How do you make it work?
Me, I'd play neo-Aztecs and sacrifice cut out people's hearts to the sun god
How do you make it work?
Me, I'd play neo-Aztecs and sacrifice cut out people's hearts to the sun god
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This is a book /k/ is making fun of. Here are some of the highlights.
>William S. Lind (born July 9, 1947) is an American monarchist, paleoconservative, columnist, Christian, and a light rail enthusiast.
>The state upheld its unpleasant responsibility of setting torch to faggots, was what marked this as an act of Recovery
Chapter 1
>We lost a lot of guys on Iwo, and they were men, not women. Of course, these were the years of “political correctness.” Our colonel was running for general, and he figured he could kiss ass by being “sensitive to issues of race, gender, and class.”
Chapter 5
>The scum depended on them; no lawyers, no scum (a point we have enshrined in Victorian law, where you must represent yourself in court).
> Boyd was the greatest American military theorist of the 20th century
Chapter 8
>“And in the Marine tradition, I propose a toast, gentlemen,” I concluded. “To the Christian Marine Corps, and confusion to our enemies.” Appropriately, it was drunk in Sam Adams beer.
Chapter 11
>Books like Martin van Creveld’s 'The Transformation of War' had opened quite a few minds.
>Fedora Man
>Who, I would like to point out to those who didn't read Chapter 10, actually wears a fedora and LARP's some idealized version of the late 1940s with his family.
Chapter 12
>“Because Don and the rest of the gays have me by the balls, that’s why,” Hokem said. “Well, not that way, but you know what I mean.”
Chapter 13
>“Ms.” Lateesha Umbonga LaDrek, the Secretary of HUD
>I don't necessarily disagree with Lind, but when he puts it this way it's pretty autistic
>\thread t b h
>Like the Russian BMP, the Bradley was an explosion waiting to happen, a tin-clad rolling armor dump that any anti-tank weapon instantly turned into a Viking funeral for its crew.
>But his Secretary of Defense wanted to say something. She had represented Harlem in Congress, and after her defeat by a Black Muslim candidate the administration had given her the defense job to maintain her visibility; she was one of its biggest supporters in the black community. The 42nd Division was her baby – in fact, she had carried several of its babies, until the abortionist had restored her shapely figure – and she wanted it to have its chance to shine.
>“Mr. President,” said the Honorable Kateesha Mowukuu, “I am the only black woman at this table. We have heard what these white men have to say. I would remind you that in this war, white men are our enemy. Now you will hear what a black woman has to say, and I expect all of you to listen with respect.”
>“Black people have been the only warriors in history. White men can’t fight. It’s because their noses are too small. Courage comes from the nose, not the heart, as the African spiritual healers you call witch doctors have long understood. That’s why black people eat their snot. What do you white folk do with your snot? You wrap it up in a little white surrender flag and put it in your pocket. So you don’t have no courage.”
>“All the great warriors in history have been black. Caesar was a black man, and so was his enemy, Hannibal. The Spartans were black. They just dyed their hair blond, to fool their enemies into thinking they were weak white people. Charlemagne was a black man. In French, ʻcharlemagneʼ means ‘kinky hair.’ The Vikings came from Africa, which is where they got those helmets with horns on them. Gunpowder was invented by ancient Zimbabwean scientists, who made it from elephant shit. You ever hear an elephant fart? Black scientists knew there had to be some juju behind that.”
this man's prose is atrocious
might be fun to play as ridiculous multi-culti boogeymen trying to destroy his weird idea of what proper americans are
inb4 /pol/ defends this dumbass' ideas
>light rail enthusiast.
If only need one sign of autism
My character saw it all coming long before the FEMA trucks pulled up in front of the house so he managed to stockpile significant gold in the yard but wasn't able to bug out in time. Fortunately, he managed to escape after only serving 8 months in a NWO re-education camp Barrack HUSSEIN Obama set up in central Illinois to punish enemies of his regime.
Now he's returned to his former home and dug up the gold though it's a liability as it's heavy and hard to move. He'll need to keep moving if he wants to fight for freedom...
Already tagged at "monarchist".
This is a fucking mess
I think I like these guys better when they're making underground shelters to save themselves from some nebulous doomsday than writing books
As someone in the /k/ thread pointed out, the only reason the Northern Confederacy is winning is because the Federals are too stupid to live. For example
>Gee, our enemy has a subsistence economy based on agriculture
>Welp, better not drop defoliants on them
>it's a "black people have funny names" book
Man, I used to think like this until white people started naming their kids Mechennzzie and Jayzin and Breeyanna.
Whoops, didn't mean to quote that user
Millenials should be gassed
I agree. So should their parents who named them.
Oh hey Victoria. I was wondering when that would spread to the public eye. Have you got to the part where he explains how the only thing wrong with the Nazis was modern technology?
Is this parody? I can't tell from what I'm seeing in this thread, but I'm getting a slight 'no' impression
Is there a torrent or pdf of this piece of shit? Because what's available on his website is only about half of it, and Lind really doesn't deserve the money
In the age of POD and Kindle, every author is equal.
Oh child, read it and weep. /k/ is ripping it apart
At least it's not mind controlling velociraptor porn I guess
>Lind is a key proponent of the "Cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory first advanced by the Schiller Institute, he asserts that Marxists control much of what is in popular television content, and that modern Political correctness is directly attributable to Karl Marx.
>Lind also wrote Victoria: A Novel of 4th Generation War, in which a group of Christian Marines leads an armed rebellion against political correctness in the government.
Whaaat the fuck is this?
I accept your apology.
It could be a cool post-apocalyptic setting if you ignored Billy Sue and expanded on the implied world
>American monarchist
This. What usually sucks about these novels is that the backgrounds seem so interesting but the writing is always shit and the characters are almost always over exaggerated.
It does seem like something that wouldn't occur in nature, but it's not as it the setting sounds particularly well thought out.
Nah I mean, I'm pretty sure there never was anything ressembling a monarchy in the US.
Who the fuck does he want to put on the throne?
oh dear god this book. it would be /pol/s favorite book if they knew of it.
anyone who what's to read it, I recommend reading it though here so you don't give the author more money.
/k/ is reading through it right now
>>“Black people have been the only warriors in history. White men can’t fight. It’s because their noses are too small. Courage comes from the nose, not the heart, as the African spiritual healers you call witch doctors have long understood. That’s why black people eat their snot. What do you white folk do with your snot? You wrap it up in a little white surrender flag and put it in your pocket. So you don’t have no courage.”
Lol that isn't even remotely fucking close to any major African tradition it's not even funny.
>“All the great warriors in history have been black. Caesar was a black man, and so was his enemy, Hannibal. The Spartans were black. They just dyed their hair blond, to fool their enemies into thinking they were weak white people. Charlemagne was a black man. In French, ʻcharlemagneʼ means ‘kinky hair.’ The Vikings came from Africa, which is where they got those helmets with horns on them. Gunpowder was invented by ancient Zimbabwean scientists, who made it from elephant shit. You ever hear an elephant fart? Black scientists knew there had to be some juju behind that.”
I actually know a guy who thinks that most major historic figures were black people.
He also believes he's descended from African royalty. When pressured as to which family he comes from and what region, he says they no longer exist because they were killed by the white man. That, or he's Tutsi, because Tutsi were outcast by the Hutu servants of the White Devil fun fact: this is literally the exact opposite of what actually happened in Rwanda, and he lives in exile here in America until he and his family can one day sieze the Rwandan throne.
How the fuck this guy got cleared to sell firearms to rich white people floors me.
I think you have a My Little Pony x Worm fanfic to write, young man
What the fuck did I just read. I was seriously about to go leave Veeky Forums to go wank, but then I saw this fucking post. This is some high-quality shit. I'm stealing it to repost in /pol/, it'll be sure to rile them up.
>How the fuck this guy got cleared to sell firearms to rich white people floors me.
AMERICA is how, user.