With all the elf hate that goes on here...

With all the elf hate that goes on here, I'm surprised you guys haven't figured out who the real race is most deserving of hate. The Dwarves, that's who.

>would sooner kill you for a mug of goon, nugget of gold, or to impress other dwarf scum
>greedy weaklings who hide behind their caves, forts, and traps instead of out in the open like everyone else
>smells of shit and piss constantly
>untrustworthy, greedy scum intent on hoarding all of their ill-gotten gains
>big noses

What's not to hate? Nothing, that's what. Dwarf hate thread.

Don't forget that they always dig too deep and release some ancient evil.

Feels good to be a 185cms tall, lithe and beautiful person. I feel the ire of short, fat, neckbearded grogs when I role an elf and they feel obligated to inform me how self concious they feel about their own dwarven stature.

>implying most Dwarves aren't honorable as fuck if not stubborn and occasionally thinking too much with their hearts
>implying they aren't strongk and talented architects and smiths forging grand cities out of mountains, only slightly less open their your average human settlement
>implying that physical appearance is more important than character
>implying they aren't just too rough and love you in their own, flawed way
>you got me there
>implying dwarves aren't loyal albeit gold-loving teddy bears who earned their gold through hard work in the forge, mines, or on the battlefield
>you got me there

Fuck off, tree-hugger. You can't fool me.

>laughing supreme humans.chiseled mosaics

>be any race
>criticize dwarfs
>treeniggers REEEEEEEEE
You are so obsessed with elves, it's almost homoerotic.

>Live underground
>Reliant on clan based structures
>Few identifiable women

No wonder the Dwarven defence force always rolls out against these threads.

This post smells of knife-ear from a mile away

You can't fool me you filthy elf

We get it, dwarves are Jews and elves are faggots. Can we move on now to more important shit? I want to smash things.

Also, can you imagine how annoying this shit would be if people adapted this meme to the table?


But dwarves are ugly and elves are sexy. If we can subjugate and objectify the elves we'll have sexy fuckmeat. What do we get if we can subjugate and objectify dwarves?


I wonder who's behind this.

Good laborers, grand smiths, tanky warriors, experienced miners, and skilled brewers, architects, and a few archaeologists.

Why was this deleted?

a dwarf did it

You mean a dwarf dug a hole underneath the thread and stole this post? But I want to hear this song too!

A squat, you mea

How many of us actually, unironically want to fuck dwarf women? They're so hideous, so disgusting, most of us wonder if they even exist at all!

Elves win again!

Oi, this one's pretty c'ute. I like her fire, say, knife-ear where's your master? How much do you cost? I'll even give you a nice little name. You like those fancy ones, eh? You'll be my, Vuldstagg Fruheim, it's dwarvish slang for Breaking-Wind.

Sexy fuckmeat. It's like you haven't heard of gay bears.

ucat udir ucat umom
otin ne(t)àk otin nashon
ór deb avuz
råsh numol libash thol
råsh numol libash thol

Master-crafted spiked mugs

the warhammer dwarves are the absolute worst, they'll bitch in their diary if you as much as cough near them, imagine being so pathetic that you keep a giant book of butthurt?

You havin' a giggle, m8? You don't want a perfect harmony of shortstack and musclegirl?

inb4 female dwarf beard arguments. Everyone knows that's not where they grow their beards

I cannot bring myself to hate a race with women so lovely.

>bringing on the dwarf hate

Elf hate isn't a thing that actually happens. It's just a meme.

Knife ear detected

Worst insult. Knife ear sounds like an affectionate nickname the party's rogue would get. You should come up with better ones.

It's a classic, user. You're just being silly.

Oy vey!


Consider the following:
Dwarven Male + Elven Female = Human (best traits from both races).
Dwarven Female + Elven Male = Halfling (worst feature from both races).

Elves are supposed to be shorter than humans

>Elves are supposed to be shorter than humans
...because the AD&D Player's Handbook says so?

Because I said so mother fucker come at me


Why isn't Veeky Forums more suspicious of the (((dwarves)))?

All elves are based on Legolas or Elrond. All dwarves are based on Gimli. So I guess dwarves are worse, there's even less variety.

>>greedy weaklings who hide behind their caves, forts, and traps instead of out in the open like everyone else
>>smells of shit and piss constantly
Just like a typical fa/tg/uy. Is it any wonder they're well-liked here?

You're not fooling anyone, Goreksson

Dwarves are the best race and you will never convince me otherwise you pansy elf bastards





Very unironically