DnD character art thread, Post them!
DnD character art thread, Post them!
why does he have a little sword on his sword
Maybe he just has a thing for swords? Elves can be very silly.
anyone have anything near or close to the black swordsman?
If there's anyone lurking, is there something specific you're looking for? My folder isn't too big but I'd be happy to look.
Its not too close, but I have some with the whole "covered-up &mysterious" look if that helps at all
How come there's never any hobo Dwarves with dirty beards? Does -2 CHA mean nothing?
I'm playing a dirty outcast Dwarf Wizard this Sunday but art anywhere close to that is nowhere to be found.
>Giant Otter Animal Companions
Pretty rad. Would play with if I ever play a Ranger.
I always liked deer companions. They look pretty regal, but at the same time kind of wild. Rangers were never my style though, so idk
He's a little clean, but I saw this in some other thread earlier.
Please. Im not a degenerate.
Anyone have older half-orc? Preferably with gray hair?
Any thuggish/Rogue looking Dwarves?
The most thug/rogue dwarf I've seen
Its not an otter...the jaguar is wearing a leather hat.
here's the larger image
i have a couple that look a little ragged at least
I'm trying to host an Underwater Campaign with merfolk and gillmen. Can anyone help out?
This is a cool paladin, doesn't look too overtly LG to piss you off, and the animu is kinda restrained.
Fuck year, dorf ranger! Unusual race/class combos are always welcome.
Anyone got any orc/half-orc druids? I'm looking for female ones, but posting what I got here
Kinda like what you posted
Elf fighter that doesn't look like either animu or a pussy
This is sort of a stretch, but she'd work...
i think thats what i have for elves
well i have a bit more but its not really char art
I have a rather specific request I need help finding. I'm looking for a barbarian-esque character who is covered in all sorts of pelts and you can't see their face. bonus points for skull-mask
ok last elf and i'm sleeping
ok i said i would sleep but i took one look. i don't think this is what you want but its the closest i could find. ask a draw friend to photoshop a skull helmet on him maybe.
sorry, not something i don't think i would save.
now i sleep
The holy symbol of Iomedae, he's a paladin. Same symbol as on the little talismans.
Guess he wants to make extra sure the guy he's smiting knows who did the deed.
Anyone got a necromancer grill?
Yeah I think this'll do just fine. Thanks friend!
Only one i got is a cheesecake
I might have a few that fit, let me see.
These are all great thanks.
doesn't get any more accurate than this.
and that's about a wrap for what I have for necromancer females. If anyone has some good bronze-age looking stuff (fantasy or otherwise) I'd love to have some more of that for a campaign I'm kicking off.
Cant decide a favorite.
Something like this?
yeah, that's excellent. Anything that would look appropriate in Greece/Macedonia/Persia will probably work, phalanxes being the most common thing that is brought to mind usually.
Anyone have more tall thin knights?
Can I get some lasses with red eyes, and preferably red or brown hair
Role doesn't -really- matter, but casters are preferred
I'll see what I can manage though that's pretty specific.