What's your most memorable campaign/character, Veeky Forums?
Mine is simple, but it the campaign was one of the most fun I had.
World: Human only (fantasy monsters exist), magic potential is only for those who were born with it (Sorcerers) or if they make pacts with Outsiders (Warlocks). Clerics were house-ruled to be renamed Warlocks (but could access normal Cleric spells), so no armour, no maces, they were more like priests (only cloth and staff). Mages suffer a lot of discrimination and are either forced to hide their powers, so a lot never learn to properly control their powers (thus leading to more fear and witch-hunts).
>DnD 3.5
>Just started with PnP games, so still a novice
>Roll a spear-wielding sorceror
Backstory: Son of a former soldier and guardsman in a small village, trained by his father in the arts of combat but then awakened to his magical talent. The villagers found out, organized a militia and lynched his father while he fled. His mother died in childbirth.
With only his rusty spear in his hands, he set out to the world.
The campaign wasn't anything special, but it was lots of fun.
Party consisted of;
>Me, the Spearcerer
>A knight, send to investigate on why dragon cults start preparing for the end times
>Cleric, worships a god of justice
>Rogue, gave us cover fire with a crossbow