
I saw Gorkamorka receiving a little attention on the board and thought Veeky Forums might be up for discussing its Hivebound cousin.

So my group of friends has agreed to get into a Necromunda campaign recently as our Mordheim game basically fell apart when 2 of the group left after Uni.

Ive decided to give the Ash Waste Nomads a crack and see how things go, I was just wondering what Veeky Forums thoughts on their strength and weaknesses were and if there were any tips on playing them?

Or otherwise whats some good advice for running a gang in the imperiums most gang infested Underhive?

Other urls found in this thread:

Im also think of ordering Kolony Rebels to serve as stand ins and have some old IG bits lying about in boxes to customize them with.

Anyone know of any similiar ranges in price and desig before I sink my money?

Thinking of setting up a few games with some friends, and I need cheap terrain suggestions.

There's always cardboard and filler ruins, I know, and the Pringles can towers are classics.

But does anyone have any good ideas for cost-effective quick terrain?

Old plastic and cardboard tubes are great, backed up by cereal and other food boxes, you can make quick industrial terrain pretty quick, just spray paint it metal gray and copper.
Fruit netting and the like can also pass for grating if done right.

You might also consider old and broken electronics.

You're in the trading post and this guy slaps your Escher girlfriend's ass. What do?

I'd love for some expanded campaign rules for playing with a bunch of friends. For example have some sort of "spire event" random shit that affects all players and games played that week (this on top iof that "underhive conditions" table that Outlanders introduced).

Stand the fuck back when she pulls out her chainsword? Seriously, you do not play the "big man" card around Eschers.

Youre never gonna build up a steady income like normal gangs, even if you can loot territories for more. So be sure to secure as much income as you can when you can.

Luckily you arent gonna have to pay much to feed your gang, so you can up your numbers a little easier as a result.

Ive generally seen Ashers played as more of a shooty army, using range and powerful heavy weapons to bring down enemies.

You have any old toy cars? crush them a little, pop a wheel off (or all and mount it on bricks) and doodle some graffit on it, suddenly youve got car wrecks and if you have enough you can glue stacks together to make a junk yard

also a favourite of mine are juice/milk kartins, pencils and popsicle sticks, you can use these to create buildings with scaffolding around and between then

and finally, lego, buy it cheap generic pieces and in what ever colour and you can build what you need and spray it the colur needed, weve used this to make bunkers and multi level buildings

what are the rest of your group playing? need some insight as to what youll be facing to know what yoiull need

thanks! The income thing seems tricky but i kind of like the idea of being the sack and burn outlaws of the group.

well not everyones confirmed yet

so far weve got:
>Either Ratskins/Scavvies

Luckilly no ones bringing Spyrers or Arbites.

Finally I get to post this

Your Cawdor player knows where the good stuff's at. Redemtionists are the best. They use eviscerators, the manliest of the chainswords, and chainswords are one of the manliest weapons in fiction.




I am now terrified of my friends Cawdor gang, its the only one thats already been assembled.

If you haven't already - check out the following site:

They have a ton of resources and are a good community for inspiration and encouragement when it comes to terrain, custom minis and gang design, etc.

Also check out Heresy Minis selection of Sci-Fi minis. They have some stuff that works great for Necromunda.

Get an old styrofoam cooler.
Break it up, brush on PVA glue to seal it, spray paint it. Shouldn't be more then a dollar for the cooler. Makes nice terrain.

>Luckily no ones bringing Spyrers or Arbites.

Both of those tend to make better 'NPC' / story elements / scenario elements in a long term campaign rather than actual gangs in the campaign.

I know dem feels user. So much gray, so little paint...

I personally use Gesso (an acrylic paint used to prime canvas) as it's very cheap and incredibly easy to apply with a brush or even a sponge which can then be cleaned out with water and reused. You can get Gesso in anything from small containers up to 1 to 5 gallon buckets. Works great for making tons of terrain and sealing it so that it can be spray painted very quickly and then detailed.

OP - just to give you some extra inspiration in the Terrain making department - have some scale posters. (Or images that can be reduced to scale.)



>Both of those tend to make better 'NPC' / story elements / scenario elements
In the long run they wear down sure, but all it takes is one bad first mission as they pick your team apart to cripple you for a campaign

Really want one of your friends to take Ratskins so you can a religous feude going on there


Thanks man, liking the terrain ideas, although it was actually this user who brought it up originally.

Would still love to hear any suggestions for Ash Waste Nomad figures.

Here a french site who sell necromunda minis too

stop shilling this overpriced shit!


Yeah, all the prices are the high end / stupid high end of Ebay level.