Shamlessly copying fanofhistory edition

Anything good for us in Eternal Masters?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nimble Mongoose, Night's Whisper, and Peregrine Drake are the main cards of interest.
I'll post the full downshift in a few minutes. With pictures and everything.

Anyone on American beatdown? I find with the deck that it's missing just a tiny bit of oomph. It can out aggro aggro fine because I have bolts and galvanic blasts and an assload of card draw. But against decks like MBC I completely stall out as they play corrupt and gain enough life to either time the match out or deck me.


Innocent Blood reprint was also pretty good.
Quite happy that I didn't need to pay 3 bux a piece for two playsets

Cut 3-4 Plains for Vault of Whispers. They'll save you 2 life if you topdeck a Vault Skirge.
More importantly, you aren't very white intensive and they'll help you get more affinity or faster metalcraft.

I was really just talking about downshifts. It was also a great set for reprints.
Shame there weren't any Chainer's Edicts or Oubliettes.

I'm testing out RG Beats and UG Threshold with the new cards but I haven't finished the decklists.

How active is pauper on MTGO? Been out of magic for a really long time and pauper seems like an interesting format. Mono black and Kuldotha boros both look like really cool decks.

Isnt it worth also running the black artifact land?

If you're reading this, feel bad.

Could be worth testing I suppose.

I'm really needing something new to play. I've got BnP, Burn and MBC all built up, but I'm wanting a change.

I bought a 50 card deck of random commons and uncommons and like two trash rares for 5$ just so I could get another copy of Presence of Gond.

I don't even know where my other one is. I like pauper green Exarch Twin, though.

I threw together a MonoB madness deck that needs some tuning. What do you think?

// Deck: Pauper Black (60)

// Lands
18 Swamp

// Creatures
4 Basking Rootwalla
4 Putrid Imp
4 Myr Servitor
4 Overeager Apprentice
4 Phyrexian Rager
4 Grave Scrabbler
4 Gorgon Recluse

// Spells
2 Call to the Netherworld
3 Unearth
3 Sign in Blood
2 Murderous Compulsion
4 Alms of the Vein

// Sideboard
SB: 1 Murderous Compulsion
SB: 1 Psychotic Haze
SB: 1 Dark Withering

[Peregrine Drake]+[Archaeomancer/Mnemonic Wall]+[Mulldrifter/Sea Gate Oracle] to pick up you deck with infinite mana seems pretty popular.
But what are all the good options for things to find?

>MTGO Pauper Guide

>What are some top tier decks I can get on MTGO/Paper?


>Which rules should I follow?
If you don't already have some homebrew version with friends, follow the MTGO card pool and banlist (and please spread this to your friends that start playing with you). Currently the only place Pauper is officially supported by Wizards is online, and they have a card pool and banlist, therefore that is the format we should be using offline on paper as well, since decks and cards can transfer to games between each other with no confusion.

The bottom left has a box, select MTGO Pauper, all cards in the card pool and banlist are taken into account.

>What deck should I use?
Ask in the thread!

>Is MTGO worth it?
If you have no local paper competition, but want to play a vast amount of Pauper, it can't be beat, even if it is a clunky GUI, you learn quickly.

Even for B, Alms of the Vein seems pretty mediocre.
Especially with other madness creatures available.

Putrid Imp is a solid discard outlet, but are those and the Overeager Apprentcie's really enough outlets?
For that matter, Overeager Apprentice looks kinda ... mediocre. If you find another outlet, maybe cut 1 or 2?

Beyond that, cut a swamp for a singleton Bokuja Bog, and consider 1 or 2 Barren Moor's.

Rate my meme
Also please help sometimes I go off turn one sometimes I mull to 5 with no mana

3 Shred Memory
4 Dark Ritual
4 Exhume
3 Insolent Neonate
4 Ulamog's Crusher
3 Putrid Imp
2 Gurmag Angler
4 Faithless Looting
3 Duress
8 Mountain
9 Swamp
3 Dragon Breath
3 Eldrazi Devastator
4 Lotus Petal
3 Gitaxian Probe
SB: 4 Smelt
SB: 2 Electrickery
SB: 3 Pyroblast
SB: 3 Apostle's Blessing
SB: 1 Shred Memory
SB: 2 Flame Slash

So the goal is trigger Dragon Breath into an Edict effect?

Apprentice is really nice because you can use the mana to pay for anything you madness with it, and it comes back with unearth, which makes it like a Dark Ritual for Madness.

I was thinking Alms was nice because it's a 1 mana 6 life swing, but I could cut it for another creature I'm actually thinking the new Twins because 5 toughness is pretty nice.

For more outlets, there's spell shapers like Undertaker I could use (maybe a 1 or 2 of) for what is basically a 2 for 1. There's also Vampire Hounds, which might be a very solid option.

I add the lands, too.


Want to get into MTGO just for pauper, is it worth it? Currently really enjoy playing Izzet Blitz, any other fun combo decks or is this the best choice?

Did we get anything cool from Eldritch Moon yet? That zombie reanimation common that draws card seems good even though there is no deck to support it.

Wretched Gryff seems almost playable in midrange.
I'm hoping for at least one good escalate and at least one good emerge.

Chittering host might be neat.

7 mana to swing with a 5/6 menace on turn 5 is really underwhelming.
At best you trade for two cards, but you used two cards so it's 1:1.

Maybe the "for each CARDNAME in your graveyard" cycle will hand us a nice toy.
I bet it'll be the green card.

This looks pretty good for pauper infect.

It also pumps your field when it flips

If you can afford to hardcast a 5-drop fatty, then you are running a very strange deck.

Well, it IS a large eldrazi rat man pile...

What would you play in a Standard Pauper tournament?
Prize is an EMA box.

What do you mean with "Standard" Pauper?

If it's just Modo Pauper then I'd play Teachings, because that's the one deck where I never feel disadvantaged no matter what I'm facing.

Drake ban when?

For Threshold and Dredge.

Play UR Prowess Madness.

New to this format have no idea what I'm doing

Tortured Existence seems cool

I want to play Pestilence

Is Pestilence good?

I am reading this, and my last 2 are on their way to me now.

depends on the list desu.

I'm thinking about this card in my Delve deck instead of Gravedigger

4 Evolving Wilds
7 Forest
2 Mortuary Mire
7 Swamp
4 Terramorphic Expanse

4 Bone Splinters
4 Grisly Salvage
2 Night's Whisper

2 Gravedigger
4 Gurmag Angler
4 Hooting Mandrills
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Satyr Wayfinder
4 Stinkweed Imp
4 Sultai Scavenger

SB: 4 Aerial Volley
SB: 2 Night's Whisper
SB: 2 Swamp
SB: 3 Naturalize
SB: 2 Forest
SB: 2 Gnaw to the Bone

2 Tilling Treefolk #for Gravediggers
4 Ghoulcaller's Chant #return two Gurmag Anglers for {B} but not providing Gravedigger's body for sacrifice or for block
4 Vile Rebirth #seems to be a nice blocker maker and body for bone splinters sacrifice but don't know what should I cut for it
3 Duress #same as Vile Rebirth - looks good but don't know how to make a place for it

I get that it has a Regrowth effect, but whenever I look at it I see a worse Commune with the Gods.

But Grapple allows you to choose among any creature or land card from graveyard - not only from revealed cards like in CwtG

>storing cards in shoebox of some really nice shoes


That image broke my neck


Hey lads, MaRo here, taking a du- I mean writting, show me your brews so I get it flowing


It's not pauper but I'd like some advice on this casual deck. Anything I can do to better it without breaking the bank?


>worth it

>fun combo decks

>combo decks
You will probably see the answer to this in your first match

Does Drake need banned, Veeky Forums?
Or is it just that its the new hotness and once the dust settles it will have more counter tech being implemented against it to stabilize the format?
Is Drake more or less oppressing than CoF on its own (sans Spellstutter interaction)?
I enjoy the deck but it is a bit strong right now

Drake is /a lot/ worse than Cloud.

It lets you run mono blue, but that's the only upside.
It's always slower.

Here, have a cookie-cutter normie deck

Crypt Rats is better in TortEx because it's a creature.

How are Freed from the Real decks these days?
What finishers work better than Valakut Invoker?

So turns out the White Affinity deck is nice. Having lots of flyers shits over other aggro decks.


I'm honestly wondering about this too. I'm pretty excited for the deck, but I prefer not to build into something that's going to get banned really soon. I know it's only 30ish dollars at the most, but still pretty shitty to spend that time and money only to be for naught.

Planning for the list to look really similar to this:

Any cards that could be changed out?

I'm new to pauper. All I ever face are combo decks so I built some UW control.

Lands (22):
14x Island
8x Plains

Creatures (11):
4x Talon Trooper
4x Mulldrifter
2x Benthic Giant
1x Daru Lancer

Not Creatures (27):
4x Counterspell
4x Offering to Asha
4x Preordain
4x Mana Leak
4x Vapor Snag
3x Cancel
4x Arrest

Sideboard (15):
2x Hindering Light
4x Spreading Seas
1x Daru Lancer
3x Negate
1x Benthic Giant
2x Disdainful Stroke
2x Patrician's Scorn

Advice would be much appreciated

It's late as fuck so can't expect to help with everything.

Firstly, fix your manabase. Add 3-4 copies of both Azorius Chancery and Tranquil Cove. Pauper is a much slower format so the slower lands isn't a problem. Also think about adding some copies of the Cycle lands in your color. They help out a lot in the lategame where your lands are total bricks.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your deck? Whats your win condition? I see that you are just running a ton of flyers and beatsticks, but they are really suboptimal. Can't suggest what creatures to run yet since the deck doesn't have a focus or specific strategy in mind.

As for your non creatures, immediately get rid of all copies of Offering to Asha (it's an overcosted, more color intensive mana leak), and Cancel (there is LITERALLY no reason to ever run this when Counterspell exists, you also really really don't need badCounterspell copies #5-7). Also look to reduce your numbers of Mana Leaks too, if not get rid of them all together as well.

Can't say too much about your sideboard since at this point we're practically remaking your deck so pretty much that means a brand new sideboard. We also don't know what your meta is.

After doing all that, reevaluate what you want the deck to do. What exactly is your desired gameplan? What will your win condition be? Please don't just say "It's going to be a control deck." After that, the card choices should be a lot clearer and we can help you a whole lot more.

i love dan, hes funny

Burn is only a problem when they have the nut draw and manage to deal lethal by turn three or something. It rarely happens.

In all other cases the matchup feels favorable for Teachings. I play no creatures so their best burn spells are literally dead, and all you do is counter some spells and gain a bunch of life.

That's harder to tutor.

Why are mono black control decks so comfy to play?
There's something sexy about them, but I don't know what it is

It's the critical mass of cheap removal.

What if removal.dek?

How viable is this deck for friday night magic
19x mountain
2x Maniacal rage
2x Mudbutton
2x incite
1x Goblin Sledder
2x Goblin Arsonist
1x skirk shaman
2x Trumpet Blast
2x Chandra's Outrage
2x Adder-staff Boggart
2x Brimstone volley
2x Goblin Piker
2x Tagfire
1x Skinbrand Goblin
2x Kindled Fury
1x Fire Juggler
2x Dragon Mantle
2x Raging Goblin
3x Akki Rockspeaker
1x Goblin Replica ~ artifact
1x Goblin Tunneler
2x Goblin Shortcutter
2x Power of Fire

needs more playsets

yeah I feel like it has a lot of 2x

any suggestions on which to go 4x and which ones to get rid of?

Take this stock Goblin goblins list and use it for the bases of your deck.

>Adder-staff Boggart in a goblins deck
>No Lightning Bolts

Did you just type in Goblins in Gatherer and picked the first ones you see?


nah someone was selling 2 pauper decks and I bought them.

thanks man I will

What was the other one?

Because you like winning easy. And that's what it does. Pauper Mono Black Control is a deck on it's perfection. It's a smooth combination of disruption, control and agression on a sweet monocolored manabase. All cards except (not chainner's) Veredicts in Monoblack have a 1 for 2 potential. So there is some inevitability to it, no wonder Delver it's the only match for it.

What should I put to Midnight Gond's sideboard? Just bought the deck and trying out 3 cop red, 3 sunlance, 3 hallow, 2 relic of progenitus 4 gleeful sabotage

Hey just bought mtgo and have been playing pauper. Is there any sort of pauper chatroom in client?

I'm gonna make a bunch of Pauper intros to bring to a casual game night. Should I use TappedOut or Deck Stats to plan it? Preferred tool otherwise?

Fight my UB Teachings deck right now, faggot.

Anyone willing to offer some suggestions?
It's kinda fragile, but a combo usually assembles around turn 4 or 5.

>dig until you hit a 2-of
Goddamn that slow as balls.

Definitely use Tapped Out.
MtgGoldfish has pretty good lists, too.

I'm about to join the mtgo and get jew'd and meme'd what deck should I make first?

A guy on reddit has a list of 100 pauper decks, his collection is on tappedout just google 100 pauper decks

I have heard a lot of mono black decks are moving from oubliete to unmake to deal with drake combo decks. Any thoughts on this?

I suppose it comes down to how much you like your Merchants.

garry wins the game but instant speed interaction stops me from loosing the game.

Tough call.

it's upthread





You don't because they banned cloud and the deck sucks ass now.

>inb4 empty the warrens and temporal fissure unban

I can see 13 other people have looked at this.
Do any of you have feedback?

lel, even after getting a shitton of cards from EMA, this thread is still dead as fuck.

Fair point. Guess I'll make Affinity or something.

What exactly is there to say? I love pauper because its the only format where you can play a true affinity deck, besides like, Legacy, but there's only so much to say.

Sorry, never played the deck before. But I bookmarked this one that came 2nd on CardKingdom's pauper tournament, thinking on building it someday.

Maybe you could get some ideas there.

Hmm, they're a lot... bluer than my list. I know Gigadrowse does wonders, by I wouldn't have the fuel for it.
I think I referenced this at some point, I distinctly remember Wind Zendikon and Sheltered Aerie being garbage.
Wind Zendikon probably helps a lot against Delver though.

The only other difference is that they're running a lot less tutors and a lot more dig.
I guess I could try putting Commune with the Gods back in, no idea what to cut though.