What's your opinion on Skaven, Veeky Forums?
What's your opinion on Skaven, Veeky Forums?
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coolest army in the game
Any reasoning behind that though? Just the visuals?
Most under utilized army, the most thematic but utterly useless in the greater lore. More abiguity and more uncertainty. Move away from the comedy aspects and bring the cutthroat dog-eat-dog aspect.
Technological rat people
whats not to love
You'll need a better stick.
Lizardmen are objectively the coolest beast race, but at least Skaven are better than Beastmen.
Love em. Lots of variety between clans
>Technological rat people
>whats not to love
Well aside from having quite possibly the laziest and dumbest reasoning being their technology, does the fact that they're a bunch of furfags mean nothing?
Fucking rat people! Get out of my Karak! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
They're my favourite, the only army I ever owned. I miss my book for them
They're intresting as a faction, but they certainly fall flat as Characters. Outside of Thanquol, they're all pretty much the same: Untrust worthy, paranoid and viscious. I cant think of a single good trait that the skaven possess, to be entirely honest. They're filthy, disgusting and alien to us in their morals. Thus, while good villians, I'd never play a army. Even Orkz possess that sort of jovial and devil may care attitude that makes them lovable, and Chaos is all about the personal virtues and will of the person in question, and how they loose it. Skaven just dont have any goodness in them, so its hard to picture them as anything else but a enemy.
In short, its hard to personify them
Furries are always wolves,cats,dogs or "cool" animals.
Who the fuck would want to be a rat?
>doesn't talk about queek
> always
Wererats used the be stock D&D enemies.
My warhammer army. Love the little bastards. They wreck if the dice gods favor your bullshit.
Warp Lightning Cannon OP.
Queek is pretty good in my opinion, probably the best indepdent character to go against the idea of Skaven as a faction. Hes almost a scrappy underdog, going against the odds, and he doesnt seem to give two shits about the plans of the other clans. But your common Skaven just plain isnt human. They don't cry, they dont have faith, they dont have families, they dont have any purpose in life aside fron accumiliating personal power. Simply put, Skaven are revoltingly self centered. Even Skarsnik was heart broken when his pet Squig died. But has a Skaven ever felt remorse? Or loss? Or even felt sad because someone other than himself died?
Funny thing happened the other day, concerning your picture. I asked about female Skaven on both the WHFB and AoS general; In the WHFB side, they said a non-bloated birth factory one could exist, if rare. However, the AoS players called me a furfag and said it was impossible.
Because its a meme nowadays
If you asked that question in 2007 no one would care or they would say "I dunno it could happen ask a drawfag"
They thematically stand for the rot of civilization and will do it through subterfuge or overwhelming numbers. I don't know why Chaos and the emotionless skeleton armies get a pass but the skaven are suddenly "unrelatable." They are Wolf of Wall Street characters in rat form. They will eat their enemies and weak members alive but they can still crack jokes and have a sense of camaraderie with their pack. The books just describe them in broad strokes like everyone else.
>However, the AoS players called me a furfag and said it was impossible.
Another point in favor of the theory that the AoS player base contains a lot of utter tools.
Shame, I thought some of the new fluff was nifty.
We-they are the the BEEEST faction inyourgame fe-fellow man-THING!
Ihave to go to work soon, but if you dudes can keep the thread alive then I'll post some Skaven writefaggotry that I've been working on recently when I get back.
If folks are interested, at least.
Why would tech be a lazy reason if it reflects their character well?
Also there's a difference between a furry and a beastfolk, warhammer has beastfolks
do you hear the hissing too?
Skaven and Lizardmen are basically the most if not only original races in Warhammer Fantasy, and the Skaven in particular have a very interesting, flavourful and imaginative design. I love the little bastards.
They also did play in a rather unique way in WHFB.
Oh yeah, they all look soo cartoony and sexy
They're not quite as original as you'd think, (see Fritz Leiber) but GW managed to put a bit of a spin on them.
They're great though. Except for the 5(or was it 6)E monkey skaven.
They're the best, by virtue alone of being unique. They're not another tolkin garden verity race. They actually are interesting and have their own structures that aren't in every other fantasy setting.
And I wish they were in the real setting.
Fairly original, fit well with the Empire (unlike most of the other factions which were too high-fantasy) but zany enough to work in AoS as well, quirky enough to feel like part of a rich background but coherent enough that they don't need too much explaining (played an all-skaven WHFRP game with two players completely unfamiliar with Warhammer, no issues at all getting into character). Basically, the best idea ever to come out of GW.
Agree on every single point.
>there are manthings that actually believe that Skaven exist
I seriously hopepray you sigmarites don't do this
Nice style, but there isn't much call for their existence as they don't fill any niche not already occupied by others.
>Skaven are furfags
You're a goddamn moron.
They fill multiple niches from other armies though.
Horde army like goblins, bit random like greenskins, options for tech like empire, options for plaguey stuff like nurgle, options for beasties like chaos/beastmen, options for sneaky stuff like elves.
Plus background wise (before AoS naturally) they are really interesting to have in the setting.
>options for sneaky stuff like elves.
the elves have 1 sneaky unit each, they are hardly sneaky as a trait.
the skaven had the good fortune of being designed from the ground up and be developed through the best method available
it's what made the eldar what they are, what signed the success of each various marine chapter and why chaos is liked despite its uniformity.
>Any reasoning behind that though? Just the visuals?
i'm the guy you replied to, i really like them because they sound like something straight out of a lovecraft story and i like the way their society works. it fits the fact that they're all rat people, and basically serve nurgle without knowing it
and yeah the visuals are a big part, i think anthro animal characters in fiction are cool especially when they exacerbate particular traits (ie a rat is slimy and self serving and cunning), don't tell Veeky Forums though or that makes me literal human garbage
i also like their gimmicks on the tabletop. you could completely fizzle with this unit and it'll kill itself, or it could take out half your opponent's army. it's a lot of fun. plus i like evil casters like warlocks and grey seers are so cool imo
Precious cinammon rolls too good for this world, too pure.
female skaven have canonically been mentioned in passing so those people are wrong
you could have one in your army even if you kitbashed hard enough. you could come up with some cool fluff for it too
writing fluff for your skaven army is one of the most fun parts
bretonnia was elven land, wasn't it?
were there dragons there at the time of the elves? more intelligent breeds than the ones normally found in the empire perhaps coming from ulthuan?
could some of them have stayed there to protect certain sacred grounds to the elves?
how would they act if somehow recognizing the spark of elven culture in other races (perhaps certain teachings or even magically or faint blood lineage)?
would a bretonnian knight who vowed to liberate the lands from evil recognize a noble being in a dragon and abandon his role at court for a greater errantry quest with the beast?
bretonnians get big bretonnian boners at the thought of killing dragons and mounting their skulls on giant sticks
>despite its uniformity.
fuck, I meant the complete opposite of uniformity, how did it turn that way?
and here I posted in the wrong thread again today.
I know, I'm assuming it is a borderline case of a knight revaluing what he considers foul and what he considers fair, definitely not the norm
I think they're untrustworthy schemers.
Rat bastards if you will.
Really? Because from the lore I've read, (and trust me, I don't have every bit of lore memorized in my head so I can be wrong) its always been shown that Skaven couldnt care less about other Skaven, and were overall heartless. In the defence of the Undead, they have their Leaders at the forefront: Vampire Counts, Necromancers, Wight Kings, etc. They all can have a lot of diversity and can be relatable: They grew up as people, so the key is think of why they webt down the path they did. For Chaos, its all about the struggle of wills, and the question of Freedom. By falling to Chaos, sure, you no longer have to play by anyones rules, except, you still have to obey Chaos. Now, unrelatable doesnt mean not flavourful. They are one of the most original and unique races of Warhammer. And they do have a capability for depth, I suppose I just havent got to read more indepth with them.
And to be fair, I do play VC, so I am a bit Biased.
For the warband I planned, the Clan was centered around a Assassin, A'quik Luksee, who discovered a helm that let him see into the future by a about a minute or so, but only with his left eye(The other lens on the helm was busted). However, it gave him a edge in that he could see assassination attempts fail, how to escape traps, and Void death. Thus, as he climbed up the ladder, he grew a obsession with predicting the future, and began to collect as many artifacts that would let him see the future as possible. A mirror that shows the person a year from now, a hearing aid horn that lets you hear anywhere from 1 to 30 minutes into the future, and a blade that swings twice, because time lags around it. However, the trasure of his collection would have been a Greyseer said to have perfect insight into the future. It was to his surprise however, that the Greyseer was a female, and a Blind one at that. But, seeing as her predictions were frightfully acurate, his was overjoyed to add her to his evergrowing warband.
>If race is made of anthropomorphic animals, it meas furfags
No opinion at all. I know about their existence from Veeky Forums, making me simply indifferent. For a while I was even thinking they must be from D&D, so go figure.
>2nd paragraph
that's cool as fuck. how did you fluff the origins of those artifacts? i love that kind of stuff and always try to cram azhag into my ork lists
I'm as annoyed as you are by people who REEE about the furfag boogieman everytime they see animal people, but I actually know a furry who thinks Skaven are hot.
That's just rule 36, though. "Somebody somewhere is jacking off to it" doesn't really mean shit.
Skavens manage to excel at being saturday cartoon villains and a legitimate threat. They're like nastier, eviler and more evolved greenskins. What's not to love.
Also very diverse faction. Each clan has a strong theme that fits perfectly with the race as a whole and make them pretty distinct at the same time.
Yup, IIRC it's ugly retarded baby factory in FB, by the will of the Horned Rat. Having a society based on overbreeding the other clans doesn't encourage romance.
However, I think it was only one bit of fluff in a WD, and it's your dudes, so...
There aren't a lot of good rat-people factions in fantasy. Which is a shame, because rats are awesome critters.
They're pretty cool, I've refluffed the Ratfolk in my Pathfinder campaign to be basically Skaven.
Found the pic that went with the article.
Blanche's artstyle doesn't help.
The Helm was once the magnum opus of a Warplock, who A'quik and his fellow Gutter Runner were hired to kill. However, because of the Helm, only A'quik survived the assault. Thus, he got the best pick of items, and all of the generous payment, setting up his rise.
The mirror was once the prized possession of a Uthuan noble, who used it to show off how immortal her beauty was. He liberated it when he was sent to assassinate the lady, due to her Husband collapsing a entire Skaven Tunnel.
The Horn belonged to a venerable Dwarven lord, and was the first artifact A'quik went out of his way to get. Sneaking through the hold, the ancient dwarf was killed quietly in his sleep.
The blade was the weapon of a Tzneech worshipping sorcerer, who wished to go back in time and kill Sigmar before he ascended. The Sword was one of his many experiments into what he called, the Winds of Time. Alas, after A'quik caught word of this, he attacked and plundered the notes and the sword.
Finally, Greyseer Skeet was a rather unique accusistion. Rescued at first from her fate as breeder thanks to her white Coat, she was trained as a Greyseer and showed exceptional profficency into foretelling the future. However, she was kidnapped by Clan Moulder, to be used in a experiment. The theory went, that if she was used as a Breeder, her off spring would be Magically inclined and blessed by the Great horned rat. It was thanks to Quiks obssession with her abilities, that he came to her rescue.
ya know, sometimes I look back on my choice on picking skaven instead of DE or vamp counts and feel bad I didn't pick the army's with babes in them... then I remember that I have an army of ratmen that Frankenstein godless abominations out of spare parts, use rat ninjas to murder everyone including themselves and that uses magical uranium as a drug/weapon and then I think to myself science marches on...
frankly I love them, each of the clans are cool and unique, when the dice go in your favor shit gets whacky and when the dice don't go in your favor shit gets REALLY whacky. queek is pretty great,I loved seeing his perspective in headtaker, I love the idea of ninja rats, I love rat ogres, i especially love the doomwheel and all the their tech just because it captures the perfect blend of science/ magic as well as the perfect blend of deadly and silly. I mean think about it this way what's not to love about an entire race of starscream's that uses magiteck while snorting magical uranium as a drug.
I absolutely love them. I'm really new to GW, Warhammer and wargaming in general, I just started last year, and I gave a bunch of armies in both 40k and Age of Sigmar a try, but nothing really felt interesting to me.
Then one day I saw some guy buying Stormfiends at the local GW store and I ended up buying a box right after him because I totally fell in love with their style and everything.
Ended up reading their entire lore and while I dropped out every other army and 40k completely, I'm still having a blast with my Skaven one. Clan Skryre is pretty much one of my favorite fantasy things ever.
I also love how they play, they're usually seen as broken by everyone, but then the whole game is really randomic, a simple dice roll can fuck my entire army up and make me lose terribly. Just like another roll can make me win.
lewd thoughts
They're pretty gay jailhouse gay
well for one I feel like they were included to fill the gap of "Tolkien Esque Orcs" in this fantasy settings.
They really have a lot in common with Tolkiens orcs, smaller and weaker than humans, with some freakish beasts mixed in. The capabilities to industrialize under competent leadership, the vast majority of the soldiers being cannon fodder slaves. The breeding of bigger and better versions suited for war.
But I don't mind that, I think they fill that gap rather well and like them in that position, but in the end they are just another fancy version of Chaos, which is painfully overrepresented in WFB already. It could work with competent writing, but End Times didn't have that, so they became a hamfisted plot bicycle to kill the setting.
>Skaven better than GOR
I would agree on thatbconsidering their current execution where Beastmen are pants onnhead retarded and pushingsome weird scat fetish.
However in pure concept, insane scientist rats will always be inferior to the brutal side of nature.
...Skaven sound like the doge?
wererats aren't furries, they're supposed to be disgusting
actual furries aren't supposed to be disgusting
they still are though, it's the difference between murder and manslaughter
>Even Skarsnik was heart broken when his pet Squig died. But has a Skaven ever felt remorse?
Queek's warlord.
>In the WHFB side, they said a non-bloated birth factory one could exist, if rare. However, the AoS players called me a furfag and said it was impossible.
Alright , "WHFB" players. Source this. I dare you.
I always saw them as the bad parts of the industrial revolution turned up to 11. All of them are disposable and utterly self centered, the females are worthless other than as baby factories, their technology is clunky, dangerous to use and pollutes like hell.
>Across the infinite realms, anything is possible, from living iceburgs, giant flying stone sphinxes, and magical floating cities to larger than life golden immortals that ride lightening bolts into combat
>Execpt ew, every female skaven ever is a baby factory, no exception ever. Its simply impossible.
What happened to "forging the narrative"?
>Queek's warlord.
he was an important playing piece, that's all
He had much pride in him.
Also you have Sharpwit from the Headtaker novel lamenting the faults of his race.
What happened to "source"? You don't have a shred of lore supporting your position. Not a single line of fluff pointing towards it. So by what logic does anyone say it's possible?
You forge the narrative within the framework of the setting. Go to a 40K thread and tell them you want to have female loyalist marines and then tell them it's a big universe and "Forge the Narrative". The only answer you will get is that you are a fgt.
>Skuralanx clawed at the ground, fighting the panic which gnawed at him. Strong jaws snapped at his throat. He rolled over, trying to shove the creature off him. It pushed its gauntlet towards his snout, the crackling energies singing his whiskers. The creature’s yellow eyes widened suddenly, and it reared back with an agonised roar.
>The seraphon fell away from him, its own spear jutting from its back. Skuralanx looked up and saw Kruk backing away, his claw still smoking from where he’d touched the star-forged weapon. ‘You live, yes-yes?’ he chittered. ‘Kruk has saved you, Skuralanx, yes he has.’ His good eye blazed with fanatical fervour as he gazed at the dying seraphon. ‘Kruk could not abandon you, O most holy of holies. Whatever you commanded…’
>Skuralanx gazed at the plague priest. ‘You mean it,’ he muttered. ‘You actually mean it.’ Wonder of wonders – an honest skaven. Kruk was utterly mad.
>The plague priest rubbed his burnt claw against his filthy robes. ‘Filthy star-devil,’ he gurgled, gazing down at the thing’s dissolving form. He shuffled back as the creature’s blood pooled on the floor. It cleansed the ground as it spread and Kruk hissed in repulsion. ‘Your nests will rot untended, when the Horned Rat ascends to his proper place. And Kruk will be there to feast on them, yes-yes.’
>He looked at Skuralanx. Before he could speak, the verminlord rose to his full height.
>‘Go back to your congregation, fool. They require your guidance. You must get to the Setaen Palisades, quick-quick. I will see to any further pursuit. Go!’ he snarled.
>It would not do to let Kruk realise how close Skuralanx had come to being defeated, until his intervention. Kruk eyed him for a moment, and then scampered away.
>Skuralanx shook his head. Yes, Kruk would be a fine figurehead, when victory had been achieved, but until then… he stiffened, sniffing the air. He turned to see his blight steaming away as the last of the trapped seraphon finally succumbed. Their blood and flesh shimmered as it dissolved and he stepped back, scalp bristling with an inexplicable fear.
Honest and trustworthy Skaven do exist!
However, they are (especially) lunatics of their kind.
Yeah, and by the own admittance of the setting, anything is possible. Age of Sigmar is a joke when it comes to lore, because nothing is defined and there is no framework. Its all just a mishmash of ideas with nothing set in stone, so anything you suggest about it is both wrong and right.
Lets also address another tid bit about your "precedent" for Female Skaven. So far, the only mentions of them being nothing but baby factories is in Black Library, which might as well be fiction when talking about legitmacy. And even then, it is suggested in almost every story, that it is the Skaven who turn them into what they are, not the normal progression of them.
Finally, the mention of a normal female Skaven is explicitly mentioned in a WHFRPG supplement, WarpSpawn and was featured in WhiteDwarf. So in my opinion, its just as valid as any thing you can pull up.
Besides, this only goes show how autistic you are: I could care less if somebody played against me with a Female Space Marine army, but thats assuming I even play 40k. Overall, who cares? I mean, aside from you.
>Yeah, and by the own admittance of the setting, anything is possible. Age of Sigmar is a joke when it comes to lore, because nothing is defined and there is no framework. Its all just a mishmash of ideas with nothing set in stone, so anything you suggest about it is both wrong and right.
Nope. This shows you have no knowledge of AoS and puts your earlier comment into light.
Try reading the First Age of Sigmar book to get the framework and then if you interested in the Skaven read their BT.
>Lets also address another tid bit about your "precedent" for Female Skaven. So far, the only mentions of them being nothing but baby factories is in Black Library, which might as well be fiction when talking about legitmacy. And even then, it is suggested in almost every story, that it is the Skaven who turn them into what they are, not the normal progression of them.
I like how you knock on BL while the Army books are the ones that say that Skaven females are sololy for breeding.
>Finally, the mention of a normal female Skaven is explicitly mentioned in a WHFRPG supplement, WarpSpawn and was featured in WhiteDwarf. So in my opinion, its just as valid as any thing you can pull up.
Source this probably with citations.
>Besides, this only goes show how autistic you are: I could care less if somebody played against me with a Female Space Marine army, but thats assuming I even play 40k. Overall, who cares? I mean, aside from you.
Just giving you an example which is similiar to yours. Equally false.
Queek felt sadness that Ska was gone when he was. Poor loyal Ska
Oh my god.
I forgot about Ska. Yeah, Queek felt alone and bad at his death. Dude was his right hand man since forever.
you should lighten up a little
and by a little i mean a lot
I love how you try to pick apart my arguement, simply because you cant even begin to think of how to write proper response. And no, I dont plan to waste my time reading the garbage that is Age of Sigmar, simply to reveal how wrong you are. We all know how much a mess its lore is, just you defending it proves how much you miss the point of Age of Sigmar. Its a setting about the extra-ordinary, things that DON'T fit in. By the Army book's own admission, Characters like Queek shouldn't exist, because every Skaven is a paranoid, scheming little bugger.
And by the way, for all the claims of "Sources", you have yet to give me a single one. And trust me, I have the 7th ed. Book open right in front of me. All you have to do is tell me the page where it says that each and every female skaven, always, without any exception or possibility, is a giant baby factory.
No mention of a WHFRPG supplement called WarpSpawn anywhere.
In fact, I goggled Warpspawn and Skaven. It turns out that it's an old FANFIC by some dude.
Iirc if they're a female and aren't baby factories they're most likely either A) cheerleaders, or B) an albino and/or horned.
>. And no, I dont plan to waste my time reading the garbage that is Age of Sigmar
Then you forfeited the argument and your opinion on AoS is worthless. You have no authority to tell me what state it you have no knowledge about it at all..
And I was addressing your post point by point.
>By the Army book's own admission, Characters like Queek shouldn't exist, because every Skaven is a paranoid, scheming little bugger.
Queek is very paranoid all the time espacially when it comes to Horned Rats and his belligerence fits the Warlord clans which are more about the application of force.
>And by the way, for all the claims of "Sources", you have yet to give me a single one.
This is all the Skaven female lore from the RPGs. No mention of Skaven females in any other state. If you want to make a claim about something, then you must provide proof. How can you say it's possible for them that they exist when there is no supporting grounds for it? I am in the stances of disbelief. Prove your case with evidence that's not total lies see
If you had even bothered to look into it, you would have saw that WarpSpawn was a part of a expansion written by WarpStone. The user above messed up and confused the names. However, they are a independent company, no, its not licensed
> However, they are a independent company, no, its not licensed
What? So GW did not authorize it being made?
And i am looking into it. Cannot find it.. I just keep finding the fanfic.
So the whole female Skaven you guys kept harping about came from an unofficial Warhams RPG magazine?
Never in my days have I seen such dishonesty. This is Skaven level.
You have no authority to tell me what state it is in, when you have no knowledge about it at all*
>Only female Skaven Known to exist
>Known to exist
And once again, you fail to even read my arguement. As I specfically said, I asked if there was only one possibility, and you have yet confirm that is the only female skaven. So, even now, your evidence is circumstantial at best, and not even that; if you had even read your own evidence, it would show that most of it is within the universe. It even says that the Skaven themselves are not entirely sure if the Broodmothers are intelligent or not.
And it is not my fault you have break your response into easily refutable chunks. Besides, Queek is still an exception when it comes to Skaven. He is bold, direct, and less likely to take the stealthy approach. He is by definition, outside of the norms of Skaven society.
However, lets talk about norms: in the scenario of how that user described his Warpseer, was born a white rat; Thus, by Skaven's own lore, suggests that it would be removed from the typical cycle of Skaven young. By saying that a Albinonrat would not be placed into a posistion of power, and would not carry the blessing of the Horn Rat, is to go against the lore in the books themselves. So, it most certainly is plausable that in such a contrast of tradition, that something strange could happen, such as a normal female being born and raised.
Skaven are the scum rags in the last campaign I got to play in. On the tracker our DM uses our party has killed more skaven than any other mob. They usually fight from range constantly spamming down our fighters while alchemists throw fire bombs to anyone who approaches. If you let them nest too long in caves supply routes come under attack and worse yet their mutagens spawn massive rats that often collapse the tunnels walls or one shot every hireling. Because we let one alchemist escape in an encounter he later massed a army and began raiding towns. The first time a npc saw skaven was usually the last and because of this our DM had every right to reason that no one believed us when we would warn merchants or townsfolk about the horde. Eventually we got way off track by being wanted men and after some shaky negotiations we befriended goblins. The goblins sworn enemy who they needed our help against: Skaven scum rags. Territory duels took place and the skaven used foul magic to reanimate a fallen PC and heralded him as their champion.
>Besides, Queek is still an exception when it comes to Skaven. He is bold, direct, and less likely to take the stealthy approach. He is by definition, outside of the norms of Skaven society.
Queek fits a archetype among the Skaven Warlord clans. Characters like him have appeared in Skaven lore.
>And once again, you fail to even read my arguement. As I specfically said, I asked if there was only one possibility, and you have yet confirm that is the only female skaven. So, even now, your evidence is circumstantial at best, and not even that; if you had even read your own evidence, it would show that most of it is within the universe. It even says that the Skaven themselves are not entirely sure if the Broodmothers are intelligent or not.
And once again you fail to deliver sources and evidence.
You are the one making claims for existences and possibilities. I presented what's in the fluff just case you decided to be dishonest again and wanted to claim things that are not there. I demand proof. If I had chickens I would have posted them.
A while ago you were confident and arrogant even smug when you went "LOOK AT MY OFFICIAL RPG SOURCE THAT TRUMPS BL WHICH MIGHT AS WELL be FANFICTION". It turned out you evidence is utterly fanfiction. You have not apologized. You have no admitted you are wrong. You just kept going like it was nothing. Truly, you are a shameless person.
So lets retract here. You said BL said that all Skaven females are breeders, right? BL being an official part of GW means its canon and it means that all female Skaven are the same.
Is there even a solid reason female Skaven need to be bloated baby makers when even the lore is technically dead for WHFB?
Seems pointless really, arguing this stuff. Let people play as they want, no skin off your back. Just ignore it if it offends you on a personal level.
You know, after thinking about it, I'll admit I was being a asshole about this whole thing. The reason I was so salty and over confident on this subject was because I was the one asked about it in the Age of Sigmar general about it, and was shut down so hard. I was actually kind of excited about starting a Skaven army, and I wanted to include a Female Greyseer, but when I got that much backlash, I got all defensive and bitter about it. So when you brought up Age of Sigmar, I kinda took it out during this arguement. It just made me so mad that out of all the fluff I wrote about my clan, that people just picked one part out of it to make fun of.