>They reprinted Donate, the absolute madmen!
They reprinted Donate, the absolute madmen!
Near reprint. They changed 'target player' to 'target opponent' so you can't donate to yourself.
Also, they changed the color.
Still, it fills me with hope.
Academy Rector reprint when?
Oh baby.
remember that the ability is free
It's shit tho.
Also bb unplayable in anything not mono black
They're desperately trying to make RB vampires a thing. Mana fixing in current standard is also good enough to support a BB spell in that
Falkenrath Gorger into this is going to be a bitch to beat
>Hey, kids! We just gave you a reusable, free discard outlet! Go play Vampire Madness!
Color intensive
No cheap Madness threats anyway
Fucking useless.
If R&D put as much thought on actual design as they do in these obvious money traps, the game would be a lot better.
That's cute!
And fun!
And red!
And there's probably going to be some neat cards for it to interact with in this set! Like some Demon you desperately don't want on your side of the field!
But then you'd whine about power creep anyways. They very well no that there is no way to please you fucks, so why should they actually care about that?
>donate to yourself.
...what would that accomplish? What combos was that subset of card's function involved in?
Boku no Google.
So, you are saying that there is no design space between crap and overpowered.
Act of treason and similar stuff
>Cards that are slightly worse than existing cards
You're going a BB Bear with an upside that works well within its tribe "crap". You're the one who removed that design space.
So did they ever explain why Emrakul was able to mutate inanimate objects like lamps?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say magic.
From the art on that card, I'd say Emmy-chan mutated the human and he magicked the lamps to walk on their own, since it says he's a Human Wizard.
Demonic Pact is standard legal.
+1 for cute points
-2 for uselessness in current standard format.
Gain temporary control of opponent's thing.
Donate it to yourself for indefinite control of thing.
Nope. Vampire tribal is not a thing outside kitchen tables. This card is a clear attempt to help Madness strategies. It is true that Madness has been given a vampire flavor, but it is also true that the tribal element is irrelevant for the strategy.
Read what I said. This card is fine for a madness deck, but the archetype itself is a trap. Madness needs cheap, reusable discard outlets and threats that can be payed for with cheap Madness costs. This vampire dude provides the former, but we are lacking the latter. What the hell am I discarding for this guy turn 3? Incorregible Youths? It would actually be better to play the youths off a Heir of Falkenrath. Where the hell are the fucking bombs?
And the intensive mana cost makes it even harder to pull it off. Madness best play turn 1 is Insolent Neonate (R). Then on turn 2, I need double black. Not terribly hard to pull off, but it is yet another hoop to jump through. Why? Would this be so OP if it were 1B, instead of BB? How about if it were a 1/1 for B?
History has made them cautious with their Madness cards and enablers.
>History has made them cautious with their alternative costs
Fuck off.
Cruise was fine in standard. Wizards really doesn't consider balance in formats other than standard and draft because they are too lazy.
>8 mana draw 3
>that requires 7 cards in your gy to become sorcery speed ancestral recall
I mean it ain't perfect, but it's not literally ancestral recall.
>So did they ever explain why Emrakul was able to mutate inanimate objects like lamps?
Their presence warps physical space because they're extra-dimensional.
It could be Nahiri. She twists stone and metal.
If this is real I'm definitely getting one for my girlfriend
>I mean it ain't perfect, but it's not literally ancestral recall.
Hahaha, this guy. LOL. Recall is so powerful that there's a huge gap under it where a card can be less powerful but still do the exact same thing to a format, which is why it was an instant ban in Legacy and Modern, and got restricted in Vintage. It's also an automatic include in every blue EDH deck.
As well it should. Original Madness was too good. But, SOI Madness is too bad. There is plenty of room in between to make it actually balanced, playable and fun. Even flavorful.
Maybe Falkenrath Gorger turn 1, this new guy turn 2, Olivia turn 3 and swinging for 6 damage, madness cleric turn 4 and you swing for 14+? Hard to pull but not that bad.
...would it not be more efficient to simply run Confiscate or Mind Control?
And probably because it'd be fucking impossible given the immense card pool outside of those two formats...
It's not because they're lazing, I'm sure they would test for formats like modern if they could it's just that they have litterally no time
Oath of the gatewatch was finished at khans of takirs release date, they crank out their content non stop and probably only have enough time to test draft before they have to finalize the set and it starts getting printed
There's an immense sum cardpool, but not a very diverse cardpool that actually gets played. The archetypal decks don't exactly vary much
>The guy's finger has a bandage.
>The kitten's tail end resembles a mouth.
It should have been a puppy, also I would be pretty angry if I pull this shit during the prerelease.
Confiscate and Mind Control have the issue that if/when they fall off, opponent gets thing back. Donate just lasts.
Moreover, Donate is cheaper and combos with other stuff like "exchange control" shenanigans (instant or activated ability):
Cast Donate targeting your own permanent A and yourself
With Donate on the stack, exchange control of A for opponent's permanent B
Exchange resolves, now you get B and opponent gets A
Donate resolves, now you get A back
It's dangerous to go alone. take this.
You could fiery temper something and play another two drop.
If exchange resolves like that, then donate would have no legal targets and be countered.
This set is amazing, finally they're not scared of printing powerful and fun cards, crashing this game
Kitten is cuter. Also why would you be mad about getting a great card at prerelease? It's not like you're able to use every rare in limited usually
>finally they're not scared of printing powerful and fun cards
They're only throwing us a bone. In reality standard will still be boring as fuck, and the next block will be Return to Theros.
What said.
You'd have to find a way to forcibly give your opponent control of Donate while it was still on the stack for what you posted to work.
>Play Demonic Pact
>Choose You Lose the Game first
You'd still control the ability itself.
The only way to make the new card + Pact work is to wait until Lose is the only option left.
I don't care about real life
Harmless Offering works at sorcery speed and even if you could cast it in time, the effect is still under your control for the turn. So you would lose anyway.
I get that, but to use Donate like you're describing would take 2 cards (Donate and whatever you gained control of the thing with in the first place) and is almost certainly more mana intensive.
Act of Treason + Harmless Offering would be 4RR, for example. The same as Confiscate, except with Confiscate you can grab any permanent, not just a creature; and it takes 1 card, not two.
It just seems more efficient. Assuming you're willing to run Blue, anyway - but if you're running a deck centered on stealing shit, why wouldn't you?
I think you're all missing the real point here in that you can run this and Demonic Pact in the same deck as Triskaidekaphobia and Meme Tree, giving you twice as many shit combos to kill your opponent with.
All the shitty combos.dec
Which is still pretty nice.
Although opponent will likely expect you to try to get rid of the card in some way by then and prepare counters if he has them.
>just run these 4 cards and all the kill spells and hand disruption possible
this is going to be a wild ride.
>this entire post
This is the new spoiler thread? I get people complaining about this not being Craterhoof, but besides Natural Order and whatnot, Cratehoof usually comes out later than this guy.
The triple green is pretty rough, but Overrun effects typically have that.
UG Emerge seems fun. And hey, one neat thing is that for some of these (not the boar), you can probably run them in a deck that only splashes U or G. Since you could hardcast it if you have the mana.
I play RB Madness and I still think that line is worse than Insolent>Heir>Youths. But the problem still remains. WE HAVE NO FUCKING FINISHERS!! Where is our Arrogant Wurm?
>Get super excited about donating Demonic Pact
>Look at Standard
>Every deck has 4 main-deck Dromoka's Command
I'm fuckin' triggered.
Isn't that what the Youths are? Haste instead of trample?
They both cost 3.
What I'm thinking is sacrificing Regal Force to cast this guy for GGG German Goo Girls LOL, but it begs the question of why didn't you just drop a Hoof instead of Regal Force.
This is not eternal playable for the exact reasons you listed. But there may be a deck that can sac a CMC 4 dude on turn 5 for an uncounterable overrun alongside a 7/7 hastey trampler.
I am writting a letter to Wizards because this is an obvious breach of their promise made when the reserved list was formed. As a collector I can safely say this is a dark day that sets a precedent for more future abuse.
One could argue this is downright illegal.
Don't worry, that cycles soon.
oh wait
Right there with you
but it isnt.
its not even a functional reprint given the donate combos listed above that harmless offering cannot do
It's confirmed that the next block is Kaladesh, Chandra's home plane and one we haven't had a full set on before.
>A tentacley hog ravaging the lands
Oy vey it's Mononokehime all over again
That was a great opening.
>Oy vey
What does a mildly annoyed jew has to do with any of this?
>The goy doesn't know
>Jews aren't allows to like animu
>Silly goy doesn't know that the Mouse publishes Ghibli movies in the west
But user, the Jews have something to do with everything
So if they came up with ABUR duals minus the basic land type, they would not be reprints, cause you can't fetch them.
C'mon, Mark.
kill yourself
That's admittedly true. Like, I consider Snow Duals as cheating, but duals with no basic land types? Broken as all fuck, but not similar enough to be reserve list breaking in my opinion.
Especially since fetches are so important for legacy, with Brainstorm and all.
From a flavor standpoint I can understand no longer using them, but is anyone else sad to see Investigate no longer being used?
I thought it was a balanced, interesting mechanic that could have used a bit more play before being cut.
>Pillaging your precious graveyard to draw a measly three cards.
>Not just paying life from your 40 life pool to draw as many as you want.
Cruise isn't in any of my EDH decks.
yes. that is exactly and specifically how this works.
Just run other Enchantments. Silk Warp, Stasis Snare and Starfield of Nix.
You are aware that MaRo himself said that the premium set reprint of Negator and the card you posted were mistakes, right? Not allowed anymore.
I remember hearing they got shit for Reverberate, actually. But I might be wrong.
Veeky Forums really is bad at magic.
Wizards is on record saying that they weren't going to do stuff like Reverberate again. Remember, Reverberate happened back around the last time they tried fiddling with the reserved list. Which is why I find this donate surprising.
It's because we can't have nice things.
We'll get it again. And yeah, super bummed. Clue tribal is basically impossible even in EDH, despite the number of cards that care about sac'ing artifacts.
Crossing my fingers it'll come back at some point, but as it was just a limited bandaid sort of mechanic, I doubt it.
Oy gevalt!
Saner heads prevailed. Donate isn't even oldschool magic, it shouldn't be on the fucking list. Nothing made after Legends should be.
Reverberate not making the card red is WAY more similar to Fork than a card that targets opponents and more importantly, is RED and not blue.
Twincast was fine for example.
>everything floats down here!
Wizards dislikes the reserved list just as much as the players do, I think. That's why they keep trying to wriggle around it.
With this one being in a different color and not being able to target the caster, maybe it's different enough.
I was really hoping to see more Investigate too. It's a mechanic with lots of design space.
If saner heads prevailed the reserve list wouldn't exist. It's not like I'm mad about donate getting reprinted,it just shows inconsistency or shifting front on wizard's part.