Veeky Forums! Is your current character S or M?
Veeky Forums! Is your current character S or M?
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Neither. Being an Android, he is incapable of sexual desire or attraction.
U wot?
S but can fake being M if the hit is light enough
Neither, tender lovin's the way to go.
Whichever involves the most hand-holding.
Sadist or masochist? Probably an S.
If we're putting people into one of those, then he's an S.
But in reality he's more like these
Medium, halflings and gnomes are overrated
I'm an SMF:
Mine is probably gonna wait and see what the version exclusives are first, but he kinda prefers Solgaleo to Lunala.
switch/vers like all good faggots should be
Juste is a switch, Harn is S, and Leon is hard M.
Medium range, probably, depending on the weapon.
S and M are politically incorrect terms in current year, you should use follower and leader instead.
Whatever serves him best in that particular moment.
In other words, what do they do when it's time to settle Catan?
Sexy or Monstrous?
Definitely Sexy.
real (?) question: Masochist, definitely; gotta be for all that bloodletting. for non-pain, he is a switch.
fake question: he prefers Symbols (thought) over Matter (reality)
M. I don't play halflings or gnomes often.
Semi Lele
M. It's the only logical explanation for why he's still with the party.
S and M familiar, S, and M for each game respectively.
He's a hard M that enjoys leaving his lover bruised and well-used after an encounter.
Three are on varying levels of the M scale and one would probably fit more as an S.
Totally an M, but that's about the only thing where I self insert. Well, a submissive more than a masochist.
M. His boyfriend is S
Very S
The Malefactor I'm playing in Demon the Fallen is an S, no doubt. The Mage I'm playing in MtAs is also a solid S. The NE sorcereress I'm playing in a Pathfinder game fronts as an S but is actually extremely M.
As a former Artilleryman and Fire Direction Controller, this chart makes no sense to me.
>The entire joke predicates on the fact the stupid git misspelled ukulele.
A D. Definitely a D.
Neither, because I avoid my own Magical Realms in games.