Let the storm rage on edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Let the storm rage on edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
First for forge world please make chaos dwarfs a real army again
So, about them Sylvaneth. Looking through the points, Treekin seem incredibly cheap for what they do and since they retain the Sylvaneth keyword I can stuff them into the force without losing anything.
So, looking through conversions and found these here. I think they look awesome, would you be okay with those being fielded as Treekin?
how much treekin cost?
Daughters of Khaine (feat. Darkling Covens) coming to cut some dicks off:
>Cauldron of Blood 220 Pts
>10 Dreadspears 80 Pts
>10 Dreadspears 80 Pts
>30 Witch Aelves 420 Pts
>Bloodwrack Medusae 120 Pts
>Sorceress 80 Pts
>4 Doomfire Warlocks 200 Pts
>Total: 1000 Pts
Taking the Tenacious command trait for one more Wound and the Pheonix Stone to heal one wound in my hero phase to keep the cauldron bubbling.
The Warlocks would be better against more elite armies with a smaller model count and the Bloodwrack Medusae + Sorceress would be against most other armies.
Any other ideas you gus think would be good?
I was afraid with 1000 pts being the smallest game we woud go back to needing big ass armies but the costs seem to be big enough for everything to stay decently small.
100 for 3, cheaper than 10 Dryads and as much as 5 Revenants. This gets you 9 damage 2 attacks with 12 Wounds at a 4+ Save.
Could you convert the Kornuth Hunters to Proxy as Tree-Kin? Like if you just give them fists or something?
I agree with the regen on the Cauldron, but since the extra wound doesn't affect its damage chart (it regards wounds suffered, not wounds remaining) I wouldn't take Tenacious but Reckless or Inspiring. I'd also go with the Medusa and the Sorceress because Doomfire Warlocks are really only worth it in units of 15.
You aren't Boob Elf user from last thread are you?
I think they'd be too big; they're basically half-size Treelords. Besides, just about the only thing in the Sylvaneth list that's better than Treekin are Kurnoth Hunters.
Problem is though that Tree-Kin don't feature in any of the battalions
>Like if you just give them fists or something?
dryad claws/branches would probably fit without much issue
Okay, the Old Treekin just don't look that good next to the new Sylvaneth since they are styled like the 6th/7th edition Treeman.
I mean, Treekin look very charming because I like the whole Walking Branches look but they will stick out visually.
Assuming his rules don't change when he changes into Spirit Of, what would be good command abilities and artefacts to put on Durthu? I was thinking Legendary Fighter (+1 attack, for 4 on the big sword) and Phoenix Gem (heal a wound each hero phase).
For skelebro from last thread:
Tomb Blade should go on the Wight King. You can transfer the heal to any unit in range.
If you aren't rezing 2+ wound units with the Herald, he is sorta pointless. He's made to abuse chariots/necro knights.
Switch the herald for a necromancer, imo, and stack them skellies together into two 20 squads and a 10.
You only get 5 turns in a normal game, so make them count. Death may be good at incremental advantage, but you won't squeeze much out in 5 turns. What is your plan? Tarpitting objectives until the shot clock runs out?
Not anything I'd see as a problem. In 1000 points most Battalions are too expensive to be useful anyway.
Yeah, they probably would, wouldn't they. Eh, maybe I can do it with decent painting. Though yeah, the actual Treekin models look.. eh.
Well, I think the only thing about him that might change is the Command. I mean, look at Kurnoth Hunters' Command relay. That basically screams "Hey, the army will get a targeted Command buff", at least to me.
For Artifacts, I wouldn't even assume at this point, as Sylvaneth will get their own Artifacts and Traits. If I were to play them with the generic Order stuff, I'd take the Phoenix Gem and Reckless though. Huge-ass circle of rerolling run and charge rolls? Yes, please.
>Tfw interested in AoS
>Live in the capital of my country
>Country has a fairly big wargaming scene
>Can't find anyone to play AoS with
Well that sucks. Even went on the biggest AoS group on FB (the one for my specific country) and asked, only guy who replied lived like 4 hours away.
Shit sucks, seems like a fun game actually.
Maybe his "rules" won't change but he won't be a hero anymore. So no command abilities and artifacts for them. Right?
Btw. the Battletome comes with new artifacts and command abilities, so isn't useless to evaluate with only the generic order ones.
>Sylvaneth will get their own Artifacts and Traits
I am dumb. In my excitement I forgot all about this.
He has the "Leader" battlefield role, according to the points page at least, so I'd assumed he was still a Hero.
I thouht about taking reckless but since the Witch Aelves can reroll one dice when they charge anyway that seemed kinda pointless to me. Inspiring just seems pointless since the witch aelves are gonna be immune to battleshock and I don't thik it's worth it just for the Dreadspears.
Herald doesn't need to hold hands, but the standard is too good for my brick formation, and the blade I can just use for his own good. The knights are part of the formation and must be taken, and I need to use 3 skelly units as well. Taken in 10's because that's what I have atm & there wouldn't be points enough for the extra bros. Could exchange TH for a necro for the save/bolt, but the rez might work better for keeping the smaller units alive.
You're right.
Well, you can always try to convince WHFB players. Now with the point system coming, that might be even easier.
Because in my experience, and I know how harsh this sounds, WHFB players will at some point try AoS out because playing a game they consider inferior will still beat not playing at all because there's nobody to play with.
No, that's not wishful thinking, that's how half of the AoS player base in our local store came to be.
>Hey, wanna play some AoS?
>Well, how about some WHFB instead
>Sorry, got everything on round bases, no Core and not the first clue about how WHFB plays
>Well alright, let's have a look at your shit game
>Well that wasn't half bad.
Well, a Necromancer on Nightmare would actually work quite well. Vanhel's Danse Macabre would turn your Chariots from damn powerful to absolutely frightening
Alarielle the Everwaifu
Should I run a Daemonette unit as 20 or 30? 20 means if I lose one I suddenly lose any advantage but 30 is expensive.
You're talking about Matched I suspect?
I suggest you play one blob of 30, but find something very cheap to fill your other Battleline slots, like Marauders or Ungors.
So, Im the person from the last thread whobwas looking for army ideas, and I've come up with a few different groups for you all to comment on. However, I am always open to recommendations, or any neat ideas you can think up. Heres what I have at the moment though:
>Steam Punk Humans
Basically, A army that takes influence from the game Dishonored. They comes with a focus on relatively advanced Steampunk units, along with a back up of basic foot soldiers. Lore wise, they are the army/guards of a large port city in the Realm of Shadow, which relies on the great levithans of the deep and their precious oils as a way to power their weapons and light their city. To protect themselves from the taint of Chaos, they watched by a highly authotorian cult of Sigmar.
>Chaos Warband
After watching Archaeon escape the machinations of Chaos and form his own destiny, a Charaismatic warlord decides to follow in his example. However, instead of following in Archaeon in the path of ruination, this Warlord takes it upon himself to gather those who survive the assaults of Archaeon, and form from them his warriors, figuring that if they can survive the ruination brought by the Everchosen, surely they are capable warriors. The warlord even goes out of his way to settle disputes and stop fights, hoping to ensure true loyalty to himself.
>Bretonnian themed Treemen
By a strange, fey technicallity, Araellie ttooka few souls of Bretonnian knights and ladys, for they had once died protecting Athel Loren. Thus, they were transformed into Slyvaneth upon the rebirth of Araellie. At first overwhepmed with the change, they soon grew used to the feudal structure of the Treelords. Led by a new, mysterious Green Knight and his court of Hedge Knights, they fight for their new Bretonnia. Although they do not ride steeds, they still stride through battle, baring their ancient colors and iconography.
These are just the most thought out ideas I have, but like Ive said, im always looking for suggestions.
Anyone read the Sigvald book?
Is it any good?
never played whf, believed the shitposting
decided to buy an empire battalion because i liked the models and aos was played a lot at my store
turned out to be really fun, and less of a hassle to set up than 40k
What army are girls supposed to play since there are no tyranids?
the first one is the least special snowflake of them all
the second one is the biggest special snowflake of them all but it won't cost you your left kidney in conversion bits
the third one is interesting but i have no idea how you'dd convert those , trees with greathelms ? also making an oc character that tries to follow in the footsteps of Giles le Breton is just shitty
The second one doesn't sound very Chaos-y, with the warlord looking to stop fights in his ranks and generally be a jolly nice chap so everyone likes him.
Skaven, because furry little critters. Skaven are only scary on their artwork but their mini's are kinda adorable
The tree gundam isn't very girl friendly, and neither are the nudist elf barbarians
Bloab Rotspawned Chariot dude here. I have my list. It's glorious.
1k points (unchanged)
Leaders -
Lord on Daemonic Mount (140) - General
Bloab Rotspawned (260)
Battleline -
10x Horrors (140)
10x Gors (80) - will probably use Tzaangor models as proxy or Tzaangors if points are similiar
Rest -
2x Gorebeast Chariot (200)
1x Burning Chariot of Tzeentch(160)
Total 980 points
1.5k points
Originally here I had a Bloodstoker, 20 Daemonettes and a Herald on Burning Chariot. However this is kinda shitty because a) herald on chariot is meh b) Bloodstoker can only buff 2 chariots in the army and c) Daemonettes can only wound in one phase, which doesn't match my gameplan really. Also 20 Daemonettes doesn't really help as if one does they kinda suck.
Herald of Tzeentch on foot (120)
10x Pink Horrors (140)
Burning Chariot (160)
Gorebeast Chariot (100)
Total - exactly 1500
This is great because I get an extra Gorebeast chariot (I love the model), which helps me as well because then I can use my Command Ability more. An extra burning chariot gives me a whole bunch more dakka, and Horrors and a Herald give me shooting and Magic, which really helps the army and the gameplan (wound in as many phases as possible)
For 2k I'm not sure yet, but I will probably take
Bloodstoker (80)
Skullcrushers of Khorne x3 (160)
This leaves me with 260 points so I'm not entirely sure how to spend those. I'll have to think about it. I would like to add the Ogre from Silver tower but I'll probably be running 1.5k mostly anyway. I really like the list even though it means my poor Bloodstoker has to be benched - maybe I can drop the Gors for him occasionally if my enemy agrees to 2+ battleline at 1.5k.
Well, for Chaos, I actually plan on buying a variety of different models from different people, so as to represent how the warband was gathered. Some Shield Maidens from Frostwolf, Some warriors from Avatars of War and some from Mom's miniatures. Basucally, its a Chaos cult that operates somewhat like current ones, praying on the weak, and offering safety and a home, in exchange for loyalty and revenge against Archaeon.
For the Sylvanneth, Exactly on the spot, but the Dryads will have the least of it all. Here's how I figure the parallel:
Treelord-> Lord
BranchWraith-> Damsel
Spirit Revnant-> Knights of the Realm
Kurnoth Hunters-> Grail Knights
Dryads-> Men at Arms
Treekin-> Questor Knights
>try to convince WHFB players
It would be easier to convince them to dance naked coverd in syrup from head to toe.
Also the game is shit, just deal with it.
Thee Warlord does this as a way to cement his power base, and keep away the whole backstabbing tendencies of Chaos. By promoting himself as the idol of Chaos, and not encouraging traitorous actions, he's able to keep a diverse group of peoples under his thumb. They're still evil bastards, and the Warlord is still sure to only bother recruiting helpful people. He's just practicing the Ciaphas Cain strategy of Survival
Seems legit.
guess u never heard of vines before
>and less of a hassle to set up than 40k
Last Saturday I played AoS next to the 40k table at the local store. Both tables started at the same time. We got through 2 whole games before they'd started the first turn. We played through a third one and started a fourth before their fliers arrived.
When AoS started out, I saw a couple girls buying Vampires and Sylvaneth.
Oh, I actually remember you
Yeah sorry I basically post variations on the same list every few days and get like 1 reply
you sound fun at parties
All in all I'm really excited for the points system. I've had a look at the book in my local store and I much prefer the points system to the current clusterfuck.
Torn between a deathrattle or flesheater counts army for AoS.
So registration for the LVO is happening. And they are doing an AoS GT. And according to them GW with have a hand in supporting the event.
Tis truly a new era for GW.
>you sound fun at parties
>I'm really excited for the points system
Of course you are, you can start playing at last.
>I much prefer anything to the current clusterfuck.
Have fun matey.
Eh. I'm not feeling it. He says he's an idol of chaos, but he's unwilling to deliver an arsekicking in his own ranks. That just makes him look weak, and perceived weakness leads to challenges. And about
>not encouraging traitorous actions
Other chaos warlords don't encourage their followers to stab them in the back, it's just a thing that happens.
And his warband apparently consists of evil bastards who are helpful people. How are they simultaneously evil bastards and helpful people?
Are you sure you don't want to play Free Peoples with this? It's just not Chaos at all, as you're describing it. Remember, Free Peoples don't have to be worshippers of Sigmar or whoever.
I like Skaven.
Here's your (You)
I think that's mainly because your list is just damn good already. If you set up all the pieces correctly, you can absolutely obliterate whatever stands in your way and it's decently tough all things considered and yet it doesn't feel completely overpowered.
Thanks :). I just love choosing a theme and optimising it no matter how wacky the theme. Once it's all assembled and painted I'll definitely post pictures, I'm just helping my girlfriend do her Seraphon right now and finishing up Silver tower.
Glad to see people making lists at 1000 points. Felt for awhile part of why WFB went under was the creep in size, from both GW lowering points costs and the community wanting to use all their stuff (typical game-size in my area was 2500). That was a huge barrier to entry.
>Are you sure you don't want to play Free Peoples with this? It's just not Chaos at all, as you're describing it. Remember, Free Peoples don't have to be worshippers of Sigmar or whoever
There are? Huh. I thought everyone sorta worshipped nowadays. Well, the only problem I honestly have with freepeople is that Im not huge on their aesthetic, while Chaos warriors and such look really nice. Im not a huge fan of their HRE looks, while the Chaos factions have awesome looking guys, like the Exalted Hero, the Armored Warriors, and have a awesome variety of options of conversions or non-gw models. I just dont like the whole Insane, backstabbing army of loonatics part of the fluff
No chariots in my 1000 pt list tho. Those would fit well with a 2000 pt, since I have 5 of them laying around. So maybe those along with a bone giant and some kitbashed necro knights for the 2000 mark with buffed skelly units?
How well does the Tzeentch 'theme' function presently? I imagine still not as good as Khorne and Nurgle, but does it have more game now?
My FLGS Manager had to tell a literally crying Shillmar fag to get out and not come back because he kept creeping out and pestering customers shilling Sigmarines.
Why are you guys so fucking weird and autistic? Move on, Age of Shillmar is dead.
Sounds like a plan. The Necromancer still fits though with all the normal skellies and Grave Guard. Have him buff either the 20 block or the 10 GG and he'll do just fine. Or, if you really can't leave the Herald out, consider dropping the Archers to make room for the Necromancer. Unless they're part of the Battalion, but I'm pretty sure they aren't.
How's my 1k?
-1plague furnace (220)
-30 plague monks x2 (420)
-Congregation of filth (60)
-10 plague censer bearers (120)
-15 plague censer bearers (180)
Total of 1000 points. Was originally 940, because I ran one unit of 20 censer bearers.
Oh it works alright. Tzeentch Mortals are dead hard thanks to all the Save rerolls they toss around while Tzeentch Daemons are fast and damaging as hell (6 damage D3 attacks for a single Exalted Flamer), but can't take that much damage. It's a shame they got rid of Forsaken though, because in my opinion, nothing screams Tzeentch as much as they did.
How about leaving some Censer Bearers out and adding some Plagueclaws?
Each claw is 180, so I guess I could axe the 15 for a claw leaving myself with 10.
My 2k uses two claws, so I might as well
How's this look at 2k? Specifically built around what will be an Avatar of Tyrion and his small battlehost.
Tyrion: 260
Luminark of Hysh: 240
Dragonlord: 400
Dragon Noble: 100
20 Spearmen: 160
10 Silver Helms: 280
5 Judicators: 160
5 Dragon Blades: 160
5 Dragon Blades: 160
Dragonlord Host: 80
Hope to get second turn. If you do, let the enemy come to you, and counter-charge them t1. If you get first turn, activate Dragonhost and charge them t1 anyway. Push the Luminark, the Judicators, and the Spearmen up as a blob, with the spearmen bubble wrapping the other two.Dragons aren't subtle tools, but they're very effective ones.
Horrors are very good, Tzeentch is really shooty, really fast and really frail. It's basically glass cannon which is ok. Some of the Silver Tower stuff is weirdly tanky so when that gets points we might see that thrown around a bit.
So what's neo Ariel's fluff?
I'll tell you tomorrow when I've got the white dwarf in my hand. Leakers don't tend to leak the fluff pages, sadly.
Yeah, they're not. I added the herald purely for more rezzing. Normally is d6/d3 for gg and bk, but batallion kicks it up by +1 and the banner would have done the same. The question is really if I'm better served with one more rez per turn per unit or a necro/liche priest for the buff magics.
2 k list would fit the same +
5 chariots - 280
3 necro knights - 160
3 necro knights - 160
Necromancer - 120
Liche priest - 120
Buffing each skelly unit to 20 each - +160 points
She is the goddess of life now, ruler of the realm of life. At first, she was a goddess of Sorrow, sad over the death of the old world. Nurgle got word of this, and decided that Araellie would make a beautiful addition to his garden, and invaded, hoping to corrupt the plane. After wounding Araellie, he got pretty close, but thanks to the efforts of the stormcast, she was reborn as a warrior goddess.
Hello fellow kids, are you interested in learning more about the adventures of your favourite Stormcast Eternals™ Stormhost™? Then consider picking up these titles that correspond to your favourite Stormhost™ from Black Library™ today!
Only the Faithful!™
For Sigmar!™
Duty and Honour!™
Sounds better than most AoS fluff.
Or I can sub in Arkhan for 340 somewhere, since I have the model.
Hang on a minute. Alarielle cut off her right hand in order to create the Lady of Vines (her right-hand branchwraith, geddit?). Why then is it her left hand that's missing?
If anyone is interested, some guy on reddit made a point calculator for new general's handbook:
Anywhere leaked the WD with english rules?
Any examples of Bloodbound lists? I see the synergies, but what do you prioritize at 1000? What do you branch out to by 2000? Is it worth incorporating Daemons or Slaves to Darkness?
I've seen them for Alarielle, the kurnoth hunters and the two -reverent units. Don't have drycha or the branchwych in english I'm afraid.
Blood reavers are pretty much bread and butter. You need a bloodsecrator and then maybe an exalted hero and some wrath monger. There's so much synergy there you can't really go wrong if you hunt it down
Really dont get the purpose of these...
War shrine and Skulkcannon are good but not worth in 1k games. Khorne Daemones are Meh except maybe the flesh hounds, though I've yet to see someone run them.
ty stranger
Anyone have any cool alternate colours for pink horrors ? Preferably with pictures
So are the sylvaneth tied to the elves in any way? Like, do Alarielle or her tree-people care if elves are killed? Or humans for that matter? Like, what is the lore here? Are they only interested in protecting the forests or do they actively take part in Order's struggles?
Ah shit I meant colour schemes :/ I've seen some great black and white ones
I understood, it was a pun. Sorry user.
According to GA:Order, Sylvaneth consider WE as "estranged cousins" and HE/DE as untrustworthy and crazy respectively.
As for the other Order factions, if your curious:
Stormcasts are seen as abominations because they're outside the cycle of death and rebirth and most other Order factions they'll tolerate uncomfortably until one desecrates their holy places (read: fells a Wyldwood tree for firewood)