn't it? It was more a game about light scifi/horror, but whatevs.