Your party destroys the vicious gnoll tribe that had been mercilessly raiding the village's convoys, as contracted

>Your party destroys the vicious gnoll tribe that had been mercilessly raiding the village's convoys, as contracted.
>But as the last warrior is felled a much smaller, softer, younger-looking gnoll emerges.
>In a meek voice, he explains that he's sorry for his parents' actions and if you spare him, he'll be your faithful companion as long as you wish.

What does your character do, Veeky Forums?

If not ERP: punch the DM for going magical realm.

If ERP: :3


Take him in of course. As I usually play Mages I will set to not teach the Gnoll magic but instead have him physically trained as a warrior bodyguard and companion. Teach the boy to be Lawful and laugh at his boyish antics.

If you train him correctly through puberty and with proper conditioning; he'll only be able to cum with your cock in his ass. Shota to adult, always a good tail raiser.

What's a colon three mean?

>He turns wide, worried eyes up to you.
>He shrinks back from your weapon, hunching down and shivering.

Could you really be so cruel, user?

Boys do not work that way!


I burn the fucker and a smite for good measure

>Wonder what the beast is saying
>Slay the beast after giving up on trying to under stand what it was saying

Kill him too. No mercy and no half-measures when there's money to be made.

Kill, then revive as necromantic packmule.
Waste not, want not.

Kill him. It's most likely a ploy so he can poison us or slit our throats later. A swordsman's feelings are a small sacrifice.

Kill, then raise as zombie or mummy for pack mule or minion.
My necro.

Cool I guess. Welcome to Diamond Doges.

>In a meek voice, he explains that he's sorry for his parents' actions and if you spare him, he'll be your faithful companion as long as you wish.
Eww, god no. Emphatically no!

And that's not in an eww gnoll/furry, sentiment. That's in an eww I just killed your parents and now you're volunteering to be my slave kind of way.
Imagine if a modern day Merc squad shoots up a village of op for in some war torn hell hole. And after the last hostile is killed a kid emerges once the smoke clears saying, "he's sorry for his parents' actions and if you spare him, he'll be your faithful companion as long as you wish."

I'd do my best to send him to an orphanage, then try in vain to drink away the memories ASAP.

I'm sparing him because I'm a paladin and he's requested mercy and shown repentance. I don't need to kill him since he won't be able to do much on his own. However, I don't need a faithful companion, so I'll send him on his way to find his own path.

However, I do a Sense Motive to try and discover why he waited until the last of his kinsmen were killed before surrendering. He might be the gnoll equivalent of a femme fatale assassin.

In my culture it is a great honor to be defeated and have your tribe wiped out. My culture is not long for this world.

Yeah, I kind of agree with this user. If the gnoll kid was some kind of outcast - being held prisoner in the village or being marked as the pariah of his clan - then sure.

Otherwise it feels really weird. And I would be suspicious that DM is planning to backstab the party in their sleep for revenge on his tribe.

I don't keep slaves. I let him live, but if he resorts to thieving, raiding or any other vile behavior, I'll be back with steel in my hands and a rope necktie.

Magical Realm Answer? I turn him into my femboi buttslut.

C :
Enter :


Yes. Yes we do, actually.

>Give him a sword
>take him as an apprentice
>train him until he's a capable enough warrior to kill me in a fair fight
>Fuck him raw every night until he succeeds

well i wouldn't kill the kid, but he sure as hell isn't coming with me. I tell him to fuck off, leave him supplies and some gold and then get on my way. Also, go kill yourself fur fag.

This user has the right idea. Set on their way and drink away the sorrow of this crazy world it is.

>Grizzled too-old-for-this-shit ex-soldier who saw entire villages wiped by the Gnoll armies
I might be disgusted by myself but youngling will suffer from a fatal case of stabbing

I don't speak gnoll, and I don't have a spell that lets me do that yet. For all I know he might be hostile. So I magic the fuck out of him

Stop sniveling, uncultured rat! Now, you want to help? Polish my boots, and they better shine like the moon on a winter's night! Lest I'll be wearing your mangy pelt as a replacement.
Also, be a dear and do try to keep up, I need those boots on standby.

He was probably trying to curse you.

How'd the thing even survive all the Cloud Kill I threw around that place?
Unless... unless it has high enough HD to be unaffected! It has class levels!

I kill it with extreme prejudice, it's bound to be worth a bunch of XP!

Per our contract, he gets a double tap to the cranium and stacked with the rest for our wage mage to incinerate. The character may feel like shit for doing it, but like everything else enough cheap booze and a fat enough paycheck will make things work out in the end.

Khorne demands blood, so I sacrifice him to the dark gods.

look, it either PURGE, CLEAVE AND EVISCERATE, or enslave and send him to the mines

Just kill his ass, that's what we're being paid for. And then kill anyone who even considered sparing him, as it could get in the way of getting payment.

I am contracted to destroy a vicious gnoll tribe.
A whole tribe.

Obviously I am not the sort of person that would spare the last one just because It asks

Put the gnoll to fight against weakest party member, if he kills the PC, he joins the crew, and that player now plays him. Playing a slavemaster is fun.

>What's a colon three mean?
It means that he gets 3 in the colon



Semi retired severely traumatized adventurer campaign anyone?

"Roll not to scream obscenities at your wife for just referring to your involvement in the campaigns against the gnolls as glorious and heroic."

"Roll to keep your promise not to drink tonight, even though she doesn't understand she's a good woman, she doesn't deserve this. It'll be alright, you can get through this."

"Roll to try and explain, just, try and make her understand what happened, what it meant, how it all got so tangled and crazy,"

"Roll for how long she spends living at her mother's. Crit fail means she's not coming back."

"Roll not to kill yourself to try and atone, try and make the memories stop."

Inches, feet, or yards?

>from an ogre

I eat 'im!


Squash 'im into jelly!

If I was your DM I would force you to cook it, for at least some level of decency.

Circumference, diameter, or radius.


>Semi retired severely traumatized adventurer campaign anyone?

This is my next character, thanks user

He'll fit right in, we're a monster crew. Now he's got a great, tragic back story and we can go get revenge on the people who ordered his people's extermination (after we are paid by them).

Our party needs a plucky moral compass anyway.

He would allow the young gnoll to come along. He is also cursed with incredible naivety and gullibility. He, quite literally, can not see the evil in people.

I've got a feeling this is what the epilogue to the African Hell Hole Mercenary Shadowrun campaign is going to look like.

Suggestion to tell the truth about his motives for trying to join our group. If evil, then burnstab. Raep first of course.

If not evil motivated, we'll keep him around and train as man-servant, butler, and society gentleman with complete education in upper-class etiquette. Complete brainwashing to the most lawful of neutral and utter contempt for his uncivilized brethren.

Train to be perfect submissive cocktoy and enjoy my magical realm.

Fuck off, furfag. He dies with the rest, before he can even speak.

Yiff in hell

We shall cum so much it will extinguish the inferno itself!

Nothing a shout of tallyho and a bit of murdering to death can't fix!

My Half-Elvish florist would be more than willing to forgive him, provided he'd be willing to be a work hand at his farms long enough to help repay some of the damages his tribe has caused the village.

I take him in because i'm too much of a softy to do anything else
Probably adopt him, it's like getting a child and a dog all in one
is petting a sapient creature weird?

Depending on which character (and which group members are present) we'd either agree to take him with us or hand him a sword and see how long he can last against the fighter without being disarmed. If he proves himself handy with a blade, he stays. If he doesn't, he wont be around long enough to notice.

ERP: I fuck the Gnoll
Not ERP: I fuck the Gnoll

my GM knows my magical realm if he went here he already knew what I was gonna do

>>so mercenary
>>such mother base
>>such Kaz
>>so Demon allready

>>wow standing on the edge wow
>>so nuclear
>>such wild
>>breaking up inside wow


Oh, and to follow up
If the party has an issue with it, I, in a calm, pleasent manner, remind them exactly how many times I've had to stabilize and even resurrect them, and how they would be dead twenty times over if I wasn't looking out for them
If they still have a problem, I wish them good luck in finding another cleric that's willing to put up with them

I'd kill the gnoll puppy and slap your prick face just for that remark, to be honest.

Suit yourself

For Gods sakes boy, we just killed your entire village and you're pledging your life to us? Your kin deserved to die for what they did, but sniveling will do rarely do you favors in a world like ours.

I'll take you in, and I'll teach you how to fight for what's good in the world. But at some point, whether you're still feeling bitter or not, you're going to fight me; you'll only know what justice is if you win. First things first, you'll be burying your parents. Remember their faces.


>I'm sorry my parents tried to resist your oppression. They were a weird bunch
>so, where is the rest of your army to occupy our lands and install a new puppet regime?
>we can't wait to become your slaves

out of character, i ask the dm if i can have him as an animal companion (to replace the hound i'd lost)
in character, animal companion or not, i'm taking him with us
someone in the party might understand
nothing's quite as sad as watching a ranger's animal companion die

Last character I played was some alien monstrosity for a fetish ERP. I think I'll better refrain from writing what it would do.

> Wild Elf Ranger

"I'm sorry for my par-" [Arrow through the head]

Kill him.

The job did say we had to wipe out the whole tribe and would you look at that, we missed one.

Chop last survivors head off, kid was too soft for a world where I exist.

:3 is a smiley like :) but for animals with differently shaped mouth. See pic.


I glanced at that thumbnail and thought that sword was a guitar ready for full rokkin, I was disappointed

If ERP; Kill him.
If not ERP; Kill him.

My barbarian has enough ass to go around. Besides, the Mage (And Fighter) would get jealous of the gnoll.

Tell us user. The last character I played was someone who was victim of a monstrosity.

pat the fucker down for any and all items, rather they be valuable or not, then ask the others what they want and heavily suggest we kill it.

if we vote to kill it, i carry out the execution.

Mock, beguile, hypnotize, torture, abuse, and eat. Most likely in this order.

Where the rape at

I give it my knife and tell it to slit its throat, in atonement for its failure to prevent what it claims to be "sorry" for. If it tries to do so then clearly its regrets are genuine and it gets to live, ideally putting its resolve to better use.

If not then it dies.

Bind its hands, take it with us and deposit it at the center square of the town the gnolls had been raiding, watch the ensuing frontier justice.

All's good that you're sorry pup, but your lot didn't spare any of the farmers or merchants that pleaded for mercy under their axes. Time to atone.

mfw those are the only LG NG CG answers
the fuck is wrong with the rest of you guys

We ain't really good people, kid.

The contract can be considered completed once the their last offensive forces were eviscerated. Their tribe has been neutered of its aggressive capabilities, the merchants and local villages are safe.

To slay the women, the children, and the generally meek is a waste of human, well, humanoid, capitol, as well as a pretty big violation of any moral boundries you have. They're sentient, not just dumb animals to be put down.

Sell him and what remains of his tribe to the plantations.

They'd not last long without their tribe's warriors, and you'd have no use for a meek companion anyway. A burden on the dangerous road. Probably a fuckboy.

How convenient that the only gnoll to repent is the last survivor, one who knows he couldn't defeat us by force. As soon as the tables have turned, this one plays quisling and tries to switch to the winning side, even though it's the side that killed his own parents.

Dammit, traitor gnoll. You're hard to love, but you're harder to hate. You're a spineless coward without a convinction in your black heart, but I like your style.

That said, I know he's going to betray us the instant it will benefit him, so the first few weeks of having him with us will be dedicated to proving that we're stronger and smarter than him. We keep a constant watch on him and punish him for doing anything at all without permission, even if it's the most inconsequential of things. We also demonstrate how lucky he is to be in our good graces by putting our enemies through the most brutal torments we can devise. Then maybe later we can trust him enough to employ him as a double agent.

This isn't Blazing Saddles

Sweet, new follower! Since he's a kid, he already has as much plot armor as the rogue at least!

Totally read it in Garak's voice...or started to until I got to the last paragraph. Then it became Dukat's.

I don't think a town is going to lynch a kid, gnoll or not.

I envy your view on the world and will not break it.

1) It's ROLEPLAYING games. Y'know about playing roles.
2) In D&D, Gnolls are naturally Evil.
3) I'm sorry but you have no face, user.

Nits make lice. Kill it, burn the bodies as an offering to Pelor, the Burning Hate.

Kill the little bastard. No mercy to furfaggots.

Clearly it's not his fault that his parents were so evil, and he is trying to transcend his own intrinsic evil.

So I would have him travel with us for a while. I would teach and judge him to see if he truly was repenting and had changed his ways. And when I deemed him worthy, I would permanently baleful polymorph him into an animal so that he could have a body cleansed of evil before he fell back into sin.

I mean, if he really does have a good soul, you wouldn't want him to remain a Gnoll now would you?

I mean, the average fantasy setting is usually more forgiving than the real world.

I fucking hate Gnolls.
I burn him alive.

Oh, average fantasy setting? Yeah, totally. I mean there'll probably be the one asshole and his friends who wants to kill him anyway, but he's explicitly an asshole.

Why an animal? Why not a human or something?

> Be me
> Be priest of Moloch
> See potential in kid
> Adopt him and teach him about war, obedience, honor and the cult of Moloch
> Watch him become stronger, growing to be a fearsome general and priest of Moloch, just like his adoptive dad
> Help him unite the remaining gnoll tribes under his banner, in the name of the Lord of the Sixth
> Watch him create an empire, using everything you've taught him
> Be immensely proud of your son

Right before the gory and obscenely lustful consumption