>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>June 2016 Survey
>Old Thread
Have you played a race or class you thought was going to suck, but you ended up really liking it?
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>June 2016 Survey
>Old Thread
Have you played a race or class you thought was going to suck, but you ended up really liking it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Loving it.
>playing a halfling rogue who steals shit to make fast cash
>old man veteran cleric catches me swiping some gold from a house
>puts me over his knee and starts spanking me
I fucking hate my group
>Have you played a race or class you thought was going to suck, but you ended up really liking it?
High Elf by pure randomness. Turned into one of my favorite characters.
I played a basic Human Fighter [Champion] with a two-handed weapon (greataxe) and thought it was going to blow steamy vomit chunks that burn on the way up.
Instead it's been incredibly entertaining and fun for me and I've been able to focus on his personality and character to a large degree and at this point he's one of the most fleshed-out party members in terms of actual motivators and such.
Yeah, I played a dragonborne purple dragon knight fighter for a 1 shot and I had a lot of fun. If my rogue dies I'll be hard pressed to not roll a fighter, either pdk or champion, I think. Battlemaster and magic both don't really appeal to me.
I did not expect Warlock to be as based as it was
>Patron is basically like a Paladin's oath but with more interactivity and variety from a roleplay perspective
>1d10 sniping cantrip
>All spells maximized all the time for cathartic overkill
>lends itself towards evil characters, which helps my desire to play an "evil but not an asshole" character
I can't get enough of it. I could honestly think up a dozen different warlock characters just based on patron interaction alone
On that note, is there any expansions/homebrews with more patrons? I was thinking of something like having an angel patron in a sort of "paladin by contract" sort of deal
Just wondering, if you thought it was going to be so bad why did you do it?
Looking at Thief's Fast Hands
>Use an item as a Cunning Action
And Bag of Holding
>Takes an action to take an item from it
Now obviously I couldn't attack then use an item from the bag, but if I read properly use the bag then Cunning Action to use whatever item I withdrew.
So while you could in theory pull a bag of caltrops from the bag and pour them out in one turn, could you pull, say, an Alchemists Fire vial and chuck it at an enemy to "use" the item, or would that count as an attack and thus not be valid for Fast Hands?
>an Alchemists Fire vial and chuck it at an enemy to "use" the item, or would that count as an attack and thus not be valid for Fast Hands?
popular consensus is that isn't the intention for fast hands
Because if you never try anything new in your life then you end up like most of Veeky Forums seems to end up; hidebound in imaginary rules in imaginary worlds, overfocused on "not muh" and holding irrationally strong emotional stances on things that don't even exist in real life, and most of all completely alone as you self-isolate and focus on your nerdy insularity rather then try to grow as a person ever again.
I REALLY don't want to end up like that.
Nobody had made a melee combatant yet and do I volunteered to do it first just to try something new even though I didn't think it would be all that fun.
I'm still "new" to 5e (and d&d in general, at least by Veeky Forums standards since I assume most of you have been playing for years) so I decided I'll never use a class I've already played until I've done a full character of each class just to avoid getting in a rut.
It's good to try new things.
>When an object requires your action for its use, you take the Use an Object action.
I believe alchemist's fire, caltrops, ball bearings, acid, and the other pieces of mundane adventuring gear are covered by Use an Object so yes, you could.
This is different for magic items, the rules for which specify that its an ad-hoc action and not Use an Object, so you can't Fast Hands them. That means potions of healing are out.
>he doesn't mistake assumptions for facts
>he tries to find things out for himself instead of just believing what he's told
15th (not counting OP)
>I fucking hate my group
really? I'm starting to already love your group
Congratulations, you can count.
Your parents must be very proud.
I've played a Barbarian and a Fighter. Decided I wanted to venture in spell slinging slowly so I made a Tempest Cleric.
> Constantly misquote sacred texts with song lyrics
> Act like a door knocker and try to convert people to Kord
> Constantly bag on the Paladin in our party
>I was thinking of something like having an angel patron in a sort of "paladin by contract" sort of deal
Check out the "Light, Dark, Underdark" UA, the Undying Light Patron is just about as holy as it gets
Has anyone run a Shadow Monk/Trickery Cleric? Seems like a fun combo, and I can't remember any posts about it.
I do remember someone mentioning playing a Shadow Monk/Light Cleric with a ying-yang theme, which was also cool.
So i learned today that no one in my group as any knowledge of Warcraft at all and i was thinking, how good of an idea would it be to do a campaign based upon the Human Campaign in Warcraft 3? Biggest problem i can come up with so far is that you'd be going after Arthas taking orders from him all day long with the occasional sidetrip here and there
Make one of the players be the arthas character then.
I want to make the most broken monk possible, what do I do? My friend is going to run Out of the Abyss and I've always been forced to be the heal slut of the group.
This is a great picture. Or fun, broken concepts that'd fit this image. I want to have fun doing good damage in combat but I intend to back everything up with a backstory and keep the roleplay flowing. I just don't know enough mechanics or what is considered broken.
Help, please?
you're in the underdark so enjoy always having access to shadow monk abilities
you could walk out of the starting area by yourself and be immune to drow bullshit for the entire campaign
So I think we can all agree the Eberron Artificer WotC came out with was fucking dogshit. If you were the one being paid to make the 5E Artificer, how would you do it? What're the three most important features it needs to even be an Artificer?
You know Shadow Monks don't become Abras until level 6, right?
you're going to do a hell of a lot better than a wizard at the start of the game, that's for sure
Oh shit that'll be badass.
So Half-Orc Monk probably aiming for the shadow stuff, is it worth it to dip into Barbarian at least one level early on?
Play a Human (Tavern Brawler) Barbarian, take three levels of Bard (Expertise, Cutting Words), hop over to Warlock 2 for See in Darkness and Hex (targeting Strength usually) and grapple the shit out of everything. Feel free to hop classes as you please since the only feature that really matters is your Athletics and not dying in the dark like a bitch.
Tell everyone you're a monk, a lot.
I sketched the gear for my Rouge Thief I mentioned in the previous thread. Thoughts? Things to change?
The leg bag things were based off a Dirty Bomb character, they probably arent very practical but I liked the look it gave said character ingame so I stole the design and tweaked it to make them look more reasonable for sneaking around.
Stereotypical ninja mask is only there because drawing an empty neck hole felt odd.
Goodberry potions are just an idea I had to basically crush up 9 of the 10 berries a day and make them into 3 3HP health potions only really good for getting unconscious people moving again and the vials would expire after the 24 hour Goodberry timer was up.
Armored Bag of Holding is just like it sounds; a Bag of Holding in a leather case lined with steel to protect from rips or tears on the road.
Climbing hooks won't be any good for climbing anything harder than wood and are more for scaling trees then walls, maybe use them for grapple checks too.
I probably put too much thought into this but I like overdoing character creation.
While a half-orc monk can definitely be really fun to play, it will be far from broken. Savage Attacks don't give you much since you'll be using small damage dice. Constitution and Unrelenting Endurance are pretty nice, but Strength is useless.
You have no Dex or Wis bonuses, so the best you could do with point buy is start with 15 in both and pump both to 16 at level 4. You'd be a frontliner with 14 AC and the same health as a Rogue until then. If you've rolled stats and gotten really good ones and don't care about suboptimal race it doesn't much matter, though.
Barbarian levels probably won't do much. You'd need 13 in 4 stats to make that multiclass possible, Unarmored Defense doesn't stack, and you'd only get Rage bonus damage if you used Str on your attacks.
So how big of a dick move is it for a DM to take away a saving throw proficiency due to kissing a succubus? Paladin got dicked hard because he was imprisoned by cultists, and there just happened to be a succubus around who did it for the lulz and helped him out for it
Sounds like an idea but my players are still new to the whole RP section of the game so i dont think it would work out for them
Said character design I ripped off if you were curious.
(4chins refusing to let me post it normally for whatever reason. )
Shit, yeah, I don't know why I thought monks used strength primarily
Making magic items obviously, with a bunch of "common"-tier items added to the list on par with Cantrip power levels
Making items without the massive time sink so you dont make the whole party wait months before you make a single Uncommon item
Being a real nigga at all times
These are the 3 key things to being an artificer
I'm guessing for straight up combat, fighter is the way to go for being broken? Fighter would work with the whole multiclass into barbarian. I like the idea of having a bunch of attacks. Not so much doing tons of damage I suppose as I like the idea of taking a lot of whacks at stuff.
With that in mind, I'm kinda torn between Monk and Fighter
That's absolutely moronic
Thats what im thinking. took away our paladins wisdom proficiency for taking the only way out
I mean assuming they can get it back without needing to personally fellate their god in whatever heaven they're in and can just get it back via doing paladin-y shit I guess it wont be too bad.
Having skimmed the 3e Artificer when reading the Eberron book recently, I think that for real the 3 things might be
>A selection of buffing and support spells for allies and debuffing spells for enemies
>The ability to improvise a massive range of spell effects given a small amount of prep time
>Skills and assets for creating magic items, especially going above and beyond others who can
The first point is easy, just give them a Spellcasting class feature and call it "Infusions" and have it be similar to or variant on the standard Spellcasting or Pact Magic features as you please, with a spell list of buffs, debuffs, heals or repairs, whatever. Optionally give them a class feature that makes any of their healing spells work to repair constructs, but not heal creatures, depending on if you think that should fit into the 5e port's design.
Second part can be done through a class feature. Spend a minute plus casting time and a spell slot and any required components, make an Arcana check which is more difficult for higher level spells, and if you pass cast the spell. Limiting factors could include limiting the spells available for this to half-caster progression based on Artificer level (I.E. a level 5 Artificer could only improvise level 2 spells not on their list), or raising the DC by a significant amount. Perhaps they could also keep a catalog not unlike a spellbook that they could scribe spells to, in order to bypass or gain a bonus on that Arcana check.
The final point is difficult since you'd need to bend it to meet 5e's magic items, or bend 5e's magic items to it. Artificer was born into an edition that allowed players to craft items as an assumption, and 5e has no such system in place. Class abilities that granted bonuses to this would require the DM to lay out a magic item crafting system to tie them into, or alternatively just give them the ability to imbue an item with a buff spell without Concentration, with other limits.
Nothing is outright 'broken' in 5e so far. There are a few standout builds that are widely known (Sharpshooter Xbow Xpert Fighter, Sorlock) but in practice they're not that much better than other sensible builds.
If you want lots of melee attacks and ORAORAORA, there are 3 standout options.
Monk, which has a lot of attacks early. At level 1 you can have 2 per turn, by level 2 you have a resource you can burn for up to 3 in a turn, and after level 5 you are guaranteed 3 attacks and can burn for 4.
Fighter has the most overall attacks. Starting at level 2, you can Action Surge occasionally to double your attacks. At level 11, which is a really far off point, you have 3 attacks a turn, and as a capstone you have 4. I wouldn't advise planning for capstones. Also, you need to build to use your bonus action unlike Monks, so expect one of your extra Feats as Fighter to go to GWM or PM. That is another attack per turn sometimes, though.
The last option is Ranger. Hunter has several options for flashy moves that let them get extra hits on clustered ranks of enemies, but your DM could restrict these moves actively by not having enemies group in range or passively by just not paying attention to your class features/wants and ignoring it. Still, you have as many attacks as a Fighter does until level 11 (barring your lack of action surge) but you can hit one adjacent enemy to your target once a turn starting at level 3.
Of these, the biggest numbers dealer is Fighter.
>Sharpshooter Xbow Fighter
Tell me more.
I bet that shota slut loved it
is it bad to make my character multiclass into bard exclusively to use vicious mockery since my character loves to insult in fights already as it is?
Why don't you just take the Magic Initiate feat and pick that up, instead of losing your level progression?
So I just realized that for the past two weeks I have been creating characters that I will never actually use since getting a group together is too hard.
how about you play on roll20?
Been trying for a while but I can't get into groups.
shiiiiet. id invite you to my group but we play randomly/sporadically.
then again im thinking of running my own game sooo maybe you can join when i start that one? what times can you play?
I can play at pretty much any time.
Are the contents of a Bag of Holding immune or in some way protected from scrying spells?
do you have skype?
or another way to contact you?
Does a Warlock's proficiency with his pact weapon also apply to magical weapons he makes into his pact weapon?
join it, going to run curse of strahd in about a week or two.
Here is the email to contact me with.
[email protected]
I will give you more info since I don't really want to post it here.
i believe so, yes.
join my roll20 game, and well share contact info there
Yes it does.
What's your favorite level 2 moon druid wildshape?
Lion, tiger, bear?
Tiger because it is pretty much better than lion in every way and I like tigers more than bears.
Oh my!
Fuck, I'm supposed to be playing a bard for the beginning of the upcoming session, and now I really want to play an undying light warlock
Multiclass. Take one level of bard then hit warlock.
Batman / Assassin's creed probably has stuff to inspire you.
But that doesn't fit with my character
>You can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you.
The contents of a bag of holding are not on the same plane of existence as the bag - they are deep in the Ethereal Plane. You can only see the contents of a bag if you are also on the Ethereal Plane - in fact, you could see the contents of any and all bags if you know where to look.
Also, you need a creature to home in on, so this would only work if there's a creature inside the bag.
Play the Warlock, but take Instrument Proficiency (Harp).
>Instead of targeting a creature, you can choose a location you have seen before as the target of this spell. When you do, the sensor appears at that location and doesn’t move.
Okay, so you could scry on the inside of a Bag of Holding you've seen before if you are on the Ethereal Plane at the time. It wouldn't show you exactly where the contents of the bag are on the Ethereal Plane, though, just a view of the inside of the bag, and there probably wouldn't be any light, so I hope you have darkvision.
My druid friend wants his animal companion (a bengal tiger) to become able to shift form into a white cat with black stripes so that people won't be terrified when he strolls into town..
Is there such a spell? Level 7 Druid for now.
Polymorph would do it.
If you just wana win one on one fights, Fighter balances durability with damage output the best.
If you're gonna be in a group and be fighting groups, go with with Evocation Wizard or Sorcerer, and take that feat that lets you bypass resistances to whatever element makes up the majority of your spells. You'll be squish as fuck, but you'll also be hiding in the back and hitting multiple enemies every round.
Half orc champion fighter with Polearm master and a glaive.
You'll be making three attacks at level 5 plus extra oppertunity attacks, Critting twice as often for triple damage. Get GWM for huge damage increase, Although the extra attack is a little wasted since you're already attacking for d4 on bonus. Get Sentinel to become a defensive beast for your team.
Tip: don't post autojoin links.
Shoulda taken Escape Artist if you don't want spankings from high str lawful good PC's/
I'm playing with the optional gun rules, but otherwise just the base game. If I have a one-handed sword in my right hand and a revolver in my left, can I both stab and shoot in the same round?
As long as you have more than one attack
My player did this. I can confirm it is indeed a defensive beast, as long as the DM doesn't remember to let monsters take the disengage action.
If you can somehow fool your DM into allowing it, take tunnelfighter as well.
How should one make an occult investigator? I can't really decide between warlock with GOO patron (or funny homebrew) or Rogue thief/mastermind with ritual caster and magic iniate feats.
Bards could work too but I don't really see singing and instruments going with the occult stuff, hell even artificer could work but those sadly aren't really a thing in 5e
How long before we get a splatbook that brings back the best class, the Factotum?
Rogue Arcane Trickster, get 14 int expertise in investigation and get a number of spells that could help anyways. Take magic initiate for moar spells, or observant for passive investigation. Then take the sage path for the ability to research things or know where to look.
Bards actually don't require singing or instruments. Their power can manifest through speech or oration as well. It's what gave me the idea to make a Phoenix Wright-style Lawyer Bard
not really sure if Arcane Trickster is worth it, since I doubt that our group wont get to the point where I would get 3rd lvl spells, maybe not even 2nd. Although improved mage hand is tempting
Are there any good multi class options for monk?
you could probably make any class work somehow in 5e.
They need an instrument if they wish to use spells requiring material components without fiddling with a component pouch.
The shadow monk rogue is pretty good but it needs level, level 6 for the really good ability.
Fighter is good I guess, a ranger would be good cause of hunters Mark procs. Those are the most damage efficient options.
I need your input, guys. I was playing Curse of Strahd on Monday (usually DM a second table because we have a big group, but played a premade Cleric because we were short almost half our people.)
Here's the sequence of events:
>draw from Deck of Many Things (I know.)
>get the card that spawns an Avatar of Death
>has immunity to incapacitation effects
>I try to use Banishment
>DM says the whole spell doesn't work because of the incapacitation part
Is this wrong? I feel like it still should have been sent away and just not incapacitated on the other side.
Looking for some advice here. I'm starting a new campaign with some friends and one of them rolled up a warlock with a fey patron. I asked her about her background and she told me that it's basically like Paul of Tarsus from the Bible
>gets in with the wrong crowd
>does bad things to survive
>one day is blinded by a light saying that it wants her to turn from her ways and do good
>gives her powers to help with this
She doesn't know who her patron actually is, that's up to me. Any suggestions on how I can rp this out during the game with her?
banishment spells dont work in CoS.
Fine. They use a microphone.
Yes, and you can ignore the other requirements for pact weapons when bonding a magical weapon.
A +3 crossbow is a perfectly valid pact weapon, and honestly probably makes warlock one of the most damaging martial ranged classes, if your DM is generous with magic item requests.
So fiddle with a component pouch.
Okay, ignore CoS, then. How would it react otherwise?
>DM should have told me that when I was leveling the premade character, though
I'd say apply the effects separately.
Imagine there was a spell that lit you on fire then put you to sleep.
Stuff that can't be put to sleep would still be on fire.
some files form the trove aren't downloading for me
the file transfer page says they've finished loading, but then they never actually dl to my computer
Dual wielding spears as a barbarian isn't too out there, right? Spear Mastery and Dual Wielding would make it pretty viable yeah?
I can't remember much about raging but isn't it detrimental to TWFing?
Maybe that's frenzy Barbarian or whatever
Well barbs don't get two weapon fighting, which really hampers the bonus action attack. Furthermore, you'd have to choose between the range increase, setting for a charge, or the extra attack, since you only have one bonus action.
I mean, it's not terrible and you won't be a drag on the party or anything, but you'd probably be better off two-handing the spear or wielding a shield with it.