>You encounter a zombie and her ghost.
What do you do?
>You encounter a zombie and her ghost.
What do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Punch her ghost in the leg until she explodes.
Turns out the ghost isn't her stand.
But seriously, the idea of a ghost haunting her former body that's been reanimated to be used as a mindless zombie minion is a really cool one. Lots of plot hooks there.
Fuck the zombie and make the ghost watch, then throw all my jizz to the ghost
>be necromancer initiate
>just starting out, bit of a fuckup
>but now it's time to raise your first zombie and show everyone you've got what it takes.
>find qt girl and murder her
>raise corpse to be your undying servant.
>it works but now her spirit won't go away
>determined to make your life a living hell.
>makes spooky noises when you're trying to sleep.
>impersonates your voice to say dumb shit while invisible.
>mocks you in front of the other necromancers
>don't get spirit magic until mastery so it's hard to stop her
>all the other necromancers are laughing at you
feels bad man
Eventually her zombie starts to get in on the hazing.
Two dead chicks for the price of one tease you for all time
>Trying to keep your cool in public while she runs an invisible finger through your pants and along your dick
Have my ghost leave my body and ghost fight her ghost while I body fight her zombie with my body.
And then you fall in love with each other and you eventually bind her to a pair of wedding rings worn by you and her now magically preserved body so that she can either be by your side incorporeally or in her physical form.
The best course of action is obviously to wirf zwei Karten ab.
But where do you keep those?
>a 2/2, a 1/1 flyer, and two 3/3s is a possible turn 2 boardstate in Standard
Well, first I unzip.
MY BAG to bring out my instruments so that I may put this ghost to rest with funky jams.
> youtube.com
Then I stick my dick in the zombie that is just a regular corpse.
You ghost fuckers are disgusting.
Where do the 3/3s come from?
zombie goasts leave this place
my dick
That brought me much laughter
Funny dialogue, but you lose points for not having it in "Donald Speak" and for omitting the traditional HAHA verbal tic for Mickey.
its ... a very old shoop
>Geist has his own angel stando
>New enchantment gives anyone a stand
>Traft can potentially have five stands at once
Geist is the fucking strong
>traft stand can literally ORA someone to death
Marry,fuck,then you can't kill!
Literally ghost blowjob. Also necrophilia.
>one day the prank goes too far and you almost die
>ghost realizes that her ghost life has no meaning without you
>her zombie body treats you back to health with the help of her ghost
>She gets tsundere towards you
>Body and mind are still somewhat connected, so her body is more honest about her feelings
>zombie and ghost now fights for your affection
>Body and mind are still somewhat connected
If I fuck the zombie, will the ghost feel it?
>You write thesis paper on the subject of sexual connection between the body and soul
>You become a critically acclaimed necromancer
How to detect perma-virgins desperate for human contact
>Yes, I have heard of your work and no, I won't shake your hand.
>human contact
I bet you also plays as human in games.
you went full fedora there m8s