Age of Sigmar General


The feet of Alarielle edition

>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!

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So does everyone play Skaven? Or is that just a /tg thing?

First for Tree Revenants should have been 2-wound infantry.

>playing skaven
Disgusting.Cleanse this filth.
(Stormcast/WoC/Ogres here)

There's a few, plus underempire.. I say they got more popular after storm of chaos


>So does everyone play Skaven?
In my area, well, the AoS community is pretty small, but everyone who does play plays undead. Last tournament, only six people showed. Literally everyone was running undead of some variety.

There's a lot going for the deadites in AoS. The rules of one and summoning restrictions are going to be a blow, but points costs are fairly favorable, our faction trait's arguably the best one, and the new battlefield tax is largely ignorable (4 60 point zombie squads will meet the requirement even for the largest game, and can merge into a single halfway decent blob during the game).

No arguments here, as it is they're not that much better than dryads. Also the slyvaneth lineup has this weird gap, with a load of 1-wound infantry and then a jump to the 5-wound kurnoth hunters.

There are a lot of 'That's nice, but...' moments with Tree Revenants.
>6" pile in
Nice, but you still need to pile in to the next model.
>wyldwood teleport
Nice, but you need to set up far away.
Nice, but they are otherwise so pillowfisted it hurts.
Nice, but onit's still only one reroll.

Guy from last thread here, still trying to think of a new army to play.

They remind me of the fyreslayers, I was a bit surprised their two hearthguard units were both 1 wound only, and both also felt slightly less dangerous than their fluff suggested.

Maybe GW don't want every army to have multiwound shitkicker heavy infantry like chaos/stormcasts/ironjawz, could make things a bit dull I suppose (an issue I had with old WHFB was how often you saw almost identical heavy-armour/great-weapon dudes laying into each other, and how rarely you saw melee infantry on the table that wasn't in the HA/GW template).