Eldritch Moon Spoilers!
Eldritch Moon Spoilers!
Source? I hope it's fake because it gets a resounding MEH.
nvm found source on my own.
Looks nice.
That +1 can be used to defend too.
The -2 is also a huge effect for only 2 loyalty point.
Really? Two free cards a turn is pretty huge for something that costs 4, as is Omniscience.
Yeah, that's my thoughts. It's pretty hard to have the +1 not go off and she's too big to bolt. She's some nice, reliable card draw on a decent sided ass.
Looks very blue, why is it tri-color?
+1 and -2 are great but I don't like her ultimate.
I'm honestly not sure beyond 'They didn't want 2 mono-blue walkers and Jace exists'.
Especially when you consider it works on every turn.
Do you have 8 players, and some way to force people to attack you?
That's 16 cards a turn!
Pretty bonkers.
+1 is great. Any creatures. On combat damage. Works defensively and offensively.
-2 is strong. Tap down any threats opening up your +1 for free cards or to protect her to get the ultimate.
-7 draw 3 and omniscience. Also ult with doubling season out
8/10 strong ass walker.
>target 2 enemy creatures with her +1
Yeah ok come on attack me I'm cool with that.
Need her for my Clue deck
watch liliana be U/B
Liliana is one of the Origins Five, she is THE black archetype.
The writer who did innistrad ancient grudge strikes again.
>decent sized ass.*
>tamiyo, the multi-sidded ass sage
>but even the dronepack steers clear of Sorin, a 1000 year old vampire, lest they come down with a sudden case of being in the way of a 1000 year old vampire.
>who created avacyn, The angel whose collar werewolves despised.
>Many who cross Sorin's path come down with a sudden and fatal case of being-in-the-way-of-a-millennia-old-vampire, which is an undead being who consumes the blood of humans that they draw out with their fangs.
Detaining permanents is secondary in white, and drawing through combat is both at least a little white (especially with how well the ability worms on vigilance creatures, giving you the potential to draw 4 cards) and really green.
drawing from combat is green? And white? Since when? Its been on blue cards historically, but I cant think of any green or white.
Also this isn't detain, its freeze which is also mono blue. Detain stops abilities going off too.
None of these effects are outside the blue pie.
Delayed draw but I think it counts
Hunter's insight, hunter's prowess, snake umbra, warrior's lesson.
That is one, but thats also a 'power matters' thing which makes it more green than blue.
I guess.
So the effect can be green, but is traditionally blue and is on way more blue cards. She doesn't need to be green, she just is.
>None of these effects are outside the blue pie.
Neither are they exclusively inside the blue pie.
None of the effect are outside of her color identity, but they didn't need green or white to make it fit. I would've liked her to be just two colors. The green seems stapled on, and unfitting of someone like Tamiyo, who used to be mono-blue.
>drawing from combat is green?
Hystrodon, Keen Sense, Ohran Viper, Seshiro the Anointed, Silverpelt Werewolf, Snake Umbra, Warriors' Lesson, Cold-Eyed Selkie, Hunter's Insight, and Hunter's Prowess.
drawing from combat has indeed been a green/blue effect.
She's kinda massive on the natural order. White-Blue-Green fits pretty well for a Natural Philosopher like her.
I want five
Not sure how I'll make bant control around her but I'm gonna
And I'll have to make a not-boring Baby deck for edh which will be difficult since I can't see her slotting into horde of notions
Unconditional draw is blue, draw that depends on creatures is green. Blue doesn't have a monopoly on draw, blue just has the easiest time enabling it.
Just make UW and splash green for her. Ez.
>Not playing GU clues, splashing white for Tamiyo
What are you, competitive players ?
She's pretty pushed bruh
>The Somberwald has become a hunting ground for the Dronepack, the group of werewolves that have succumbed to the flesh-twisting power of Emrakul. That is not to say that the Dronepack is really a werewolf pack, since Eldrazi drones are only part of the greater presence of the Eldrazi, just like a finger is the part of the hand, or the hand a part of the body. The Dronepack could be considered as a drop of blood in the organism that is Emrakul, and the Titan itself a finger, even if that finger is powerful enough to smash planes, especially since Avacyn, the founding figure of the church of Avacyn, and her Collar (Avacyn's Collar) have been corrupted by the Eldrazi. Because Avacyn hunted werewolves, but mostly—
You know the rest.
Drawing from combat damage is green
Drawing from combat damage to player is blue.
Last time I tried to make UW control it turned into turbofog, so I don't even have an appropriate shell for her
Bruh I don't play standard and I play shit like myr and eggs in modern
Ain't no competitive spirit here
Maybe one day i'll get a playset of them hierarch niggas.
Can her ultimate be used for something delicious in Modern?
Think of a high cmc non-land spell that ends the game on the spot. Now use it.
Kruul Ultimatum
nobody can play anything but GWx, maro?
fucks sake lad
Never seen a WUG planeswalker. Also, what is bant and all those names for specific triple color decks?
Look up Shards of Alara
Bant is the Alara shard of that color.
Alara and Tarkir factions names
Welcome to MtG
Pretty much all ultimates are good. The question is how reliably you can get there.
I don't think she has a home in any Modern deck and I don't see her spawn her own new deck.
>what is bant
It's when you get a mana dork that talks shit and tells people to get hit
Thanks. Seems weird to have an 8 year old set turn "oh I'm playing a W/U/G deck" "cool" into "oh I'm playing a bant deck" "a what? Like, agrro and insulting banter or something?" "No I'm using the bant color scheme" "And that is?" "You don't know what bant is? Fucking newbie."
>Calling them by their Tarkir names
The only acceptable one is Mardu because that color combo doesn't seem to have a nickname. America, BUG, RUG and Junk are superior names.
They're memorable. Tarkir names not so much, at least for me.
>Hey, we designed Tamiyo. She looks good, but I have a question.
>Ask away, we design cards as a team after all.
>I saw that she has the word 'field' in her name. Should we add white or green to her?
>Why, both of course!
Thanks wizards
BG is also really powerful and popular in the current standard
More like Burguer, what are those shit names
Except calling Jeskai for America is retarded if you are not American. Also I mostly hear Junk when talking about the traditional midrange deck so I find Abzan to be more clear when I just want to refer to the colors.
I think it's because people already had BUG, RUG, Junk, and America for 4 of the 5 color combinations which are all catchy
They have been commonly accepted both withing the company and the playerbase. No offens but you really have to be a newbie, considering almost all decks of those colour schemes in all formats are called by the Alara names, barring some gimmicky decks.
>Not being American
Call it French then I guess.
The biggest disappointment is the white in the mana cost. Now she won't fit in my green/blue clue's matter deck. :(
I think Jeskai is quite catchy, and considering I don't really like either of the countries mentioned I'll use it.
I'll agree on Junk, RUG and BUG tho, they're far better.
What happens when both creatures targeted by her +1 deal damage on the same combat damage step? Does she put a trigger on the stack for each creature and you draw two or does it work like Thopter Spy Network where you even if multiple creatures damage, it's the same trigger and just draw one?
Not until you reprint the enemy fetches.
Drawing based on creatures dealing combat damage is definitely a green thing, and definitely a blue thing.
Tamiyo triggers and you draw cards for her, and then separately but at the same time Network triggers and you draw a card.
Fucking newbie.
Alara planes and Ravnica guild color combos are even casually known in magic. Literally play with one person who has at least one years experience and you would know this. Plus google is still a thing, you can just type something in and find out what it means! It's pretty cool, actually
>bant colors
>bant colors that give creatures the ability to draw cards simply by attacking and doing damage
>bant colors that give a form of stall so that creatures can deal damage
>bant colors with an ult that not only draws you more creatures to play, but also the ability to play whatever the fuck you want for free
>all for four (4) mana
>I dont like free spells for the rest of the game and 3 cards to get me started
Why, although i get it a bit if you mainly play standard but only a bit
I know but I don't want a bunch of dead high cmc cards sitting in my hand because I couldn't fire off her ulti. Are there any cards that are good without Tamiyo AND play well into her ulti?
Kruul Ultimatum
>Are there any cards that are good without Tamiyo AND play well into her ulti?
Any Cantrip or draw spell.
All of them, like literally every card in magic that isn't already free, I've never been playing magic and said "gee I'm sure I'm glad I don't have Omniscience out because I only have 1 and 2 mana cards in my hand, that would he a waste."
Then don't play a lot of high cmc cards? Play things that investigate a lot so you can still have a sink for your mana and then each card you draw fuels the emblem more since you can pop off spells for nothing. Paying 0 for any spell that costs more than 0 is getting value no matter what it does.
don't build your deck around her ult, there's no way you can reliably pop it off. 4 turns is an eternity for a Planeswalker to survive unscathed. just enjoy the free spells when it happens every 10 games.
So unless I've been playing the game competitively for 8+ years I'm a newbie? Wow you're elitist.
Actually, that's a lie. People more often than not call their deck by the colors and not by some shit like horkery or Dundalk
I'm going to have to call bullshit on this, I have never encountered a player who didn't offhandedly refer to a two color deck by its appropriate guild at least once.
Name them then. Not everyone plays at a shop that's been going on since ice age.
For the enemy shards, like BUG or RUG, yes but for the allied shards and all the 2 color pairs the names from alara and ravnica are ubiquitous.
In my experience, the Guild names are used less frequently than the wedge or shard ones.
Not that guy but
golgari (sp.?)
selesnia (sp.?)
I forget RG actually
and I'm missing a color pair but I can't tell which one
forgot gruul, r/g
None of those make any sense. Is rakdos like a U/W deck or something?
What? This sounds fine. Is anything more than a sentence with a single subject overwritten now?
It's like what happened with B^U metastasizing to every other webcomic ever all over again
Without looking them up:
>ice age
Alara was 2008, and there's been a return to ravnica set since. 8 years is not much at all. You'd be hard pressed to find somebody calling their RW deck a "Red White" deck, and not just "Boros".
>Forgetting Orzhov and Gruul
rakdos is black red, while blue white is azorious.
mother fucker you forgot orzhov
Nah, I was missing WB, which I also can't remember the name for
They're names. That's how names work. Do you walk up to people and tell them they don't look like and Angela, or spend your days pondering why a table is a table?
Gruul is rg and you're missing b/w orzhov
8 years is a long fucking time asshat.
Not at all. I've played the game for four years myself, but Alara colour combination names were by far the stuff of year one.
the real question is, how long have you been playing and not have encountered any cards from the ravnica block?
>Do you walk up to people and tell them they don't look like and Angela, or spend your days pondering why a table is a table?
It should be plainly obvious that a table is a table in its adherence to an ideal of table-ness, that is, its similarity to the essence of that which makes a table a table
Angela is a name for a person. You don't call a triple color deck "agdkdedkfdn" and expect someone whose been playing for one year to instantly know what your deck is.
fuck me, i remember when i went to the alara reborn event, and got a hellkite overlord from one of the packs. fuck i miss the fresh feeling of going to an event...
and playing jund...