Warhammer 40k general

Gid gud edition.

> Codexes


> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

> Space 0Din's glorious work
dropbox.com/s/lsx27fo3rq2x7tk/Codex - Orks 7th Edition Update [Space Odin](2016).pdf?dl=0

Other urls found in this thread:


This thread has awakened!

FOUR JOHNNY'S to guard against bronies.

What do you think of the Inquisition's Space Marine Chapter?


Is there any versions of mathammdr that can do the math for blasts or d weapons?

>So Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and comic books have been appropriated from nerds and so the nerds become hipsters

Aww you mean I can't be into lotr and dune anymore? Damn, those books got me into fantasy and sci fi.

I was never interested into MLP though , better start now.

my math is terrible but i believe a small blast will hit 2-3 models on average though idk about D



>Not waiting for superior Sisters

d weapons do (i believe) an average of 2.333 wounds per hit (1/6*0 + 4/6*2 + 1/6*9)

Man, even in other color schemes, johnny did not age well at all. It's really painful to look at.

Really good, I love having skyfire on command or popping hatred or monster hunter before a big fight.

Thoughts on this game at my FLGS. I like to play corsairs as I love the fluff, but get their power level so try keep it cool. played a 1K point game against I AdMech formation - 3 units of grav destroyers, 1 unit of plasma cannon destroyers, castellans and mayos, so like a million grav shots (he has turn 1).
I have 3 reaver squads in venoms with cannons, 3 vypers, 6 CC Jetbikes, psyker and a prince on bike. I proceed to slap his army make good save rolls on my shadow fields and win by turn two. The castellans got put into reserves with a power in my turn two and they were his last unit so I effectively tabled him. That AdMech force had a tonne of ignore cover in the formation and rerolls for their shooting when they fired. This guy was mega salty that he lost, no GG or handshake... Something wrong with my list or just a spurge?

FUCK. OFF. Every godamn thread you post about your Raging Heroes stuff. If you want to shill those models, make a thread of your own and stop shitting up this one.

Is being an idiot normal for you, or is this an off day? The whole ppint of that post was to explain the hipsterism of some nerds, ie the ones into all three of MLP, TF2 and Warhammer. If this does not apply to you, then neither does the analysis dumb-dumb. You can enjoy your LotR and Dune all you want, no one is going to take it from you.

Cease yer shitposting and r8 my escalation campaign list.

Imperial guard 750pts

Company command squad [143 points]
- Carapace armour
- Volkov's cane
- (X4) plasma gun

Ministorum priest [25 points]

Primaris Psyker [75 points]
- Mastery level 2

Bullgryns [145 points]

Infantry platoon [217 points]
Platoon command squad [41 points]
- (X2) Flamer
- Lieutenant has Boltgun

Infantry squad [51 points]
- Sergeant with Boltgun

Infantry squad [50 points]

Heavy weapons squad [75 points]
- (X3) Heavy Bolter

Infantry platoon [145 points]
Platoon command squad [45 points]
- Heavy Bolter
- (X2) Sniper rifle
- Lieutenant has Boltgun

Infantry squad [50 points]

actually i haven't posted in /40kg/ for about 2 months

good to know other people got some rad tgg stuff too

>hipsterism of some nerds, ie the ones into all three of MLP, TF2 and Warhammer
You mean the big names in their respective fileds? Sure is hipster that.

Fuck off shill.

Tyranid player here: Thinking of grabbing biovores for that artillery node formation. Are the spore-mines only useful as a missed-shot side effect, or is deploying them as a unit useful at all?

Which one of them?

Any tips for how to highlight Dark Eldar flesh? I seem to bugger it up and end up with just random looking thin lines on their faces... I have no idea how to do the subtle stuff.

It's not really representative of the weapon to count in the D6+6 wounds, since almost nothing will survive that. It's 1.6 wounds per hit on average, with a 17% chance of removal.

you need to calm down, being this mad isn't good for your heart

Is artillery heavy guard an moderately effective strategy, or doomed to failure? I'd like to run an artillery company/salamanders list some time.

>He just happened to purchase literally the exact same models as the guy shitting up the last thread

I'd be very surprised if that was the case

Maybe the other guy will show up and we can compare

If you are playing Eternal War it can work if you give it void shields and wrap the whole thing in infantry to prevent drop pods from entering your deployment zone.

In maelstrom it simply does not work, too immobile and you cannot spare the protective defenses.

Typical 40k game in 7th edition. GW has attracted and cultivated a waac mentality. A large number of the sensible players have left.

Are these an upcoming thing, or just some weird fluke from a dead company?

Googling Grishnak models just turns up LotR models of Grishnak.

looks like a straight up copy of GWs SoB.
I dont mind though

I'm not taking sides here, but the Raging Heroes guy didnt 'shit up' the last thread.
The sexually frustrated neckfat sperglord did. Raging Heroes guy just posted his stuff, which I think we can all agree is fun to do.

If you are tired of seeing him talk about it, just ignore. Seems kind of irrational to get so bent out of shape at relatively benign posts. Especially considering the prolific shitposters that dominate these threads. With actual shitposts.

but dont let me stop you from showing us all what state of mind you're in. Continue to get upset when user posts some models he's excited to get. Totally normal behavior.

I find it amusing these people get so upset over a bunch of miniatures

Especially since it is just about the least played faction. I am almost certain that Dark Eldar and Inquisition see more play then SoB.

What paints should I get for something like this?

Alright /40kg/, you've decided for yourself you're gonna run a big choppy daemon in your next list.

How do you kit him out? Do you take a Khorne DP? A variant of thirster? Are you trying to get point efficiency or unstoppable killing prowess?

If someone is depressed, angry, frustrated, etc. - they tend to get irritated very easily. Imagine seeing the world through a filter that only allows negativity through. I've been there, it sucks. When I see user exhibiting irrational anger over something he could simply disregard, I can only assume thats what is going on. Dont try to convince them or argue, it will just feed their emotionally charged state.

Sounds about what I expected. Well, no one ever said that it was easy being an artilleryman.

Are Blood Angels playable now or do they still suck?
I'm not asking if they are top tier, I'm just asking if they are passable.
A Formation Detachment would be nice to have but +2 attacks to Dreads and WS/BS 4 scouts is a good start.

Cor'bax Utterblight, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm.

I9 Daemon of Nurgle LoW!

Why no warboss in mega armor plastic character model, gw?

Or just... bigga bosses...

ML 3 GUO with Greater Reward and Biomancy. Pretty nasty for 260 points.

Some Russian outfit just announced them a month or two ago. They should be for sale soon, they're supposed to be $20 or so for 5 sisters.

Yeah, except they don't look like ass.

Spore mines are fun to fill your detachment with and annoy the shit out of people, for example:

>Hive Fleet Detachment - 1825

>HQ - 520

Deathleaper - 130
Tervigon - 195
Tervigon - 195

>Troops - 405

(Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore - 45) x9

>Elites - 450

(Lictor Brood; 3x Lictor - 150) x3

>Fast Attack - 90

(Spore Mine Cluster; 6x Spore Mine - 30) x3

>Heavy Support - 360

(Biovore Brood; 3x Biovore - 120) x3

I mean it's really fucking stupid but hypothetically you could annoy the shit out of someone who cares too much about the game with them, keeping the biovores near the tervigons for synapse and using the lictors and deathleapers to deep strike everything accurately.

Watch these two videos and it should give you a good idea what you need.


Their codex is severly lacking in good options, and they have shit formations.
They are playable, but you arent competing with the big boys.

I don't have a problem with the models, I have a problem with people that keep posting them over and over knowing that it triggers faggots. It's like if someone were to start every thread with a picture of a Space Marines army with female heads.

I've always wanted to run a ruinstorm prince in a list with a decurion and fateweaver; ultimate warp storm control.

Not bad at all, have you considered using epidemia?

By and large, BA still aren't to great.

They're definitely not unplayable by any means, but they still rate around the low-middle or the high-bottom of tier lists.
Without allies in a casual meta, they're probably comparable to 'nids right now.

They really don't have too much room for optimization which sucks however.
Casual lists are probably as good as you're going to get.

Ugh, worse face than GW metal sisters

You can manage it with Renegades, you literally shit out enough blasts and indirect barrages to table anyone not actively trying to wipe you out. Twelve laser destroyers, eight quad mortars, six basilisk, four Medusa, three giant chaos spawn and sixty zombies is too much fire-power to survive. Keep everything in cover, keep your ordnance tyrant out of LoS and when anything tries to assault your squishy, squishy troops, you keep dropping ordnance on them. Thunderwolves? Piles of S10 Ap2, they'll fail a save eventually. Land raider? Twelve twinlinked ordnance lascannons. Go chaos for your artillery wants. Pop transports, drop dangerous terrain on the troops so they're stuck, drop artillery at leisure

The choppiest chop would be a level 3 great unclean one with the eternal blade and greater reward
the 250 point bloodthirster, of fury something something, with skullreaver, two greater rewards and one lesser.

If you want cheap but good go keeper, put all your points in to the other ones.

Why not take the formation with the respawning spore mines?

you don't get the ruinstorm warlord trait in 40k, and even if you did you would have to give up fateweaver's reroll

Nah Epidemius is too easy to kill. I deepstrike the GUO right into the mix turn 2. Instrument and Icons ensure he comes in, and doesnt scatter. Epidemius couldnt fill that role. He's also not an option for the Incursion Command formation.


GW does not do faces very well, I suggest replacing them with better heads.

Well yeah anything with biomancy just default has access to warp speed and iron arm, but I'd rather give a big choppy daemon a relic rather than the eternal blade. Slaanesh psykers now using maniacal fury can actually turn any greater daemon into an unstoppable juggernaut too.

Skarbrand and Khorne reaver princes deserve a shout-out too

>Metal heads
For what purpose?

Depends on what I'm playing against. If there's a superheavy, bring the D-thirster. If I'm keeping it cheap, a Keeper. If someone's being clever and bringing Draigo, a LoC or fateweaver. General purpose? Gotta agree with the crowd and say ML3 GUO, or ML3 Keeper

Nah I mean epidemia, the relic flail for GUOs. iirc 20 point plague flail that causes toughness tests to the unit for each model removed.

Ah that. Nah I just give him the sword if I use a relic.

Aren't SoB metal? I tend to prefer not mixing my model materials. And those heads look a lot better then any other ones i have seen for this size.

The only thing the GUO is lacking is weapon skill, initiative and attacks which is everything the blade gives you along with +1S.
You can only get to I10 with the GUO with the blade, WS9 forces anyone ws4 to hit on 5s which is great when fighting terminators and more attacks never go amiss.

GUO is the only deamon that can really make use of the eternal blade other than maybe the LoC but there were always better relics for him.

They're pretty easy to use, just use super glue and putting them on plastic bodies become easy peasy.

Fucking ipad camera.

You know i totally forgot about that

Sporefield - 1800pts


Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

Sporefield - 180
-3x Mucolid Spore Cluster; 3x Mucolid Spore
-3x Spore Mine Cluster; 3x Spore Mine

But why? How much fun is this really going to be?

They are non-scoring units, would you not auto lose turn one?

Dang Australians.

>take the pic
>open pic, tap edit
>rotate pic 1 turn, save
>tap edit again
>rotate pic so its correctly positioned

Never post an upside down or sideways pic again.

No one has that many mucolids anyway. Dude is just being a tard. That gimmick was funny about a year ago, its old news now.

He can still win, he just needs to table the opponent. With spore mines.

>Painting my 4th gen Daemonettes
>I almost painted them all
>Decent job
>next in line are my Diaz Daemonettes
>30 of them
>I am not worthy

An user posted this in the general that was made before this one.


>take pic
>open pic on ipad
>no problem, looks normal
>post it from ipad because i can't find the cable

If I had posted it from my computer, I'd have resized it too and given is a name I could easily find.

I have painted a ton of catachans and orcs, I found skin is so much fun to paint and I'd love to pain some Diazmonettes, problem is I have none.

you'll never know until you try it out

its the thought that counts really

you could cut the mucolids in 1/3rd and double the spore mines for the same points, but yeah nobody has 30+ mucolids

I kinda wanna try pitting my guardsmen against and army like that. Sounds like a fun scenario idea.

a problem quickly becomes evident that getting that many spore mines is nigh impossible due to how shittily GW has made them available, you'd have to spend over $2k just to get enough for 30 mucolids and 180 spore mines

Does anyone have a link to the updated version of imperial armor 11
The one on the mega is out of date

If you follow the steps I gave you, it will work. Re-orient it, save, re-orient it back to right side up. Save.

Scratchbuilding them doesn't seem terribly difficult

Trying to make a list to mess around with my new Draigo. How does this look? Am I close to having something decent? Termie squad with halberds goes with Draigo and Librarian.

+++ Draigo (1850pts) +++

Grey Knights: Codex (2014) (GK Nemesis Strike Force)


Librarian [Domina Liber Daemonica, Nemesis warding stave, Psyker [ML 3], Storm bolter]


Terminator Squad
··2x Terminator (halberd) [2x Nemesis force halberd]
··Terminator (hammer) [Nemesis Daemon hammer]
··Terminator (psycannon) [Nemesis force sword, Psycannon]
··Terminator Justicar [Two Nemesis falchions]

2x Terminator Squad [2x Terminator (sword)]
··Terminator (hammer) [Nemesis Daemon hammer]
··Terminator (psycannon) [Nemesis force sword, Psycannon]
··Terminator Justicar [Two Nemesis falchions]

Heavy Support

2x Nemesis Dreadknight [Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis greatsword and power fist, Personal teleporter]

Lords of War

Kaldor Draigo

++ Inquisition: Codex (2013) (Inq Inquisitorial Detachment) ++


Ordo Malleus Inquisitor [Liber Heresius, 3x Servo Skulls]
Terminator Armour [Nemesis Daemon hammer, Storm Bolter]


Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband
4x Acolyte [Bolter, Chainsword, Flak Armour]

Land Raider Redeemer [Multimelta, Psybolt Ammunition, Psyflame Ammunition]

I really want to play Corsairs for a few reasons. Mostly because I have the bits lying around to make like half the army already. Also because they could look cool (ie like DE mostly) but don't suck as bad as DE. What's their power level like? Opinions from anyone who played them? I don't want to be too OP, but also want to avoid DE syndrome.

Every single unit would either be Jet Infantry, a Jetbike, or have Deep Strike or Infiltrate (or sometimes more than one of the above), plus the Psyker with Aethermancy. There'd only be 2 vehicles though (Hornets). Would this make me a faggot? I seriously can't tell if it would be OP or not because I usually play craftworlds and deldar

tl;dr I want my army to play like how DE does in the fluff, is Corsairs a good idea?

yeah but you can get those via biomancy still and the eternal blade is just a D3 bonus. I'd rather take two greater rewards and a lesser weapon possibly if I'm going for a relic.

Can the CSM FAQs somehow make a shit unit better?

Has something like this happened to other codexes? Like BA dreads getting +2A?

Finally got the hang of the airbrushes. HQ Daemon Prince for my Night Lords Warband, cant wait to show him off tomorrow night.

>Has something like this happened to other codexes? Like BA dreads getting +2A?

>Has X happened to other codexes? Like [example of X happening]

But to be fair, a lot of the BA FAQ seemed to me to be nerfs. I am not at all familiar with BA though so maybe it was just confirming rules for people who can't read.

Literally all you need to do is make a big ball of milliput and score it with a small implement. Let it harden and hang it with wire. Done.

If anything, this is a nice way to make a fun theme army for less than 40 euros.

Yeah sorry I realized it sounded retarded after I posted.

Yeah BA faq was mostly clarifications. Just making sure we were clear on the fact that their formations suck, Mephiston sucks, and Assaults, Vanguards, and Termis are inexplicably more expensive than SM units of the same type (that also have more, better options).

The Dread and Scout thing was errata'd last week. So the tards claiming BA were buffed in their faq are just tards.

They can make that when Possessed and Warp Talons buy their Mark, they also get the Daemon rule of the same God.

This is exactly how they work in the Khorne Daemonkin, so it make sense for them to Errata them like that.

Still, it won't make them good, but it's something.

I havent opened the CSM book in a while, but dont Warp Talons already have the Daemon special rule? Or do you mean 'Daemon of X' thats in the Daemons codex?

Deamon of X

If you look in the Khorne Daemonkin, Warp Talons and Possessed both have the Daemon of Khorne rule.

Nope, warp speed only gets you to I7 which can be matched or beaten by other combatants and doesn't boost your WS.

If you're going to meme all over things like dreadknights and other masterful monsters in close combat you want to be WS9

Looks pretty standard, nothing really weird here...
>That Inquisition
OK, i would say drop the Redeemer, swap the Inquisitor for either something cheap or take Coteaz instead as he's ten times better than termie malleuses. Then, blob your henchmen to eleven dudes and a psyker, and use them as rear objective holders. If you have points left over, give the acolytes stormbolters.

>Errata the Dreads and Scouts to be the same
>"Of course your other units are different, l2read faggot they're different"

why did GW do this?
serious question

Just curious. Is the Prometheus Land Raider still legal? Some sites say it isn't, but Battlescribe has it as an option.