Damsel in distress

So what is the point of trying to rescue a damsel in distress? It seems like they would be raped long before you got there.

It's a metaphor for keeping girls on the straight path to Christ.

Seems that way but not always the case.

Besides, who knows? The kidnapper might be female as well, so you rape her instead or as revenge.

>What's the point in saving someone who's been kidnapped? They can just stay there getting raped for decades and decades or until they find a way to kill themselves since they've already been soiled.

Assuming the kidnapper was a rapist.
Maybe you're just projecting. Many men don't instantly think, 'I have a woman here, better rape her,' in these situations.

Besides that, there is also the issue of the kidnapper not finding her desirable in any way, especially if they're a different species, specifically wanting a virgin for nefarious purposes, or knowing that while the king may pay the ransom and leave it at that to get his daughter back, he will hunt you to the ends of the earth if he finds out you ruined her future marriage prospects.

Well yeah. I mean they got raped, so what is it gonna change if you save them now or wait for the guy to let them go on his own?

>Many men don't instantly think, 'I have a woman here, better rape her,' in these situations.
This may be true, but those men normally are not kidnappers. Plus in these types of scenarios, the people who kidnapped them are typically the type of men or orcs that would rape the girl they took.

Is someone paying me to save her?

Do I expect a favor from her/her father/her friends in return for rescuing her?

Do I owe loyalty/fealty/money to the person demanding I rescue her?

Is someone twisting my arm behind my back to make me go and rescue her?

Is she someone whom I care about, such as a (ex)lover, or a family member?

Am I just a good guy who likes saving people?

There's more to saving someone than whether or not that poon's been used, OP.

It pisses off feminists.

Another noteworthy option is that it might be convenient excuse to dispose of kidnapper and loot his place.


The ritual requires a virgin sacrifice and cannot be preformed until the solstice, giving the players time to rescue the maiden.

Well, assuming the kidnapper is someone well-established and presumably a law-abiding citizen.

If it's just some Vampire lord or some dark wizard hanging out in a spooky tower in the middle of nowhere I don't see why you only now need an excuse to go there and steal his shit.

That is, however, a very good recruiting tool when you inevitably build up your posse so you can rescue her.

But if you were that kind of kidnapper, why bother going to all the effort that would come with getting to a presumably heavily guarded Princess? Why not just kidnap a peasant girl from a border village?

Anybody kidnapping a Princess will have a specific reason (other than rape) for doing so.

Well we'll just have to rape them twice as much to overwrite whatever the other people did.

>Well, assuming the kidnapper is someone well-established and presumably a law-abiding citizen
I cant see how that assumption would be made.

They just may want to rape the princess as a trophey. I mean, a high level pc could probably pull it off. But your average village girl would probably be kidnapped more for rape. Are you saying you would not try to save them because they are not a princess.

God damn it why does everyone have to get raped.

Does the knowledgable old man in the tavern who gave you the quest rape you as payment?

do you get paid with 250gp, a masterwork longsword, and 5 free rapes?

I have no idea what you are saying.

Not everyone gets raped, but when a group of bad guys takes a beautiful woman, the result seems kind of obvious. (Except if they are gonna ransom her off.)

>The ritual actually requires multiple sacrifices
>The damsel was bait!
>The players are the sacrifices!

Guys I have an idea.

What if instead of ransoming off the girl

we auction off some rapes?

>The players are vigins?
Actually dont answer that.

I think rape is a fair prediction in this case, Mr. Trips. It isn't a given, but if you're the kind of guy who'd abduct a helpless young woman then you probably won't have many qualms with raping her/someone else raping her.

There are of course plenty of other motives and actions a kidnapper can take. But if the rescuers are in the dark, assuming rape isn't a stretch.

It makes sense. Just kidnap some local peasant girls and sell thrm as sex slaves. If you catch a noble you can make a lot of $$$ renting out her womb

If someone's paying you to rescue her, they're probably holding her for ransom.

Depends on the girl actually. They probably wouldn't rape a princess because she would lose all ransom value to her family and they would hunt you to the ends of the earth. Now her handmaidens on the otherhand...

Ugh, all the creepy men in this thread. Women aren't valuable just for their vaginas! No need to turn to fictional rape just 'cause you can't seduce a girl IRL, just try being nice to her.

...why did I come to this thread if you guys are just gonna try raping everything... bet you think I deserve rape just 'cause I'm a girl and I'm intruding on your male safe space. Tell me, does it look like I'm asking for rape?

*is totally asking for it*

>Here we have Gorklstarc Hatefuck, with a 13 incher and some serious unresolved issues with his mother
>Starts at fifty silver
>Bored noblewomen start the betting

But any kids from that are illegitimate. However, if you sell her off the highest bidder and force her into a legal marriage then I can see why there's a market for kidnapped noblewomen.

The only reason I can think of guys paying extra for the princess rape is because then they can say they fucked a princess. Which is an understandable motivation, if a really twisted one.

That is not true at all. Some local bandits took your daughter for some "fun". You are not a noble, but you give your life savings to an adventurer to save her.

Not every kidnapper intends to rape. And even if they do, if there's a kidnapping involved then it's probably a bunch of henchmen saving the goods for their evil overlord. Let's say the overlord is away, returns, has a nice dinner, gets some random wench to prep the rod of lordly might and then moves in for the kill. And like a real hero, the knight in shining armor bursts in just in time, to literally catch the overlord with his pants around his ankles and engage in the most awkward duel in recorded history.

To be fair, literally everything pisses off feminists.

>Man saves woman
Damsel in distress male power fantasy that disempowers women and reduces them to a prize to be earned.

>Woman saves man
Male sexual fantasy that reduces women to servants who only exist to clean up the booboos a man causes for himself.

>Man saves man
Women are underrepresented, this story needs more powerful female characters.

>Woman saves woman
Lesbian undertones are only present to arouse the male audience.

>Nondescript, genderless being saves nondescript, genderless being
Feminists will somehow assign genders to them based on their dialogue and behavior and expose the hidden sexist message of this scenario.

There's no pleasing them, so the best thing to do is stop caring and do/write/play whatever pleases you.

What's his stats and level
With a name like that he's gotta be a PC.

This is just 1 rape right?

20 gp

You see, that's actually clever, though I'm sure it's already been done.
>1 virgin sacrifice as the catalyst and X powerful souls as the fuel
It also gives an actual reason for 'and I want them alive'.

>tips horn rimmed glasses.
It is not about the legitimacy of the kids, just the novelty of raping royalty vs raping a normal peasant girl. Im sure some rich bastards would pay top dollar for that.

>To be fair, literally everything pisses off feminists.
SJWs enjoy getting offended, and actively seek out ways to get offended.
This is because if you get offended, it automatically means someone else is responsible, and they have to work and do what you want as penance.
So being offended is a positive thing, you get free stuff!

This, really. Just because you're getting a paycheck for rescuing someone doesn't mean that person is presumably unharmed.

People can and do still love their daughters after the rape. That's kind of a telling sign of a good parent.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

I did say probably. It's not universal, but most peasants can't afford to pay their life savings for a traumatized and possibly crippled daughter.

>>tips horn rimmed glasses.

>damsel was bait
>virgin players are the real sacrifice
>they are defeated and captured easily
>the only way they can hinder the ritual is to unvirgin each other in the captivity
>cue reluctant homoeroticism
>BBEG is actually yaoi fangirl, this was her real plan all along, she's scrying the captives through the whole thing

You are either baiting or we have very different values.

>Black woman and Black man, working together, save White woman from White man


>Paying more than most peasants see for a quality rape

definitely a fucking PC

Well let's put it this way.

There is a $ cost for rescuing your daughter
You could just fuck your wife and make another daughter probably cheaper

>In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any white male terrorist's microaggressions, but because I am offended by my own internalized misogyny.

>Virgin players are the real sacrifice
>BBEG has the players fuck in order to save themselves

This is getting too fucking meta.

I KNOW this is bait, but it still makes me angry. Good job.


Nope. The persons of color are still serving the white woman. Slavery much? Was this script written by the KKK?

>And that's why she doesn't DM any more.

This is why you never let a woman DM. Or really play in general.

So you are a retard that does not know anything about feminism?

It would have to be black man and white woman.

This seems hilarious.

The reason you don't let women DM is because they tend to ban what hurts their feelz.

But this magical realming stuff is amusing and I wanna see if I can out-realm it.

King Kong stereotype.

Jesus you really cant make them happy.

You can't. Women don't ban what hurts their feelings, they will fucking destroy you with their magical realms. It's their outlet for their repressed sexuality, you can't even compete

unless you are just as repressed, if so, then godspeed

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a feminist should be able to type. Its arms are too small to get its fat little fingers off the keyboard. The feminist, of course, types anyways. Because feminists don't care what humans think is impossible.

You've clearly never had a smart female GM.

They're scary crazy. But they're definitely not boring. And they squick out the male players more often than the reverse.

Not every game takes place in Rapetown, Rapetopia, you gigantic autist.


Definitely this.

>feminists don't care what humans think
Only relevant part of your post.

>they will fucking destroy you with their magical realms.
I am male. I have a penis, and lusts, and fetishes. Outrealming a woman is literally what I, over hundreds of millions of years of evolution, am designed to do. I am the top /d/poster in my entire Veeky Forums and have participated in numerous secret raids on furaffinity. Dw bro I got this.

We have different experiences. I had a female dm, she almost always did magical realm with us, with her magical realm being her political agenda. It was fun at first, but quickly became old.

Statistically, most kidnappers are probably thinking along the lines of "how dare that judge take away my visitation rights".

My games take place in Lolitown, Consentopia.

>Jesus you really cant make them happy.
Now you understand!

What would a game in Rapetown, Rapetopia by like though?
>The only reason why the Paladin of Clit-Thor saves the princess from being gangraped by orcs is because he wants to rape her himself
>Did I say rape? I mean bless her with his +5 Holy Paladin Dick
>Consent optional

Unless you are playing a super disneyfied setting, rape is a pretty obvious action.

>Not living in Rapetopia

>magical realm political agenda
I huh
Does it have something to do with abortions?
That's some good magical realm.

>And they squick out the male players more often than the reverse.
Challenge accepted.

My group ended up imploding and all the characters dying over a loli slave that one of the characters got. It was kind of funny.

Neither of those posts is that shitpost.

Only for idiots who want to die.

This broseph.
Women don't usually pull out the MR guns, but when they do, they get the big ones first and fast.

I think that user is misunderstanding the meaning of the term "Magical Realm" as "what the DM personally thinks is fucking awesome"

>Contrary to popular believe, Rapetown is actually a very pleasant, upscale community. The Rapetopia Census Bureau reports it has some of the lowest rates of violent and sexual crime in the land.
>Now Chasteville, on the other hand...

Assuming you've houseruled enchanting your dick, by the time you can afford even +2, the money from rescuing women stops being worth it, and +5 is worth like 240,000gp or more than most countries could even pay you.

Yes actually. None with abortions that i remember, but some of them were interesting concepts until you remembered she was doing it to push an agenda.


You're not a peasant, user. Try thinking like someone whose entire family could starve to death if they have one bad harvest. Your life savings is there to keep you, your wife, and your children alive if that happens. I wouldn't fault someone for refusing to throw that all away to save one child. Especially since the bandits will probably just return her at some point.

loli slave wat do
>equip with spear and padded leather

>The princess is the chosen receptacle

Well you definitely got some femdom fantasies, but yes, i may have misunderstood the concept of magical realm for
>personal likes pushed into a game.

I have named my balls Erwin and Rommel. I am going to Reich that campaign while I wreck that campaign. The Nazimpregnator has been deployed.

>Arrest me? Do you have any idea who I am?
>My dick is literally worth more than your entire nation's economy!

>Especially since the bandits will probably just return her at some point.
>I'm-I'm sure those men will give us our Jenny back!


No, i mean one of the players got a magic contract that made the loli obey all his commands. I think the dm expected him to free her, he didnt. Half the party tried to kill him to free the loli, one player was looting the bodies and it was really just kind of funny.

Well, they're going to get bored of her at some point, and why bother feeding her when they can just pick up another peasant?

They cut your dick off so they can sell it to boost the economy.

I really cant tell if he is trolling or his values are genuinely that different

This just shows that you need to introduce loli slaves from session one.

As in, your backstory must include 1 loli slave (or shota slave if you prefer). Yes they can die during the course of the campaign but you'll get replacements really quickly.

>why bother feeding her when they can just pick up another peasant?

They're just gonna kill her, you dingus.

Why would they fucking return her to you? Are they hoping to get store credit so it's that much easier to pick up your other kids later?

Parents like you are the reason Paladins need to keep existing.

>implying 21st century values have anything to do with the lives of a medieval peasant

Was she running Pathfinder?

Oh! Idea!

What if the players are all elves, which grow really old, so they have to keep throwing away their loli slaves every 2-3 years and getting new ones?

But the new ones still keep the same names as the old ones, so the party elves just act like they have immortal never-aging lolis.

>but she looks different

Who cares, the important thing is that she is MY loli and that MY loli is always of the best loli age.

>The paladin's cock is like the sword in the stone
>Whosoever holds the Dick of Destiny is destined to rule the Kingdom of Rapetopia

>Dick merchants are now a thing
>The currency in the realm is not backed by gold but by dicks

>loving your children is a 21st century value

The relationship dynamic definitely has changed from the past.

But this means that rapes can pretty easily become a fiat currency
