So this replaces Incorrigible Youths in BR vamps, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, that card might have its ups, but it also has downs. Mostly in the artwork.
idk, it's harder to cast, doesnt have haste and still dies to languish and most spot removal. i don't see a huge advantage here over incorrigible youths except for the normal CMC
i haven't played much with my vamps deck yet tho
Dammit, Carlos!
Is Reflector Mage the only reason why Bant Humans isn't just GW Humans?
that and baby Jace
I didn't think they could pull it off but this set is shaping up to be worse than BFZ.
At least the art is mostly good and the lore is somewhat interesting, outside of stuff in which Jace and his Merry Men are directly involved.
Lili's battle against Emrakul might actually be fun, Sorin is probably in full angst mode and really wanting to bitchslap Nahiri, Geralf and Gisa are alive and have found a common cause, Thalia (and Ulrich too, I think, but somewhere else) is gathering her forces expecting a Glorious Last Stand which is something Innistrad's people seem to be really good at, I think we have yet to learn what Odric and Olivia are doing and I'm sure Ludevic still has some fun tricks up his sleeves.
Personally, I'm enjoying most of it so far.
Same here. I was really worried that Emrakul was going to replace a lot of Innistrad's flavour with LOL WASTELAND LOL TENTACLES, but so far things have actually been terrific. I'm loving how the mutations involve things like goat's heads.
Would an Eldrazi mutant survive being taken to another plane by a planeswalker, or would they die from being separated from Emrakul or from not being full on Eldrazi?
I don't think planeswalkers can take people with them
Why couldn't they just have made Hellbent good?
My favorite mechanic and it is shit.
Better question: Can Lili affect dead Eldrazi with her necromancy?
Technically speaking they can, but the rigors of the Blind Eternities will annihilate the non-planeswalker in moments.
Urza killed K'rikk like that and I don't think it's ever been specified that this feature was lost in the mending.
Then how do summon spells work?
Seriously, my understanding was that there was some sort of agreement or contract between the Planeswalker and creature to come to their aid when summoned if not on the same plane.
Mana constructs made from memory. The greater familiarity/importance dictates legendary, from normal, to token.
I think it's like you're summoning a reflection of the creature from when you met it made from your own mana
Hence why you can get multiple iterations of a Legendary creature from different points in time
Summons for nonlegendary creatures just create the creature out of aether and mana.
Summons for legendary creatures create some sort of simulacrum of the particular entity.
That's a lot cooler than what I thought I read a while ago and makes a lot more sense.
Maybe I confused myself with Planeswalker cards.
They can't transport anything living without killing it, but people are just mass like their clothes and weapons so it would be a convenient way of hiding bodies if they make a serial killer planeswalker.
Eldrazi are different because they are native to the Blind Eternities.
If you wanna know more you should read feldons story hes a sad man but damn was that story enlightening on how summoning works.
Someone post the new Lili
Was just gonna suggest this. Great card, great flavor, great story. Shame it's a one-off.
Card isn't revealed but this seems like the artwork for the card.
Here's link to story:
Is this fake then?
I'm a little sad this is fake because I wanna make gisa and geralf proud with my 50 zombos
Possibly. I don't see any website posting it.
Absolutely, she's not breaking out of the border anywhere, Walkers are never entirely held in by card borders.
Only Gisa would be amused by quantity, Geralf and Ludevic are about quality.
100% fake. the guy wanted to make it in portuguese to match the leak of her name, but he obviously doesn't know portuguese.
Also it's 2 mana. And the fucking + ability seems to spawn 2/2s Not even 4 mana walkers can spawn 2/2s on their +s
>Implying Portuguese is a language
You can do that easily with just two rise from tides
See I play EDH cause I dont have time for other formats like a normal person.
>I play the slowest format
>because I don't have time for other formats
The translation is:
+1: 2/2 black zombie, lose 1 life.
-2: search any library for a creature and put it into its owner graveyard
-4: Emblem "Sacrifice a creature: target creature -2/-2 "
I didn't even pay attention of what she does, and balancing aside, creatures in PT is "criaturas", cards is "cartas", and the phrase "Depois aquele jogador embaralhar seu próprio grimório." basically reads "After that player shuffle his own library."
The zombies ETB tapped. "Virado" is tapped in Portuguese.
Well, found a new card for my Liliana EDH deck.
Oh hell yes I did indeed.
Reminds me of the chubby asian tranny in drag from this video.
Looks like a fun creature that goes perfectly with non-serious/non-competitive delirium+madness decks.
>harder to cast
Not really, we have 2 sets of dual lands to use.
>I cast Pyroclasm
This one sounds worse than That and MaRo said no more 2CMC walkers because Tibalt sucked cock
>A 4-mana field wipe can kill it
>Therefor its not good
>I haven't played much with my vamp decks yet tho
Yeah, we noticed.
Full spoilers on Friday?
That video was painful to watch from both sides. Fucking weirdos care too much about shit
Is it just me or does that symbol look like anus mana?
Dryad Militant was a thing.
They haven't even spoiled all the mythics
Tournaments tend to play a big(ger) part in most formats but when it comes to edh people usually just play a game or two with pals, EDH tournaments do exist but prize incentives tend to make it a degenerate combofests with some cunt winning on turn 3 with splinter twin or hermit druid before the other players have layed their second land, but anyway the point is other constructed formats encourage you to sink loads of time into the tournament system but EDH doesnt which is nice
2/1s are SO 2004 grandpa, get with the times!
Basically this, I like that I only ever need 1 of a card too a playset would run me dry faster than singletons.
But to each their own the other formats are pretty fun to watch.
>play a 3/3 on turn 2
>block 2/1s for days
>give werewolves their legendary
>shit card without any tribal support
>give werewolves alternate transform triggers
>costs 3+ times the card's casting cost
Simply amazing.
Are werewolves the tribal deck with the worst actual tribal support?
Even Wizard tribal looks better than them in standard right now.
Don't forget that Immerwolf nonbos with the Eldrazi wolves
I think there's a fear of making werewolves too good because they're all basically two cards in one.
Why do they never let me touch my opponents stuff anymore? Like I mean fuck really? Its the one thin I love to do and I never see it any more. I just want to ruin my friends day with their own decks and cards.
Read the story. Olivia and Sorin and Liliana along with the entire Voldaren clan and goddamn near every zombie between Stensia and Gavony are on the march to go kick the shit out of Nahiri.
Liliana split off, headed for Thraben so she could save Jace's boi pussi from spaghetti monsters
Shit, I just realized this doesn't have flying. Was thinking it was this block's answer to Falkenrath Aristocrat. Less excited now.
>boi pussi
I like you
the werewolf dream is dead my dudes
this with moonmist in modern sounds funky
I was thinking the same thing. For 8 mana it should hit opponent's GYs. It might have been justifiable in EDH that way but as is it is wayyyyy too expensive for the effect
"Transform all Humans."
sick safe passage my man
all of my keks
Explain Kiora summoning Lorthos
MaRo is a bitch.
That was the real deal because she was on Zendikar and giant sea creatures are her gimmick
>Normal person
Sure, bud.
You mean in OGW? She just called for him and came up from his hideout.
Thassa's Bident can mind-control any sea creature. She's basically Aquaman with the bident, not to mention that she was able to call upon oceanic beasts before, too.
That was Kiora with Thassa's Bident ON LORTHOS'S PLANE, you idiot.
>five mana
Nope. Try again.
Don't be silly, it costs BBB and has to be cast while you discard it.
>madness generation is hard
get gud
Janky combo with soul tree.
I don't like cards that are only castable if your general is out.
>five mana
>too much for EDH
ease off on the gas, man. There's cutthroat and then there's "how do we even have fun here".
Is this character a non passing mtf, or just ugly?
>Subpar Legendary
>All Eldrazi Werewolves
I am not a happy Werewolf player. Even if the werewolves are actually decent.
>5 for a triple edict and triple sec engine.
It's fairly costed
It's like you don't enjoy secret tech.
yes I know I can't use the mana to pay for madness
Liliana isn't my openly source of discard, but she is frequently out and flipped. This new vampire also happens to flip Liliana, and can be brought back the turn after you +2 her.
>not having an efficient curve to maximize the things you can do in a turn.
Challenge yourself to always have an average curve under three. Your games at all levels will get better.
from the few portuguese I know, that phrase seem to have a grammar error, which just proves the fakeness of said card
>I can't use the mana to pay for madness
I'm pretty sure you can, it's a mana ability so it doesn't use the stack. you have the mana before the madness trigger resolves.
>yes I know I can't use the mana to pay for madness
Can you explain this?
Why not? It's a mana ability.
Madness is a trigger which uses the stack, overeager apprentice has a mana ability which does not use the stack.
Basically, as soon as you use the ability you already have the mana, which you can use for the madness trigger.
God, I hope we at least get some green emerge Eldrazi and not solely blue ones.
I don't want to switch my deck from RG to UG to benefit from it, considering pure Eldrazi support in red are pretty much off the table.
>Werewolf Horro
>Double take
>No shitty flip trigger
Fucking WHAT
probably. Emrakul's influence suggests emerge is going to be the g/u archetype replacing the g/u investigate build from SOI, so it would make sense. I would expect at least some emerge in every color, but it depends how big they want the mechanic to be.
Except now it doesn't benefit from Human buffs and can't flip off Moonmist and Immerwolf actually shuts it down
Vildin-Pack Alpha makes it bonkers though.
Well fuck me. My favorite toy just got better. Holy shit. That makes the new Vampire even better for my deck.
>Have Lili and apprentice
>drop vampire to apprentice
>flip Lili
>-3 for apprentice
>unearth Lili
>drop Big Game Hunter to apprentice
>BB floating
>-3 for Apprentice
>drop anything for Apprentice
>BBBBB floating
>Corpse Dance Lili
>sac 2 zombies and BGH
>Flip Lili and Vampire
>+2/-3 Lili
All for the low low price of B for the Unearth.
Yeah but that's any werewolf
but the eldrazi wolves all have an activated flip and don't turn back, so not only does it start you on the back side, it also saves you mana and your opponent can't force the cheap side back on you.