> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
Who needs Johnny when you can have Brother Wai?
Trigger warning: Impact font
You ever going to paint your models or would that take time away from your shitposting?
>forced meme
>trigger warning
>on a mongolian throat barbecue pizza ouiji board
Hello I'm starting to get into warhammer. I haven't gotten any units yet but I've decided I'm going to build an imperial guard army. I'm trying to catch up on the lore but I've found an issue for continuity in my army. I want to use the 39th Cadian color style (pic related) along with rusting militarium tempest but would it not make sense putting 39th Cadian with Militarism Tempest? In the Wiki they are only described to work along side Space Marines.
I dont see why the Tempestus wouldn't help out the 39th. Besides, you can always think up of a scenario of why the Tempestus are assisting the 39th.
Post awesome models with absolutely terribad rules.
Try to alter that scheme a little with some more highlights to the armour. GWs one test model might look ok without highlights, but 30 of those guys will look very flat and uninteresting.
And the scions will work with Guard all the time. You can field Scions as part of a IG army as an elite choice without even the need to buy the scion codex and make an ally detachment.
This just in.
Experts fleshfag pilots cannot beat AI pilots.
So how can the people in 40K defeat Necron pilots?
They picked the the ugliest flyers outside of SM for this
Mark of Khorne: +1 Attack, Furious Charge
Mark of Nurgle: +1 Toughness, Feel no Pain
Mark of Slaanesh: +1 Initiative, Run and Gun or Charge
Mark of Tzeentch: 5++, Rerolls 1's for shooting To Hit
How would these work as a basis of Chaos Marks? What would each of these be worth on an MEQ?
It´s just Necron Warriors which don´t really have very advanced AI. The ancient Necrontyr or perhabs the C´tan engineered the system so that Lychguard are about average human intelligence, Immortals are probably more like a dolphins or pigs and Warriors are are just attack dogs.
Necrons can be repaired so it doesn´t matter if they don´t stomp every army immediately, they´ll win in the long run since they can repair their troops faster than most races can procreate. Orks being more or less a perfect counter because they can actually outbred the speed with which Necrons can be repaired.
Necron pilots are at best immortals and are as such no more than animals, the plane itself however contains stacks of different plans the pilot can use, which is why it isn´t horrible.
Of course this isn´t a perfect explanation since you can make an AI that is good at aiming but bad at thinking for itself or wanting things. But the way that it was created might be why they have a mind of their own and why they had to be limited in intelligence, since they used the mind mapping idea they might not have known exactly how to install BS 10 without allowing for independent thought.
The Necron crescent is alright.
Khorne is the worst of those and should still cost like 8 ppm or more.
> Immortals are probably more like a dolphins or pigs
Fuck sake, user. Immortals retain all the combat knowledge and experience they had in life. Everything else was deleted. This is why you get to see Immortals commanding warriors in battle.
Anyways, here is the Necron pilot lore.
>The Night Scythes and Doom Scythes of the Necrons are tools of dominion, weapons to be wielded and discarded at will by their dynastic betters. Their pilots are little more than unliving weapons, utterly loyal and entirely without fear, instantly obeying their master’s every command. When combined with the millennia of accumulated combat data and optimised attack patterns contained within the datastacks of their aircraft, these qualities make Necron flights intenselydangerous.
>Necron pilots fly with eerie, mechanical precision. They switch formations with an efficiency impossible for creatures of flesh and blood, and have nothing to fear from extreme g-forces or even the killing vacuum of space. Their potent weapon systems unleash the primal forces of the universe upon their targets, sending enemy aircraft spiralling away wreathed in crackling green lightning, or atomising them completely.
>As flight upon flight and cohort upon cohort of these craft sweep down into battle, those destroyed simply flicker out of sight. They phase back to their point of origin to be repaired and sent out once again. With every engagement the datastacks of the Necron craft accumulate more intelligence on their enemies, turning every defeat into a learning experience. Those craft that see the greatest number of engagements become truly deadly, their millennial wisdom rendering them easily the equals of the younger races’ ace pilots in every respect. Against such a deathless, unstoppable foe, there can be no true victory, only a stay of execution at the hand of these sempiternalfoes.
-Death from Above (Necron section).
I hope you can see this. These are the Raging Hero back models I decided to choose in the end. The money went too quickly and I didn't want to choose White Metal materials. There are some other stuff, but basically command squads of the groups. The plan was following:
1. Sol-Sarya will be a Command Squad Celestian with a Sacred Banner (or the Relic Banner, but that's 40 points and she'll die in one hit)
2. Tremalla will be the Command Squad Hospitaller.
3. Zayra will be a Command Squad Celestian with Simulacrum Imperialis
4. Doryals will be the Diaglous (Freebie Section)
5. Sister Ardyanna will be my Canoness. (Freebie Section)
6. Santa Dolores will be, well, i dunno. Living Saint OC, using Celestines rules. I liked her model too much, took her instead of others.
7. Sister Erzebel will be another Living Saint OC, using Celestines rules.
8. War Pulpit will be a Penitent Engine OR Inquisitor Karazamov rule using OC.
9. Icarites will be Seraphim
10. Daughters of the Crucible are difficult. At first I thought Inquisitor Acolytes, but they can't all replace their chainsword with another pistol. Which leaves me with Celestians, which have both Bolt Pistol and Boltguns. Meaning I could represent them as both. I have 10 of them coming. Anybody else got a better idea?
There was loads of other models I wanted, but I resisted spending more than the amount I originally backed (which I did so only for the free stuff).
The Keeper of Secrets proxy was fantastic, there was also another potential one there as well. Some neat Inquisitors too. Plus Dark Eldar stuff. The potential Crusader proxies didn't have enough shields with to justify.
If only it didn't have a WW1 open cockpit. With the FW bomber kit it's a decent looking thing. As it stands, not so much.
>Greater than 50% increase in cost
>Less than 50% increase in efficacy
Thanks for the input, Cletus.
Look, I'm not a prude or anything, but those naked models are cringey as fuck. Please at least give them some greenstuff panties.
What naked models? There isn't any naked models.
If we assume that a marine is fairly costed then Khorne would be 1-2 pts/model, nurgle would be 4-7 pts/model, Slaanesh would be 1-2 pts/model and Tzeentch would be 3-5 pts/model.
The reason why Khorne and Slaanesh aren´t worth much is because CC sucks on a unit that doesn´t have an open-topped transport or can move 12". There are literally no good infantry melee squads in the game, a cheap upgrade to have +1 I/A isn´t going to suddenly make melee a worthwhile aspect of the game.
Daughters of the Crucible are bottomless and Santa Dolores is wearing literally nothing but hair.
>He thinks JSJ isn't useful
Slaanesh is the best of the 4.
Any tips and tricks on the new munitorum Metuhl Bawkses?
its pulse bomb generator flares to life, the charge glowing brighter and brighter until it scars the eyes like a miniature star.
>S 5 AP 5 lel
Not to mention all the SM are gods shit, you can either believe that 90% of all units are improperly statted, or that the fluff bits are more or less propaganda.
>Implying dolphins don´t feel hubris when they are eating a defeated sardine.
Daughters of the Crucible are wearing leotards and capes. They're not naked. As for Santa Dolores, she is wearing a cloak and you see nothing of any consequence.
I missed the part about run and gun, but it´s still only D6, but at any rate that would still mean that it is the ranged aspect and not the melee aspect that makes it worth more than 2 pts.
They're wearing boots and cutoff t-shirts. And it's not a matter of OHMYGODWHATIFSOMEONESEESAPLASTICVAGOO, it's a matter of spending a bunch of money and waiting for months and months so you can play with naked cheesecake minis that look nothing like what they're supposed to represent.
Don't know if FW possessed have better rules, but man do they make me wish the regular ones did.
Hell, I like the GW plastic kit too, but the FW ones just makes the feeling worse.
They do indeed! Here's their rules.
Sorry, is that wrong?
>cutoff t-shirts
Seems to be fine, for me, user. But I like how you've concentrated on 'naked' models, when:
1. They're not naked
2. Are not the only ones on the picture.
The others wear full armour, no nudity, no cheesecake, nothing sexualised, but you concentrate on proxies which are literally Nuns With Guns.
>nothing like what they're suppose to represent
I assume you mean the 'naked' models. Correct. But this is 40k and there is scope and options for lots of things. I see no reason why an Inquisitor couldn't have Acolytes which are specifically interested in the Emperor. Dolores, granted, doesn't look like a Living Saint, but it's still useable. The fact is, SoB haven't been updated in 15 years. So I don't really want to spend vast sums of money on the most expensive models in the GW range, to get monoposed metal models.
Thanks for your opinion though.
>no cheesecake, nothing sexualised
I'm sorry, you what? Tremalla and Erzebel are the only models there that aren't cheesecake.
>I assume you mean the 'naked' models
Mainly I was referring to the fact that apart from the two aforementioned models, there's nothing in your image that could conceivably be considered anything more than carapace armor. Enjoy your monopose resin models, user.
How are these cheesecake?
And thanks, I will. Better than monopose metal models.
Also, as far as I know, ball-jointed assembly models weren't monopose, but guess they wrote the wrong description.
How big is the difference in performance between a Greater Daemon and a Daemon Prince as an HQ for a daemon army with csm allies?
Plan on getting a DP first because of price but I don't mind splurging a bit if the difference in strength is big enough.
>says he isn't a prude
>goes on to say models in full armour are sexualised
This is good shit user. I love these kind of posts.
>FW possessed have better rules
They have amazing rules.
Not only strong, but fun to play too.
What Greater Daemon you looking at?
I seem to remember Slaanesh were quite good cause of I10 and Rending(?)? I can't remember. But I believe Nurgle DP with Black Mace(?) was a pretty solid HQ. Though I seem to remember to make a 'proper' DP you ended up putting a lot of points into it.
>Hurr it's not cheesecake if they're wearing clothes
Actually, that's kind of the definition of cheesecake. But hey, you know what? You do you. Go on and enjoy fapping to your tiny plastic dolls.
>Slaanesh were quite good cause of I10 and Rending
You take Slaanesh for Fleet and the +3" run move.
They have the same initiative (you are thinking the MoS) and Rending is virtually useless.
Nurgle is the most popular because shrouded gives them a 2+ jink (which you can do even on the ground).
Try it out, proxy each DP and each GD for 2-3 games each. That´ll be 16-24 games, which might seem like a lot but if money is somewhat tight and you don´t want to have to sell the model again or use a bad unit then this is probably a good idea.
You could also make a spreadsheet with strengths and weaknesses of each build.
One thing I will say is that DPs are absolutely horrible without daemonic flight, so your time will be wasted if you try without it. But hey I´m just a guy on the internet, you could try and see if you can get some use out of a model that can take about as much firepower as 3 marines but has the price of 10.
If you get 4 DPs it is also possible to form them into a tetrad of darkness which is fairly powerful formation.
Is that formation in the Daemons codex?
How long does it usually take for y'all to assemble a simple 10 man tac squad?
I just realized I've spent the past 4-5 hours assembling 10 CSM and I only started number 8.
I noticed that after I stopped obsessing over the mold lines and only taking car of nubs and bad mold line marks, assembly time sped up.
Is there a place where I can download some pics for wargaming mats?
The guys that makes the pvc banners for my shop would print them for me at extremely low prices.
I honestly can't remember the last time I bought a kit and assemble it without making conversions.
Chaos player here.
I'd love to do conversions but I'm still in the gathering miscellaneous bits of death, evil, and chaos before I'll be able to do things like that.
I'm in the middle of building a list for a 750p mini-tournament this weekend and so far i have 2 10man tac squads in rhinos, a vindicator and a captain, and I'm thinking of dropping down to 5 man squads so I can add some termies or a contemptor dread, what do?
>They are naked
They are not naked
>They are monopose
They arent monopose
>They are too sexy
You coud just say you are triggered by them and demand we make you a safe space, easier than running off with the goalposts.
You'll probably need the extra troop bodies at that small point level, and they're sturdier than they are in bigger games.
Except if there are faggots cheesing Tau or Eldar or IG in the tournament, then you're screwed no matter what unless you play those armies as well.
One lucky melta or a single terminator dying will cripple that squad at 750. Meanwhile only a single tactical marine would've died and you would have 2-13 other tacticals for the points of a terminator/contemptor.
Can a vehicle use the Fuel Siphon rule?
A Baal Predator getting Torrent on its Flamestorm Cannon gets my dick rock hard.
That's what I was thinking, but a contemptor with a kheres asscan can throw down a lot more firepower than the marines. Hopefully the vindi will have that covered though
What bits do you feel are worth converting?
I'm trying to make a Power-armour chaos lord on foot for a campaign, but I can't find Plastic bits that look embellished enough to fit a commander.
Seconding this request.
Anyone know if I would be able to print up something similar at Kinko's or something?
depends on the DPI the guy needs unless you want it looking like shit
what about nasa photos or something?
I like my warband to have a mashup of 30k and 40k stuff.
I like the idea of a corrupted legion, and 40k CSM kits seems far too cartoony for me.
They are old and haven't age well.
I have my eye on doing some converting work on the Plastic Aspiring Champion with some Raptor and Calth bits. Possibly make a Kharn count-as and bulk him out with some of the stuff in my bit box.
I'm simply waiting for the rumoured Thousand Sons kit in Fenris II to see if they have any tabards going for them. I'm a bloody sucker for crotch capes.
Still can't play them in any GW store, enjoy your tiny plastic cheesecake
>Still can't play them in any GW store
if your manager is strict and you are taking the piss everytime you play at the store, then yeah you probably can't
if you support the store and don't piss them off, many mangers will turn a blind eye to a few of them
>GW store
Good riddance, GW stores are cesspits where children and the people that noone will play voulentarily congeal.
>Still can't play them in any GW store
How is this even a problem? I think I have played a grand total of four games in a GW store, three of which were one the same day during a tournament. Everything else was at private locations of at the local nonGW FLGS.
Not to be That Guy, but you sure those models fit in 40k?
I don't mean size wise, I mean aesthetically.
To me, they look much more inline with Infinity's range than anything in 40k.
Hell, they look more like those huge AoS models than they do 40k.
>B-but muh third party ban
Really scraping the bottom now, you just need "objectively bad models" for a bingo
there is a faction that literally goes around in clown pattern liveries, another has tittybitch demons as standard, its not really outside 40k that people want to look sexy as fuck when they inevitably get killed by whatever horror is next for them
You might haveq point, they don't look like Slovenian transsexual weightlifters, so they don't fit in with GW females.
>Keeper of Secrets proxy was fantastic
Compare the models of the Harlequins to what you wanna use as proxies.
Just the difference in the level of detail makes these seem quite odd compared to literally every other miniature in 40k.
It'd be like fielding modern day Dark Eldar or Skitarii, models with a lot of detail, versus Rogue Trader SM or the original 'nid models.
It just would look wierd.
They don't fit on the table.
>ts not really outside 40k that people want to look sexy as fuck when they inevitably get killed by whatever horror is next for them
I never mentioned the sexual appeal of the models, I was more talking about the level of detail and poses of the model. It doesn't fit with 40k.
I'm not the retard who was ragging on them for being oversexualized, I just don't think they fit with 40k for other reasons.
As sarcastic as this user is being, it really is the point I'm trying to get across.
Almost everything in 40k is ugly or crude.
If you field something that's not like that it just won't fit in.
War Zone Fenris supplement.
Thank you
You are very lacking in anti-vehicle.
I would recommend sniper scouts or just regular scouts, melta/grav vets in a pod, grav devs or cents led by a librarian using divination tanking a single wound for the devs before hiding in the back. Alternatively you could go for a fulmination (angels of death supplement) libra podding in with vets.
By not taking any vehicles you can game the system and make your opponent´s anti-vehicle next to worthless. Although you could just max out on grav guns inside rhinos.
Don't knock RTera model details mang.
Had my first game in years with a friend who wanted to learn the game. Sneaky fuck immediately realised that Dark Eldar weapons outranged everything my Orks had and continued to back his venom up while taking chunks out of my Shoota Boys and burnas.
Really fun game though, the Warboss almost Single handedly took out his wych squad with Hekatrex and Archon after my Nobz ate a metric ton of wych/agoniser attacks. Really wish he was a bit more agressive with his Talos, I wanted to see if my shoota blob could take it in combat if they got the charge.
I resisted the urge to take a unit of Loota's since they would be an incredibly hard counter for Deldar in a 550 point game.
>Don't knock RTera model details mang.
I'm not, I was more saying they have a style all their own and that some modern day 40k models don't fit with them aesthetically.
Not to mention, the IoM is the kinda place to puts boob plates on power armour and has assassin cults in fetish wear.
I see what you're saying and the infinity comparison is spot on but I don't think it would bother me that much since they at least look great.
>I don't think it would bother me that much since they at least look great
While this would be a perfectly valid reason to collect them for yourself, it might bother an opponent. I personally wouldn't care, but some autists or grognards might.
It might be a good way to screen your opponents now that I think about it.
So speaking of third party shit you can't use in a GW store, I finally went and did it.
I blew about 97 dollarydoos to slap together about 30 of these. Just need a few Rhinos and I've got myself an SoB army. One of those decisions that I didn't think through on purpose because I needed a project.
I've been thinking about doing the same, but I've never bought a Dreamforge product.
How good of models are these? Are the moldiness quite thick, the pieces brittle, poorly cast, etc.
Any words of wisdom?
Kill yourself my man.
>triggered by the raging heroes models
>plays in a GW store
I forgot to specify, not my model in the pic. Nothing has arrived in the mail yet.
Judging from the look of the pics I've seen, it seems lighter, cheaper and softer. Doubt it's and springy and GW stuff, but it's all speculation. I'll probably start dumping in /wip/ once I get going and confirm whether or not my suspicions are true.
One thing I've noted though, is comparisons with SM, they're just about as big, and with their original heads a slight bit taller, but the statuesque heads seem to make them shorter than original.
I figured I'd just say it's a bulkier more primitive/cheaper pattern of power armour.
you say that as if johnny isn't a forced meme too
/40kg/ is almost nothing but forced memes
Well he's not wrong, models in full armour can be sexualized. You could easily argue that GW SoB are sexualized.
Not that I don't think he's over reacting. I mean, at least it isn't pic related. Which I actually think are pretty cool and they look fun to paint. Funnily enough, I was gonna post them earlier and lament that I really liked them but figured I probably shouldn't bring them to the table, just to go check out the site and see they have made a slightly more modest version.
Similar here, i've built a Scions/Renegades/ZM Solar Auxilia army out of two boxes of stormtroopers and a box of female stormtroopers, mixed in with various models i already own. Each army has its own unique vehicles and characters, but the troops for each can be swapped around easily-Valkyries, beastmen and artillery with spikes and ten poweraxe dudes respectively. The materiel is light, but not particularly softer, and its fairly easy to work with. Really good cast, at least for all the infantry, and detail was great. Really nice models and price in dollarydoos leaves GW prices in the dirt three times over or better. Even in the FLGS they sell 20 of these dudes for the same price as five Scions at GW
> ERRYTHANG sexualized
> this excuses PUFFY VULVA
I can smell your neckbeard funk over TCP/IP.
>They are not naked
Good thing that's the opposite of his argument.
His latest post yes, hence the moving goalposts comment.
>Look, I'm not a prude or anything, but those naked models are cringey as fuck. Please at least give them some greenstuff panties.
From naked to skimpy to sexualized to monopose to cheesecake to useless third party.
Anyone know how good kromlech minis are?
They seem like good daemon and ork figures even though their bases are kind of small.
>oh no, in losing an argument!
>I know, il call him a neck beard!
Holy shit. I have a necron and a tau army that both need flyers.
Thanks gdubs!
Good at what
In terms of the material and sculpt quality
I kinda wanna build those, and I'm not even really a space marines guy
Imagine my delight to see the bundle with Ork, Eldar flyers AND Deff Skwadron comic.