>your party encounters a feral half-dragon boy raised by earth elemental drakes
Your party encounters a feral half-dragon boy raised by earth elemental drakes
And? What does it do? How does it react to seeing us? Is it hostile, is it dangerous looking?
I mean, com eon, if you're going to give me a plot hook, at least give me some information.
Kill the special snowflake before it can utter anything quirky
>purge this double abomination
>carry on
Kill it.
>your party encounters a wild shitposter
We answer unironically.
I mean, if we weren't meant to do stupid things, why would we even be playing pretend?
>implying you're just pretending to be stupid
>your party encounters a feral half-dragon boy raised by earth elemental drakes
you for got to add "catboy"
Call Child Protective Services.
>KIll it and skin it for Crafting Material and Spell Components
What? A wizards gotta make money!
well YOU forgot "half-fae" and "shota"
Does it attack us?
If not we probably don't fight it and try to talk
Roll initiative.
Time to pop his brown cherry
Feral half-fae dragonborn shota catboy raised by earth elemental drakes.
Wanton destruction of Fruit is frowned upon in this kingdom, perhaps you want ther Duchy to the North?
Unless he starts the conversation i move along, whatever he's doing it would be unpolite to disturb on my part.
Share some drink and some stories, if it wants to tag along i won't oppose
>Too Friendly
Share a drink and move along, if it wants to tag tell him of the nearest Bards Guild or city.
>Way too friendly
I kill them all and collect the loot
Roll to seduce.
Fuck I was triggered.
Interestingly enough, I've always killed plot elements like that on sight. I've also encouraged other players to do things like distrust 'outliers' like non-evil orcs and so on.
I'm proud to say that I've made a campaign into something the DM did not initially want - We were supposed to flip sides and defect after realizing the evil of our side. Instead, thanks to my firm hand, the campaign became one about finally crushing the filthy non-humans under our jackboots.
It was hard, though. I always had to go "I think he's lying." or "Yeah, he would say that." or "That sounds boring, let's kill him so we can move on."
Feral half-fae demifiend dragonborn genderfluid ikemen bishounen shota catboy raised by earth elemental half-lizard asexual hermaphrodite ninja crystal dragon samurai drakes in purgatory of heaven or hell, let's rumble.
What i will be doing shortly
This is beautiful. God will reward you in heaven. (The good human god, not that filthy multi race god those non humans worship)
Our Earth-caste Dragonblooded raises him as her own child.
You sound like a boring person.
>heaven or hell
>In which the whole cast are special snowflakes.
Yeah well there aren't too many fighters that don't have a unique cast.
I prefer BB characters to GG but whatever
You could just be like "Half Earth Drake", which is a better description, but for some reason, you went along to describe what sounds like a snowflake.
Dungeons: the Dragoning?
No, just another day in Exalted
There is no such thing as a half-drake.
>what do
It's all about making the game something you want to play. Best-laid plans and all that. Actually, the metagame of keeping the other PCs on track was a lot more interesting than the campaign itself.
I really did all the dirty work. I executed prisoners, lost their messages, and covered up evidence that would've led to moral ambiguity. It was a full-time job.
I see. Must be one of the terms they 'borrowed.
My half white dragon barbarian kills and eat it on the spot, gaining a supplementary daily breath attack