Are there any documented cases of the various Chaos factions fighting one another?
Nurgle vs. Khorne, etc.?
Are there any documented cases of the various Chaos factions fighting one another?
Nurgle vs. Khorne, etc.?
Are you kidding? The only reason Chaos hasn't taken over the universe and Khorne hasn't overpowered the other three gods is because they're constantly fighting each other. The only time they ever weren't fighting each other was when they were helping Horus fight the Emperor.
What do the various Chaos marines think of each other?
Can a marine from one of the four factions join another and vice versa?
Do the chaos gods headhunt each other's best and brightest marines?
>Can a marine from one of the four factions join another and vice versa?
Once youre bound to one of the gods no you dont usually move factions, they own you literally.
>Do the chaos gods headhunt each other's best and brightest marines?
All the fucking time though not themselves mostly they pit champions against each other.
Y...Yes, dude, all the time, they hate each other just a tiiiiny bit less than they hate the Imperium.
Ohhh I don't knowww maybe?
They literally do it all the time. Khorne hates Slanesh, and tolerates Nurgle, but dislikes Tzeentch. Slaanesh dislikes Khorne, and tolerates the other two as far as I know. Tzeentch is anti-nurgle, but he'll work with him if it leads to more "Hurr just as planned" moments. Nurgles an all around loving guy, and only defends himself from the others. He's a good boi e dindu nuffin.
better topic!
documented incidents of chaos being "good"
Nurgle and tzeenth hate each other because they represent stagnance and change respectively
Khorne and slannesh hate each other because they represent hating shit and liking shit respectively
There was that one time where Slaanesh daemons wanted to invite Kharn to join Slaanesh because of his lust for battle, but Kharn remembered he was too angry and bloodthirsty for that faggotry and killed the lot of them
Malal forever, or not, maybe
tzeentch is the god of change though, right?
and nurgle is lord of decay, which is also change. life and death and all that. Why would nurgle hate tzeentch?
This guys gets it.
The eventual end of Nurgle is more like heat death. An ultimate Nurgle victory is the death of everything and decay of all matter into useless nothingness. A heat death like universe is inimical to Tzeentch and so they hate each other.
The fun thing about Chaos though is no God is really pure. When nurgle changes something by decay he gives a bit of power to Tzeentch. If he takes pride in his latest plague he gives power to Slaanesh. When Tzeentch makes a new being he decays and corrupts the previous one, ending it and giving power to Nurgle. It's a vicious cycle.
Because Nurgle represents a steady march into stagnation. His is a one way trip; life that only exists for death. He cannot represent the cycle, as he is only a parasite that feeds on the life that flourishes in his absence.
Tzeentch, on the other hand, is Change for only the sake of changing. There is no progress or regress, but only differences and shifts. He hates stagnation because it is a certainty, whereas he thrives on struggle and uncertainty.
It depends.
They hate each other, but they typically hate each other less than they hate the Imperium.
As far as I remember from original books, the main difference and core for all of animosities between these two was that Nurgle revels in despair of decay, while Tzeentch enjoys twisted hope of change.
stop writing about that midschool fanfic tier shit forgotten 20 years ago please
you don't know anything about 40k don't you ?
Yes. It's Slaanesh's particular fetish, in fact.
Not that guy, but I love it when somebody says something like 'You're an idiot' or 'You have no idea what you're talking about' to another person, with no intention on even clarifying why. On my first guess I'd call it a cheap attempt at appearing more intelligent than another person without actually doing anything of note, but I really can't say.
You mind explaining why you believe differently, champ?
slaanesh feeds off everybody though, it's why every god hates him especially.
Epic response bro, so fucking insightful and displaying vast knowledge of the subject at hand.
It's part of being "The Prince of Excess".
Just about all the actions of the other chaos gods are excessive, so he gets a cut of everything.
Nurgle can represent the cycle, but it's an inescapable cycle with no chance for growth or difference in outcome. On the grand scale each iteration plays out the same every time, though the inevitable end might be pushed back a bit.
Nurgle's a nice guy like that, giving you more time to play your role.
Yes. Pretty much every depiction of inter-faction interaction Chaos has had has been either them murdering each other or begrudgingly working together to fuck with the Imperium. In fact, I can't really think of any fluff that portrays them treating each other honorably or as brothers.
You mean like, specific battles that are mentioned in the fluff?
I like the Marcher Fortress, it's pretty much Slaanesh's home in the countryside, which is to say its a front line stronghold between ol' Slaany's and Khorne's territory. All sorts of debauchery takes place there, the deamonettes have a windmill where they grind the bones from the fields of the dead out front of the fortress, whipped to work (and death) by a keeper of secrets. Khorne's forces keep trying to take it, but even with hellcannons and shit they cannot take the fortress, it has never fallen. One of the few examples in fluff of Slaanesh whipping Khorne's ass constantly.
Pic related, it's the fortress from the outside.
Pretty tame name for Slaanesh's party house