The feet of Alarielle edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
The feet of Alarielle edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
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So does everyone play Skaven? Or is that just a /tg thing?
First for Tree Revenants should have been 2-wound infantry.
>playing skaven
Disgusting.Cleanse this filth.
(Stormcast/WoC/Ogres here)
There's a few, plus underempire.. I say they got more popular after storm of chaos
>So does everyone play Skaven?
In my area, well, the AoS community is pretty small, but everyone who does play plays undead. Last tournament, only six people showed. Literally everyone was running undead of some variety.
There's a lot going for the deadites in AoS. The rules of one and summoning restrictions are going to be a blow, but points costs are fairly favorable, our faction trait's arguably the best one, and the new battlefield tax is largely ignorable (4 60 point zombie squads will meet the requirement even for the largest game, and can merge into a single halfway decent blob during the game).
No arguments here, as it is they're not that much better than dryads. Also the slyvaneth lineup has this weird gap, with a load of 1-wound infantry and then a jump to the 5-wound kurnoth hunters.
There are a lot of 'That's nice, but...' moments with Tree Revenants.
>6" pile in
Nice, but you still need to pile in to the next model.
>wyldwood teleport
Nice, but you need to set up far away.
Nice, but they are otherwise so pillowfisted it hurts.
Nice, but onit's still only one reroll.
Guy from last thread here, still trying to think of a new army to play.
They remind me of the fyreslayers, I was a bit surprised their two hearthguard units were both 1 wound only, and both also felt slightly less dangerous than their fluff suggested.
Maybe GW don't want every army to have multiwound shitkicker heavy infantry like chaos/stormcasts/ironjawz, could make things a bit dull I suppose (an issue I had with old WHFB was how often you saw almost identical heavy-armour/great-weapon dudes laying into each other, and how rarely you saw melee infantry on the table that wasn't in the HA/GW template).
It's probably like 2 guys just circlejerking, they're really not that popular, but have daddy issues since they think the Horned rat is a big boy now.
Well, at least the hearthguard all bring a selection of fairly significant weapons. Not to mention the very powerful save-after-the-save basically making the berzerkers into pseudo-2-wound infantry.
That said, you are probably right about GW wanting to limit the amount of guys wearing a refrigerator into battle, since heavy-duty multiwound infantry is already fairly prevalent.
Might have been senible to make Tree Revenants (and Spite Revenants, who are even worse) into a ten-dude unit for cheaper.
Posting my Daughters of Khaine Cauldron of Boobs (WIP) since the indecent concept went down so well in the last thread.
Ah! Muh fragile sensibilities! The only explanation here is that you must be a child molesting pervert!
13th Post secured for the Great Horned one
Good conversions, btw. Painting could use some work, but the converting is well done.
Foiled by titties, the best way to fail.
Ah thankyou! I was expecting to get roasted.
I definitely do have to tidy up the painting and do something to the base.
I was thinking of having it leave bloody tyre-tracks.
I'm not disagreeing with you. They could be much better, but they do have their uses.
Yes, you have to teleport them 9" from the enemy, but a unit of 10 will be able to kill war machines. Not only do they have a chance of charging that turn (don't forget they can reroll one of the 2D6 charge dice), they also have enough wounds to survive one turn of war machine fire and then pluck said war machine to pieces.
I'm not saying I'll take them over Dryads, but I will be using them in addition and seeing how they play.
Also, anyone else notice that Treekin are point-for-point the best stuff Sylvaneth have? 100 points for 3. Twelve Wounds with unconditional 4+ saves and nine damage 2 attacks are cheaper than ten Dryads and cost the same as 5 Revenants. Holy shit, just these guys and Kurnoth Hunters, nothing else necessary.
Seriously thinking about converting my own, like pic related, which I think look just glorious.
Jesus thats embarrasing
still its not finished yet
Spite Revenants don't seem worth using outside of a list with Drycha. Am I wrong?
You need a girlfriend
Basically no, you're perfectly right.
However, we don't yet know how the Battalions look and there's at least one consisting of Drycha+Spite-Revenants. Maybe that's so good it makes them amazing. Also, you can put small units of them in between your Dryads. No, their combat prowess and survivability aren't impressive, but their debuff aura is pretty nice. Like, hide 5 of them behind 20 Dryads so the enemy is affected by their rules. If you need the extra oomph, just let the Spities into combat as well.
It wouldn't be that bad if it was well painted, but it's like thick basecoats on everything that's it.
Well to be honest the painting seems waaaaay to thick and is covering a lot of the details. The one who is pouring blood on herself looks more like she is pouring red jello. It's not supposed to be that thick. At this scale blood is not supposed to have a texture.
>implying a scantily-clad army says anything about user's love life
I used to write smut on the internet while in a stable relationship but completely lost interest in doing that after the breakup. Where's your Id now, Doc Fraud?
it this the best this thread has to offer?
How varied and fun are Pestilens to play? I like the general theme, but I'm wondering if sticking to their theme will get too repetitive.
there isnt much variety, even with the different battalions
you can easily mix in other skaven units or nurgle, it makes it way more interesting to play
Pestilens synergizes well with other nurgle. A lot of the buffs and debuffs specify the keywords nurgle only, and since pestilens has that keyword, they work well together.
>it this the best this thread has to offer?
Anyone have any questions?
this looks like six years old painted this
You should link him there,not me
I mean they have 6 units. One monster, warmachine
And a lot of example lists don't even bother with plague priests or even many censers. definitely could get boring unless you're truly into the Pestilens theme.
I'm kinda unsure how i feel about Plague Censers, i don't think they have enough survivability, i wish they were 2 bravery higher, or had a nurgle FNP
1. Scenarios for pitched, post them pls, they'll matter a ton in list building
2. non-spell based summoning/summoning section in general
That's really the only problem.
You have your Monks, your Censer Bearers, Priests on foot, Priest on Furnace, Verminlord and Plagueclaw. That's it.
Effectively, that's a War Machine, Priests, Monsters, foot soldiers, centerpiece models and elite soldiers, so just about everything you could want. But it does rely very heavily on its Battalions so the Battletome is damn near mandatory without using the app and it gets repetitive real fast.
On the other hand, it's an amazing army to start out, as you can branch out either to other Skaven or to Nurgle later and nothing will feel amiss.
>Pick street signs.
>shows an image of only flag posts
Reinforcement. Sorry for potato cam
Posted this to the last thread and never got a response so asking again.
Hey everyone so I've been out of 40k for a little while now and been avoiding AoS like the plague up until recently. I have a Slaanesh Daemons Army that I used with 40k and I heard via a friend that Daemonettes are going to be obscenely cheap with the points cost rules.
What I have:
1 keeper of secrets
2 daemon princes (one could double as a keeper)
80x daemonettes
5x heralds
The Masque
14x Seekers
1x herald on steed
2x Exalted chariots
6x fiends of slaanesh
1x soul grinder
What I used to do with the army when I played it in 40k is bring about 60 daemonettes with the Exalted Locus so they could reroll misses in CC and drown the opponent in wounds. Is there a way to build an army to do that with the stuff I've listed?
Anything you want to recommend for me to pick up?
You don't happen to have the Grand Alliance: Chaos book do you? I'm looking for the Clan Skryre battalion but I cannot find a scan of it, and every image I've found of the page through searching is too blurry or small to make out.
It's. Not. Finished. Yet.
Don't worry I deleted it anyway Jesus. And thanks, actually I do have a girlfriend who plays too.
I'm just having fun. Calm down.
Incorrect. He needs a boyfriend
adding a new unit costs points but adding models to an existing unit does not cost points
so flesheaters can continue reinforcing units as long as they want but summoning a brand new unit (like a Courtier) costs points
Take and hold
Control two objectives, centre of each players side. 5 or more models (can be mix of units)within 6inches, no enemy models within 6. 3 round onwards major victory if you have control of both. Minor victory if time runs out/five rounds, more point value destroyed(including summoned)
it is already too thick,and considering how it looks right now it will be shit
>It's. Not. Finished. Yet.
You're going to add MORE layers of paint to that abomination?
It's not a matter of it being unfinished, it's that you fucked up on the base coats. No washing or highlighting is going to fix it. You needed to thin your paints.
The only improvment I can think of is washing it and starting over
Blood and glory
4 objectives in each quarter. Control if more models within 6 then opponent. Major from 3rd round onwards if all 4 controlled. Minor if time runs out and control majority. Points value destroyed as tiebreaker.
I think i read somewhere that while they can reinforce their units, you cant get above the number you originally bought. So if you bought a 20man unit, and a bunch died, you can reinforce it again, but to not exceed 20.
Can't reinforce past starting size, aka: flesheaters are trash! So glad I didn't start them. Guess this answers the arielle summoning ability too.
One third of army (unitwise), one third on second turn, final third on last. Objectives along diagonal line on table. Controlled when more within 6 then opponent. Score 1 vp for each objective controlled from end of 2 round onwards. Major victory more then opponent. Minor if tied but more points destroyed.
>aka: flesheaters are trash!
Waaaaaaaa! i cant get free shit on the table anymore, despite the fact so many armies would kill to bring a unit back to full health waaaaaaaaa!
I think I actually will.
I wasn't showing off the paint job, just the conversion
>Army has an ability that does something
>Army has an ability that only does something if you pay more points for it
I wonder which is better?
Border war
4 objectives. One each in centre of each players half. One each on border between players territory on left and right halfs. Basically forming a cross. Usual capturing rules, vp for each objective held end of each turn, 2nd onwards. Objective in own half : 1 vp, borders : 2 vp, enemy objective, 4 vp. Major win if more at end of game.
How'd the Slaves to Darkness theme? In terms of variety and fun.
Three places of power.
Three places of power along border of player territory. One in middle, one each in centre of the thirds. Controlled by first hero to end move within 3 inches, if more then one hero only first one arrives controls it. If hero slays enemy hero controlling place of power, immediatly gain control.
At end of each turn score vp = no of turns a hero has controlled the objective. (1 vp if it just arrived, 2 if held for two turns). Most points wins major.
Can we have a real talk about explaining the idea behind the Bloodbound faction playwise?
I just split two starters with my friend, he went Stormcast and I went Khorne. I went with the starter because I used to play warriors of chaos a few years back and Khorne was always me OG favorite chaos god, even though they sucked for a while I still loved them.
Looking over their battle tome the only long range damage is the Blood Priest,, the rest of the army are squishy troops. I THINK the idea is the stack the buffs from Bloodsecrators, Strokers, and other heroes to make the Reavers good but is there any other aspect that I am missing?
>Skullcrushers look mediocre as all else when compared to other monstrous cavalry. Trampling only on a 4+ is too unrealiable for so little damage.
>Khorgoraths seem a bit too fragile for their damage ouput, they are basically just trolls but more Khorney.
>BloodWarriors are underwhelming when compared to just the basic Stormcast trooper, their best aspect being that they do a little more damage when they die...
>BloodReavers are kind of super squishy, not super men like the old Chaos Warriors.
I could solve the shooting issue with BloodCannons, but I kind of like just playing mortals. Maybe I could ally in some chaos dwarves but thats too expensive for me right now.
The coolest shit are the heroes, especially the Lord of Khorne, being able to one shot anything of a 5+ is pretty baller I have to say.
Any thoughts?
Three places of power.
Three places of power along border of player territory. One in middle, one each in centre of the thirds. Controlled by first hero to end move within 3 inches, if more then one hero only first one arrives controls it. If hero slays enemy hero controlling place of power, immediatly gain control.
At end of each turn score vp = no of turns a hero has controlled the objective. (1 vp if it just arrived, 2 if held for two turns). Most points wins major victory.
>Border war
Do you hear this, Lizard-things?
It is sound of a thousand devotees, claws scurry-scratching as we invade your border-land, all shall rot-wither in the name of the Horned One.
Kroak's great wall shall fail...
Flesh-Eater Courts, Tomb Kings and Tzeentch here.
Gifts from heavens
Table is divided into 6 sections
1-2. 3-4. 5-6
1-2. 3-4. 5-6
On each players second hero phase, roll a dice. Meteor lands in centre of corresponding section in own territory. Controlled if you have models within 6 but no enemy does. Score vp = current round for each meteor held. More wins major.
How's playing Tzeentch? Wat do you run? I'm glad to see that he's receiving more focus than he used to. Are his models actually good at magic now?
Daemonettes are still good - honestly not much you can add except maybe a herald on chariot. Take blobs of 20/30 Daemonettes for your battleline and see what else you can add, I'd suggest at least the KoS and Daemonettes and the rest is really up to you. Soul Grinders are good. And you ought to add some heralds around the Daemonettes
hes gonna build that wall even greater and the horned rats's gonna pay for it
Such a cool concept ruined by a horrible paint job.
Okay, first of all you can add any Slaves to Darkness units to your army, as you can mark them as Khorne. Then you can add all the cool Khorne shit that isn't in the starter, like Skullreapers, which are fucking devastating.
If you only play the starter, you're limiting yourself immensely.
>Skullcrushers look mediocre as all else when compared to other monstrous cavalry. Trampling only on a 4+ is too unrealiable for so little damage.
If you like them and want to make them reliable, play the Brass Stampede Battalion.
>BloodWarriors are underwhelming when compared to just the basic Stormcast trooper, their best aspect being that they do a little more damage when they die...
How so? They have the exact same stats as a Liberator, but come on smaller bases, so it's easier to shove them into combat. Ergo, they're better than basic Stormcast troopers.
>BloodReavers are kind of super squishy, not super men like the old Chaos Warriors.
Maybe because they're not supposed to replace Chaos Warriors but Marauders?
>Khorgoraths seem a bit too fragile for their damage ouput, they are basically just trolls but more Khorney.
You got it backwards. They're pretty tough, but despite counting as Monsters, they actually have a lower damage output per model than trolls. If you want a monster that isn't as shit, get a Chaos General on Manticore. If you want a monster that's pretty good, get a Slaughterbrute.
Get some Skullreapers, get some Wrathmongers, get some Gorebeast Chariots, get a Warshrine. Give the Skullreapers Daemon Weapons and keep a Bloodstoker nearby and they can reliably deal a surprisingly large number of Mortal Wounds, which lets them kill shit your super-buffed Reavers struggle with.
Pick your battles, have a nice spread of units around and the army is pretty fucking powerful.
Yep, cheers thanks. Already been told that enough times by many people on this very friendly thread.
I don't know if anyone actually read that its UNFINISHED or they just enjoy taking the piss.
Jesus fuck calm down, I'm new here.
If you can't stand taking critical judgment then why do you ask for opinions? Stop behaving like a pussy and man up. Also, do it all over again.
>its unfinished
unless you are somehow magically gonna cake less layers on it that doesn't mean anything user
Anyone have the leaked points for the Hellcannon? I simply cant find the unit entry in the leaked points pages and I want to know how expensive points wise its going to be.
It's 300.
Speaking of which, how good would 4 hellcannons and as much blood reader spam as possible work at 2k points? Obviously with a bloodsecrator and buffs
That... is actually not a bad idea. Bloodreavers kill anything without bullshit armor and the stuff with bullshit armor will be wrecked by the Cannons. I'd reduce the cannons to 3 though so you have more points for Reavers and Buffs. Add Dark Feast, Bloodsecrator and an Aspiring Deathbringer and as many Reavers as you can fit and you'd have a tide of crazy cannibals advancing under ridiculously good fire support.
>If you can't stand taking critical judgment then why do you ask for opinions?
Did I ask for opinions?
>Critical Judgement
"You need a girlfriend"
"it this the best this thread has to offer?"
"this looks like six years old painted this"
"You're going to add MORE layers of paint to that abomination?"
"Such a cool concept ruined by a horrible paint job."
"stop behaving like a pussy and man up."
Despite the fact that I slapped "WIP" all over every post and picture there's still 8 bully posters jumping all over me like a pack of raging chimps. There have only been TWO humane posts offering genuine advice.
Thanks user, you're a real fucking hero.
Thin your paints isn't a just a meme user
Well I could always make one of the Exalted chariots toting around a herald, it's not like there is a specific model that states it's the herald on the back of it.
is it safe to assume most games played will be at the 2k points level?
Did your balls gone inside and disappeared or you are dramatising like this on a daily basis?
I know.
ITS UNFINISHED. I'm going to tidy it up.
Christ I give up.
You bastards just want to have a laugh. What a fine way to treat a fellow gamer in the hobby.
you can't tidy up pic related user
literally being ganged up on...
even posted all the quotes...
I guess I'm the stupid one here for expecting wargame nerds on an anonymous image board to be friendly.
Most will probably houserule 1500 points or play 1000 points.
Or people might see Matched as too restrictive and stick to Open.
In our store I know at least two people who literally cannot play Matched and would have no intention of buying stuff to remedy that. Other scenes probably have similar people around who will help to keep the flame of Open Play burning.
it's like it's your first day here user
Well I hope you all had your fun.
The only weakness I've encountered is bullshit like the stardrakes global d3 wounds to just rape the crew, but that's one army. Others have counterplay like bubble wrapping them.
Ah, the newfaggotry.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, you want hugbox head to reddit.
look, just stop posting. You are not on tumblr. If this site perceives something to be shit, it will ridicule you until you either learn to cut your losses or become a meme and you do not want to become a meme.
You DID disregard the core rule of painting: Thin Your Paints. We don't just say that, we mean it. Thin down the paint, keep the layers thin and the details stay crisp and sharp. If you'd done that, maybe even watched a couple of tutorials by based Duncan on Warhammer TV, your model (which IS nicely converted by the way) would now look amazing instead of ridiculous.
You cannot un-fuck the paint job, you've already clogged up all the detail. Any paint stripper strong enough to un-fuck this would strip the plastic away as well.
But whining on said anonymous image board about being treated unfairly will not solve anything but it will make other people want to ridicule you more.
welp mystery solved
>Did I ask for opinions?
If not for opinions, why did you post it?
Also, if you do want painting advice, really do try the WIP thread over here
>sending the man to wip
user if you're not a contest painter and post a pic of your mini's there they will tear you up.
which is something i learned by lurking , which our new friend clearly doesn't do
are you in the north part of the neatherlands perchance? a ton of undead here aswell, a handfull of sigmarites, and basically one of all the other races..(im the local dorf)
Alrighty, 2k seems like what I have set up for (make sense considering 2.5k is what I liked to be at with 40k) but 1k-1.5k that's fair. Don't wanna make the games last all day.
>I want to be jerked off in the internet
>I have no idea what thinning paints is
>I am going to make this miniature less thick by adding MORE layers
Grow some thicker skin.
For now that you have arrived here, you may never leave this place. Welcome to Hell.
You don't get it do you? It's too late. There's no tidying up that will fix it. Paints slathered on too thick is bad. The base coats needed to be much thinner and evenly applied. Right now the only acceptable answer of 'unfinished' would mean that you plan on stripping them down and starting over again.
We're not saying it's lacking any shades highlights or gradients, we're saying the base coats were too goddamn thick.
As others have said, thin your paints isn't just a meme here. It's also pretty fucking good advice
>Grow some thicker skin.
Just like his models then huehuehuehuehueHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE.
OK I actually chuckled
Almost half this thread. Poor Boob Elf user.
Can someone screencap this including the pictures? We need to record it for future generations.