>Your DM has been blind since birth
Your DM has been blind since birth
>>TFW you and some players learn ASL to communicate without blind DM knowing
That would be a pretty interesting game.
I mean, you wouldn't get descriptions of color, but I imagine the tactile descriptions would be incredibly detailed.
>Am blind
>People get confused when I don't play a blind character
That actually sounds really interesting, I'd love to hear what they come up with
>on 4chins
Liar or waste of technology.
Actually have a friend to read and post for me.
>on Veeky Forums
>have a friend
Definitely a liar.
google non-visual desktop access pleb
You know you can still see, albeit extremely poorly, and still be considered blind by law.
t. Legally blind man
Ours is mute.
She writes fast.
Online game?
They're lying and actually a dude, you know that right?
Mute since birth or later in life?
>Your DM has always been completely blind
>He can describe sunsets better than you
>Many of his descriptions are completely on point
Nope, tabletop. Straight as a rainbow and comes up with the weirdest reasoning for BBEGs that make you think twice about killing them. Fortunately most of the group is murderhobos so that's not too big an issue. Fun part is she texts information discovered through perception checks that she writes up ahead of time to people who make and fail checks, so we actually have to share information. Much harder to metagame.
Later in life. Throat injury as a teen. Carries around a whiteboard, and sucks at amslan.
I always find that just a bit creepy. I know it's because they read/get read to/take descriptions from books, but still.
>Throat injury as a teen.
Tell your DM that people on the internet think she's awesome, and to keep her good DMing up.
Oh boy
I almost read that out loud you faggot.
Will do. She's practically the forever DM, so we treat her nice anyways. She's a total bro.
You're going to do it, right?
freg is that you?
>OP has been a faggot since childhood
Oh man I remember that thread
It happened on my birthday
This gets funnier the more I think about it
I mean, think about it, their entire understanding of these concepts have come from people who have practiced their entire lives describing these concepts. You have your own shallow experiences to fall back on which usually cloud your description. There's this theory that the later on in life that you're exposed to a concept the better you'll be able to visualize it mentally and translate it into an art form due to your brain's level of development at the time. A painter who lives in the third world and sees a firetruck for the first time at 30 is going to find it easier to capture what a firetruck is on canvas than someone whose seen them since they were four who will let their earliest understandings of firetrucks cloud their painting skills.
I know a mute chick that I play vidya with. Her name is Kitty.
Is she cute?
>read in the sunlight and now i have cataracts
HA! Take that dad for telling me that i should read with bright lights all the time
She's about 41 and underweight, so not really?
Played with a blind player. She was planning to GM Star Wars until I kinda screwed it up. She's active on the FFG forums. I think she's actually getting her game going over this summer break i'm not invited.
> mfw I stalk her there
> mfw I am not worthy of a face
Probably legally blind. These guys can still use computers if they zoom the shit out of the screen and read like one giant word at a time, or if they were giant glasses.
Dodged a bullet there, user. If you hadn't been such a creepy faggot, you would have been obligated to play the fucking abortion of a game that is Star Wars FFG.
i was tempted to reply
>your DM (gtfo faggot, this is D&D terminology) should have masturbated less to blacked.com
>since birth
oh, okay
I did play. So did she. Was her first rpg and she liked it so much, she wanted to gm. I had a lot of fun playing it so not sure what you're on about.
>gtfo faggot, this is D&D terminology
Pretty sure most people use DM and GM interchangably, regardless of whether they're talking about D&D or not.
It's a bit silly to get butthurt about it.
Where's that screen cap of the guy posting about how he has his little brother frog post for him post-blindening. That was a good laugh.
>Pretty sure most people use DM and GM interchangably
user, don't want to break it for you, but people don't use DM pretty much at all. Even in the context of D&D itself.
Repeat a lie long enough.
Earlier in the thread.
>be blind
>play a nonblind character
>whenever the DM says "you see", take deep breaths and ask him to elaborate
>always ask the DM what my character sees
>sometimes get extremely sad, then ask if it looks beautiful
Surprise surprise, not everyone is an Anglophone. And that renders the entire DM argument moot.
Don't even need a blind DM.
My sister learned Auslan and ended up teaching me enough to hold a silted conversation with.
Now half my friends are learning it and we secretly communicate at the table.
Then our DM bought a book about it just so he wouldn't be left out.
He knows just enough to get a vague idea on what we are saying but that's it.
He's a crybaby who just has to shitpost to get a reaction. Ignore and move on.
Uh, yes they do. Just because you and your faggy friends don't doesn't mean shit.
*dick in pants again*
I would know what you lot called it if you created something of worth instead of arguing about what we evil anglos do.
when you wipe how do you know when your ass is clean?
only a blind man can know the answer.
you have 5 seconds to answer, go.
I just realised you can't see the reaction image.
Feels Bad Man