Actors that would make good space marines?
Pic related
Other characters also welcome.
Actors that would make good space marines?
Pic related
Other characters also welcome.
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How did you start a thread without a pic user?
But that's not an actor.
I legit think that Stallone and/or Schwarzenegger would be great Space Marines. The only thing they'd need to do is to look big, shoot big, fight big and say one liners.
any wwe wrestler
any heavyweaight mma cage fighter maybe a class lower
jason statham
The guy who played the mountain in GoT
Ragnars Brother in Vikings
use the extras that were uruk-hai in the LOTR trilogy
any cover model for the Ironman magazine
Did someone say "Sci-fi original"?
Nathan Jones is a rather large fellow for most
Wouldn't he be better as Sly Marbo?
The guys who played uruk-hai were mostly Maori, they'd only work for Carcaradons
>not an actor
classic WWE fans
Maybe when his forearm was still smaller than some people's chest
John Cena played in "Daddy's Home"
How many Dark Angels can smell what the Rock is cooking?
Lion El Johnson still lives within the Rock.
have you not seen the model? Sly rambo's arms are thicker than his legs.
I always thought Brock Lesnar would make a good Angron, mainly because... well, pic related.
Head not tiny enough
World Eater!
He'd be good at either a SM or Marbo, I think. Hell, Schwarzenegger and Stallone as a Catachan fighting pair would've been awesome
It's time that we moved away from the notion that only males can be space marines anyway.
>It's time that we moved away from the notion that only males can be space marines anyway.
Why? The guy in the back of your pic would work as a space marine.
He looks a bit like Gabe Seth.
That joke kinda explains why chaos should have base female space Marines.
I'm fine with Imperials being a men-only space Marines, but if you can do bishi space vampire loyalists, female chaos Marines aren't impossible.
The devil (and reason not to do it) is getting good enough writers to do it.
Thor Bjornson. He already IS a real life Space Marine. Picture related, Arnold for scale.
Would also make a great Primarch if we are all casting 6'0-6'4 men as space marines.
>bishi space vampire loyalists
all the blood angels we've seen have been chuck squarejaws
"bishi" bangles is just memes, and you should never go full meme
Is that guy really that big?
Only for you.
Patrician taste user
Go back to /tv/ where you belong, beast.
What wrestler? I don't see anything.
It's a tiny bit exaggerated.
>female chaos Marines aren't impossible.
The issue here yeah I'll bite this bait, I don't even give a fuck is that the way Chaos works, transformation from "male" to "female" isn't even remotely concrete or final, and that the only two who would possibly promote that change in their subjects are Tzeentch and Slaanesh, and even then such "transformation" would be on par with the rest of the "gifts" their subjects receive (i.e. highly random and disfiguring) .
There is a canon example of a female former Guardswoman putting on a suit of Khornate Berserker armor (that was possessed, and compelled her to do so) and fought in a siege against loyalists, leading other Berserkers into battle (who did not know she wasn't the original Berserker). However, while she was swollen with Chaos power to the point of being on par with other Berserkers, nobody knew she was female (and that's a big deal for Khornate Marines, because they only respect strength), and she still wasn't a Space Marine - she was a human wearing Space Marine armor.
Slaanesh MIGHT cause it to happen, but if you think you're gonna get a normal-looking "woman" out of it, you don't know shit about Slaanesh. The end result might be female, but it sure as fuck wouldn't be human.
TL;DR No, even still you're not going to get "normal" females in Chaos Marines.
>if you can do bishi space vampire loyalists
Don't bite the memes too hard. Blood Angels are canonically handsome in the Greco-Roman style, and not effeminate at all.
I know you're baiting but I'm biting. Every time I see shit for that movie I'm reminded it's just going to be a long, unfunny SNL parody skit of the original film.
And how the smug fuckwit director actually said anyone who doesn't like it is a raging mysoginst and probably a Donald Trump supporter too.
>These are some of the best if not the best comedians the female race can offer
Hitchens was right.
The blonde one--I forget her name--actually is really funny. None of the others are though.
There are much funnier actresses out there. But they didn't hire them for this movie.
Chuck Norris
>But they couldn't bribe them into supporting this movie
I lost all respect for the rock after he played the mentally retarded secret agent in Central Intelligence.
I'm surprised you still had any after the tooth fairy movie.
Fair enough.
I remember talking to someone about this and we agreed a far better cast for a reboot would be Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, John Boyega, and Aubrey Plaza.
>Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, John Boyega, and Aubrey Plaza.
You know, that wouldn't have been my first thought, but that's actually a pretty solid cast.
Tom Hardy, obviously.
>tfw that movie will never get made
Lemme guess, Raven Guard?
>a female former Guardswoman putting on a suit of Khornate Berserker armor
>she was swollen with Chaos power to the point of being on par with other Berserkers, nobody knew she was female
Sounds absolutely hilarious. Where can I find this story?
Oh god, don't remind me of that.
Don't know why but I always imagined Marneus Calgar with Daniel Craig's face
Iron Warriors Omnibus. Not really sure which book in it, but it's one of the later ones.
To be fair, there's a LOT of build-up to that point. She was a slave taken by one of the Khornate Iron Warriors, who uses her to polish said armor daily and basically did everything but rape her just for kicks (and even then that's not improbable). Eventually, the IW starts going insane, and his warriors (who are further down the Berserker Path than he his) just charge head-first into battle with him at the helm. They don't even talk anymore. The armor is possessed, and it speaks to her as she cleans it - it warps her mind and fills her with so much hatred for her captor that she, with the armor egging her on, kills him when he returns to his quarters wounded from battle, and then puts on the armor to take revenge on the rest of them. Turns out, the armor has other ideas, and "wears her" FAR more than she wears it. "She" then also disappears into the Warp after the battle, and after killing a whole fuck-load of Imperials. The only person who realizes something is up is the Warsmith, and even then he doesn't know what (after all, the slain IW was already falling down the path of the Berserker, and the only reason he was kept in his post was because he was REALLY good at killing people).
It makes sense within the story.
Horus actor confirmed
For yourself