We legacy now edition
MtG Modern General
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v1dy4 g43m7
All hail Rhino Order. Son of Rhino Pod.
>Hol' up. What's tier 1 to you?
>to you
Post the tier lists ya dingus
Fucking tiers.
Remember how amulet bloom was a shit deck nobody played, because it was a bad deck....? Oops.
Remember how merfolk were shit and it couldn't handle the big and scary pod lists? Yeeeahh.....
Oh, infect is tier 2.5 jank? Whatever.
Or how lantern control can't possibly ever beat anyone to get into top8?
Well he says he beats tier one decks. For all we know he plays some other shit brew and thinks it's tier 1.
What does 8whack need to compete against jund and abzan company?
I don't get it. If toolbox enabling cards are so bad for the format, why do they keep pushing tutors and pseudotutors all the time?
8whack fucking sucks
I like it. Makes Junk actually an option to consider over Jund. You can even sac spirits to fetch BoBs with it.
Could also be seen as a 2-of in Kiki-chord as Chord 6 and 7.
Good potential.
Tier 1 doesn't mean a deck is amazing and unbeatable and will be forever, it has multiple factors going into it.
Read this: modernnexus.com
Funny thing is that Lantern is terrible in the current meta with all these Emrakul running around.
How does Abzan company do well?
I play against it quite often and it just gets hosed by so many cards. Some even being good otherwise like kalitas.
Removal fucks it hard too. Finally, it's beats are unremarkable as finks is there biggest threat without counters.
Whatever you're hosing company with does fuckall against a different company build, and whatever hoses all of them gets boned by Gavony Township.
Grafdiggers and torpor orb hoses every iteration
Because it's consistent and have a strong combo.
Award for the dumbest post goes to you.
What do you think you're running that makes all these decks so different?
>unearth fatestitcher
>turn three armada wurm/titan/whatever other 5/6 drop you want
too cute?
Yhea... requires too much setup. Titanshift/Throught the Breach can do the same more easily
a better strat
Why did simic get shit on in return to ravnica? Why do they never print good cards in those colours?
>Why do they never print good cards in those colours?
>Snapcaster Mage
Nigger did you even PLAY standard?
Call me retarded but this card seems very playable in modern as sideboard tech for burn
Grafdiggers and Torpor Orb do fuck all against Gavony.
Grave hate? On board and Gavony.
ETB hate? Grave and Gavony
Land destruction? Go go combo win.
Well if you run hate for any given element that CoCo wins with, they can just kill you literally any other way. The hate is extremely targeted.
Why would Burn ever bring it in? I can see it mainboarded in Affinity more than anything.
I think he meant UG spells
They wouldn't which is why I want it.
Honestly I've been considering cutting white from my Naya burn deck, only white spell in the deck is Boros charm. Play this guy in my deck so I can can beat face and be manly.
I would literally rather hard cast rift bolt.
very aggressive affinity?
I have won a surprising number of games doing that.
Guys, Guys !
Why not run this in 8 rack ?
Well you have Hymn of Emmy now seems like a good addition to me.
My Mardu-Spaghetti Deck
>2 Planeswalkers:
2 Nahiri
>8 Creatures:
4 young Pyro
2 kalitas trator of ghet
1 Emrakul aeons torn
1 tasigur of golden fang*
>31 Spells:
4 Lingering souls
4 path to exile
2 lightning helix
2 Thoughtseize
4 inquisition of koz
4 bolt
2 terminate
4 faithlesa looting
3 crackling doom
>21 Lands:
2 blood crypt
2 godless shrine
2 Sacred Foundry
4 bloodstained mire
4 marsh flats
2 blackcleave
2 basics
1 shambling vents
1 Lavaclaw reaches
1 vault of the archangel
*pet card. Angler would be better but for some reason I just like having tasigur. He's quicker to cast than angler and provides a pretty decent body for protecting me or nahiri.
>15 Sideboard:
1 grafdigger cage
1 torpor orb
2 Soulfire grandmaster
2 wrath of god
4 wall of omens
1 stoney silence
3 intangible virtue
1 ratchet bomb
So I got a lot of flak for not running 4 nahiri. She's a Wincon but not one that I need. I'm not good at dealing with enchantments so I have no problem -2ing her to deal with threats. I also have enough draw spells to reliably get her or an equal threat. I can do graveyard stuff, play beaters, or play the long grindy control game. It's not top tier but very fun and has a lot of utility. I will admit I'd probably get BTFO'd by a superior control deck like jeskai, but it's a fun deck and I love the variety.
>31 Spells
Fuck typo. Also I only run 2 crackling doom. That makes 30 Spells. If I had 61 cards it'd trigger my autism to no end
Drop crackling doom, run x2 K-Command instead.
Also drop the WoO in your sideboard and add x3 Fulminator Mages and x1 SS
Oh my god this makes me cry tears of blood.
>not playing bump in the night
You sound like a baby. A possessed creepy baby.
Thinking about all the stuff one could cheat out by sacing delve creatures is giving me a hard on
Heres the thing with tier one decks: they all have a weakness. Usually one thats very exploitable.
if you Tomescour yourself you can get Tombstalker out on turn 2, then pull out some fuckhuge 10 cmc creature on turn 3... Progenitus maybe?
>21 lands
Aside from that I like it. Seems like a slightly weaker grixis midrange/control on paper, but I have never seen it in action so what do I know.
I'm just happy I've got a fellow mardu bro.
Bloodmoon you stupid niggerfaggot.
this is my new mission in life
not really
Mr too. It's like people forget you don't have to suspend it.
>Playing vs. Jund
>T4 he Thoughtseize
>Bolt and mountain in hand, he takes bolt, goes to three life.
>Smacks me with Goyf, I'm at 4
>He says, "lol, looks like I win."
>Topdeck rift bolt
>Cast, Jund player says,"Great, my turn?"
>No, dude, you just lost.
> Nu-huh Rift bolt hits me next turn.
>He calls a judge and we explain what happened.
>Judge tells him to not be a crybaby.
Placed second that night. Felt good.
Most of the time when I drop bloodmoon against a Jund player, they straight up lose that game, and since I never start with it in hand they can't pick it off.
The second game? They lose to ghost quarter, because when they only run 2 basics in their entire deck, it's like I'm suddenly playing with strip mine.
hatecolour fetches reprint when?
it scoops to tokens
Modern masters 3
And they will be mythic rarity.
Jund players are really the worst, bar none, I've never met a whinier or more stubborn player.
keep on dreaming my man
>I've never met a whinier or more stubborn player.
Never played against a Jeskai control player?
Battle for Zendikar :^)
Considering that Abrupt Decay gets rid of Blood Moon, I'd say that you don't play against very good Jund players.
Also, Jund usually 4 basics.
>Never played against a Jeskai control player?
Actually, you're totally correct, they are actually worse. Thank you for reminding me how much I hate them.
>Abrupt Decay
Also requires two basics at that point, and if they already fetched into shocks, have fast lands, or basically anything, they're SOL.
Also, I have played against decent ones before, it's pretty tough, I've gotta admit. That doesn't change the fact that it's usually a wash though, especially when I surg extract their Decay's, and counter all of their other removal.
>yfw you out topdeck a Tron player
Jund is an underdog against a fair number of decks, but it doesn't fold to anything outright.
Ramp strategies (Scapeshift, Tron etc.) are good against Jund, as are token and Dredge decks
So I've a question
I am starting to get into modern and one of the things recommended to me was a burnesque deck. Which seems fun, fast and damage.
The question is how does burn win if they have to clear the board? If I end up lightning bolting all of my opponents creatures Ill eventually run out of cards and they'll just be able to beat face wont they?
What is a good deck vs Tron (most popular types) and Burn?
The scene here is about 50/50 split with those 2 decks. I wanna wreck face.
>Also requires two basics at that point
Not if they have BG open when you cast Blood Moon
>Tap out for BG
>Blood Moon resolves
>End of step Abrupt Decay Blood Moon.
Most of the time you'll be bolting/burning them and not their creatures
>it's usually a wash though, especially when I surg extract their Decay's, and counter all of their other removal
Yeah, you tend to win the games where you draw all of your relevant spells at the right time.
Also, you can stop blood moon by just leaving mana up to tap your lands for Abrupt Decay in response to Blood Moon.
When playing burn, you almost always want to aim burn spells at the face, regardless of what the board looks like. Bolting your opponent's creatures will slow them down, but it also slows you down too which is the opposite of what you want.
Jeskai players just loooove to sit back and smell their own farts in a wine glass
So essentially, I just gotta race the opponent
Just count to twenty my man and keep bolting your opponent.
The rule of thumb for most decks is that you should make the play that gives you the best chance of winning rather than making the play that simply delays you from losing (unless you're left with no alternative).
Here's the most famous example of the philosophy in practice:
Pretty much. Try running an extra searing blaze of some searing bloods.
WWr pile of shit with Kor Firewalker, Leyline of Sanctity, Stony Silence, Thalia, Phyrexian Revoker, Ghost Quarter and Blood Moon in the main.
Or something like that.
I just wish someone would edit the video so it's a Bonfire.
>What is a good deck vs Tron and Burn?
>tfw your brew actually works against T1/T2 decks
Twin isn't real.
That's there answer for everything.
Mind sharing your brew user?
It died for our sins.
Is Dredge really that bad of a deck?
I'm looking to buy something that won't get the ban hammer, has format staying power, and is competitive. Dredge dies to one card right? How are 2 versions of it placing so high?
My ideas
>Ad Nauseum
>Mono Green Aggro (cheap!)
>8 Whack
What would you pick if you had to piece together a deck over a year? I don't have a lot of expendable income. Please help. I love you.
Format is all about killing opponent as fast as possible, so merfolk seems like obvious choice.
...but then again it's pretty boring to play.
You have a point, but generally when I drop blood moon they don't have mana up.
Yes, I understand that I'm probably just getting lucky, but generally they spent their last turn trying to cast something and having it get countered, they're tapped out, I cast blood moon, they're literally just fucked.
So, which deck works best against Storm solitary?
Merfolk is probably the best deck on your list, Ad Nauseum and Dredge are capable of faster kills but are also much softer to sideboard hate.
AN or merfolk are your best options
dredge as a runner up
what cards does AN get hated by? All you can SB is artifact hate to delay them, but you're delaying yourself by casting said artifact hate.
utron is not competitive, aggro decks are too fast for it and any BGx deck will tear it to pieces
ad nauseam is super weak to sideboard cards and has no real way to fight them other than crossed fingers
merfolk is the best deck on that list but is also boring as fuuuck
idk why dredge is placing i havent seen it played around here
i played a super fine tuned mono green aggro list for like a year, its really not that good but you can do it if youre a good player (pro tip, use aspect of the hydra)
8rack is fundamentally a bad deck do not play it
>What would you pick if you had to piece together a deck over a year? I don't have a lot of expendable income. Please help. I love you.
Or elves maybe, I've been wanting to play elves for a while now.
Discard effects and Surgical Extraction/Slaughter Games are often free wins against Ad Nauseum.
>ad nauseam is super weak to sideboard cards
Not really. The most common problem cards are stony silence and blood moon, which can be dealt with with your own sideboard cards. Artifact removal is nice against ad nauseam, but it is only really effective if the ad nauseam player has a bad start and even if they do, they are likely to have more than one ramp artifact. The only really effective hate spells are extremely narrow as they are only useful against the ad nauseam matchup.
Ad nauseam plays 4 leylines in the sideboard. Any deck with enough discard effects to justify surgical extraction will likely mean that the ad nauseam player will bring in those leylines; in otherwords, the ad nauseam player is more likely to get protection for your game winning hate than you are to draw it, unless if you play 4, but that would only hurt your other matchups.
It's fun as fuck to play and while it suffers from hate as if it was a combo deck the hate is not as reliable as to what the "real" dredge decks in legacy/vintage have to deal with (t1 tutor cage durr)
I think the card you'll learn to hate the most is going to be Anger of the Gods as that can actually cockblock you in several ways and is rather popular mainboard choice as well.
what is surgical extraction going to do?
and slaughter games is on the slowside and even if it resolves, most AN lists run 2 wincons.
you've got a point with discard effects, although AN usually runs 4x leyline's
This. I own both elves and burn. Both are fun but I prefer elves