What's your favorite spell?
What's your favorite spell?
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Windy Escape.
Fuck this general area and everything in it
Bottom left's fucking face
>What about Larry!?
I love the Finger of God/Fist of God.
Fuck, man, I forgot about how awesome that fist one is.
That's how divine spells should be
>be powerful and holy soldier of the faith
>some faggot talking shit about God
>hey God, smite this faggot who talks shit about your name
>literal 15-foot wide fist comes out of the sky
>it starts wailing on the dude
>dude's dead
>fist keeps punching
>he's obviously, completely dead
>still punching the ground, making a crater
>literal bloody imprint stuck to the fist
>still punching
>finally stops
>everyone knows not to talk shit about God now
Back on topic, Evard's Black Tentacles.
It's the mechanically optimal way to completely and utterly humiliate any encounter you come across.
For bonus points, make it invisible.
no explanation needed.
on the other hand...magic jar makes me a lich...
Fireball, the absolute definitive arcane spell.
Is there a more metal save-or-die spell?
Prismatic wall.
>About to learn this in a campaign
>DM has since increased the game to be as non-magic friendly as possible since Fireball ruined what he thought was going to be a "climactic way for the party to die".
Might drop the campaign, but if it's as good as you say, I'll try it a few times beforehand.
>Useless Sorceress who doesn't really want to play and "Bluffs-Mcgee" Warlock are the only other "ranged attackers" in the party, so tentacles might be me "trolling the game" since they'll get inevitably damaged due to low rolls.
Just now:
Forge Soul Instrument
Save or have your body turned into an instrument powered by your soul. Soul bonded with the caster or intended player allowing remote play. Area effect that absorbs bodies and souls to power up the instrument. Save-or-die vs. death magic. Lightning may be involved.
I hate dms that punish players because he did not plan for something.
We had one that would tell you he is not rolling a save for something or that a mook just ignores spell effects because he had already planned out what that mook was ding.
I quit one of his games when I used finger of death and he told me he was ignoring it because he was not doing the math for the effects.
True Strike. Using the 3.5 item creation rules you could craft a ring of continuous +20 to all attack rolls and never, ever miss. And it costs almost nothing for how powerful it is.
Defenestrating Sphere ranks up there. It's exactly the kind of thing I'd expect in the higher level of a wizard's tower, being smart enough to utilize height and dickish enough to throw fuckers out windows instead of just looking to kill them outright.
It would take you one standard action to cast every time you use it.
Magic missile, because i am nostalgia
I love how magic missile, a spell, got two prestige classes and warlock as an entire class got one racial substitution level, one prestige class that relied completely on being a hell themed evil campaign and no ear outside of core.
It's best prestige class actually has nothing to do with it and locks you into playing human so you can pump out magical items to a better degree then artificer.
MP Shield, Making CQC wizards viable.
You. You are the reason I have to advice my fellow GM's to kick assholes out of their campaign.
Those rules are RIDICULOUSLY easy to break if you use them as anything but guidelines for the DM to make items with.
Continous invisibility, protection from evil, mage armor, shield etc. etc....
Anyway, to get back to the thread:
Favorite spell... Probably Rope Trick. I don't even care if the DM houserules it a bit to be less broken, I just REALLY like not needing tents and being able to sleep isolated from the sweaty dwarf-barbarians ^^.
Thunderous Smite never lets me down. My party hates it though
You could also replace this with any other spell from the new edition of Unknown Armies.
Sonic Lance.
Advise, you living tumor.
And you play 3.PF, you don't fucking get to whine about abuse.
Fuck, dats cool. Got any other one?
>Those rules are RIDICULOUSLY easy to break if you use them as anything but guidelines for the DM to make items with.
Good thing they're specifically called out to be just guidelines, then.
How about 2
spiks to snakes
>bitching about how broken 3.PF is while still playing 3.PF
I hope someone shoves a mercury thermometer down your urethra and breaks it, you slack-jawed waste of natural resources.
>Animate dead
Who the fuck needs zombies or skellies? I'm filling all of my undead HDs with isitoqs and you can't stop me.
Fus Ro Dah
Ghost Sound.
I like to get creative with my spell effects.
>Sticks to snakes
>Flesh to toast
>Detect dead(yep he's dead alright)
>talk to potted plants
and my all time favorite:
Become dead
Bestow currse, especially if the DM lets you be creative with it instead of "-X to something"
> May your womb forever be barren !
> May your fields sow nothing but brambles !
> May your face forever depict the vileness of your soul !
> Since your language is so foul, may you squeal like a pig forevermore !
I love playing a fair but vindictive witch.
Magic Missile.
>Using the 3.5 item creation rules you could craft a ring of continuous +20 to all attack rolls
No, you couldn't. Using a squid for a DM you could craft a ring of continuous +20 to all attack rolls, but that goes for every edition and every game. The 3.5 item creation rules repeatedly say, and I quote:
>Not all items adhere to these formulas directly
>these few formulas aren’t enough to truly gauge the exact differences between items
>The price of a magic item may be modified based on its actual worth
>The formulas only provide a starting point
>other items require at least some judgment calls
and in particular
> The easiest way to come up with a price is to match the new item to an item that is already priced
Shit on 3.5 for the problems with 3.5, not the problems with your squid.
Someone is pretty pissy their true strike ring does not work how they want by raw.
I don't know about DnD 3.5 but there read the example under the "Magic Item Gold Piece Values" section.
Probably Baleful Encystment, just for the sheer horror value of being trapped in a tiny bubble forever.
Evards Black Rapetacles
>may gods bestow you with many children!
>may you live in interesting times!
Indeed. The best kind of curse is one that is disguised as a blessing.
Not everyone abuses shit in 3.PF
I bet you tell people in the ghetto to not whine about shitty living conditions because they're in a ghetto
Ressurect dumbass, backed by solid sewing skills.
Power Word: Neuter
You can't really drive a lemon and then complain when your car breaks down every other month.
No, because WILLINGLY playing a shitpile of a system is nowhere near comparable to being raised into a shitty situation, you dense motherfucker.
Jump Through Window to Avoid Angry Husband
Oh, you played a bard?
Phantasmal Killer and Weird are pretty cool.
Orgasm, from shadowrun. Its both effective and hilarious!
I don't get why clerics are not perceived as way more bad-ass than they typically are.
Shapeshift (common animal)
I always see this image and go "I saw this drawing style somewhere" but can't remember. Can anyone recognize where it's grom?
author of Bolter to Kokoro.
>What's your favorite spell?
Bigby's Middle Finger.