>Google Drive
>How to Jumpchain
very nice
No pdf, No edition, no link to previous thread, or link to the IRC. Delete this.
I have a 53 page WIP jump for FATAL made up, where do I post it?
In the thread...?
Here, because this thread will be gone soon.
I know you are kidding but I have a certain morbid curiosity.
Activate it.
Thread doesn't like this stuff I was meaning where do I post the adult themed jumps. I know there is another section to the drive for this stuff.
They guy behind the lewd folder is long gone, thankfully because he was an ass. Just post it wherever you want. Here even if you want a few laughs.
We'll call your bluff, post it here and lets see it. I don't think anyone could read through that cluster fuck of a game enough to make a jump.
Thread is already off to a piss start with whoever made it. Might as well post it here.
Do it, user. Let this thread BURN!
Well darn. Thank you for the replies but I do not want more of a shitstorm than my original post may have sparked already. I will hold onto it till I'm done then post it on an upload site and descreetly list it here. I appreciate the help and the calm reply.
There is an actual FATAL thread right now, post it there
The acronym includes 'adult lechery'... with good reason. This sounds like it would belong in the same category as corruption of champions... that is, take it to a /d/ board.
Questionable Questing...maybe. Not here.
That is an idea, why not have people post lewd jumps on /d/ so that the pervs can have their fun without infecting the thread here?
CYOAs get deleted from /d/. Also, you know there'd be crossboarding.
As a side note... the folder system in google drive doesn't mean the same person owns or holds all the folders. The drive folder with a folder for all of the normal stuff, and one for the lewd stuff, is a good example.
One of the folders (ie... the one that leads to the bulk of JC stuff) is a link to someone else's drive.
Real thread here ->
Oh my. . . . pleas post it it would be so much fun.
Advertise it more, with multiple links and a big flashy image.
Is this what you wanted Senpai?
That and to use sage so this doesn't bump.