>the druid refuses to enter cities
The druid refuses to enter cities
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Cleric is an atheist
>the DMPC's romantic interest is obviously based on one of the female players
I get my divine powers from my enlightened intelligence about the truth
I refuse to enter cities because I refuse to pay the entry fee/tax. Never played a druid neither.
>the DMPC's romantic interest is one of the female players
>The op says he's not a fag
>the wizard refuses to be a teamplayer
Got nature problems? I feel bad for you son.
I got 99 problems but Druids ain't one.
>The succubus is waiting for marriage.
>The druid doesn't realize Cities are a man-made jungle
>The druid doesn't realize that Survival of the Fittest, that thing he keeps droning on about, means Humans get to do whatever the fuck we want, because we beat nature.
>The group gets butthurt at the witch hunter for witch hunting
>The Rogue keeps trying to steal from the party mid-dungeon
to be fair in 3.5 the wizard doesn't need to give a single fuck about his party post level 5, since he can outdo the entire rest of the group combined at that point, wizards are some serious shit there.
I had a friend who legitimately questioned if this was possible
>he invites me to campaign run by someone I don't know
>says hes making a paladin
>I make a edgy bullshit samurai thinking we can do a stupid good cop & bad cop routine
>after first session he starts asking me if it's possible to be a paladin without a god
>I say no that's actually impossible in D&D because there are actual real life gods that literally give you power when you pray for it
>suggest just playing a fighter because he can play a knight without having divinity thrust upon him
>"But couldn't I be like who doesn't know where the power comes from?"
>"Paladin's are LITERALLY given power when they ask for it from a particular god. The gods aren't just throwing around divine power to people who don't believe in them"
I don't get it, if you don't want to be divinely aligned in a world with TANGIBLE good and evil why play a class based around them.
>the bard only knows two songs, and plays them constantly
Because some atheists are stupid.
That's the thing, he was raised in a VERY religious household. I think he is leaning towards atheism but he isn't a militant atheist or something.
Maybe is he caught up on the christian belief of not worshiping another god, even if it's pretending to worship another god when you're RPing a fictional person. But I mean just play a fighter, it's a knight without the holy it's not hard to grasp.
But that's wrong. Both the 3.5 handbook and the Pathfinder handbook EXPLICITLY say that a paladin doesn't have to have a deity. It is enough for them to be committed to justice and the greater good.
>the bard only knows two songs, and plays them constantly
That's one damn realistic bard, actually.
>after first session he starts asking me if it's possible to be a paladin without a god
>I say no
>This Nigga's never heard of Paladins that worships concepts or virtues
What a maroon.
>The barbarian only knows one song
>It's Darude - Sandstorm played poorly on a child's recorder
He played it at least twice every game from his phone.
I never wanted to kill someone before, but I wanted to kill him.
>The DM says slaughtering an entire arena fighting pit drow audience is out of alignment.
Why the hell did he give the Slave boss a ring of greater wish? Why did the party expect me, the paladin, to use it the most morally? My deity was Bahamut.
>I say no that's actually impossible in D&D because there are actual real life gods that literally give you power when you pray for it
>then this oldfag comes in and points out that not only did Planescape specify that you could have cleric levels without believing in the divinity of gods, but also that paladins doesn't have an apostrophe.
>keeps using hidden notes to the DM in order to do so
Well I'm not buying him booze and I'm not sharing so if he wants to get fucked up tonight he can go lick some toads or something. Ingrate.
>The Paladin casts detect evil upon every party member and NPC.
nationalist paladin?
Would detect evil ping on Hellboy?
He strikes me more as chaotic good.
So if at any point you start to doubt what you know to be true, do you lose your powers? What if everything you've ever known was an illusion and you simply never noticed it. Would you even be able to tell the difference between truth and lie when all you've ever known was the lie? How do you even know if the thing that you recognize as you is even "you" to begin with? Guess you'll just have to toss out all you think you know and start from scratch till you find out what actually is true and what isn't.
He is the argument for nurture over nature. He would ping as any good alignment, probably neutral good.
>A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them.
>you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.
Of course it would, he has the [Evil] subtype, which automatically makes him count as Evil for anything that cares about it, in addition to whatever his actual alignment is.
And yeah, Chaotic Good.
Yes, due to hellish blood. It's like a non-Evil character wearing a cursed Evil artifact - any sort of evil detection will ping.
I think the idea is that he'd ping because of his demonic heritage (being literally a devil), but that doesn't reflect on his personal alignment.
>The barbarian doesn't want to buy his own potions and keeps taking his team mates potions to heal himself mid battle...
Did you civilize him? because if not you were asking for him to do shit like this.
>The evil-aligned party member is acting more nobly and restrained than the good and neutral-aligned party members
I can't do shit since I'm DMing, the party has fist fought him tho...
I don't see the issue desu senpai
It would, but detect good would also ping. He has the evil subtype but he is also good, so the whole tree lights up.
Yes alignment is stupid and yes good succubi can exist, next.
>yes good succubi can exist
You're just saying that because it's suicidal to tell a succubus they're a bad lay.
>good succubi can exist
"Anyway, here's Wonderwall"
on this: why has every druid i've ever seen in a game either been the fucking unabomber reborn or basically doesn't do anything nature related
where has the happy medium between ecoterorrist and slightly magical environmentalist gone
Played and finished that game hungover in one sitting at a mates house. Goddamn do I feel bad for anyone who was hype for this game. I did have fun at least though, and it looked pretty. We had a good time laughing at the semi automatic automatic scorpions.
Yes, because he is literally made of evil, even though he is a good aligned character
>bard has 2 drummers
If you have detect evil at will, it's literally to your detriment to ever not be casting it, because there's a non-zero chance you'll miss out on someone that wants to fuck your shit up but is otherwise above suspicion.
If anything, I'd say that's a problem caused by your GM not taking it for granted the player's character is doing that constantly and including the information as standard in any description of the area. Then again, I have a pet peeve for GMs that make you explicitly state you're using standard precautions and treat you like you're metagaming if you argue it's obvious you would have done what they're saying you didn't do and are now punishing you for not doing.
>Group has a problem player
>Doesn't kick he/she out
>Comes up with the shittiest excuse for putting his group through the grinder putting up with this guy
Don't worry Ben Affleck, you get to direct one of the next DCEU movies, so buck up trooper! After BvS, it's not like it can get any worse.
>The player of the Bard will crank the Bard's song up on his smartphone for everyone to "enjoy"
the 2nd Edition Complete Book of Paladins says the same thing too.
Now some worlds might have different rules, like Forgotten Realms all divine casters need to have a god, even Druids and Rangers. (though that might have changed in 4th and 5th ed.)
I'm sure he would have been fine if it was an AOE smite
>the Druid embraces the Urban Jungle
Actually had a DM encourage me to do this once, explaining that rogues were underpowered because 'higher wealth by level was a character feature of the class'
"I examine the door carefully before opening it"
Eric or Blake is that you?
>worshipping a god who doesn't even know you exist or care about you
I will never understand clerics/paladins. Why worship a god when you can become one.
isn't that basically what a paladin is past like 30th level or so
>he was raised in a VERY religious household.
Those people have the most inclination towards the militant atheism user, as backlash against religion being forced on them.
nice try /tv/
Paladin kills half the town because "detect evil says there evil"
As long as they used smites to do so that sounds fine.
>The entire city must be purged!
Sir, do you still have that image folder?
I'm the creator of the compilation, but I lost my HD years ago and all the links are dead.
>Other clerics across Eberron serve no church and claim no allegiance to any deity. They recognize the power of the deities, but not their authority over mortal life. They hold principles of alignment or other abstract ideals higher than the deities who claim these ideals in their portfolios, and they draw divine power from the pervasive spiritual force in the world instead of channeling it through deities. These clerics are usually outcasts and loners, but the reality of their power is impossible to deny, and it lends credence to their unorthodox theology.
> Traumatic backstory, whole family. NO whole village, NAY I SAY. MY WHOLE KINGDOM! was slaughtered by BBEG's forces. I am the sole Heir to the throne and a prodigy at whatever my class does.
>Grizzled battled hardened death machine whose coming up on their 18th bday.
>Drow. Two Scimitars. Wolf companion. "I'm not copying Drizzt, my characters name is Riddzt"
>Party of Knights and Lords, dude rolls up a peasant Hunter.
>Similar set up except different guy rolls up a squire and insists he be allowed to be a squire. Bitches endlessly that he's treated like a squire.
and lastly my personal favorite face palming line of all time, especially when spoken by anyone whose only been gaming for under a year or two.
>I've been working on a setting with my own home brew rules.
Wrong thread mate?
No, I' just an autist that compiled 300 iron giant pics, then fried my hardrive and lost my image host. I recognized the filename and had some hope.
>"I go for a walk, the sidewalk is cracked, I'm not superstitious, but I made a pact, with old mother earth, she'd get off my back, if I get off hers."
>edgelord half-elf ranger character from x backwater northern shithole insists on trying to kill literally every red-haired female NPC because he thinks they're the spawn of devils
>always says "redeem" when he really means "maim", "kill", or "brutally eviscerate"
>constantly trying to get the DM to enable his goat fetish
just end my life, fan
>>constantly trying to get the DM to enable his goat fetish
Storytime on the Goat Fetish.
It can always get worse. Everything can always get worse.
alright someone post the yagrum bagarn one
Make an elan psionicist character and drive him nuts by not dying appropriately.
Bitchin' and moanin' general?
don't get mad
That would imply that bitching and moaning on tg is being limited to a single thread.
>bitches when he gets treated like a squire
I laughed out loud.
Bonus points if you all treat the player like a squire too.
>DM announce game about medieval magick, alchemy and stuff
>recommended inspirational material - harry potter and fullmetal alchemist
>rogue wishes to be stealthy all the time
>at night
>at day
>in taverns
>in one-man width tunnels
>during npc interactions
>critfails while stealthy
>other members of the party never find his stealthy corpse
That guy was annoying.
>other members of the party never find his stealthy corpse
So he can be possibly alive and return later in critical moment.
What gets me are the assholes who pull this shit and then go to DM advice columns and are like "Dear Advice Giver: My party has a 119 step checklist that they perform in its entirety before taking any action. The last 5 room dungeon we ran took 7 and a half months to complete. What's a good trap I can use to solve this?"