How do you include cat-people in your setting without making it complete shit?
How do you include cat-people in your setting without making it complete shit?
don't make them playable race
Make them the ancient ones, proud and haughty.
Also include sub-races, such as + STR +Wis Lionfolk.
by giving them hips and tits
Don't give them breasts.
Just fucking do it. Why do you give such a shit about what a bunch of autistic cunts who don't play games think?
Savage lion people from the savanna.
Why not make the Lions noble and majestic?
By not putting cat people in it.
shit taste
Go in one of two directions: Cat from Red Dwarf, or Nyanta from Log Horizon. Either way, make them silly, not waifubait.
>tfw using catgrills as one of the main races in my setting as a sort of deconstruction of the standard elf/dwarf/orc meme
I don't even know how to feel about it sometimes.
>Make them elves, so everyone hates them
>I don't even know how to feel about it sometimes.
Are you and your group having fun? Because as much as Veeky Forums shits itself and cries that's all that matters
>Not liking waifubait
Because I'm tired of all this "noble savage" shit.
Nice meme
I don't make them furry, for one. Miranda has decent curves but that face makes her a shit.
Three pairs of tits.
user understands. If you're going to have catgirls make them cute.
She has the exact same type of facial profile as almost every other human in the series, and some of the non humans too
>implying Nyanta isn't god-tier husbando material
Feral nose and the tufted ears make it so you can't play off her fur as skin.
These user's are the faggots that will turn your sessions into anime ERP bullshit, don't listen to them.
You have to go far enough that they actually are cat people, or else your setting is just fap-bait.
Make catfolk monstrous.
Well she does have fur. I don't see what your big hangup is though
Furfag trying to turn the session into furry ERP bullshit detected
>being a furry
Mate come on. I know Veeky Forums is neo-puritan as fuck but It's really obvious what you're pushing.
>How do you include cat-people in your setting without making it complete shit?
By making whatever religion the humans in the setting worship has a direct physical effect on their appearance, making them resemble the god they worship along with granting them special abilities from that god's portfolio. Say the god of luck is a cat, so it's worshipers would become more cat-like in appearance while gaining luck based abilities.
There's always the Khajiit, but that's an obvious one.
>not being a xenophile
>not being superior
It's only furfaggotry when you pretend to be a non-human, and derive sexual pleasure from that :^)
Is this some kind of furfag double think?
Mate you were the one who brought up sex and the one who wants his furries in the game.
Make them small
>Make your catgirls CUTE!
>No, make them a legit race that's different than humans because you freaks just want anime porn
You guys are so fucking transparent it's unreal.
>implying I'm him
>Is this some kind of furfag double think?
Not an argument
>No, make them a legit race that's different than humans
That doesn't have anything to do with not being cute.
>anime porn
And you furries are still the ones constantly bringing out sex kind of Freudian you know.
Nigger, I just brought up that they should be actual cat people as an alternative to your gay waifu catgirl bullshit.
No furfaggotry was even remotely implied, all the sex shit you're yammering about is purely your own projecting, which basically proves my point about you being degenerates that want to turn OP's game into ERP.
>about is purely your own projecting,
>You're projecting
Like I said you guys brought it up first senpai.
>they should be furry instead of animu
>no furfaggotry implied
>implying furfaggotry isn't better than weebshittery
>you will never be in this much denial.
It's impressive user.
There we go he admits it.
You anti-weebs are like fucking muslims you know that.
here comes the obligatory Veeky Forums puritanism
These guys always make me laugh.
My group is shockingly lewd all the time.
No ERP yet though.
w-why are her hips so big?
Cause Wakfu is all about the hips.
Becuase of the French.
I dunno, put them in like any other faction? What kind of dumb question is that?
Because she's French, and hot. Would you like to know more? Than check out Wakfu.
Also to add my 2 cents, just add ALL types of cat-folk and explain they're just different species. Done, everyone gets something.
a better question is why not more real life women have hips like that, its so sad
>There we go he admits it.
>implying being an anti-weeb is a bad thing
>implying being an anti-weeb is a bad thing
>He posts on Veeky Forums
Go back to fucking Pakistan sandnigger.
That's how women are supposed to look like, wide hips, modest breasts, big hair
Latinas and middle-easterns do, you're just too focused on whites and asians
>Latinas and middle-easterns do,
>breeding with sub-humans
You have to go back.
You couldn't breed with anyone at all, so of course you'd look down on it.
1. Introduce catgirls
2. Doublecheck if everyone is still having fun
3a. If they're having fun, proceed as planned
3b. If they're not having fun, ask them why. Adapt or remove catgirl according to player feedback.
She's also a MILF at the end of season 1
>Falling for the 3DPD meme
>loveless wizard is also an animefag
>not wanting a delicious brown qt that wants the 50s suburban life
It's your duty as an american to get one and BLEACHED without mercy.
I've got myself a mexican one and I couldn't be happier, she's not into tabletop tho.
>Jealous of my magic powers
Touching a vagina doesn't seem so worth it now does it.
im actually a beaner, and your are partly right, the problem is that most that do have nice hips and thighs ruin it by getting fucking fat
>a delicious brown qt
Nice meme
My setting is the Dark City because I'm GMing a game of Don't Rest Your Head. So I don't need to include cat people unless I'm making horribly disfigured abominations.
This, but real.
Khajiit are probably the only cat folk I can let slide since they have actual lore and aren't a bunch of anime people with cat ears and tailed glued on.
Once and for all: what's the problem with anime people with cat ears and tails glued on? I'm not talking about the weebs playing them, I'm talking about them purely as a concept. What's wrong with them?
And before you talk about sexualization, remember that this argument can easily go both ways.
That can be managed, all part of the whitewashing process
Keep flailing your weeb arms, it's amusing
>Keep flailing your weeb arms, it's amusing
it won't be so amusing when the fireball comes out.
They feel lazy from a design point of view, usually acompanied by a bad job from the authors(moeblobs, waifubait, fetishbait, manic pixie dream girl), plus the usual audience that is into them and they end up being something you wanna avoid.
Nothing wrong with them per se, but nothing exists in a vacuum and the space animu catgirls ocupy is quite horrible
Because lions aren't noble in any way, same as any other cat. The most noble cat you can get is happy and tired one with full stomach and also is too lazy to kill you just for lulz.
Give them anatomically correct quantities of breasts
If you include cat folk, do you include catnip?
But what about space animu catgirls? This one turns into a giant ass tiger on command.
I'd rather normal ass human than giant ass tiger, desu senpai.
Oldschool animu is fine, a lot of its shotcomings can be excused as a product of its time, plus there's a very real and very fun charm to it.
Modern shit has no excuse, just authors pandering to lowest common denominator audiences for quick profit and hurting the medium long-term.
They're uninspired and often go straight for the cute factor and ignore any actual traits a near-human being has. You do have to admit that a vast majority, if not all, of generic "humans with cat tails and ears glued on" anime cat people are poorly written pieces of attention grabbing garbage. Also, it's just lazy to take humans and literally glue on house cat body parts and call it a new species.
But why is she wearing an oversized cat collar?
Multiple subspecies determined by the phase of the moon
No one should admit any such thing. The anthro-type catfolk are much weaker, by and large, being just cats that walk on two legs with no real consistency to how they work. Things like "these cheetahs on two legs are the fast ones" and "these tigers on two legs rule the jungles". Trash.
Seconding this. If you're playing with people who aren't complete faggots, no one cares. I play Ironclaw and no one in my gaming group gives a fuck, so long as I run fucking games.
I don't know what straw man example you're talking about, but Khajiit and Would be perfect examples of cat people.
How would I introduce a small group of friends to ironclaw? They've played with different systems before, but never one where we've played anthromorphoc animals (unless you count that one adventure a Druid temporarily turned the party into squirrels to sneak in and assassinate an insane baron.)
>Khajiit and (You)
user, I was talking about Khajiit.
Do you even Lunar Lattice?
I was referring to the image. Also, Khajiit have a fuck ton more going for them than "Generic anime cat girl #4926" and the tail and obviously altered physiology compared to a human hides what makes hem run faster and be stealthier than a human (besides foot paws and a tail for balance).
Khajiit can also be non-furry catpeople and even not!elves, so they're fine.
Those strawman examples of animu catgirls are definitely more damning than the strawman furry ones, I bet.
Isn't that usual number of offspring +1?
So two for humans, and given that they're human-like, probably two for them as well? Maybe three, tops?
the only mammals with an odd number of tits are Opossums.
>how to make it not shit
you just don't give a shit, user. That's all
I went for emphasizing their independent spirit above all else.
They don't want to cuddle, they don't want to be cute, they are not here for fanservice, they want you to hand the world to them on a silver plate and if you can't do that they want you to bugger off. They are vicious in a fight, but really don't care most of the time. They set about to do great things, and then get lazy and can't cooperate with each other.
That's silly.
Cats love to cuddle.
At the time and place THEY want to do it, and not at any other time or place, and you BETTER drop everything if they've decided it's time and you're in the right place.
Sweet tapdancing Christ.
Her daughter came out retarded tho
Better idea, if anyone has played those old space flight sim games Wing Commander, the Kilrathi could also work. Large angry cat-men who want to conquer and enslave other races, also they like to disembowel their prisoners. Especially ones called Angel.
Make them humans who worship a cat god, like pic related
Ok OP i'm going to need you to hear me out on this, alright? Ok, so you make the cat folk, right? Now follow me on this, you make the cat people- OP, you listening? You make the cat people...without turning them into fetish fuel. None of that "humans with cat ears, a tail, and huge knockers" shit, none of that furshit with all of the colors of the rainbow and hyper sexual tendencies. NO MENTION OF GOING INTO HEAT. NONE.
In all seriousness though, just make them act like above average intelligence cats that happen to also be humanoid in shape and size. In other words, haughty assholes with the sort of conceit and amorality that could put elves and wizards alike to shame. Just make sure that they can actually back it up by being really fucking good and killing things, as is the nature of cats.