>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>June 2016 Survey
>Old Thread
Which class/path is best for a pet class?
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>June 2016 Survey
>Old Thread
Which class/path is best for a pet class?
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There really isn't one...having a pet doesn't really work. The closest you're going to get is probably a conjuration wizard, maybe a druid that specializes in all the summoning spells.
This. Summoning is the best way to have a pet mechanically. I like lore bard just to steal the best conjure spells from each list.
Yeah, that can work.
For me, though, there's nothing more fun than a wizard conjuration demonologist...I just love it.
Best pet class is pact of the chain. Those familiars are really freaking useful.
So folks, after a villain took over our home and led to a very strenuous session(as well as killing all our employees)we've decided as a group to sell the home and create/buy a new one. Stole this one from a vampire and it's been nothing but constant attacks since.
So I'm asking two main things.
1 - The best type base for defense and general usability, we were in a manor so it was relatively easy to get into. Location suggestions would be good too, general fantasy stuff.
2 - The best defenses for the home since a few guards just aint cutting it. I'm a cleric(lv12)so I do have access to hallow and forbiddence but had no time to cast it on the house as we had got it recently. Other than that any suggestions? I figure even after a move we'll still be attacked a few times and I want to make sure that if someone does get past the defenses it's a big deal.
It's a pity 5e doesn't have much on building bases, I've heard past editions have a very in-depth ones along with more perks. Saw that Walrock homebrew for homes as well which is nice, might try to get my DM to let us do that but assume for now just 5e.
Any help will be appreciated.
3 levels warlock; pact of the chain. 3 levels ranger, beast.
14 levels druid for the lols
Does anyone have a collection of alternative backgrounds? Preferably including ones for a doctor and/or cook?
>inb4 guild artisan
Close but not what I'm looking for, I need fun specific kinda stuff.
> Play add a Champion Fighter with a pet dog.
> Be a responsible owner and leave the dog with a trustworthy caretaker while off facing peril.
> Return home with ancient treasures in tow, enemies vanquished.
> Dog doesn't care, he's just happy to have you back.
This made me go pet my dog, thanks user.
Best Good aligned war god for a cleric? I'm "torn" between Torm and Tyr.
The hack/slash blog did a series of them a while back. I'd just as soon just let my players make their own, though.
Athena? Sophia? Apollo?
posting from the last thread
Feedback was cool, but someone said it was underpowered compared to tieflings or humans.
Should I see about giving it a lvl 5 spell then?
Tyr is also a god of duels. Not to mention he's lost his hand by being the only one with balls to sacrifice it to the maw of Fenris, this even though he's a god of duels.
Therefore, he's probably more on the lawful side then
Just ran my first game, to a group of 15-year-olds
Went surprisingly well, and my younger brother managed to steer the rest of the party away from murdering their way through everything
I'm having a hard time getting them to actually rp their characters though, any ideas?
Does Goodberrys "nourishment for a day" include the need to drink water?
Note I said "need", not "desire". You could still be thirsty af as long as it means you won't keel over and die of dehydration.
no, just food
No way to force it. I tried my best at that, trust me.
Given time their "characters" will begin to grow different personalities and they will start getting used to one another on the table. Then you begin calling them by their character's names and using "what does HE does" or "what do THEY do" instead of what do you do.
This works wonders for rp. It creates enough distance when they are already invested and makes them want to try acting out of their 'own' character and play as the game character instead.
just give them time to get into it and get more comfortable. You getting in character and doing voices for npcs will help normalize the behavior for them.
I guess I'll have to think up some way for my Rouge I'm making to get water on long jobs then since I was going to take Druid Magic initiate with Goodberry for food, Mending for obvious reasons on a gear based build, and something else.
Wonder if DM would let me take Create/Destroy Water despite it being a spell and not a cantrip if I made the stipulation that I only know how to produce enough to fill a gallon jug or so instead of the full 10 gallons and ability to destroy it.
Urchin Background gives you a pet mouse.
*and lack the ability to destroy it
you could just ask him to make goodberry do as such, or ask him his definition of nourish, since its just for thematic purposes. maybe even ask if you can go to one cantrip/spell and have goodberry be water as well
Any way, RAW, for an assassin rogue to obtain a (preferably friendly) flying snake pet to harvest poison from?
Take find familiar with Magic Initiate and hope your DM lets you have a flying snake
Not a flying snake RAW but you could get a Poisonous Snake via Find Familiar and use that, or ask your DM if you could use Find Familiar for a flying snake or make the Frog/Toad a Poison Dart Frog or whatever they're called and use that, though harvesting a full vial off a toad would probably be quite a challenge.
I'm thinking that the only reliable way without DM intervention is to have a druid in the party. Does that raise any RAW concerns, harvesting poison from a wildshaped druid?
the obvious bending rules others have said, get a different animal, or take 3 levels of ranger
lol how the fuck did you get to level 12? did you start at level 10?
Play a ranger. They are underpowered shit otherwise but they might work for what you want.
Even then, though, the beastmaster might not have access to the flying snake.
>start with it
>it dies
>"well you're in the underdark, sorry about your luck"
That being said, would the flying snake be a surprisingly good beastmaster companion?
>+6+proficiency to attack roll
>3d4+1+proficiency bonus damage
>60ft flyspeed
>14+proficiency AC
>same health as any other companion
Doing things, beating enemies and what not generally does level you up in this game.
Necromancer. You can have your familiar, plus a massive number of zombies / skeletons, a fair number of ghouls and ghasts, and two mummies. Also if you get really lucky you can pick up a mummy lord as well to lead your undead army.
the main disadvantage is like you said, its not a magical beast, without changing RAW its pretty easily killed. but like you said, raw.
its one of the better flying BM pets, but its frail as fuck
Just as frail as the other beasts, yeah?
Also, what the fuck was wotc thinking not giving companions a way to bypass physical resistance/immunity?
well as frail as the other flyers i mean, they stereotypically have very low health, but to my knowledge, all the "good" flyers have flyby attack anyway
All beast companions get the same HP (or their rolled/average statblock health)
Swarm of Bats and Swarm of Rats are both valid beastmaster companions.
right, which means 12 maximum since he would probably take the bare minimum ranger levels. i more mean that the beasts with lower ac, generally have more health to make up for it. flyers dont really have ac or health
flying snake is barely better than a familiar at that point
I just mean in general for a beastmaster.
Cleric (Death Domain)/Wizard (Necromancy) here, looking for some advice.
How do I get my bard to stop casting fireball and killing all my zombies?
No they aren't. Swarms are multiple beasts, BMs only get a singular beast companion.
Talk to him out of character either before or after session and tell him to not do that. If he refuses, talk to the DM about it. If that does not resolve the issue, either leave the game or pick up counterspell.
I'll probably just pick up counterspell. He will bitch but I won't care, I have a limited amount of corpses where we are, and I made a deal with my DM to not have more than 3 at a time.
Oh also leaving the game, I really really want to leave this group but it's the only group I have and there aren't any others that I know of in this area. It's either I play and have a hobby or I don't and have to live every day of my life not pretending to not be me.
>It's either I play and have a hobby or I don't and have to live every day of my life not pretending to not be me.
Fuck, that's hitting too hard tonight
This. itll forever take all your spell slots to have an army, but you will undoubtably have the best/most pets.
Or you could try out the Master of Shadows archetype from my shadowcaster conversion. It has a pet shadow elemental and is similar to the beastmaster archetype.
Feedback is more than welcome.
I'm currently playing Curse of Strhad with my group and I'm switching character after we got raped by the witches at level 3. What's the best way to build a Warlock at level 4? Is the Undying Flame path worth it or should I go with Infernal(Pact of the Tome)
I'm playing either a GOO or undying Warlock in an upcoming Forgotten Realms game and I was wondering if there are any canon patrons that haven't been done to death?
ay 5eg whats the best class to play for someone who wants to kill himself every day?
A faggot?
why would anyone buy a vampires lair especially when the vampire wants it back
>Saw that Walrock homebrew for homes as well which is nice
you uh... got that saved somewhere? Mind sharing it?
>begin to suggest suicidal AoE Revenant Warlock
>realize poster wants to kill himself every day
Choose life user. No, really, choose Life Domain and maybe your party will give you a reason to live.
Auppenser, maybe.
No, I'm straight and I have a sexy gf. Do you have a recommendation or not?
I hate clerics.
Alright! New campaign, new options, I decided to go with one I can find almost no information of any kind about except some faggot on reddit spamming "Mind Vault is broken" (probably true): the Mystic.
The number one complaint anyone seems to have about 5e is the lack of options so far, so you'd think an entirely new class with its own mechanics would have the shit playtested out of it, but apparently feedback has been pretty anemic, as if no one actually cares.
My concern is that this may be because the Mystic is bad or lame. It has a lot of features and I'm having trouble seeing the big picture: tell me about this fucking thing. Per-round regenerating temporary HP has me covered if I want to tank, but let's say I want to do other things too?
I'm really sad there aren't different types of bows with different draw weights for different damages..
they dont even have all the weapons they do have ingame right anyway, be happy they dont
How should they be different?
Different draw weight bows would be easy to model in game. Require a threshold of strength and do more damage
>Do you have a recommendation or not?
not that user but paladin
>A patchwork of dozens of banners hangs from this ornate lance, arranged to form a larger symbol.
>A History check will reveal that these are the banners of several noble houses that have died out, particularly from around the southern kingdoms.
What kind of magical properties should I give this thing? It's supposed to be the favored weapon of a demon* hunter.
>TL note: "demon" means "whatever their masters don't like", which also means the party.
>High-Draw Shortbow
>1d4 piercing, Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
>High-Draw Longbow
>1d6 piercing, Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
>When you hit with a ranged attack using a high-draw bow, you add your Strength modifier to the attack's damage in addition to your Dexterity modifier.
Are people generally inclined to being evil or being good?
Don't give me a bullshit moral relativism answer. Are humans even worth saving as a species? Are there more good among us than bad?
It's a fantasy game, that's up to you friend.
all but 2 of my group (myself and one of the rogues) is unable to pick either or. everyone is some mix of chaotic or lawful neutral.
i think people just dont like to pick
Wouldn't that make them chaotic, though?
humans on earth are worth saving because we're the only species on earth capable of a lot of things. but when you put it into a fantasy setting in which case there are other species with art, music, etc., then i don't know
rare pepe
being neutral doesnt make you chaotic. i just have the misfortune of grouping with a bunch of edgelords
>Paladin whos "patron" is a vampire and killed his father at the age of 15
>Monk street rat of the radiant soul, has a pet mouse who is actually an imp leading him to ruin
>fey warlock who is trying to become a lich
>druid who has a massive hate boner for cities and a massive fur boner for me because my elf came down with a case of werewolves
>dark elf rogue who left the underdark to get away from the slavery and petty politics to begin doing that on the surface
>fiend warlock tiefling(dead) who was all "everyone is weak" and acted like a douchnozzle "lel so randumb"
...actually aside from the warlock who is six feet under slowly everyone is turning into characters instead of "im so dark and edgy" because my chaotic good elf is infectious with how nice he is...
im actually that guy technically arent i?
If we're good, then we're worth saving. If we're bad, we might not be worth saving, but we'll do it anyway because we're bad.
It's a bad question. You make assumptions about people being good OR evil as if that's what people are like. You're not talking about people, you're talking about (Catholic) Christian ideas of what people should and shouldn't be.
If you're not talking about real people, the answer is whatever you think, but it doesn't affect anyone or anything, so it's useless, apart from reinforcing your own (flawed) beliefs.
It's like asking- which is better, halberds, or glaives? The only distinction is in the name. There's no such thing as either, they're all just "slashy polearms".
Do people notice when you Hex them while hidden? That check disadvantage is really useful, but not so much in social settings.
Grants the Retainers feature in the form of ghostly second sons and daughters.
You can cast Hunter's Mark once per short rest as a 1st level spell, but you don't need to concentrate on it.
Once per long rest, you can cast mirror image, except that your images are spectral knights and lords - since they are swift to intervene to defend you, there is no penalty for this effect. Each image deals 1d6 force damage a round to a creature within 5 feet of you.
depends on your DM. I asked the same question yesterday.
Could a Dual Wielder feat character make an off-hand attack with this?
i would allow that in my campaign.
i think so yes
I'm going to be playing in my first 5e game pretty soon and I think I'd like to play a Warlock (probably core only since this is the DM's first time DMing).
Is there anything I should know about it? I've flipped through the PHB sections about it, and I think I have a decent handle on it and the rules in general, but is there anything that's easy to miss? I'm guessing there aren't trap options on a 3e scale, but is there anything in that area I need to watch out for?
For that matter, is there a good Warlock guide / 5e beginner's guide out there that someone knows about? I can get various ones through Google but IDK how accurate they are.
You'll definitely want to pick eldritch blast (cantrip) and Hex (1st) as spells. Apart from that, pick what seems cool!
you're essentially a "ranged character" rather than a caster
eldritch blast is your "weapon attack" along with hex being your "hunters mark", you get a few spells as well, and eventually invocations. feel free to go more blasty with your choices, but remember eldritch blast is a pretty damn good cantrip. you're essentially a fighter hurling halbreds at 100+yard range with it.
theres "good choices" and bad choices, but just pick what you light, you can change a number of things whenever you level anyway.
if you're worried about dying though, pick up the "FIENDISH VIGOR" invocation at level two
even without cheesing it (which your dm shouldn't allow you to do) you can cast it between every fight for 5-8 temporary health. when 5-8 isn't enough, just trade it in at a levelup for something else
Your tiny number of spell slots refresh on SHORT rest. Not long, at the end of the day, SHORT, as often as you can convince your party to take a breather.
Pact of the Blade is not very good.
Pact of the Chain is solid but you have to be really into that imp.
Pact of the Tome is amazing. You can pick Shillelagh and Find Familiar (with the upgrade invocation for rituals preferably) and have a solid chunk of what made the other two pacts good.
As a caster, you're kind of a shitty caster. Lots of spells were cut from your list and made invocations - the "you can cast this once with a slot" invocations are basically all traps that should be class features.
As an arcane archer - Eldritch Blast + Agonizing Blast + Hex - you have solid DPR and lots of surprising utility.
Manage your spell slots very carefully. Hex is almost always worth a cast since you can transfer it from thing to thing for its duration.
Darkness + See in Darkness (the Invocation that lets you do that) is very strong but your DM and your party will both hate you. Just the See in Darkness invocation is still very strong, and no one can complain about THAT.
All the pacts are decent. Great Old One is maybe a little better overall than the competition but not by a lot.
A fun combo is to pick up the eldritch spear invocation and get the feat spell sniper. With these you can cast eldritch blast at people from 600 ft away.
This is also a great combo for making your DM upset, denying your party participation, and never getting used once enemies stop appearing 600 feet away.
Warlocks have a handful of great combos you can't/shouldn't actually use, sadly.
>Pact of the Blade is not very good.
bump. Has anyone seen one, let alone played one?
Yeah I realize that it isn't the most viable of combos but it is pretty fun when it does work.
To being good. Save 'em.
>eldritch blast
Is it really that essential? I was looking through the options and there are some nice upgrades you can get for it through invocations, but Chill Touch sounded more interesting at the cost of (on average) 1 damage per use.
>traps that should be class features.
Yeah, that's the impression I got from them. Is there some build where some/all of them become good, or are they just sucky all around?
Hex seems nice, but the potential to lose concentration on it every time I'm hit makes me nervous. The guy who'll be DMing is definitely the type to have archer enemies take potshots at the squishies in the back row, so that nice long duration is likely to get cut short pretty frequently.
Is it? Low damage that becomes okay damage at level 12 while eating up two Invocations, doesn't combo at all with cantrips (unlike other gishes, who would love a bonus action Eldritch Blast), you don't have Con proficiency, you don't have armor proficiencies, you don't have a fighting style. You can solve many of these problems by starting Fighter 1 but that's like saying barbarians make great skillmonkeys if you start them Rogue 1.
essential? no
but its kinda like going sword and shield on a barbarian, and your goal is still to do as much damage as possible
you can still do good, but you're kinda missing the point
that being said, there isn't really a better damage cantrip. everything else is going to have lower damage dice, but only have 1 roll to hit/save
its the mathematically longest ranged, highest potential damage cantrip in the game
Yes. Eldritch Blast fires multiple beams of force. Each beam gains damage from Agonizing Blast and from Hex, so each Beam can be 1d10 force + 1d6 necrotic + Charisma necrotic.
That's why warlocks are arcane archers, and that's what makes up (in part) for their shitty spellcasting: they're pretty good arcane archers.
>is there some build where traps untrap
Polymorph and Bestow Curse are very strong spells. Maybe enough to cripple your Invocation choices for.
Yeah, but you always have SOMETHING you want to concentrate on. Try to deal with it. Get War Caster and Resilient (Con) if you really need, in that order.
As you said, the invocations give it more effectiveness. +CHA damage is no joke, especially because it affects EACH BEAM
You can also target each beam at a different target, to spread around the pain, which chill touch can't do.
And repelling blast can be stupid - 10ft pushed for each beam is quite crazy.
3.PF general is that way >>>>>>>
In the core rulebook I think it is weaker than the others but with the additions of SCAG cantrips it seems like it could be pretty powerful.
>multiple beams
Oh shit, I didn't see that. That makes Agonizing Blast way better.
So I'd theoretically be able to opportunity attack a bunch of Eldritch Blast beams to someone's face if they happened to run past me or some shit? (I know that's not something that should be likely as a squishy unless I really pump Con or some shit, but what if).
Whoops, forgot to add "with War Caster" to that one.
>Is it?
It has its problems, but also its adherents.
Its not optimal, and its an uphill battle.
But the real warlock problem comes after level 10 where they just fall behind every other caster, with no flexibility for level 6+ spells and only one of each known.
I wouldn't let the dual-wielder +1 AC stack with the shield's AC, but otherwise yeah why not.
quick question
is difficult terrain a big deal anymore? costing twice the movement seems a bit meh.
also does difficult terrain stack with someone prone trying to get up so their move action to get up costs their full movement?